Tips for Maintaining Bright and Radiant Skin

Tips for Maintaining Bright and Radiant Skin

Tips for Maintaining Bright and Radiant Skin

Having bright and radiant skin is the desire of many people. Bright and radiant skin gives a healthy and attractive impression. However, achieving this requires proper and consistent care. Here are some tips for maintaining bright and radiant skin:

Regularly Cleanse Your Face: Cleansing your face regularly is the first step in skincare. Use a facial cleanser that suits your skin type, and make sure to cleanse your face twice a day, in the morning and evening, to remove dirt, oil, and makeup residue.

Use Moisturizer: Ensuring your skin is hydrated is key to bright and radiant skin. Use a moisturizer that suits your skin type after cleansing your face. Moisturizers help maintain skin moisture and prevent it from looking dull.

Sun Protection: Sun exposure can cause skin damage and make it look dull. Always use sunscreen with sufficient SPF whenever you go out, even on cloudy days or indoors.

Eat Healthy Foods: A healthy diet has a significant impact on your skin’s condition. Consume foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts, to help keep your skin healthy and radiant from within.

Avoid Bad Habits: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can damage the skin and make it look dull. Avoid these bad habits and maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep your skin bright and radiant.

Use the Right Skincare Products: Choose skincare products that contain ingredients such as vitamin C, niacinamide, and hyaluronic acid that help brighten the skin and stimulate collagen production to maintain skin elasticity.

Get Enough Sleep: Lack of sleep can make the skin look dull and tired. Make sure you get enough sleep every night so that your skin has time to repair itself and looks fresh and radiant in the morning.

Facial Massage: Facial massage can help improve blood circulation, stimulate collagen production, and lift dead skin cells, making the skin look brighter and more radiant. Perform facial massages regularly using oil or cream suitable for your skin type.

By following the above tips and taking care of your skin regularly, you can help keep your skin bright and radiant all the time. Remember that consistency is the key to skincare, so make skincare a part of your daily routine.

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How to Make Dimples Naturally

How to Make Dimples Naturally

How to Make Dimples Naturally – Jakarta, –Dimples are small indentations in the cheeks that are generally visible when smiling. Here are a number of ways to make dimples naturally.

Dimples appear due to small muscle deformities that cause the skin of the cheek to pull tight when moving, giving rise to indentations. This condition usually occurs due to certain genetics.

However, if you don’t have genetics or offspring with dimples, you can try making dimples in a number of natural ways.

1. Pucker your lips

Quoted from Wikihow , you can try a number of facial muscle exercises that can trigger the formation of dimples. You can try pursing your lips and sucking your cheeks inward. For the record, this method is a traditional method that cannot be scientifically verified.

2. Holds curves

Try paying attention to your cheeks when you smile. Look for the part that has an indentation. You can press this area for 30 minutes every day. This method is also often used from time to time. For some people it can be successful, but not for others.

Apart from natural methods, cheek dimples can also be created using makeup and surgery.

You can imitate the shape of dimples by using makeup. This method is considered the best method with immediately visible results and generally has no side effects apart from the effect of makeup on the skin.

Apart from that, quoted from Healthline , dimples can also be created using plastic surgery known as dimpleplasty . This method removes a small amount of skin, creating dimples. Consult your doctor about the benefits and risks of dimple plastic surgery.

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The Right Way to Maintain Healthy Teeth and Mouth

The Right Way to Maintain Healthy Teeth and Mouth

The Right Way to Maintain Healthy Teeth and Mouth – “Caring for your teeth and mouth can be done by cleaning your teeth properly and going to the dentist regularly, with the aim of maintaining healthy teeth and mouth.”

Jakarta – Have you ever thought about how important the role of teeth and mouth is in your life? You use your teeth and mouth every day to eat, drink, talk, smile, and much more. That is why maintaining the health of these two parts of the body is very important.

Having healthy teeth and mouth will not only increase your self-confidence and help you to enjoy food better, but is also important for overall body health. By taking good care of your teeth and mouth, you can avoid dental and medical problems. Even some systemic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, can improve with good dental health. Come on, see the right way to maintain healthy teeth and mouth here.

