It turns out to be easy, here are 4 ways to get rid of scars on your feet

It turns out to be easy, here are 4 ways to get rid of scars on your feet

It turns out to be easy, here are 4 ways to get rid of scars on your feet“The best way to reduce the appearance of scars on the feet is to care for the wounds properly. However, if there are already scars, you can get rid of them by using essential oils, massage, or even laser therapy.”

Jakarta – Scars on the legs are certainly very disturbing to your appearance. However, scars on the feet are a natural part of wound healing. Most scars are difficult to completely remove. The good news is, there are ways to get rid of scars on your feet that can help reduce their appearance.

So, how do you do it? Check out the following review!

How to Get Rid of Scars on Your Feet

The best way to reduce the appearance of scars on your feet is to care for the wounds properly. Wound care can help prevent scarring. Scars on the feet that are not too serious can be treated at home. Your doctor may recommend home remedies along with medical treatment.

Here are some ways to get rid of scars on your feet:

Applying Essential Oils

Essential oils can help improve the appearance of scars. Some essential oils can encourage skin cells in the affected area to grow. Essential oils commonly used to treat scars on the feet are:

  • Lavender oil.
  • Tea tree oil.
  • Frankincense oil.
  • Rosehip seed oil.
  • Vitamin E oil
  • Coconut oil.
  • Almond oil.


Massage can help heal scar tissue by softening or flattening it. Massage also helps scar tissue from sticking to blood vessels, tendons, muscles, nerves and bones. You can get a professional massage, or ask your doctor about good techniques and try it yourself.


Exfoliating scars can help remove them by removing dead skin cells. To do so:

  • Use an exfoliating cleanser.
  • Once peeling occurs, dry the area and apply moisturizer.
  • Exfoliate every three days.

Doctor’s Actions

If the scar looks severe and is difficult to treat with home remedies, it is best to visit a dermatologist or esthetician. Some treatment options that can be given include:

  • Laser therapy . This treatment uses focused rays to remove damaged skin.
  • Corticosteroid injections . This injection is placed directly into the scar to reduce its size.
  • Wound surgery . Surgical treatment is usually used as a last resort.

If you feel you need to immediately remove scars on your feet, ask a doctor on the Halodoc application first about appropriate treatment according to the type of scar. Then you may be directed to get treatment according to the doctor’s advice at the hospital. Come on, download the Halodoc application now!

How to Get Rid of Dark Eye Bags Permanently

How to Get Rid of Dark Eye Bags Permanently

Although black eye bags can be disguised with make-up, this will not last long. Therefore, you need the following way to permanently remove black eye bags.

Don’t often stay up late

Apart from being bad for your health, the habit of staying up late will also cause black spots under your eyes. This happens because when you stay up late, your eyes work twice as hard as usual, causing a feeling of tiredness which triggers black eye bags to appear.

Enough sleep

In adults, a good amount of sleep is 7-8 hours a day. With enough sleep, body cell regeneration will be maximized so there is little chance of black eye bags appearing. Water Water can also be a way to get rid of dark eye bags.

Drink water

which is enough to prevent the skin from dehydration. So, the body that was tired becomes fresher. It is recommended to consume 8 glasses of water a day.

How to Get Rid of Black Eye Bags

Dark eye bags are caused by several factors, including lack of sleep, staring at the screen too often, smoking habits, and drinking alcohol. No need for special treatment at a beauty salon, just do the following to get rid of black eye bags.

How to remove black eye bags with olive oil
The Vitamin E content in olive oil can tighten the skin around the eyes. Vitamin K can also produce collagen which can eliminate black eye bags.

  • The method:
  • Washing face
  • Apply olive oil under the eyes
  • Leave it until it absorbs into the skin
  • the next day rinse until clean.
  • How to remove black eye bags with baby oil
  • How you can use baby oil to remove black eye bags. This is because
  • baby oil can nourish the skin, including the area under the eyes, and make it soft.

The method:

  • Pour a few drops of baby oil into the palm of your hand
  • Apply and massage gently in the area around the eyes
  • let it sit for a while
  • Clean the oil using a tissue.

