What Are Lip Fillers?

What Are Lip Fillers?

What Are Lip Fillers? – Lip fillers have become a beauty trend that is popular with many women. This trend started when the famous Hollywood artist, Kylie Jenner, had filler injections in her lips. As a result, the lips appear thicker and fuller. From there, many women then lie about wanting to undergo similar beauty treatments to reveal thicker and sexier lips like their idols. Want to know more about what lip fillers are? Check the following review.

What Are Lip Fillers?

Have you ever heard of this beauty treatment called lip filler? So, what is lip filler? Lip filler is a medical procedure that is useful for changing the shape of the lips to make them fuller and more attractive. The general procedure for lip fillers is to inject a special liquid or gel into the lips. This lip filler is often found in big cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali, Semarang and other areas. The prices offered also vary.

Benefits of Lip Fillers

Lip fillers have many beauty benefits, apart from making the lips look sexier according to the desired contour, lip fillers can moisturize the lips and make the lips look naturally brighter without the help of lipstick. Apart from that, here are other benefits of using fillers/filler injections including:

  1. Controlling lip volume, the doctor can better control over how much lip volume is created.
  2. The speed of treatment is gradual, filler injections can be given gradually during the appointment to get the desired results.
  3. Lumps dissolve easily, lumps that arise due to lip movement can be treated easily.
  4. Less bruising, compared to other skin injections there is less bruising and swelling.
  5. Results are long-lasting, but not permanent
  6. Allergic reactions due to filler injections may not cause an allergic reaction , but if you have an allergy to lidocaine, tell your doctor.

How is the Lip Filler Procedure?

Before the filler injection procedure, you can meet with a doctor to make an appointment and ask about the procedure that will be carried out. Choose a doctor who has a good reputation and is of course certified. During the procedure, the doctor will apply a topical anesthetic to the lips. Doctors usually do a skin test to make sure you don’t have allergies before the procedure. If you show signs of an allergic reaction, your doctor will recommend another type of collagen filler.

The doctor injects an anesthetic or anesthetic into the inside of the mouth to numb the upper and lower lips. You may feel a slight prick when the needle touches your mouth. When the lips are numb, the doctor will inject filler directly into your lips. Some people say that the chin and cheeks feel cold. When the filler is inside the lips you may feel a slight sting. After the procedure, bruising around the lips is a common side effect. This condition can last for about a week. The doctor will advise you not to purse your lips for about two days. Your lips may feel different, thicker after the filler injection procedure.

Lip Filler Side Effects

Although the procedures resulting from lip fillers seem promising, there are some side effects that you need to know about before getting lip fillers. First, a rash and redness appears on the lips. Second, the lips will experience swelling for some time. Third, the lips will feel sore. Fourth, the lips feel itchy. Apart from that, there are other side effects that need to be considered after having lip fillers, namely the risk of infection , asymmetry of the lips, and the most dangerous risk if the doctor does not carry out the procedure according to the procedure, it can result in blindness due to incorrectly injecting the filler into the bloodstream that enters the eye. .

Therefore, it is necessary for you to discuss and ensure that your choice of doctor is appropriate and has a level of credibility. Make sure you choose a qualified and experienced doctor to avoid unnecessary injuries during the lip filler injection process. Usually there are several specialists who perform filler injections, such as plastic surgeons, dermatologists, cosmetic facial surgeons. So, now you know more about what lip fillers are, the benefits, side effects and risks that you need to pay attention to. You can also share this article with friends or relatives who need information about lip fillers. May you always be healthy!

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Get to know the procedures, benefits and side effects of nasal filler injections

Get to know the procedures, benefits and side effects of nasal filler injections

Get to know the procedures, benefits and side effects of nasal filler injections – Some women feel that there are parts of their face that are missing and need special treatment to increase their beauty. One part of the face, such as the nose, often reduces self-confidence. For example, you want to make it sharper or have a more proportional shape. One of them is nose filler treatment .

What is nose filler ?

Nose filler is a cosmetic procedure to improve the shape of the nose without surgery. This procedure is carried out by injecting filler fluid to shape the nose into the desired shape.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) and calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHa) are commonly used fillers . In general, HA patches can last 6-12 months, while CaHa patches can last up to 12-18 months.

In the medical world, this procedure is also called non-surgical rhinoplasty . This nose filler is considered more practical because the process is short, only taking about 15 minutes. Additionally, nasal fillers  are cheaper than rhinoplasty, as well as fewer side effects and a shorter recovery.

What are the benefits of nasal fillers  ?