How to Take Care of Your Teeth and Mouth to Stay Healthy

Here are several ways you can maintain healthy mouth and strong teeth:

Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day

You certainly already know that to have healthy teeth and mouth, you need to brush your teeth twice a day. However, do you know how to brush your teeth properly?

Brushing your teeth should not be rushed. Take about two minutes to clean your teeth thoroughly. Brush your teeth gently with back and forth circular movements to remove plaque. Plaque that is not removed can harden and cause tartar buildup and gingivitis (early gum disease). Remember, brush the outside, inside and surfaces of your teeth that are often used for chewing.

Don’t forget to clean your tongue

When cleaning your teeth, don’t forget to also clean your tongue with a toothbrush or tongue cleaner. The reason is, plaque can also accumulate on your tongue. If not cleaned, it can cause bad breath and other oral health problems.

Use Fluoride Toothpaste

When it comes to toothpaste, there are actually other elements that are more important than whitening and taste. Whatever toothpaste product you choose, make sure it contains fluoride.

This is because fluoride is the main defense against tooth decay. This content is able to fight germs that can cause decay, as well as providing a protective barrier for your teeth.

Floss Your Teeth Once a Day

Flossing or cleaning your teeth with thread is not just for removing small pieces of food that are stuck between your teeth.

Flossing is a part of dental and oral care that is important to do regularly, because it is useful for stimulating the gums, reducing plaque, and reducing inflammation in the area. So, floss your teeth once a day.

Gargle with Mouthwash

Using mouthwash can also help maintain healthy teeth and mouth. This liquid works in three ways, namely reducing the amount of acid in the mouth, cleaning areas that are difficult to brush in and around the gums, and restoring tooth mineralization.

Visit the dentist once every 6 months

Even if you brush and floss regularly, you still need to visit the dentist at least twice a year. The dentist can not only remove tartar and look for cavities, but also find potential problems and provide treatment solutions.

Drink Lots of Water

Drinking enough water is one way to maintain body health, including healthy teeth and mouth. Drinking lots of water can help eliminate some of the negative effects of sticky and acidic foods and drinks.

Control Congenital Diseases

If you have diabetes , try to control the disease. That way, you can reduce the risk of complications, such as gum disease.

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How to Clean Your Ears Properly

How to Clean Your Ears Properly – How to clean your ears due to dirt buildup can be by using warm water, drops, or medical treatment. These methods will be adjusted to how badly the dirt has accumulated in the ear.

Not a few people use cotton buds to clean their ears. In fact, using cotton buds can actually cause more dirt to enter the ear. Therefore, it is important to know the various ways to clean your ears properly.

Earwax or cerumen is generally a soft lump produced naturally by glands in the ear canal. This dirt is actually a natural ear cleaner which functions to remove dead skin cells, dust or dirt from inside the ear so that it does not damage and infect the eardrum.

However, if it accumulates and is pushed deeper into the ear, dirt can become blocked and cause itchy, painful , ringing or decreased hearing. This condition, called cerumen prop , needs to be treated immediately in the right way.

Various Ways to Clean Ears

To stay safe when removing accumulated earwax , here are several ways to clean your ears that you can do:

Use warm water and soap with mild active ingredients

One way to clean your ears that you can do yourself at home is to use warm water and soap with mild active ingredients. To do this, gently wipe the earlobe using a washcloth soaked in warm water and soap, then rinse until clean.

Cleaning the outer ear will help push wax out of the ear canal itself.

Avoid cleaning your ears using objects that can actually harm your ears, such as cotton buds . Instead of being successfully removed, earwax can actually settle further in the ear canal and cause inflammation.

It’s important to know that you don’t need to clean your ears too often. Cleaning your ears too often can actually irritate the ear canal or cause a more severe blockage if done incorrectly.

Use of ear drops

Using ear drops that are sold freely in pharmacies can be one of the right ways to clean your ears . Some examples of remedies are mineral oil, glycerin, or hydrogen peroxide. This drug works by softening the wax in the ear so that it is easily removed.