How to remove black eye bags with sweet almond oil
The next way to get rid of black eye bags is with sweet almond oil . The vitamin E contained acts as an emollient to keep the under eye area soft and supple. Massage the area under the eyes with sweet almond oil , leave it overnight and clean it the next day.

How to Get Rid of Black Eye Bags Quickly

Black eye bags will certainly disturb your appearance, especially when you want to leave the house. Therefore, you need a way to get rid of black eye bags quickly.

How to remove black eye bags with a spoon
Even though it sounds strange, this method can get rid of your eye bags quickly.

The method:

  • prepare two tablespoons.
  • Put the two spoons in the freezer
  • let stand until cold
  • Once cool, stick the convex part of the spoon on the lower eyelid
  • Leave it for a few moments then do circular movements using the spoon until the cold feeling of the spoon disappears.

How to remove black eye bags with ice cubes

The next way to get rid of black eye bags is to use ice cubes. Ice cubes have proven to be very effective in removing dark eye bags quickly. The cool feeling of ice cubes helps control inflammation in the under-eye area. This method is almost the same as the previous method. You simply wrap the ice cubes in a clean cloth then compress it on your eyes for about 10 minutes.

How to Get Rid of Black Eye Bags Naturally


Cucumbers contain vitamin C, vitamin K and folic acid which are believed to be a way to get rid of dark eye bags naturally. The method is to simply cut the cucumber not too thickly, then place it on the eye area and let it sit for 15 minutes. You can put the cucumber in the refrigerator for a while to make it fresher.

Tea bag

The caffeine contained in tea can be a way to get rid of dark eye bags naturally. How to use it: soak two tea bags for five minutes, then apply to the eyes and cover with a cloth. Leave it for 30 minutes until the eye bags look smaller.


Tomatoes can also be a way to get rid of dark eye bags because they contain light and gentle citric acid. Simply place tomato slices under your eyes until absorbed. Once finished, clean using cold water.


Lemon is a powerful natural whitening agent, which can brighten the skin under the eyes. Squeeze half a lemon and use a cotton ball to apply to the eyes. Let it dry then clean it.





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Definition, Benefits and Tips for Choosing a Moisturizer

Definition, Benefits and Tips for Choosing a Moisturizer

Benefits of Moisturizer – Currently the world of skincare has experienced very rapid development, there are lots of skincare products that use a variety of unique ingredients with a million benefits. Apart from that, skincare brands are increasingly detailing customer needs and separating each skincare function. Examples include serum, toner and moisturizer .

Does Grameds understand what the use of moisturizer is ? Moisturizer is a moisturizer that has many benefits for the skin. However, moisturizers also have different functions and benefits. To make it clearer, see the following explanation about moisturizers .

Understanding Moisturizer

In general, a moisturizer is a moisturizer, namely a lotion or cream that is used on the skin and its function is to prevent and treat dry skin problems. Moisturizer is not only needed by people who have dry skin, but is also needed by all skin types, both normal and oily.

Some people are sometimes reluctant to use moisturizer, because moisturizer is considered to be one of the causes of increasingly oily skin. However, this assumption is wrong because if Grameds can choose the right moisturizer , then the moisturizer will nourish Grameds’ oily skin well.

Even though in general moisturizers and moisturizers are the same skincare product , along with the development of skincare products, many skincare brands are starting to differentiate the functions of moisturizers and skincare .

So, moisturizer and moisturizer are different skincare products and have different functions. Basically, a moisturizer is a skincare product that focuses more on its function as a moisturizer or ‘locker’ as well as a moisturizer. Apart from that, both also have the same shape and texture. Confused? Check out the following explanation of the differences between moisturizer and moisturizer !

Difference between Moisturizer and Humidifier

Moisturizers and moisturizers have the same packaging form, usually in the form of a tube or a special container, apart from that, they both also have the same texture, such as gel, cream and lotion. Apart from that, moisturizers and moisturizers generally have the same function, namely to moisturize facial skin, so that the skin will feel softer.

So what is the difference between moisturizer and moisturizer? Basically, the basic difference between moisturizer and moisturizer is in terms of benefits.

