Starting to slack? Take a peek at how to tighten Miss V again

Starting to slack? Take a peek at how to tighten Miss V again

Starting to slack? Take a peek at how to tighten Miss V again

Starting to slack? Take a peek at how to tighten Miss V again – Jakarta – Mothers who have given birth usually become less enthusiastic about having intimate relations with their husbands, because Miss V or the vagina is loose. Especially for mothers who choose to give birth naturally. But don’t give up just yet, try taking a look at the following ways to close the vagina again to increase the mother’s self-confidence when in bed.

Normal delivery or vaginal birth can make the mother’s vagina looser than before. This is because the mother’s pelvic muscles and vaginal muscles stretch when pushing the baby out, so the vagina becomes loose.

A loose vagina can reduce satisfaction in lovemaking because the pleasurable sensation of friction is reduced. Mothers will become less confident and have difficulty achieving orgasm while in bed.

According to Keith McNiven, director of Right Path Fitness, there are several simple exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles that help mothers restore vaginal size. This can certainly increase intimacy between mother and partner.

For this reason, do some simple exercises to tighten the vagina again , namely:

1. Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises are a simple exercise that can be done to tighten the size of the vagina again. Pelvic muscles are one of the muscles related to the rectum, vagina and urethra in the pelvis.

So, regularly doing Kegel exercises can tighten the pelvic muscles, one of which is the vaginal area. To do this, you can tighten your pelvic muscles for a few seconds, then release them for a few seconds. Do this movement 10 to 15 times 3 times a day. You can do this movement while lying down or standing.

2. Orgasm

Another way to close the vagina again is by having intercourse itself and the woman experiencing orgasm. During orgasm, the mother’s pelvic floor muscles are trained to contract and release. So, the mother’s pelvic floor muscles will get stronger if the mother has frequent orgasms. The stronger the pelvic floor muscles will also make it easier for the mother to reach orgasm .

3. Glute Bridge

This movement is one of the simple movements that can help mothers regain a tight vaginal size after giving birth. Mothers can do this movement starting by lying down on a non-slip mat. Lie down with your knees bent and apart.

Make sure your feet are on good ground and place your hands at your sides. Slowly lift your pelvis off the floor to form a bridge. Hold for a few seconds and repeat this movement several times each training session.

4. Thermiva

According to the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India, thermiva is one of the procedures used to re-close the vagina. This feminine care procedure uses radio frequency energy. This procedure is carried out by inserting a stick-shaped instrument the size of an index finger into the labia and vulva area of ​​the restorer tissue.

When inserted, the device is hot at a temperature of 42-45 degrees which increases blood vessels and stimulates collagen. Then, the radio frequency waves will heat the tissue and reactivate collagen in the vaginal area. The new collagen produced from radio frequency stimulation can help tighten the vagina .

However, it is better to discuss it first with a doctor when you want to carry out this thermiva procedure. Now asking expert doctors can be done anytime and anywhere via the Halodoc application .

5. Medicine Ball Sit Up

This movement is actually a regular sit up movement , but medicine ball sit ups are done while holding the ball with both hands. Apart from tightening the vagina, this simple exercise can be used to remove fat from the stomach so that mothers can have an ideal stomach size.

If you have other questions about your sex life , you can directly ask the experts at Halodoc . Come on, download the application now!

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