Nose fillers are often chosen because they offer various benefits, including:

  • Makes the nose sharper
  • Smoothes the mouth and nose
  •  Increases nasal volume
  • Makes the nose look symmetrical and proportional
  • Improve the shape of the nose so that it doesn’t look too sharp or pointy

This procedure is suitable for those of you who want to change the shape of your nose in a way that is not too drastic but can provide satisfactory aesthetic results. Nose fillers are ideal and recommended for people who are not ready to undergo rhinoplasty with permanent results

What are the side effects of nasal filler injections ?

Nose fillers must be done by a trusted doctor at a safe beauty clinic. However, the risk of side effects remains.

The most commonly reported side effect of nasal fillers is redness at the injection site. Two days after filling, the injection site usually also becomes sensitive.

Other possible side effects are:

  • Bruising in the filler area
  • Swelling
  • Nauseous
  • Allergic reactions such as itching, redness or shortness of breath

The nose is a sensitive area because it has many blood vessels near the eyes. The nose filler process is usually more difficult than other filler methods . Therefore, nasal fillers should only be performed by a certified doctor who has knowledge of nasal anatomy and safe injection techniques.

Preparation before undergoing the nasal filler injection procedure

For a week before the procedure, avoid taking medications such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen), vitamin E supplements, and other blood thinning supplements. If you take medications that require blood thinners, make sure your doctor knows about them.

Make sure your vitamin K needs are met to reduce the risk of bruising or bleeding. Before the procedure, drink enough water, protein and carbohydrates. Don’t eat too much because you may feel nauseous during or after the procedure.

How is the nasal filler injection process  ?

The nasal filler injection procedure is quite simple. After the consultation process regarding the desired nose shape, the doctor will ask you to lie down with your face tilted.

The doctor may give local anesthesia to the nose and surrounding area so that you do not feel pain due to the needle injection.

When the numbing effect has taken effect, the doctor will inject filler under the skin around the nose and possibly also in the nose. After that, you may feel a little pressure where the filler will be injected. The nose filler procedure usually takes 15-45 minutes. After the injection process is complete, you can return to your normal activities.

What results do you get from nasal filler injections?

The results of nasal filler injection are visible after a maximum of 1-2 weeks. Side effects such as redness and bruising will also disappear within 1-2 weeks. The duration of filler depends on the type of filler and the treatment you receive. Most fillers dissolve into the skin within 6 months.

Some fillers can last longer, up to 3 years, then the nose returns to its original shape. To get better results from nose fillers , you must be aware of several limitations, namely:

  • Do not use makeup or skin care products applied to the area for 24 hours.
  • Avoid wearing glasses for at least 48 hours because the pressure of the lens holder on the nose can change the shape of the filling.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for at least 48 hours as it can make bruising worse.
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight and hot areas such as saunas for at least a week or two.
  • Aspirin as a blood thinner can make bruising worse and make recovery time longer. If you want to take this medicine, consult your doctor first.
  • Avoid massaging or pressing the nose because it can change the shape of the filler .

So, are you interested in having nose fillers ? Choose a trusted beauty clinic such as Miracle Aesthetic Clinic, the best clinic in Indonesia and known as an expert in facial contouring.

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Cracked Feet, This is a Possible Solution

Cracked Feet, This is a Possible Solution

Cracked Feet, This is a Possible Solution – Cracked feet can reduce your self-confidence, especially when wearing sandals or shoes with open heels. Those of you who have this problem no longer need to be insecure because there are several solutions to dealing with cracked feet that are easy to apply.

Cracked feet occur because the skin on the feet is very dry. This makes the skin in that area crack easily. This condition not only disturbs your appearance, but can also cause soreness on the soles of your feet.

Solution for Cracked Foot Skin

The main key to dealing with chapped feet is keeping the skin of the feet moist. To get more moisturized skin, you can apply the following tips:

1. Clean your feet with mild soap

Clean or soak your feet using soap for 20 minutes. Then, gently rub dry or cracked feet using a pumice stone and dry them using a soft towel.

Soaking your feet in soapy water can help treat chapped feet, but make sure that the soap you use to soak your feet is a mild soap. Soap that contains harsh chemicals needs to be avoided because it can actually make the skin even drier.

2. Use foot cream

To treat chapped skin on your feet, you are also advised to apply a moisturizing cream containing dimethicone . Foot cream with this ingredient is effective in moisturizing dry skin.

You can apply this cream to chapped feet at any time. However, to optimize absorption, it is recommended that you apply it after every shower.

3. Use petroleum jelly

Apart from foot cream, you can also use petroleum jelly to treat chapped skin on your feet. Petroleum jelly can restore moisture to the skin of the soles of the feet well.