Moisturizers generally work by hydrating the skin, so that the skin will become moist and can maintain moisture in the skin, so that it does not disappear easily by retaining the water content in the layers of the skin.

Therefore, the benefits of moisturizer will be felt more by Grameds who have dehydrated facial skin types. Because dehydrated skin needs skincare products that can hydrate and maintain skin moisture at the same time.

The benefits of this moisturizer are certainly different from the benefits of moisturizer. Moisturizer has the benefit of maintaining the natural moisture that already exists in the skin. In simple terms, this moisturizer actually has almost the same function as a skin barrier, namely to protect the skin from environmental aggressors and prevent the water content in the skin layer from evaporating through the pores.

How does humidifier work? The method is to form a report on the surface of the skin which has the function of preventing water from evaporating as well as protecting the skin. This layer also fills gaps and cracks in the layers of skin cells, so that the texture of facial skin becomes smoother and softer and can reduce itching on the skin.

The difference between moisturizer and other moisturizers is that moisturizer can help overcome skin problems such as dull skin, remove blemishes, disguise wrinkles, treat acne and others. Moisturizers , in general, do not have these benefits because moisturizers focus more on providing hydration and moisturizing the skin.

Benefits of Moisturizer

Even though a moisturizer doesn’t sound like it has as many benefits as a moisturizer, using a moisturizer at the Grameds skincare stage is important, because using a moisturizer will help restore keratin protein to facial skin. So that the skin is maintained, remains moist, smooth and healthy.

By regularly using moisturizer , the skin pH that is lost when washing your face returns. Apart from that, there are other benefits for skin health when using moisturizer regularly. Check out the explanation below.

1. Maintain skin moisture

In accordance with the main function of a moisturizer , namely as skincare that maintains moisture or provides moisture to the skin, the first and most important benefit of a moisturizer is to maintain skin moisture.

Moisturizer provides sufficient hydration to the outermost layer of facial skin, and is useful for protecting the deeper layers of skin from damage due to various things.

2. Nourish the skin

Apart from providing hydration and maintaining skin moisture, moisturizer is also useful for nourishing the skin. In general, certain skincare brands have added several ingredients that can nourish the skin. Examples include vitamins, antioxidants and even SPF which is useful for tightening the skin from damaging UVA or UVB rays and protecting the skin from sun exposure.

3. Prevents the emergence of various skin problems

By regularly using moisturizer , the skin’s pH will become more balanced, thus preventing Grameds from dry skin and oily skin problems. If Grameds has an oily skin type, then Grameds skin will more easily get acne, if Grameds skin is dry, then Grameds can look older and dull. Therefore, whatever your skin type, Grameds need to prevent all skin problems by regularly using moisturizer .

4. Disguise blemishes on the face

If Grameds has skin problems in the form of black spots on the face, whether due to acne scars or signs of aging, Grameds can get rid of those annoying black spots by regularly using moisturizer .

Apart from being able to disguise black spots on the face, moisturizer is also useful for evening out the color and texture of facial skin. However, this benefit is a little tricky , because Grameds must be smart in choosing a moisturizer that has ingredients that suit Grameds’ skin problems.

For example, if Grameds wants to disguise blemishes on the face due to aging, then Grameds can choose a moisturizer that contains retinol or vitamin C.

5. Makes skin more youthful

Who doesn’t want to look youthful, without wrinkles and smooth? If you want to look youthful, then moisturizer is the key! As previously explained, dry skin that doesn’t get enough nutrition or hydration can cause the skin to become dehydrated.

So what’s the effect? Grameds will have signs of skin aging appearing earlier. Examples include fine lines on the forehead, smile lines , wrinkles, or even dry patches and spots. Apart from that, skin that is dry and dehydrated usually tends to look dull.

Therefore, a moisturizer which has the main benefit of maintaining skin hydration and providing moisture can also overcome skin problems that cause aging and inhibit aging. So, if Grameds often watches Korean dramas, Grameds certainly knows that Korean actresses tend to look more youthful and one of their secrets is diligently using moisturizer with the right ingredients according to their skin type!

