The Right Way to Maintain Healthy Teeth and Mouth

The Right Way to Maintain Healthy Teeth and Mouth

The Right Way to Maintain Healthy Teeth and Mouth

The Right Way to Maintain Healthy Teeth and Mouth – “Caring for your teeth and mouth can be done by cleaning your teeth properly and going to the dentist regularly, with the aim of maintaining healthy teeth and mouth.”

Jakarta – Have you ever thought about how important the role of teeth and mouth is in your life? You use your teeth and mouth every day to eat, drink, talk, smile, and much more. That is why maintaining the health of these two parts of the body is very important.

Having healthy teeth and mouth will not only increase your self-confidence and help you to enjoy food better, but is also important for overall body health. By taking good care of your teeth and mouth, you can avoid dental and medical problems. Even some systemic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, can improve with good dental health. Come on, see the right way to maintain healthy teeth and mouth here.

How to Take Care of Your Teeth and Mouth to Stay Healthy

Here are several ways you can maintain healthy mouth and strong teeth:

Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day

You certainly already know that to have healthy teeth and mouth, you need to brush your teeth twice a day. However, do you know how to brush your teeth properly?

Brushing your teeth should not be rushed. Take about two minutes to clean your teeth thoroughly. Brush your teeth gently with back and forth circular movements to remove plaque. Plaque that is not removed can harden and cause tartar buildup and gingivitis (early gum disease). Remember, brush the outside, inside and surfaces of your teeth that are often used for chewing.

Don’t forget to clean your tongue

When cleaning your teeth, don’t forget to also clean your tongue with a toothbrush or tongue cleaner. The reason is, plaque can also accumulate on your tongue. If not cleaned, it can cause bad breath and other oral health problems.

Use Fluoride Toothpaste

When it comes to toothpaste, there are actually other elements that are more important than whitening and taste. Whatever toothpaste product you choose, make sure it contains fluoride.

This is because fluoride is the main defense against tooth decay. This content is able to fight germs that can cause decay, as well as providing a protective barrier for your teeth.

Floss Your Teeth Once a Day

Flossing or cleaning your teeth with thread is not just for removing small pieces of food that are stuck between your teeth.

Flossing is a part of dental and oral care that is important to do regularly, because it is useful for stimulating the gums, reducing plaque, and reducing inflammation in the area. So, floss your teeth once a day.

Gargle with Mouthwash

Using mouthwash can also help maintain healthy teeth and mouth. This liquid works in three ways, namely reducing the amount of acid in the mouth, cleaning areas that are difficult to brush in and around the gums, and restoring tooth mineralization.

Visit the dentist once every 6 months

Even if you brush and floss regularly, you still need to visit the dentist at least twice a year. The dentist can not only remove tartar and look for cavities, but also find potential problems and provide treatment solutions.

Drink Lots of Water

Drinking enough water is one way to maintain body health, including healthy teeth and mouth. Drinking lots of water can help eliminate some of the negative effects of sticky and acidic foods and drinks.

Control Congenital Diseases

If you have diabetes , try to control the disease. That way, you can reduce the risk of complications, such as gum disease.

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