Follow the rules or instructions for use listed on the medicine packaging. Don’t forget to rinse your ears with warm water after using ear drops.

Do not use ear drops if you have an ear infection or have had ear surgery. This method can also make soft earwax go deeper into the ear canal. Therefore, if earwax does not decrease, immediately have your ears checked by a doctor.

Medical treatment

If earwax has accumulated and is difficult to remove using the various ear cleaning methods above, you are advised to go to the doctor. Usually, the doctor will use a special tool to remove ear wax or use a suction device .

Another step that a doctor may recommend is an ear irrigation procedure . This procedure is carried out by running warm water to remove earwax.

If earwax buildup continues to recur, your doctor may recommend cleaning your ears using prescription medications, such as carbamide peroxide.

Therefore, don’t hesitate to see a doctor , especially if you experience ear pain that doesn’t go away, hearing loss, dizziness, itching, discharge or blood from the ear, or an unpleasant odor from the ear.

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How to Take Care of Your Hair to Keep It Healthy

How to Take Care of Your Hair to Keep It Healthy

How to Take Care of Your Hair to Keep It Healthy – Taking care of your hair to keep it healthy is just as important as taking care of the health of other parts of your body. Healthy hair will prevent various diseases on the scalp. However, there are still many people who underestimate hair health. In fact, if you don’t care for your hair properly or even at all, it can actually cause various problems on your scalp that are quite annoying. Here are several ways to care for your hair to keep it healthy, namely:

1. Wash your hair regularly according to your hair type

The frequency of shampooing varies depending on a person’s hair type. However, generally it is two to three times a week. Someone with oily hair is advised to wash their hair regularly so that it maintains moisture and doesn’t look limp. Meanwhile, someone with curly hair should avoid washing their hair too often because the humidity is low so it will dry out easily.

2. Use suitable shampoo and conditioner

Choosing the type of shampoo and conditioner according to your hair type is very important. This is because if it is not suitable for a particular shampoo, it will make your hair more tangled, dry, dirty, or even damaged.

3. Regularly cut the ends of your hair

The ends of the hair are the part most susceptible to split ends and damage. To avoid this, it is recommended to cut the ends of your hair regularly every 10 to 12 weeks.

4. Choose a suitable comb

Using the wrong comb can cause scalp problems. Therefore, it is very important to choose a comb according to your hair type. A comb with gap teeth can make it easier for people with curly hair to comb their hair. Meanwhile, if you have voluminous or thick hair, it would be very suitable to use a round brush .

5. Comb your hair properly

You also need to pay attention to how you comb your hair so that your hair is healthy. Avoid combing your hair directly after shampooing or when your hair is still wet. Meanwhile, to comb tangled hair, use a wide-toothed comb to detangle it.

6. Protect hair from sunlight

Sunlight can make hair drier, duller, split ends and lacking in nutrients. To protect your hair from sunlight, use a hat or umbrella when leaving the house.

7. Use a hair mask

Using a hair mask regularly can nourish your hair and keep your scalp moist. The type of mask used varies depending on each hair type. Before using it, it is better to understand the ingredients in the mask so you can use it according to your hair type.

8. Consume adequate nutrition

Taking care of your hair is also necessary from within, namely by consuming adequate nutrition. Necessary nutrients, such as protein, iron, zinc, omega 3, vitamins A, B, C, D, and E.

9. Avoid using straighteners and hair dryers

Flat irons and hair dryers can weaken hair, especially on fine, dry and brittle hair types. Therefore, avoid using this tool too often. Limit its use to two to three times a week to restore hair condition.

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Is there a way to whiten teeth naturally?

Is there a way to whiten teeth naturally?

Is there a way to whiten teeth naturally? – Jakarta – Teeth will turn yellow as you get older. However, there are ways that can slow down the process of yellowing of teeth and even restore natural white teeth. Many natural methods help remove stains and protect tooth enamel.