6. Brightens facial skin color

The final benefit of moisturizer is that it can brighten facial skin color. Because of this one benefit, moisturizers are able to even out patchy skin color.

By using moisturizer regularly, Grameds’ facial skin will look healthier, fresher and brighter. Apart from that, currently there are many moisturizers that have been formulated with ingredients that will make facial skin brighter.

Types of Moisturizers

When choosing a moisturizer , Grameds needs to adjust it to your skin type and it must be adjusted to Grameds’ skin type and skin problems, so that Grameds gets maximum treatment results. The types of moisturizers have been adapted to their function, including moisturizers for oily, dry skin and moisturizers for combination skin.

The types of moisturizers are also distinguished by the composition they contain and the texture of the moisturizer. The following is a further explanation regarding the types of moisturizers .

1. Moisturizer for oily skin

For Grameds who have an oily skin type, Grameds must use a moisturizer that does not contain oil or is oil free and a moisturizer that has a water based or gel texture, so that it does not feel heavy and makes the skin even more oily. Grameds can have moisturizers that contain tea tree, AHA or other ingredients that are known to prevent acne.

2. Moisturizer for Dry Skin

Dry skin types basically need a moisturizer that has a lotion or cream texture, so that it can moisturize the skin and prevent the skin from becoming dehydrated. Therefore, Grameds with dry skin types can choose a moisturizer that has a heavier texture, so that the skin can be well hydrated.

Grameds can use a moisturizer that contains oil based to keep the skin moist. Apart from that, Grameds can also use a water based moisturizer if you want to add hydration but don’t like the feeling of a heavy moisturizer on the skin.

3. Moisturizer for Combination Skin

The third type of moisturizer is a moisturizer that can be used by someone who has combination skin. In general, someone who has a combination skin type can use a type of moisturizer that has a gel texture on the t zone of the face and a moisturizer with a lotion texture on the u zone of the face.

Grameds can choose a moisturizer for combination skin that contains antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, ceramide, hyaluronic acid and so on.

4. Moisturizer for Normal Skin

The last type of moisturizer is a moisturizer that is good for Grameds who have normal skin. If you have normal skin, Grameds will find it easier to determine the texture or composition of the moisturizer . Because, in general, normal skin types tend not to have many skin problems.

Focus on what type of care Grameds wants to achieve. For example, Grameds wants their face to look brighter, so Grameds can choose a moisturizer that is liquid or contains non-comedogenic ingredients so it doesn’t clog pores, as well as ingredients that can brighten the skin, such as niacinamide.

Tips for Choosing a Moisturizer

After knowing the types of moisturizers , Grameds also need to know tips for choosing a moisturizer . Well, the first key is that Grameds must know Grameds’ skin type first. If you know Gramed’s skin type, it will be easier for Gramed to choose a moisturizer according to your skin’s needs.

  1. Choose a moisturizer that contains SPF, so that the skin can be protected from exposure to sunlight, especially ultraviolet rays such as UVA and UVB which can accelerate premature aging.
  2. Choose a moisturizer that contains antioxidants to ward off free radicals and prevent damage to skin cells.
  3. Adjust the moisturizer to the needs and condition of Grameds’ skin. If Grameds has an oily skin type, then choose a special moisturizer for oily skin.
  4. Avoid choosing a moisturizer that has fragrance ingredients, because this can pose a risk of skin irritation, especially if Grameds has a sensitive skin type
  5. For Grameds who have oily skin, it is better to choose a moisturizer that contains light basic ingredients.
  6. If Grameds has a dry skin type, then Grameds can choose a moisturizer that has a high level of protection and contains ceramides in it.
  7. If Grameds has a sensitive skin type, then Grameds can choose a moisturizer that is gentler and does not contain fragrance, or not choose an exfoliating moisturizer with a high concentration of exfoliate content because it can cause irritation.

How to Use Moisturizer Correctly

In order to get maximum treatment results, apart from being smart in choosing the type of moisturizer according to your condition and skin type, Grameds also need to know the correct way to use moisturizer.

