How to Treat Large Pores Independently and Medically

How to Treat Large Pores Independently and Medically

How to Treat Large Pores Independently and Medically -Large pores can not only disturb your appearance, but also trigger other skin problems. Therefore, you need to know various ways to deal with large pores. That way, this skin problem can be resolved and facial skin will look smoother and more well-maintained.

The function of facial pores is to secrete natural oils to keep skin moist, supple and healthy. However, several factors can cause facial pores to enlarge and affect the appearance of the face

There are various causes of large pores , including:

  • Genetic factors
  • Increasing age
  • Excess oil production on the face
  • Inappropriate use of skin care products
  • Excessive sun exposure

How to Treat Large Pores Independently=

There are many ways to deal with large pores on your face that you can easily do at home, namely:

1. Use noncomedogenic products

Pay attention to the facial care products you use every day. Make sure that the care products used are labeled noncomedogenic . This means that the care product will not clog pores , so it will not make the pores look bigger.

2. Clean your face regularly

You are advised to clean your face regularly 2 times a day. When cleaning your face, there are several things you need to pay attention to. First, you are advised to choose a facial cleanser according to your skin type and avoid facial soaps that contain alcohol and fragrance.

Also avoid using hot water to wash your face because it can make the pores appear bigger. Next, clean your face gently. Don’t rub your facial skin too hard because this habit can trigger skin irritation .

3. Using retinol at night

For those of you who have oily or acne-prone skin, using skincare containing retinol at night is quite recommended. This is because retinol can remove dead skin cells and excess oil which can clog pores and cause or worsen acne conditions .

Apart from that, retinol can also stimulate the production of collagen and elastin so that it can shrink pores. Even though there are many benefits of retinol for the skin, you have to use retinol correctly. Using retinol incorrectly can trigger skin irritation.

4. Exfoliate regularly

Exfoliating regularly, namely 1-2 times a week, is also part of how to deal with large pores. By exfoliating your face , dead skin cells and excess oil on your face can be removed so they don’t clog your facial pores.

To exfoliate your face at home, you can use natural ingredients, such as oatmeal, yoghurt or honey. Meanwhile, to exfoliate your face with chemicals, you can use skin care products that contain alpha hydroxy acids ( AHA ) and beta hydroxy acids (BHA).

Even though it can shrink facial pores , you are not recommended to exfoliate your face when your facial skin is irritated and has lots of acne.

5. Use a clay mask

To shrink large facial pores, you can also use a clay mask 1-2 times a week. However, don’t do it on the same day as exfoliating your face because it can trigger skin irritation.

Using a clay mask, either containing bentonite or kaolin , can remove oil, dirt and dead skin cells that clog pores so that facial pores can become smaller.

6. Apply sunscreen to your face every day

One of the causes of large facial pores is excessive sun exposure. So , to minimize the bad effects of sunlight , you are advised to apply sunscreen to your facial skin every time you do outdoor activities.

So that you can get maximum benefits from using sunscreen, pay attention to the rules for using it. It is recommended that you use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more.

Apply sunscreen 15–30 minutes before outdoor activities and try to apply sunscreen regularly, namely every 2 hours.

How to treat large pores medically

If natural methods have been used but the pores still appear large and disturb your appearance, you are advised to consult a doctor. The doctor will recommend the following treatment methods:


Apart from being able to shrink pores, laser can also tighten the skin, fade acne scars and treat skin hyperpigmentation . This is because laser action on the skin can stimulate the formation of new, healthier skin cells and encourage collagen production.

Collagen is an important protein needed to maintain skin elasticity and hydration, so that skin health is maintained.


This method is done by injecting a small needle into the skin to stimulate collagen production . Similar to laser, this procedure is not only able to shrink facial pores, but also remove acne scars, surgical scars on the skin, and wrinkles.


Another medical procedure that can also treat large pores on the face is microdermabrasion . This procedure is able to remove the outermost cells or layers of skin, thereby stimulating the growth of new, healthier skin cells.

Microdermabrasion is not recommended if your skin has acne or irritation.