Tooth discoloration can usually be treated with regular cleaning and treatment with teeth whitening. However, sometimes teeth look yellow because the hard enamel has been eroded, exposing the dentin beneath. Dentin is the natural yellow bone tissue located beneath the teeth.

Natural Ways to Whiten Teeth

Starting from changing your diet, lifestyle, to using several other methods, here are things you can do to whiten your teeth naturally:

1. Change your diet

Changing your diet can prevent yellowing teeth. Foods and drinks that contain tannin, such as tea, can stain teeth. Apart from tea, drinks such as coffee, black soda and juice can also make teeth yellow. Acidic foods can make teeth appear yellow by eroding the enamel.

If you care about the color of your teeth, you should avoid excessive consumption of oranges, coffee and soda. As an alternative, brush your teeth after consuming food and drink. Dentists recommend waiting 30 minutes after eating before brushing your teeth. Adam can weaken enamel so brushing too quickly can damage teeth.

2. Do Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is the term for washing the mouth with oil to remove dirt and bacteria. This activity is not a substitute for regular toothbrushing or flossing , but several studies say that washing your mouth with certain oils can whiten teeth.

Oils that are suitable for oil pulling are:

  • Coconut oil;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Sesame oil.

3. Brushing Your Teeth with Baking Soda

Baking soda can remove surface stains from your teeth if done gently. Baking soda can also help fight bacteria, reduce plaque, and prevent tooth decay.

4. Consume Fruit

The malic acid in apples increases saliva to wash away the acid. Toothpaste containing bromelain, a compound in pineapple, also helps whiten teeth naturally.

5. Maintain good oral hygiene

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is the most important thing to prevent yellowing of teeth. Regular brushing and flossing protects enamel, prevents gum damage, and removes stains. Good oral hygiene practices include:

  • Brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Make sure to clean around the gums and the back of the teeth.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride can fight tooth decay.
  • Flossing to remove plaque between teeth.

Few people have naturally white teeth, as teeth tend to turn yellow with age. However, maintaining good oral hygiene and having regular dental check-ups help keep teeth bright.

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Here are 6 Natural Ways to Treat Hair Loss

Here are 6 Natural Ways to Treat Hair Loss

Here are 6 Natural Ways to Treat Hair Loss – There are many natural ways to deal with hair loss. Apart from external treatment, adequate intake of certain nutrients that can strengthen the roots and stimulate hair growth is also needed to reduce hair loss.

Hair loss is a common thing. In 1 day, normally around 50-100 strands of hair will fall out. If the amount is more than that and continues continuously, you are experiencing severe hair loss and need to get proper treatment to prevent baldness.

Treatment for hair loss itself is very diverse. Before using hair growth drugs , laser therapy, or hair transplant procedures, there’s no harm in trying various natural ways to deal with hair loss that are easy to do at home.

This is a natural way to deal with hair loss

Even though it seems simple, home treatments can help overcome hair loss , and even stimulate hair growth. The following are several natural ways to deal with hair loss that you can try:

1. Don’t wash your hair too often

Many people think that washing your hair every day can keep your hair healthy. However, this is not entirely true. Washing your hair using shampoo too often can actually cause your hair to become damaged, dry, break easily and look thinner.

Especially if you dry your hair by rubbing your hair with a towel. Therefore, it is recommended that you only wash your hair 1-3 times a week. Next, dry your hair by gently patting the towel on your hair.

2. Style your hair gently

Various hair styling methods, such as coloring, straightening and curling hair, can make hair damaged and dry and irritate the scalp. Meanwhile, the habit of tying and braiding hair too tightly can also cause hair roots to be pulled, so that hair falls out easily.

In order to minimize hair loss and keep your scalp healthy, you should avoid the hair styling mentioned above. If you want to dry your hair with a hair dryer, avoid using hot temperatures because it can damage your hair quickly.

3. Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Several types of diseases, such as malnutrition and anemia or lack of blood, can cause hair loss . Therefore, to prevent and treat hair loss, try to live a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods and exercising regularly.

