It turns out to be easy, here are 4 ways to get rid of scars on your feet

It turns out to be easy, here are 4 ways to get rid of scars on your feet

It turns out to be easy, here are 4 ways to get rid of scars on your feet

It turns out to be easy, here are 4 ways to get rid of scars on your feet“The best way to reduce the appearance of scars on the feet is to care for the wounds properly. However, if there are already scars, you can get rid of them by using essential oils, massage, or even laser therapy.”

Jakarta – Scars on the legs are certainly very disturbing to your appearance. However, scars on the feet are a natural part of wound healing. Most scars are difficult to completely remove. The good news is, there are ways to get rid of scars on your feet that can help reduce their appearance.

So, how do you do it? Check out the following review!

How to Get Rid of Scars on Your Feet

The best way to reduce the appearance of scars on your feet is to care for the wounds properly. Wound care can help prevent scarring. Scars on the feet that are not too serious can be treated at home. Your doctor may recommend home remedies along with medical treatment.

Here are some ways to get rid of scars on your feet:

Applying Essential Oils

Essential oils can help improve the appearance of scars. Some essential oils can encourage skin cells in the affected area to grow. Essential oils commonly used to treat scars on the feet are:

  • Lavender oil.
  • Tea tree oil.
  • Frankincense oil.
  • Rosehip seed oil.
  • Vitamin E oil
  • Coconut oil.
  • Almond oil.


Massage can help heal scar tissue by softening or flattening it. Massage also helps scar tissue from sticking to blood vessels, tendons, muscles, nerves and bones. You can get a professional massage, or ask your doctor about good techniques and try it yourself.


Exfoliating scars can help remove them by removing dead skin cells. To do so:

  • Use an exfoliating cleanser.
  • Once peeling occurs, dry the area and apply moisturizer.
  • Exfoliate every three days.

Doctor’s Actions

If the scar looks severe and is difficult to treat with home remedies, it is best to visit a dermatologist or esthetician. Some treatment options that can be given include:

  • Laser therapy . This treatment uses focused rays to remove damaged skin.
  • Corticosteroid injections . This injection is placed directly into the scar to reduce its size.
  • Wound surgery . Surgical treatment is usually used as a last resort.

If you feel you need to immediately remove scars on your feet, ask a doctor on the Halodoc application first about appropriate treatment according to the type of scar. Then you may be directed to get treatment according to the doctor’s advice at the hospital. Come on, download the Halodoc application now!

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