Those are some ways to deal with large pores on the face. Apart from external care, you also need to care for your skin from within. The way to do this is to drink lots of water to keep your skin moist. Apart from that, also consume healthy food with balanced nutrition .

If you have tried various ways to deal with large pores but the appearance of the pores still disturbs your appearance, you are advised to consult a doctor . Later, the doctor will recommend treatments or skin care products that suit your skin condition.

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CAUSES AND WAYS TO TREAT BODY ODOR NATURALLY AND MEDICALLY – Having a body odor problem is very annoying. Apart from reducing self-confidence, this problem can also have a negative impact on health if left unchecked. That’s why, you need to know the causes of body odor so you can avoid it. And also know some effective and easy ways to get rid of body odor so you can overcome it, either naturally or using medical methods!


Sweat is often accused of causing body odor. In fact, sweat is actually a colorless and odorous liquid. The composition of sweat consists of water, salt, protein and oil which are not substances that trigger body odor. The cause of the smell of sweat, or more commonly known as body odor, is actually bacteria from outside the sweat fluid itself.

In the human body, there are millions of harmless bacteria that live on the surface of the body and function to help the skin’s natural defenses. These bacteria survive and reproduce in moist, nutrient-rich environments such as the armpit area. To survive, bacteria feed on human sweat and process it in their metabolic system. This metabolic process produces byproducts that cause sweat to smell like vinegar, cheese, or onions.


There is always a way to get rid of body odor. No need to bother, some natural ingredients that you can easily find every day can also help you overcome the problem of body odor, you know. The following are a number of natural ingredients that you can use to get rid of unpleasant body odor:


Betel leaves are a natural ingredient for treating unpleasant body odor. How to get rid of body odor with betel leaves starts by boiling several betel leaves in two glasses of water. After boiling, pour the boiled betel leaf water into the bath. Use the boiled water to bathe twice a day.


It is common knowledge that apple cider vinegar is known to have a number of health benefits. In addition, apple cider vinegar can quickly eliminate body odor. Apply apple cider vinegar to your armpits and other body folds and let it sit for fifteen minutes before you shower with soap. You can do this method every time before showering so that you get maximum results.


The next way to get rid of body odor naturally is by using baking soda. This ingredient has properties that can neutralize acids and bases so it can eliminate body odor naturally. You can apply baking soda directly to parts of your body that often sweat.


If you feel that the natural methods above are too troublesome, there are still several other methods that are simpler and easier to do. The following are several medical treatments that you can try.


Trimming underarm hair is claimed to quickly overcome body odor. The reason is, hair that grows in the armpits can become a nest for bacteria that cause body odor. You can do medical treatment such as waxing your armpit hair to reduce excess body odor.


Because sweat is a breeding ground for bacteria, you can also get rid of body odor by removing the sweat glands in the armpits. That way, sweat production is reduced and you can avoid the risk of body odor. Even so, you should discuss it with your doctor before doing it.


Hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes sufferers to sweat more than other people. This condition can cause unpleasant body odor. Medical treatment that can be done to overcome this problem is Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS) surgery, which is a procedure that paralyzes the nerves that control sweat production.


The following medical treatment is carried out using a machine that can produce heat to reach the apocrine gland area. High hot temperatures cause contraction of the apocrine glands and can control the sweat secretion process that occurs.


If some of the medical steps above seem complicated or cost a lot of money, there is another easy step you can take to get rid of body odor. A practical and simple way is to use deodorant that contains antiperspirant. Not only effective against body odor, deodorant with antiperspirant is also effective against excessive sweating which causes body odor. In this case, you can make Rexona products your choice.

All Rexona products are equipped with antiperspirant content and are designed with the latest technology. You just have to adjust the product to suit your needs and problems. For male sports fans, for example, Rexona has the Sport Defense Roll On product which can provide optimal protection against strong body odor in the midst of any physical activity. Meanwhile, for active women, the Rexona Passion Roll On product could be an option. Created with a formula fragrant with jasmine flowers, green apple and vanilla, this antiperspirant deodorant can keep your body fresh and fragrant for 48 hours. That’s the cause of body odor and how to deal with it. Are you ready to fight the problem of body odor?