5 Ways to Take Care of Your Face in the Style of Japanese Women that You Must Emulate

The beauty of Japanese women’s facial skin is an attraction that cannot be denied. Healthy, white skin and looking much younger than her real age, makes many women look for the secret of how to care for Japanese women’s faces. From various sources, it has been revealed that the beauty of Japanese women’s facial skin is not achieved instantly. But after going through a series of facial treatments, which of course must be done regularly, and also for a long time. For those who are curious about the various treatments in question, here are five ways to care for a Japanese girl’s face that ladies need to emulate.

1. Basic Facial Cleansing Stages
Japanese women believe that ensuring clean facial skin is one thing
It’s important to take care of this before doing any other series of facial treatments. If pores
not clean, then other treatments will not be absorbed properly into the skin.
They usually start cleaning their face by using cleansing oil.

Followed by washing your face with soap which can remove oil and dust
on the face. And the final stage is using toner, but in Japan, in the form of
lotion​. After that, they continue with various skin care treatments according to the instructions

2. Masks are a Must
The face masks recommended by Japanese women are sheet masks. The reason is because this sheet mask previously contained many nutrients that facial skin needed and transferred them effectively to the face, just by attaching them. Can be used daily or even whenever needed to freshen facial skin. Using this type of mask is also believed to help soothe facial skin.

3. Using serum
Serum helps overcome facial problems, according to skin type. There are serums that are used to tighten the skin, or to keep the skin hydrated. There are also those who use serum as a way to whiten their face. These various serums are usually included in daily facial care steps.

4. Memijat wajah
Massaging the face is something that Japanese women do naturally. “Massaging your face is not just touching it with your fingertips, but actually massaging it with your full hands,” said Megumi Setoguchi, from Koh Gen Do, as reported by Teenvogue. One well-known technique is the Chizu Saeki massage, namely circular movements when massaging the face, and tapping the chin before starting the massage. This massage is believed to help rejuvenate skin cells.

5. Don’t forget natural ingredients
Soaked and mashed rice is used to exfoliate the skin, which is one of the secrets to the beauty of Japanese women’s facial skin. Or green tea, which has been clinically proven to have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, is widely consumed for healthy skin. Seaweed can also be consumed with benefits that are believed to slow aging and help detoxification.

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How to Brighten Your Face Naturally


For some people, having a white face is a dream. But the natural color of facial skin is related to genetics. People who are genetically dark or brown-skinned, like most Indonesians, will not be able to have faces as white as Westerners or Koreans. Therefore, the natural way to brighten your face discussed in this article does not specifically refer to the color white, but rather to how to have a clean, bright and healthy face.

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Natural Ingredients to Brighten the Face

Indonesia can be said to be a storehouse of natural medicines, including those for brightening the face. There are many types of herbs, fruit and vegetables with ingredients that are useful for brightening the face and can be obtained easily. Here are some of them:

1. Tomato
Tomatoes contain lycopene which can protect the skin from sun exposure and help reduce dark color caused by sunlight quickly.

2. Lemons
Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C which has been proven to be effective in reducing spots and black spots on the face.

3. Turmeric
Turmeric contains powerful curcumin as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Curcumin can get rid of dangerous free radicals that can damage the skin. Curcumin can also increase collagen production and keep skin elastic and bright.

4. Papaya
This tropical fruit contains enzymes that function as a mild exfoliator that can gently exfoliate the top layer of dead skin cells on the face so that the skin looks more radiant.

5. Honey
Honey is a natural moisturizer that can keep the skin hydrated. Honey can also disguise black spots on the skin.

6. Roses
Soaking roses can make skin firmer and relieve skin irritation while keeping facial skin moist.

7. Besan flour
Besan flour or (gram flour) is an effective exfoliator for dead skin cells and does not cause irritation or injury. With the regeneration of new cells, the skin will appear brighter.

8. Young coconut water
Young coconut water has antifungal and antibacterial properties which are useful as a facial brightener.

9. Coconut oil
For dull skin coconut oil can lock in skin moisture and nourish it with essential fatty acids.

10. Aloe vera
Aloe vera gel is able to maintain health and heal injured skin, making the skin look younger and brighter naturally.

How to Lighten Skin Naturally

If you have the ingredients mentioned above, you can try using them to brighten your face or brighten your face naturally. You can use them separately or mix several ingredients together for better results.

Among these ingredients, the one most often mixed is honey. For example, mix half to one teaspoon of turmeric powder with honey or water until it becomes thick. Once it is thick enough, apply the mixture as a mask to your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with normal water. You can do this 1-2 times every week.