It is recommended that you apply petroleum jelly at night before bedtime. Use clean, comfortable socks after applying this moisturizer so that the petroleum jelly doesn’t get everywhere.

4. Sufficient body fluid intake

Lack of body fluids can make your mouth and throat feel dry, as can the skin on your feet. Therefore, it is important to always meet your body’s fluid needs by consuming 8 glasses or 2 liters of water every day.

If your skin is well hydrated, the problem of cracked feet you are experiencing will slowly improve.

Cracked feet generally occur accompanied by hardening of the skin tissue or known as calluses . This condition can be treated by applying medication containing salicylic acid .

Cracked feet initially only disturb the appearance, but can also turn into a serious problem when the feet become injured and infected.

If cracked feet have become infected, several symptoms will usually appear, such as pain and redness around the area. If this happens, the doctor will prescribe topical antibiotics .

Tips to Prevent Cracked Foot Skin

To prevent chapped feet, here are some tips you can do:

Keep the skin of your feet moist

The soles of the feet are often the part of the body that is overlooked when you use moisturizer . So, from now on, don’t forget to apply moisturizer to the soles of your feet at least twice a day, especially after every shower.

Avoid bathing for too long

Bathing for too long can cause skin moisture to decrease, including the skin of the feet. Therefore, you are advised to limit your bathing time, which is only around 5-10 minutes. Then, avoid bathing in hot water because this can make the skin even drier.

Wear comfortable footwear

Wear comfortable socks and shoes or footwear that fit well when traveling so that your feet can be well supported. Avoid wearing flip-flops for long periods of time because this can make it easier for your feet to dry out.

Keep your feet warm

Avoid going barefoot when walking on a hot floor because the heat can absorb into the skin and make the feet dry. When the air temperature is cold, it is recommended that you wear socks to maintain the temperature of your feet.

Dealing with cracked feet is not easy. It takes patience, attention and extra time to restore its condition. If you have done the tips above, but your cracked feet have not improved, consult a doctor to get the right treatment.

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Trichiasis is an eyelash growth disorder in which the eyelashes grow inward towards the eyeball. Trichiasis is a common eyelid problem and anyone can get trichiasis .

Ingrown eyelashes rub against the cornea, conjunctiva and inner surface of the eyelid. This condition can cause irritation in this area and cause several symptoms.

Causes of Trichiasis

Sometimes people who experience trichiasis don’t know the cause. Although it can occur in anyone, this disorder is more common in adults.

Well, some of the causes of trichiasis include:

  • Infection 

Trachoma is an infection of the eyes and eyelids caused by Chlamydia trachomatis . This bacteria can cause inflammation of the eyelash follicles, causing trichiasis.

Another infection that can cause trichiasis is chronic blepharitis. Like trachoma, chronic blepharitis is chronic or long-term inflammation of the eyelid margins and causes impaired eyelash growth, resulting in trichiasis. 

  • Autoimmune Diseases 

Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid that can cause scarring on the eyelids, causing the direction of eyelash growth to change.

  • Inflammatory Diseases 

Inflammatory diseases such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome and vernal keratoconjunctivitis can cause scar tissue around and on the hair follicles of the eyelashes. As a result, eyelash growth is disrupted. 

  • Trauma

This condition can occur after surgery in the eye area or can also occur due to burns on the face that affect the eyelids.

  • Exposure to Chemicals

Alkaline chemicals can burn the eyes and cause this condition. A history of using eye drops for glaucoma can also trigger ko

Trichiasis Risk Factors

Epiblepharon is a congenital disorder in which there is loose skin around the eyes that forms folds. As a result, eyelashes grow in a vertical position. People with this inherited condition are at risk of developing trichiasis. Most of these disorders are found in children resulting from interracial marriages.

Trichiasis Symptoms

Symptoms of trichiasis are generally the sensation of a foreign object in the eye. Other symptoms include:

  • Reddish eyes.
  • Watery eyes.
  • Sensitive to bright light (Photophobia).
  • Blurred vision.

Diagnosis Trichiasis

To diagnose trichiasis, the doctor will ask about symptoms related to this condition and perform a physical examination of the eyes. The eye doctor will perform an examination with a slit-lamp to see eyelash growth in the wrong direction. No other supporting examinations are performed to diagnose trichiasis.

Trichiasis Treatment

Treatment for trichiasis involves removing the eyelash, the follicle or both, or directing the growth of new eyelashes. Sometimes trichiasis only affects a few eyelashes, and if this happens the eye doctor may simply remove the eyelashes that are growing towards the eyeball with forceps (tweezers). However, there is still a possibility that eyelashes can grow back in the wrong direction, namely towards the eyeball.