4. Use hair oil

Using hair oil can also reduce hair loss. Therefore, there is no harm in using natural oils, such as coconut oil, to treat your hair loss.

Coconut oil contains healthy fatty acids needed to stimulate new hair growth. To get this benefit, you can apply enough coconut oil to your scalp, then massage gently with circular movements.

Apply the remaining oil on your hands to other parts of your hair, including the ends of your hair. After that, cover it with a towel and leave it overnight, then wash your hair until clean.

5. Use a hair mask

Regularly using a hair mask can not only make hair more moist, but can also reduce hair loss. You can make a mask for hair loss yourself at home using natural ingredients, such as egg yolk and aloe vera.

Egg yolk contains vitamin A, biotin, amino acids and folate which can increase hair growth. Meanwhile, aloe vera contains vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B12, folic acid and choline which are useful for strengthening hair.

6. Get enough hair nutrition

Not only from the outside, you also have to care for your hair from the inside by eating nutritious food so that hair loss can be reduced. Some of the nutrients needed to treat hair loss include vitamin A and zinc.

Vitamin A is needed to stimulate hair growth, so that hair does not become thin. Zinc is no different. This nutrient is also needed to stimulate growth and repair hair tissue and maintain hair’s natural moisture. Apart from that, the addition of argan cream and avocado essence from the outside can help maintain natural shine and strengthen hair, so hair remains healthy.

If the natural methods for dealing with hair loss mentioned above have been applied but the hair loss is not being treated, try consulting a doctor . The doctor will carry out an examination to determine the cause of the hair loss in order to determine the appropriate treatment or treatment.

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How to Firm Your Breasts After Breastfeeding

How to Firm Your Breasts After Breastfeeding

How to Firm Your Breasts After Breastfeeding – During pregnancy and breastfeeding, there are various physical changes that occur in a woman’s body, one of which is breast size. Usually, the size and shape of the breasts will increase due to hormones and breast milk production.

However, after the breastfeeding period is over, the size and shape of the breasts will change because breast milk production has stopped. Not infrequently, this causes sagging breasts.

This is certainly one of the changes that most women are often worried about. However, don’t worry, there are various ways to firm your breasts after breastfeeding that you can try.

1. Do a Breast Massage

Breast massage is one way to tighten the breasts after giving birth and breastfeeding. By massaging them regularly, it will help stimulate blood circulation and encourage the growth of new breast tissue.

To deal with sagging breasts, you need to immediately massage your breasts after seeing any changes in the shape of your breasts. That way, massage will be effective in increasing breast firmness.

You can massage the breasts with circular movements and apply pressure gradually. Apart from using your hands to massage your breasts, you can also use a breast pump or special massage tool.

2. Exercise regularly

You can also take care of your breasts after giving birth by exercising regularly . It is important to focus on exercises that work the chest muscles, as these types of exercises have the greatest impact on breast firmness.

“To tighten the breasts, this can be helped by regular exercise, especially exercise that focuses on the chest area, such as sit ups , push ups , or planks which can tighten the muscles in the chest area,” said Dr. Dyah Novita Anggraini.

Apart from that, you can also try weight training. However, make sure to consult your doctor first before starting a new exercise routine.

3. Wear a supportive bra

Wearing a supportive bra is also one way to care for your breasts after breastfeeding. To prevent sagging breasts, of course you need to use a bra of the right size, so that your breasts can be well supported.

It’s important to remember, wearing the wrong bra, especially when you’re physically active, can cause pain and injury.

Choosing a push up bra can help shape your breasts after breastfeeding. However, still make sure the size is appropriate, OK!

4. Keep breast skin moist

To maintain firmness and hydration of the skin in the breast area, you need to keep the breast skin moist.

Try choosing a lotion that contains natural ingredients to keep your skin firmer and looking youthful. Apart from that, you can also use a body scrub to exfoliate dead skin cells around the breasts.

Shedding dead skin cells can help increase blood circulation and restore breast elasticity.

5. Maintain body posture

It is important for Mama to maintain her body posture so she can be upright. This position can help the body to support the breasts.