  1. Clean the skin with cleanser, double cleansing is better. Before using moisturizer, Grameds must ensure that the skin is clean from makeup and dirt that sticks to it after a day of activities. Using toner. After washing your face and double cleansing , Grameds’ facial skin will definitely dry out and the skin’s pH will change. So to normalize and make the moisturizer work more effectively, Grameds can use toner first.
  2. Apply moisturizer . If you don’t have serum or are not used to using serum as a skincare step , then Grameds can directly use moisturizer .
    The way to do this is to take enough moisturizer around a grain of corn, then rub it on your face evenly. Spread the moisturizer from the outer part of the face to the center in a circular motion, then move to the middle of the chin and massage the face slowly.
  3. If you spread the moisturizer in the opposite direction, namely from nose to ear, it will leave moisturizer residue around the hairline.
    So there is concern that the moisturizer that Grameds uses will actually accumulate and clog pores and cause lots of pimples and blackheads to appear on that area of ​​the face.
  4. Don’t forget, use moisturizer on the neck! Don’t take it lightly, the skin on the neck also needs attention so that wrinkles don’t appear quickly. Use enough moisturizer on your face, then take another corn kernel of moisturizer and apply it to your neck.

Now we know that a moisturizer is a moisturizer that has different textures and benefits depending on skin type. If Grameds is interested in skincare , including the ingredients in it, benefits, types and the correct steps in using skincare , Grameds can find out more by reading books related to skincare on so that you have information #MoreByReading.

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How to Treat Acne Correctly Medically

How to Treat Acne Correctly Medically

Knowing how to treat acne correctly according to medical recommendations will determine how quickly you will be free from acne.

Mistakes in how to treat acne can cause the face to be full of pus, boils, blemishes or pockmarks and even serious infections that require hospital treatment.

For this reason, treating acne cannot be done carelessly so that the scars can disappear. This is because acne is a disorder that is influenced by many interrelated factors.

MIKA friends, let’s look at several ways to deal with acne in the following article.

Get to know the factors that cause acne

Acne is a skin disorder caused by blockage of the fat glands (sebaceous glands).

Usually, acne will appear on the face, neck, upper chest, back and upper arms. This disorder often affects teenagers and sometimes adults. The appearance of acne is triggered by several factors such as:

  1. Genetic or hereditary factors
  2. Hormonal factors, the hormones that play a role in causing acne are androgen hormones. For this reason, acne is often suffered by teenagers whose hormonal functions are starting to work actively, as well as before and after menstruation.
  3. Cosmetics, especially those with high fat content such as moisturizers , night creams , and foundations as well as the use of scrubs often worsen this disorder.
  4. Foods that contain a lot of fat such as nuts, chocolate, butter, cheese, fried foods, goat meat, pork, foods that contain lots of spices such as chili sauce, foods with coconut milk, as well as durian fruit, mango, avocado, jackfruit, and so on.
  5. Poor facial hygiene
  6. Lack of sleep or lack of rest
  7. Stress, anxiety, anxiety, worrying too much.
  8. Difficulty defecating
  9. Frequently holding, squeezing, or rubbing acne. The more often you touch or squeeze, the bigger, worse the acne will get, and can leave very ugly blemishes in the form of pockmarks or keloids.
  10. Rubbing hair or using a towel roughly.

All of these factors cannot be eliminated directly in a short time and not all of these factors can be eliminated completely. Therefore, acne treatment cannot achieve maximum results in a short time and is sustainable.

How to deal with acne properly

When acne appears, MIKA Friends can take several steps to overcome it. Here are the steps to treat acne properly:

a. Clean your face regularly

The first thing that MIKA Friends must do as a step to prevent acne recurrence and overcome it is to always maintain regular facial cleanliness.

Even though the acne has healed, MIKA friends still have to make sure they clean their face properly and well continuously.

b. Don’t squeeze pimples

Next, you have to make sure you avoid all the factors that cause acne. To cure and remove acne, MIKA Friends are prohibited from holding, squeezing or rubbing acne.

If these activities are carried out, it will trigger secondary infections which often result in complications in the form of blemishes and blemishes, pockmarks or keloids.

c. Reduce the use of skincare with high fat content

As mentioned before, cosmetics or skincare that have high levels of fat are the cause of acne.