If there are many eyelashes growing towards the eyeball, surgery or operation can remove them permanently. Operation techniques performed for trichiasis on almost all eyelashes, among others:

  • Eyelash Ablation Surgery

This operation uses radio frequency or laser to remove eyelashes and hair follicles that grow abnormally.

  • Electrolysis

This surgical procedure uses electricity to permanently remove eyelashes. Although effective, electrolysis is time consuming and can cause eye pain.

  • Cryosurgery

This procedure removes eyelashes and follicles by freezing them.

  • Repositioning Operation

If trichiasis is caused by a congenital disorder, such as epiblepharon, an eye doctor may recommend surgery to reposition the eyelashes. 


Complications from trichiasis occur because the eyelashes rub against the cornea for a long time 

  • Corneal Abrasion

This is a condition when the cornea of ​​the eye is eroded due to repeated friction by the eyelashes. If the abrasion continues it can cause corneal tears and can cause injury to the cornea of ​​the eye.

  • Corneal Ulcer

Corneal ulcers or wounds on the cornea of ​​the eye initially occur due to continuous friction on the cornea caused by eyelashes. This then causes small tears in the cornea, which ultimately causes injury.

This wound on the cornea can be infected by viruses, bacteria or fungi. If corneal ulcers are not treated properly for a long time it can result in blindness.

Trichiasis Prevention

Although not all causes of trichiasis can be avoided, the following preventive measures can be taken to prevent trichiasis:

  • If you experience redness in the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, you should consult a doctor directly so that the infection does not continue and can cause changes in eyelash growth. Avoid self-medicating with over-the-counter eye ointments.
  • Use eye protection, such as goggles, if you are exposed to dangerous chemicals to avoid splashes or contact with your eyes.

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Do Small Breasts Make You Feel Insecure? Consume 5 Natural Breast Enlargement Foods

Do Small Breasts Make You Feel Insecure? Consume 5 Natural Breast Enlargement Foods

Do Small Breasts Make You Feel Insecure? Consume 5 Natural Breast Enlargement Foods – You can consume it, get to know 5 natural breast enlarging foods.

Beautiful breasts are the dream of most women. Apart from a firm shape, quite a few women think that beautiful breasts are large breasts. However, not all women are blessed with large breasts.

Moms, if you feel dissatisfied with the size of your breasts which tend to be small and want to enlarge them, then don’t worry because there is always a solution for every problem.

Apart from surgery, you can still get big and plump breasts simply through food.

Easy to find, here are 5 natural breast enlargement foods as reported by BlackDoctor.org and Her Zindagi .

1. Grains

The first natural breast enlargement food is grains.

Whether it’s pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, or anise seeds, the bottom line is that seeds are very good for your body, including your breasts.

Grains have the ability to help increase natural estrogen levels in the body which in turn increases breast size as well.

To enjoy it, you can mix the seeds with your favorite snacks. Or, you can eat it by sprinkling it on a fresh salad.

2. Walnuts

The second natural breast enlargement food is walnuts.

Nuts are among the best foods to encourage bigger breasts. Cashews, walnuts, almonds, peanuts and pecans are good sources of protein and fat to use if you want larger breast size.

At the same time, consuming nuts is also beneficial for brain and heart health.

One type of nut that is highly recommended for enlarging breasts is walnuts. Apart from being good for improving the appearance of the breasts, walnuts also have the potential to fight tumors thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties and their content which includes the omega-3 fat alpha-linoleic acid, phytosterols and antioxidants.

3. Seafood

The third natural breast enlargement food is seafood.

Seafood has an excellent reputation when it comes to health. In fact, several varieties of seafood are known to help increase breast size.

You can eat seafood such as shrimp, clams, oysters and seaweed to help enlarge your breasts naturally.

The reason is, these foods are a high source of manganese and are able to induce sex hormones in the body while increasing breast size.

4. Green vegetables

The fourth natural breast enlargement food is green vegetables.

It is common knowledge that green vegetables have a variety of extraordinary benefits for immunity, health and growth.

Green vegetables such as spinach can not only boost energy and increase muscle strength, but can also help firm the shape of the breasts.

So, let’s consume green vegetables more diligently from now on if you want plump and firm breasts. Apart from being processed into clear vegetables, you can also enjoy green vegetables in the form of stir-fries or refreshing juice.

5. Milk

The fifth natural breast enlargement food is milk.