If you tend to have a forward-leaning posture, this will only make your breasts appear saggier.

Therefore, keep your shoulders back and make sure your back remains straight, okay?

6. Have a Healthy Diet

After breastfeeding, mothers are also advised to maintain a healthy diet. Try to reduce your consumption of saturated animal fats which are high in cholesterol. Mama can replace it with olive oil, vitamin B, and vitamin E. These nutrients can help overcome wrinkles and skin elasticity.

Not only that, make sure to prevent your body from becoming dehydrated by meeting your fluid needs.

Don’t forget, live a healthy life by quitting smoking. The reason is, this bad habit can affect the condition of the skin on the breasts.

7. Breast Lift Surgery

If you still can’t overcome sagging breasts after trying the various methods above, maybe it’s time to consider breast lift surgery.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, this procedure can improve the appearance of the breasts after giving birth. Later the doctor will make a small incision to remove and reshape the natural breast tissue.

To provide volume to the breasts, the doctor will also place implants behind the breast tissue. If you are interested in having this procedure, make sure you consult with a doctor first.

If you still have questions about firming your breasts after breastfeeding, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor via the Ask a Doctor service . Apart from that, Mama can also make an appointment to see a doctor for a direct consultation.

Come on, #KeepYourHealthy and your breasts by doing a health check. To make it more practical, try booking a Health Checkup via the KlikDokter application, OK!

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5 Simple Ways to Prevent Premature Aging of Facial Skin

5 Simple Ways to Prevent Premature Aging of Facial Skin

5 Simple Ways to Prevent Premature Aging of Facial Skin – “There are several simple things you can do to prevent premature aging. Such as using sunscreen every day, stopping smoking, managing your weight, and adopting a balanced diet.”

Jakarta – As we age, every cell in the body is programmed to age and decline in function. Making aging a natural process that cannot be avoided. Therefore, many people do everything they can to look youthful.

Of course, no one wants aging, especially prematurely, on facial skin. If this condition occurs in someone at a young age, they may look much older than their actual age. As a result, self-confidence can decrease due to fading  skin beauty .

However, there is no need to worry, there are several simple ways to prevent premature aging of facial skin. So what are the ways? Check out the information here!

Get to know how to prevent premature aging

The following are several ways you can prevent premature aging of facial skin, including:

1. Regularly use sunscreen

One simple way to prevent premature aging of the skin is to use sunscreen every day.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the use of sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 with “broad spectrum” on the label is highly recommended.

Because this product can protect the skin against UVA and UVB rays from the sun. Please note that UVA rays can cause aging effects on the skin if exposed to them for too long without protection.

It’s a good idea to apply sunscreen to your neck, arms and hands every day, especially if you have to travel. Using sunscreen can also become a daily routine, like brushing your teeth.

2. Quit Smoking

Smoking is a negative habit and can cause various health impacts on the body, including the skin.

On the skin, smoking can speed up the process of breaking down collagen and narrow the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the skin.

As a result, smokers are prone to early wrinkles on their facial skin. Apart from that, smoking can also cause yellow nails and fingertips, as well as black gums and lips caused by the nicotine and tar contained in cigarettes.

3. Manage Weight

Controlling body weight can also be done as an effort to prevent premature aging of the skin.

Because, being too thin or too overweight can speed up the aging process of the body.

A thin body does not have natural fat that fits the facial structure, which can cause wrinkles and make the skin look saggy. This condition also cannot be treated by treatment methods, such as Botox injections or facelifts .

Meanwhile, those who are overweight due to increasing age or lack of exercise can experience various health problems and the aging cycle continues.

Therefore, regular exercise is highly recommended for those who are overweight. This aims to reduce wrinkles, as well as the flabby appearance of facial skin produced by fat accumulation.

Apart from that, people who suffer from eating disorders are also prone to dry skin and wrinkles. If this condition is left unchecked, those with eating disorders can have body features that resemble skeletons.

Because the body experiences malnutrition over a long period of time. However, this condition can be overcome by adopting a healthy diet rich in antioxidants, and exercising regularly.