Many skin and venereal specialists recommend the next way to deal with acne, namely by reducing or avoiding the use of skincare or cosmetics with a high fat content. Usually this fat content is found in moisturizers, day cream, night cream, foundation, cleansing cream.

This will result in blockage of pores. MIKA friends are also not advised to use scrubs too often because it will damage facial skin and make it easier for secondary infections to occur which will make acne worse

d. Wash your face properly

There are several rules for cleaning your face properly to avoid the risk of acne, including avoiding the use of antiseptic soap or medicated soap . Generally, this soap will often cause skin irritation

Apart from that, MIKA Friends are also not recommended to clean or wash their face with hot water.

e. Use acne medication

If it turns out that acne triggers pockmarks, then MIKA Friends can buy topical acne medication at the pharmacy or one that has been recommended by a doctor.

If this method of dealing with acne doesn’t work, chemical peeling can be done by an experienced skin and genital health specialist.

e. Other ways to get rid of acne

Finally, you can do several activities to prevent acne from recurring, namely:

Avoid doing activities including exercise under hot sunlight which can make acne worse

  • Avoid foods that contain lots of fat
  • Manage stress and get enough rest
  • Try to have regular bowel movements every day
  • Eat foods with low fat content such as beef, fish, chicken, non-fat milk,
  • steamed or boiled and eat lots of vegetables and fruit.
  • If the acne has healed, maintenance efforts need to be made to prevent
  • recurrence according to the doctor’s instructions.

Consult with a skin and genital health specialist

There are many cases of acne causing facial skin to become damaged such as blemishes or spots and blemishes or pockmarks due to wrong treatment. Among the acne treatments above, the best way to deal with it is to visit a skin health specialist.

The doctor will perform a procedure to remove the blockage of the sebaceous glands, such as giving medicine that can exfoliate the dirty skin.

This skin peeling process aims to remove dead skin cells, so that it can remove the blockage of the sebaceous glands which is the root cause of acne, as well as remove the dullness of the face so that the face becomes bright and clean.

This skin exfoliation process does not always result in thinning of the skin if it is carried out under the supervision of a skin and genital health specialist.

Interested in having a consultation to treat and get rid of acne? Meet the best Skin and Venereology Specialist doctor at Mitra Keluarga!

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Having beautiful and healthy hair is everyone’s dream, especially women. So, it is not surprising that many people are willing to take special care to get beautiful hair. Hair care is necessary to avoid damage and keep the scalp clean so that it is free from problems such as dandruff or excess oil. Because each person has a different type and type of hair, the way to care for hair that needs to be done is also different. If you do the wrong care method, it is not impossible that your hair will actually become problematic. In this article, you will find how to care for curly hair, how to care for dry and frizzy hair, etc. Come on, take a look!

How to care for hair according to type

1. How to Care for Curly Hair

It can be said that caring for curly hair requires more attention than straight hair. Apart from being more difficult to manage, curly hair also tends to break and fall out more easily. This is caused by the natural condition of curly hair which has a flat surface on each strand. This flat, twisting shape means that curly hair is more easily damaged, so it requires proper care to keep it well maintained. If you have curly hair, here are some ways to care for your hair that you need to know!

Get into the habit of washing your hair regularly. Use shampoo with a composition of argan oil and vitamin E. This is because these ingredients are effective in making hair smoother. This is very necessary for curly hair which is prone to having a rough texture.
Use a conditioner that contains vitamins and protein. Both function to strengthen hair strands so they don’t break easily and fall out. Considering that curly hair is more prone to breakage, this kind of conditioner is clearly needed.
Every two times a week, you should give hair vitamins. Vitamins are good additional nutrients to keep your curly hair healthy and soft. You can apply vitamins when your hair is clean, namely after shampooing.
The final step is to comb your hair when it is wet after shampooing. This is to avoid tangled hair and it will be difficult to tidy up when the hair is dry. Apart from that, combing curly hair is also necessary when you wake up. Use a comb with wide teeth to make it easier for you to comb curly hair.