Including the drink of a million people, who would have thought that milk, especially cow’s milk, contains prolactin, estrogen and progesterone which are useful for helping increase breast size.

Apart from cow’s milk, vegetable milk made from soybeans is also very worthy for you to consider if you want breasts that are plumper than before.

Soy milk not only contains high protein, but also contains isoflavones which can imitate estrogen, where estrogen is the hormone responsible for increasing breast size. Even so, make sure not to consume it excessively, Moms.

Those are 5 natural breast enlargement foods. Hope it is useful.

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Want to have a thin face, here’s how

Want to have a thin face, here's how

Want to have a thin face, here’s how – There are many ways you can do to create a thinner face and look more attractive. You can choose by changing your appearance or through medical procedures. For more details, let’s look at the following article.

Beauty trends and standards change from time to time. One trend that is still in demand by many people is having a thin face. This face shape is considered to give the impression that the body looks fitter and slimmer.

Various Ways to Make Your Face Thin

If you want to beautify your appearance by making your face look slimmer or thinner, try the following methods:

1. Using make-up

The easiest way to make your face look thin is to use make-up . You can use contouring techniques to shape the jaw line and nose, so that your face looks thinner. You can follow the instructions from videos on social media or take a make-up class to do this facial make-up technique .

2. Change hair style

Changing your hairdo or style can also make your face look thinner. However, determining the hairstyle should be adjusted to the shape of the face, for example:

Round face shapes are advised to choose layered hairstyles and stay away from bob hairstyles or evenly cut hair

  • Square face shapes are advised not to cut hair as short as the jawline
  • Heart face shapes are advised to choose short hair and bangs
  • with layers around the cheekbones

3. Do facial exercises

Regularly doing facial exercises , including doing the mewing technique , is one way to tighten facial muscles and make it look slimmer. Apart from that, movements in facial exercises are believed to increase blood and oxygen circulation to the skin, so that the skin will appear fresher and more youthful.

4. Reduce salt intake

Excessive salt consumption can make the body retain more fluid. This condition will give the impression that the body looks slightly swollen. If it occurs on the cheeks, the swelling will make the cheeks look chubbier.

So, try to limit your salt consumption so that your face looks thinner and slimmer. Apart from cosmetic reasons, limiting salt intake is also good for preventing high blood pressure.

5. Drink more water

Drinking enough water can reduce the amount of salt, thereby preventing fluid buildup and swelling on the face. This habit can also make your stomach feel full for longer, thereby helping you lose weight. That way, your face will look thinner.

6. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can disrupt metabolism and increase levels of the stress hormone or cortisol in the body. This can trigger an increase in appetite, resulting in fat deposition on the body and face and weight gain.

By getting enough sleep for at least 8 hours a day, you will be better able to control your weight and appetite, so that your face will look thinner.

7. M esotherapy

This method is done by injecting special chemicals, for example enzymes, vitamins, or plant extracts, to destroy fat tissue. If done on the face, mesotherapy can reduce the size of the cheeks and make them look thinner.

Apart from that, mesotherapy is also useful for tightening the face, whitening the skin, and reducing wrinkles or lines on the face, thus making the face look youthful.

8. Thread planting

If you want to shape your face without having to spend a lot of money and don’t want the hassle of undergoing surgery, you can choose the thread lift procedure . This procedure can be carried out by a specialist plastic surgeon.

The results are almost similar to plastic surgery in making the face slimmer and firmer , but the effects only last around 1-3 years.

9. Operation

Surgery can be an option to get a slim face while improving the shape of the face. Surgical procedures that can be performed include:

Liposuction surgery

Liposuction surgery is usually performed on the cheeks, chin and neck. This procedure is carried out by making a small incision under the facial skin, inserting a small tube, and sucking out the fat through the tube.

Buccal fat removal

surgery Buccal fat removal is a plastic surgery procedure to remove fatty tissue on the cheeks. As a result, your face will look thinner and slimmer. Usually, this operation is also accompanied by other procedures, such as a facelift .

Making a thin face by trying make-up styles , hair styles, and losing weight is a bit troublesome and takes a long time. However, this method is considered safer and cheaper than medical procedures, such as plastic surgery and thread lifts.

If you want to have a thin face through any procedure, you should consult  a doctor first to determine whether you are suitable for the procedure.

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Here’s What You Need to Know About Facials

Here's What You Need to Know About Facials

Here’s What You Need to Know About Facials – A facial is one of the most common types of skin care. This treatment method is considered effective for rejuvenating facial skin and overcoming certain problems on the face, such as acne and blackheads. However, behind that, there is a risk of side effects from facials that you need to know.

