To be healthy and beautiful, don’t forget to eat recommended fruit that is good for your skin

To be healthy and beautiful, don’t forget to eat recommended fruit that is good for your skin

To be healthy and beautiful, don't forget to eat recommended fruit that is good for your skin

To be healthy and beautiful, don’t forget to eat recommended fruit that is good for your skin

In commemorating Fruit Day, Emina shares tips on recommended fruit that are good for the skin so that your skin remains healthy and beautiful

Busy activities from morning to evening don’t make you forget to take care of yourself, beauty besties. Taking care of yourself is not only diligently using skin care products that suit your skin and keeping your body and face clean, but also paying attention to the nutrition that enters your body to maintain the health and beauty of your youth. One food ingredient that should not be missed is fruit.

It’s no longer a secret that fruit contains lots of minerals and vitamins which are good for the body’s metabolism as well as maintaining the beauty of the skin and making it fresher and more radiant. That’s why no matter how simple the daily menu you eat, a portion of fruit is a must as an appetizer or dessert. Even better if you can make it as a snack or healthy snack. So, what fruits are good for your skin? Come on, take a look at the recommendations for fruit that is good for the skin:

1. Fruits Rich in Vitamin C

Did you know that vitamin C is very good for improving the body’s immune system to fight various types of disease attacks? Especially during a pandemic like this, maintaining immunity is something that must be done so that you are always fit and can remain active in activities. On the other hand, this vitamin also has a good effect on the beauty of your skin, you know, besties.

Vitamin C has the ability to maintain and help regenerate damaged body cells, including skin cells, so that they always look young and skin cells can work as they should. Apart from that, these micronutrients also have an antioxidant effect that protects the skin from the negative effects of the environment, making it look fresher, younger and certainly brighter. If you diligently eat fruits rich in vitamin C, you no longer need to be afraid of being in the sun or being exposed to pollution because your skin will always be protected.

Want to get this special benefit? Come on, diligently consume oranges, papaya, kiwi, avocado, watermelon, grapefruit and pomegranate. For your information, you can find grapefruit and pomegranate in the Emina Masquerade Sheet Mask too, so your face can always be looked after from the outside and inside.

2. Fruits Rich in Vitamin E

Those of you who care about the health and beauty of your skin will definitely understand that vitamin E is really needed to maintain skin elasticity and youthfulness. If your daily vitamin E needs can be met, don’t be surprised if your face looks fresher,

feels moisturized and smooth to the touch. Vitamin E also has an antioxidant effect that protects the skin from free radicals that cause dullness and dry skin. If you want to feel the good effects of this content, don’t be lazy about eating fruits that are high in vitamin E such as mango and avocado.

The goodness of vitamin E for the skin makes avocado one of the ingredients used in the Emina Avocado Honey Face Mask which functions to remove dirt from the skin’s pores while making it moister and healthier all the time. This face mask is very suitable as a care product for your skin which is often exposed to sunlight which makes it tend to dry out. Have you tried it yet?

3. Fruits that lighten the skin

Have bright and healthy radiant skin, you want it! Therefore, in your daily diet you need to eat fruit which contains nutrients that are known to brighten the skin. For example, it contains vitamin C, vitamin E, and a combination of other vitamins which are effective in helping skin cells rejuvenate and inhibit melanin production which makes the skin darker.

Apart from that, some of these vitamins are also good for keeping skin fresh because brightness alone is not enough. To get the benefits of brightening your skin, from now on, be diligent in consuming summer plums like those in the Emina Bright Stuff Series, grapes like those in Emina Sun Battle SPF 45 which protects your face from exposure to UVA and UVB rays from the sun and avocado to maintain moisture while making your skin brighter. fresher, more radiant skin like when you use the Emina Avocado Honey Face Mask.

4. Fruits that moisturize and protect the skin from acne

Stubborn acne, not really. You’ll definitely be bored to death if pimples appear here and there. Apart from disturbing your beautiful appearance, inflamed acne is also not good for the health of your facial skin, making it infected.

To prevent acne from appearing, make a habit of cleaning your face thoroughly at least in the morning and evening. Apart from that, don’t forget to eat some fruit which is effective in killing germs that cause acne and helps keep your skin healthy, such as lemons which contain high levels of vitamin C and also strawberries which contain a natural nutritional duo, namely vitamin C and salicylic acid as used in Emina Ms.

.Pimple Series . Salicylic acid itself is specifically useful for preventing bacterial growth and accelerating skin regeneration so that your facial skin will be softer and more moisturized.

Beauty does not only come from appropriate and safe skin care products, but also from the nutrition that enters the body. Maximize the beauty of your skin by regularly consuming the various fruits above so that your youthful charm shines even more, beauty besties!

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