Things to Pay Attention to Before Buying Contact Lenses

Things to Pay Attention to Before Buying Contact Lenses

Things to Pay Attention to Before Buying Contact Lenses

Things to Pay Attention to Before Buying Contact Lenses – Jakarta – The use of soft lenses is increasingly widespread. If initially contact lenses were used as a vision aid, recently contact lenses have also become a complement to appearance, aka they are used for beauty reasons. In fact, it’s fine if someone wants to wear contact lenses as long as they pay attention to several things. Using contact lenses should also not threaten eye health.

Apart from that, you should also pay attention to several things before choosing the contact lenses you want to buy. Recently, there has been an increasing variety of contact lens products on sale, so some people may find it difficult to find the most suitable one. So that you don’t make the wrong choice, know your eye condition, needs, and find out information about the product you want to choose below.

Buy Softlens, Pay Attention to the Following!

The use of contact lenses is very common, including for people who have vision problems. Contact lenses , aka contact lenses, function to help clarify vision and improve eye function. Soft lenses will be on the cornea of ​​the eye which makes vision clearer, including for people with nearsightedness and farsightedness.

It’s best to talk to your doctor before choosing a type of contact lens to treat these conditions. Apart from helping eyesight, contact lenses are also used to improve appearance. It’s best to use contact lenses not only to make you “beautiful”, but also not to damage your eye health. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to several things before buying contact lenses , such as:

  1. Types of Softlens

Choose the type of contact lens that suits your needs, namely contact lenses to help your vision or just fashion contact lenses. It’s best to avoid using contact lenses that are “treatment” on eyes that are still classified as normal. It is feared that this could trigger impacts, even causing the eyes to be easily damaged.

  1. Pay attention to the water content

Before buying contact lenses, you should find out about the product you are buying, including the water content it contains. This is important to ensure that contact lenses do not disturb the fluid in the eye, so that the area remains moist. Choosing contact lenses with the right water content can make use more comfortable, avoid dry eyes, and keep the cornea healthy.

  1. When to use Softelnse

The duration of contact lens use varies greatly. Some people use it one day and throw it away, some use it for 2 weeks to 3 months. Choose a type of contact lens that has a usage period according to your needs. Apart from that, always follow the instructions and adhere to the usage period that has been set. Replace contact lenses if the end of use has passed.

  1. Expiration Date

Another thing that is no less important to pay attention to before you buy contact lenses is the expiration date. After all, contact lenses are foreign objects that are attached to the cornea of ​​the eye. So, make sure the contact lenses are clean and still good for use so that you avoid the bad effects of contact lenses, such as sore eyes, itching, irritation, or even eye problems, such as conjunctivitis.

  1. Pay Attention to Comfort

Finally, choose contact lenses that suit your eye condition. Soft lenses made from silicone hydrogel are the most recommended choice of contact lenses, because this type of contact lens allows oxygen to pass through the cornea of ​​the eye, making it more comfortable to wear.

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