Having healthy and radiant facial skin is everyone’s dream. One of the ways that is often done to treat the skin of the face is with a facial. This type of treatment can be done at a beauty clinic, spa , or salon.

However, before doing a facial, you need to be careful. If the facial procedure is not performed by trained personnel, especially without the supervision of a doctor, this action may actually cause problems to the facial skin.

About the Facial and the Stages of the Procedure

Facials are generally done as one of the ways to clean the face , reduce the blockage of skin pores due to blackheads and acne, rejuvenate the skin , and make the skin look cleaner, fresher, and younger.

There are several stages that are performed during the facial facial procedure. Each of these stages has its own benefits for your skin, among others:

1. Thoroughly clean the face

This stage is also known as depp cleansing . At the deep cleansing stage , the face is thoroughly cleaned from dust, residual make-up , or skin care products. Deep cleansing is generally done using a special cleansing liquid for the face.

2. Soften facial skin with steam

This stage is done by using a special tool that can give steam to the face with a temperature that is not too hot so as not to injure the skin of the face.

The facial steaming procedure aims to widen the pores of the skin and soften the dust or dirt that clogs the pores so that they can be easily removed.

3. Perform facial skin exfoliation procedures

Exfoliation is the process of exfoliating the skin to remove dead skin cells and dirt that can clog pores. Thus, the skin tissue can repair itself and make a new layer of healthy skin.

The exfoliation stage is generally done using products with scrub content in them. The content of the scrub is also adapted to the type of skin and complaints you experience. In addition to scrub content, there are also some types of facials that utilize the chemical peeling method .

4. Removing blackheads

The doctor or therapist will remove blackheads from the pores using a blackhead remover. If you have a lot of blackheads, it may take more than one facial facial session to clean the blackheads completely.

5. Using a face mask

After the blackhead removal stage is complete, the doctor or beauty therapist will apply a mask to your face. The type of mask used will be determined by the type of skin and skin problems experienced.

6. Using face toner or astringent

If your skin is dry and sensitive, the doctor or therapist may apply a toner to the skin after the facial. However, if your facial skin tends to be oily, a doctor or beauty therapist will give you an astringent to remove excess oil on the skin’s surface.

After finishing the facial, you can also use moisturizer and sunscreen to keep the skin clean, moist, and protect the skin from the sun.

Various Benefits of Facial Facial

If done routinely, facials are known to make the face brighter and look healthier. In addition, as mentioned earlier, facials can reduce dead skin cells and dirt that can clog pores, so acne and blackheads can be reduced.

The process of exfoliation using scrubs or chemical peels on the facial is also beneficial to increase collagen production , so fine lines on the face can be disguised and the skin becomes more elastic.

Some Facial Side Effects

Facial facial procedures should ideally be done under the supervision of an esthetician or skin specialist . If done without supervision, facials risk being done in the wrong way. This of course makes your face more problematic.

The following are some of the side effects that can occur after you undergo a facial:

Dry and irritated skin

The use of beauty products with harsh chemicals during a facial can cause side effects in the form of irritated, itchy, and dry skin. If you experience such a skin reaction after doing a facial, avoid exposure to sunlight and pollution so as not to worsen the skin condition.

To overcome this, you can apply When going outside, use sunscreen to prevent skin irritation from getting worse.

Red and swollen skin

Facial facials can sometimes make the facial skin become red on the facial skin or facial erythema due to dilation of blood vessels and increased blood flow to the facial skin.

While edema or swelling on the face after a facial occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the facial skin tissue. Usually, these two facial side effects will subside on their own within a few days to a few weeks.

Dermatitis and acneiform eruptions

Dermatitis or also called eczema is a condition when the skin becomes inflamed, itchy, and bumps appear with a rash.

After undergoing a facial, you are at risk of developing dermatitis, especially if your skin type is sensitive skin . This condition can be caused by irritation or an allergic reaction to the treatment ingredients used.

Meanwhile, acneiform eruptions are skin abnormalities that resemble pimples. This condition can be caused by infection or side effects of medicines.

To overcome the side effects of facial facial above, you need to use medicines according to the doctor’s prescription. Don’t be easily tempted by cheap and quick facial facial treatment frills. Especially if the facial is done at an inadequate beauty center.

If you want to do a facial to treat your facial skin, you should do it at a trusted beauty clinic or skin care center supervised by a doctor . This is intended so that the doctor can provide the right treatment if you experience side effects or are not compatible with the treatment products used during the facial.