4. Limit alcohol consumption

Alcohol can dehydrate the skin and dilate blood vessels if consumed in excess.

Because alcohol can force the kidneys to work harder over time.

This makes various important organs in the body dry, because excess fluid in the body will be wasted in large quantities through urine.

If the skin is dehydrated , it will tend to wrinkle more easily, so premature aging can occur.

Apart from that, alcohol can also remove vitamin A which is an important antioxidant for the activity and regeneration of healthy cells in the body.

Therefore, it is better to limit consumption of alcoholic drinks, in order to prevent premature aging.

5. Implementing a Diet with Balanced Nutrition

Eating fresh fruit and vegetables every day can prevent skin damage that can cause premature aging. Because, adequate intake of important nutrients can increase the formation of healthy skin cells in the body.

Several types of food can also help brighten the skin , such as tomatoes, carrots, kiwi, almonds and fish. Apart from that, you should limit foods that contain sugar, trans fat or high carbohydrates.

Apart from these methods, premature aging can also be prevented through facial care to keep the skin clean. You should regularly wash your face twice a day and after sweating a lot.

The reason is, sweat can irritate the skin, especially if you often wear a hat or helmet.

However, make sure to clean the skin gently, because rubbing the skin too hard can cause irritation to the skin which can accelerate premature aging.

Then, gently wash your facial skin to remove pollution, makeup, and other substances that can irritate or clog your skin pores.

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Often use nail gel, this is the right way to care for your nails

Often use nail gel, this is the right way to care for your nails

Often use nail gel, this is the right way to care for your nails – “There is a proper way to care for your nails after using nail gel so that your nails become stronger and healthier. “Some of these include resting your nails from using nail gel to meeting your body’s fluid needs.”

Jakarta – Nail gel or gel polish is an option that can be used to make your nails look more attractive. Apart from that, its use is quite practical and lasts longer than using ordinary nail polish.

However, improper use of nail gel can cause nails to become brittle and break easily. To avoid this condition, you should know various ways to properly care for your nails after using gel polish.

How to Care for Nails After Using Nail Gel

Using gel nail polish really makes your appearance more attractive. You can try using various types of colors and decorations on your nails so that your nails look beautiful.

However, don’t forget to pay attention to nail health after using nail gel . There are various complaints that often occur after using gel nail polish, ranging from nails being drier, the surface cracking, becoming more brittle and breaking easily.

Here are tips on how to properly care for your nails so they stay healthy after using nail gel :

1. Give your nails a break from using nail gel

Occasionally using nail gel will not harm your nails. However, pay attention to the length of use. Make sure you remove Kitex gel immediately when your nails grow so that it doesn’t last too long.

Apart from that, give yourself a break before applying gel polish next time. It’s interesting to change nail colors, but this can damage nail health. Give a gap of one week to one month so that nail health is maintained properly.

2. Avoid chemicals on your nails

After your nails are clean, you can avoid using products with chemicals in them. For example, hand sanitizer, detergent powder, and even dishwashing soap. You can use appropriate gloves when washing dishes or clothes to avoid exposure to chemicals from soap.

To keep your hands clean, you can wash your hands with running water and soap. This means you don’t use hand sanitizer too often. That way, nail health can be maintained properly.

3. Use moisturizer for nails and hands

Don’t forget to keep your hands and nails moist to maintain their health. You can use hand moisturizer with natural ingredients in it. Cuticle moisturizer can also be used to improve the health of your nails so they don’t dry out and break easily.

4. Trim your nails regularly

When giving your nails a break from using nail gel, don’t forget to trim your nails regularly. By cutting your nails shorter, you prevent germs or bacteria from nesting in your nails. This ensures that nail health is better maintained. Don’t forget to make sure the equipment for cleaning your nails is clean and sterile.

5. Pay attention to body fluid intake

Meeting fluid needs is important for body health, including nail health. When the body is dehydrated, this condition causes nails to become drier and brittle. So, make sure you drink at least eight glasses of water a day. You can also increase your fluid intake from fruit to other healthy foods.

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