2. How to Care for Straight Hair

For those of you who have straight hair, the hair care you need to do can actually be said to be easier. Because straight hair generally tends to be easier to manage and style. However, if you are not careful about maintaining its condition, straight hair is also prone to looking unkempt. Because the texture tends to lack volume, straight hair is very easy to look frizzy. That’s why, there are several special ways to care for straight hair that you need to pay attention to.

On the one hand, those with straight hair are blessed with hair that is easy to style and manage. However, on the other hand, dirty straight hair also very easily looks oily or limp. For this reason, those of you who have straight hair must be very diligent in maintaining the cleanliness of your hair, one of which is by washing your hair at least once every two days. By shampooing, oil production which makes hair limp can be controlled.
Conditioner is a must . One of the disadvantages that straight hair owners have to face is that it easily looks rough and frizzy. That’s why, one way to care for your hair that you must do is not to leave out the use of conditioner. The vitamin and protein content in conditioner will help your straight hair remain manageable and smooth. Always use conditioner after shampooing, OK?
Even though at first glance straight hair looks easy to manage, that doesn’t mean you neglect combing your hair. Because, even though it is easy to style, straight hair also gets tangled and messy easily. Exposure to wind or just a little activity can make your straight hair look sloppy. So, make it a habit to keep combing your hair, especially before doing activities. It is recommended that you use a comb with solid teeth so as not to damage your hair.

How to care for hair according to type

In general, human hair types are divided into three categories, namely normal, oily, and dry and fluffy hair. The way you care for your hair must also be adapted to these types, because the problems and treatment required for each hair type are also very different. So, what is the correct way to care for your hair according to your hair type?

1. How to Care for Normal Hair

Normal hair type is characterized by minimal hair problems or damage. Your hair can be said to be normal if it doesn’t experience problems such as hair loss or dandruff. Because normal hair is basically in a healthy condition, the care required is not too complex. You only need to use a shampoo that functions to actively clean and protect, so that the health of your normal hair is maintained. Apart from that, consume foods in the form of fruit and vegetables that contain lots of vitamins to further maintain the health of your hair.

So that your normal, very healthy hair avoids damage, it’s also a good idea to avoid hair styling processes that involve chemicals, for example bleaching or hair coloring.

2. How to care for curly and frizzy hair

One of the most common hair problems, especially among women, is dry and frizzy hair. Dry hair conditions cause hair to break and tangle more easily. This certainly disturbs your appearance. Dry hair can be caused by excessive exposure to sunlight and chemicals. Recognizable signs of dry hair are hair falling out, breaking easily and feeling rough.

To overcome the problem of dry and frizzy hair, you can choose a shampoo that contains keratin such as TRESemmé Keratin Smooth Conditioner & Shampoo which contains a salon quality formula with Hydrolyzed Keratin and Micro Smoothing Particles which can absorb deeply up to 10 layers of hair. Not only that, TRESemmé Keratin Smooth provides long-lasting, salon-quality soft hair (up to 48 hours) every day.

3. How to care for oily hair

The next hair type is oily hair. Oily hair is caused by excess oil production in the scalp glands. Excess oil production can cause dandruff and lead to hair loss. The characteristics of oily hair are that the hair always looks dull, limp, and often feels itchy.

To care for oily hair, wash your hair regularly using shampoo containing the active ingredients ZPTO and tea tree oil . Not only that, you can also make your own natural hair mask, for example an avocado or aloe vera mask. Also avoid consuming foods that contain high levels of sugar and oil, such as fried foods and foods containing coconut milk. Because these two foods can trigger the glands to produce more oil.

Caring for your hair based on its type and type is indeed difficult and easy to do. You can make a natural hair mask that is full of benefits, but this will of course take a lot of time and energy. Instead, efforts to care for your hair can be done by choosing hair care products that have been designed for various types and types of hair.

For those of you who have straight or curly hair, for example, you can choose TRESemmé Keratin Smooth shampoo and conditioner which is equipped with a salon quality formula with Hydrolized Keratin and Micro Smoothing Particles which can absorb deeply up to 10 layers of hair. You can also get this benefit if you have frizzy hair, because it makes your hair soft and long-lasting, salon style!

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