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Get to know Botox, a facial treatment to reduce wrinkles

Get to know Botox, a facial treatment to reduce wrinkles

Get to know Botox, a facial treatment to reduce wrinkles – Aging is a natural aging process experienced by everyone, wrinkles are one of the aging processes of the skin. If we carry out proper care early on on our skin, our face can be free from wrinkles and look youthful. Apart from the factor of increasing age which reduces collagen production in the skin, wrinkles on facial skin can also be caused by frequent and repetitive facial expression movements such as frowning, squinting and raising the eyebrows.

Botox or botulinum toxin is a protein produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum and has been widely used to remove wrinkles on the skin. Botox works through a neurotoxin agent which inhibits signals from the brain which play a role in muscle contraction, thereby relaxing the muscles in the desired skin area, for example the face and skin area.

When the skin muscles relax, the surface of the skin will appear smoother and firmer. Botok is recommended for patients who complain of wrinkles in the eyes, forehead, chin creases, and sagging or drooping necks. Botox is given by injection, after the injection approximately 7-14 days the results will look optimal, the skin looks firmer and the effect lasts for 3-6 months. Apart from removing wrinkles and crow’s feet, Botox also has several benefits such as:

  • Overcoming hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating in the armpits, palms or feet
  • Treating chronic migraines
  • Strabismus or crossed eyes
  • Overcoming blepharospasm or eye twitching
  • Overcoming muscle spasms in the face area, neck muscles or shoulder muscles

Botox should be performed on patients over 18 years of age. Botox is a treatment that is safe for anyone, except pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, those who do not have neurological disorders/diseases. Even though there are minimal side effects, Botox injections have several side effects such as:

  • Muscle weakness in the injection area
  • Risk of allergy to ingredients contained in Botox
  • Headache, nausea, or vomiting
  • Pain or redness appears at the injection site

Before Botox injections , it is forbidden to consume alcohol or take aspirin

and anti-inflammatory, so that Botox can work optimally. After the injection, the patient is asked to remain upright and not move too much. For long-term treatment, it is recommended to inject Botox periodically so that wrinkles disappear and remain hidden. How are you interested?





Starting to slack? Take a peek at how to tighten Miss V again

Starting to slack? Take a peek at how to tighten Miss V again

Starting to slack? Take a peek at how to tighten Miss V again – Jakarta – Mothers who have given birth usually become less enthusiastic about having intimate relations with their husbands, because Miss V or the vagina is loose. Especially for mothers who choose to give birth naturally. But don’t give up just yet, try taking a look at the following ways to close the vagina again to increase the mother’s self-confidence when in bed.

Normal delivery or vaginal birth can make the mother’s vagina looser than before. This is because the mother’s pelvic muscles and vaginal muscles stretch when pushing the baby out, so the vagina becomes loose.

A loose vagina can reduce satisfaction in lovemaking because the pleasurable sensation of friction is reduced. Mothers will become less confident and have difficulty achieving orgasm while in bed.

According to Keith McNiven, director of Right Path Fitness, there are several simple exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles that help mothers restore vaginal size. This can certainly increase intimacy between mother and partner.

For this reason, do some simple exercises to tighten the vagina again , namely:

1. Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises are a simple exercise that can be done to tighten the size of the vagina again. Pelvic muscles are one of the muscles related to the rectum, vagina and urethra in the pelvis.

So, regularly doing Kegel exercises can tighten the pelvic muscles, one of which is the vaginal area. To do this, you can tighten your pelvic muscles for a few seconds, then release them for a few seconds. Do this movement 10 to 15 times 3 times a day. You can do this movement while lying down or standing.

2. Orgasm

Another way to close the vagina again is by having intercourse itself and the woman experiencing orgasm. During orgasm, the mother’s pelvic floor muscles are trained to contract and release. So, the mother’s pelvic floor muscles will get stronger if the mother has frequent orgasms. The stronger the pelvic floor muscles will also make it easier for the mother to reach orgasm .

3. Glute Bridge

This movement is one of the simple movements that can help mothers regain a tight vaginal size after giving birth. Mothers can do this movement starting by lying down on a non-slip mat. Lie down with your knees bent and apart.

Make sure your feet are on good ground and place your hands at your sides. Slowly lift your pelvis off the floor to form a bridge. Hold for a few seconds and repeat this movement several times each training session.

4. Thermiva

According to the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India, thermiva is one of the procedures used to re-close the vagina. This feminine care procedure uses radio frequency energy. This procedure is carried out by inserting a stick-shaped instrument the size of an index finger into the labia and vulva area of ​​the restorer tissue.

When inserted, the device is hot at a temperature of 42-45 degrees which increases blood vessels and stimulates collagen. Then, the radio frequency waves will heat the tissue and reactivate collagen in the vaginal area. The new collagen produced from radio frequency stimulation can help tighten the vagina .

However, it is better to discuss it first with a doctor when you want to carry out this thermiva procedure. Now asking expert doctors can be done anytime and anywhere via the Halodoc application .

5. Medicine Ball Sit Up

This movement is actually a regular sit up movement , but medicine ball sit ups are done while holding the ball with both hands. Apart from tightening the vagina, this simple exercise can be used to remove fat from the stomach so that mothers can have an ideal stomach size.

If you have other questions about your sex life , you can directly ask the experts at Halodoc . Come on, download the application now!

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How to Remove Armpit Hair Quickly and Safely

How to Remove Armpit Hair Quickly and Safely

How to Remove Armpit Hair Quickly and Safely – Everyone agrees that thick armpit hair is embarrassing and reduces self-confidence to the lowest level. Even though its location is hidden, the underarm area actually has a big impact on appearance. No need to worry, ladies . Starting from wet armpits to body odor that can disturb those around you can be resolved by removing armpit hair.

Most of the hair that grows in the middle of the armpit has a thicker and denser texture. If you shave too often, the hair that grows will usually get thicker. You can consider various safe ways to remove armpit hair permanently or temporarily. Here are the options:

1. Lasers

An armpit hair removal tool with laser technology is an option for those of you who want to get rid of armpit hair permanently. The laser system works by damaging the place where the hair comes out, namely the follicle. The use of this sophisticated tool can now not only be done by expert doctors. Several laser products are increasingly easy to find on the marketplace for use at home.

Laser treatment has been proven to be effective in reducing the growth of underarm hair. At least it makes the hair that grows back smoother and thinner. It can even stop growing altogether. This method is preferred because it does not cause blackness to appear in the armpits due to thick hair under the skin being visible due to frequent shaving.

Safe tips:

Always read the product instructions for use if you decide to buy this tool. Including the safe limit for use, how many weeks to wait before the next laser session, and other instructions for safe use. If you are not careful, there is a risk of injury or burns, ladies . So if you want to be safer, do this treatment in professional hands, okay?

2. Armpit Hair Removal Cream

Another method that you can choose is to use a special cream to remove annoying armpit hair. The way this cream works is by destroying the hair on the surface of the skin. Cream and loose hair can be rinsed easily.

This product works effectively only for outer hair. Meanwhile, the hair under the skin can still grow again. This cream is easy to use and practical for removing hair quickly.

Safe tips :

Some people think that this depilation cream contains harsh ingredients and can cause side effects such as redness or peeling. Always do a patch test before applying cream to the skin. Don’t rush to apply it to all underarm areas, just apply it to a small area to see if the cream works well without side effects.


3. Shaving

Shaving is the easiest and most practical option for removing armpit hair. However, the lost hair is only temporary and can grow back darker or even more numerous.

Shaving also requires special tricks so that the armpits don’t turn black. First, shave after taking a warm shower so that the skin and hair are soft.

Safe tips:

Shave with a good quality manual or electric shaver with sharp blades. Immediately replace dull razors. Apart from that, to prevent darkening of your armpits, do a light exfoliation to remove dead skin cells, then apply a special cream for shaving.


4. Remove armpit hair

Want more permanent results? You can choose to remove armpit hair from the roots. This method is effective because the duration of hair growth is longer. However, not everyone is able to endure the pain of plucking their armpits, especially as it takes quite a long time to remove the hairs one by one with a manual plucker.

Another solution for removing armpit hair is to use an epilator. This tool is indeed more expensive. However, the results are more optimal because the hair is removed more quickly from the roots, and the hair takes longer to grow.

Safe tips :

Always clean and maintain manual tweezers and epilators. This is to prevent the appearance of acne which is of course very painful if it appears in the armpit area.

5. Use deodorant or antiperspirant that is safe for underarms

Whatever method you choose that makes you comfortable, make sure you know the safe and effective way to remove armpit hair. One important factor in dealing with dark underarms due to hair removal is using the right deodorant.

Dove Ultimate Repair Deodorant Antiperspirant 40 ml roll on packaging can be a solution so that you remain confident with a natural underarm color that matches your skin tone . You are also free from the problem of dark spots and uneven underarm color due to the shaving process. Enriched with Vitamin B3, ¼ Moisturizing Cream , and 0% alcohol from Dove Ultimate Repair helps keep underarms protected for 48 hours. Increase your self-confidence with underarm skin color that is even, free of body odor, and smells good all day long.

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