Honey can also be mixed with aloe vera gel, then rubbed evenly on the face and neck. Leave it for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and dry with a soft cloth. Apart from that, honey can be used together with lemon juice to apply to the face.

Coconut oil can be applied directly to the face and neck in circular movements while massaging slightly. Use this oil just before bed and then rinse it off in the morning and shower. Another ingredient that can be used directly on the face is cucumber by cutting it or squeezing it. Even though the risk is generally low, for safety reasons, you should first consult with a dermatologist before using these ingredients because there is a possibility of side effects or lower effectiveness for certain skin types.

Tips to make your face look white and glowing

There are several ways to make your face look white and shining. The main thing is to ensure nutritional intake with balanced nutrition every day. There are several types of nutrients that can specifically brighten or brighten the face and maintain facial health, such as vitamins C, E, and A. Other methods include:

  • Drink lots of water, around 10-12 glasses per day to keep your skin soft, hydrated and elastic.
  • Use moisturizer regularly on the face, neck and ears which are sensitive to ultraviolet light and environmental pollution.
  • Use ultraviolet cream when going outside so that your skin is protected from harmful UVA and UVB ultraviolet rays.
  • Avoid cigarettes because nicotine and many other substances can cause damage to the skin and accelerate aging.
  • Exfoliate or peel off dead skin cells so that new, healthier skin cells can appear.
  • Sleep for 7-8 hours every day so that the body has enough opportunity to repair damaged cells.
    Also Read: Gonorrhea: Recognize Symptoms, Prevent and Treat

When Should You See a Doctor?

Facial treatments can be done independently at home. But it is best to have regular visits to a dermatologist to ensure that the treatment carried out so far is effective and not harmful. Consultation with a doctor is also necessary to brighten or whiten the face safely. However, the face is one of the outermost parts of the body which is important for supporting appearance. Facial health will help you be more confident in your activities and increase productivity.



How to Care for Oily Facial Skin

Tips for Maintaining Bright and Radiant Skin

“Oily facial skin is the most common problem. “How to care for oily skin is quite easy, you only need to wash your face regularly, apply moisturizer, and use a facial mask once a week.”

Inilah Lima Alasan Make Up itu Penting bagi Wanita

Oily facial skin occurs when the sebaceous glands in the skin produce too much sebum, which is a waxy and oily substance that protects and hydrates the skin. So, it’s important to know how to deal with an oily face to avoid various skin problems.

Oily facial skin problems are the most common. You have to do this regularly as a routine to deal with an oily face. Through the right routine and skin care products, this problem can become less of a worry.

This is the cause of an oily face

The causes of an oily face vary from person to person. Here are the causes of oily face that you need to know

  • Genetic

It is possible that genetics plays a role in sebum production. Usually, the larger the pores, the more oil the skin produces.

Meanwhile, each person’s pore size varies based on family and ethnicity

  • Age

Although your skin may not necessarily be oily, it will produce less sebum as you age.

Aging skin loses proteins, such as collagen and sebaceous glands slow down.

That is why many people who are getting older have dry skin. Reduced sebum along with the appearance of fine lines and more visible wrinkles.

  • Place of residence and time

While genetics and age determine the cause of oily skin, where you live and time of year can also be a factor.

People tend to have oilier skin if they live in places with hot and humid climates.

Additionally, you also tend to have a lot of oil on your skin during summer than winter

  • Enlarged pores

Sometimes pores can stretch due to age, weight fluctuations, and previous acne. Enlarged pores also tend to produce more oil.

Unfortunately you can’t shrink pores, but you can be more careful in wiping areas of your face with enlarged pores throughout the day.

  • Using the wrong skin care products

The cause of oily skin could also be due to using the wrong skin care products for your skin type.

Some people mistake combination skin for oily skin, and they may use creams that are too thick.

If you have drier skin during the winter, it’s best to change your skincare regimen according to the climate.

Likewise, during summer, it is best to use a light moisturizer and gel-based cleanser.

Using the right skin care products can make a big difference in the amount of oil remaining on your face

  • Overdoing your skin care routine

Washing your face too often or exfoliating can also make your skin oily. The purpose of washing and exfoliating the skin is to remove oil.

However, if you do it too often, your skin will lose too much oil.

This can cause the sebaceous glands to produce more oil to replace oil loss.

  • Do not apply moisturizer

Moisturizer causes oily skin is a myth. In fact, if you use acne treatments like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, you need a good moisturizer to keep your skin from drying out.

Without moisturizer, any type of skin will be dry. Water-based moisturizers are suitable for oily skin. Always make this the last step after cleansing your face.

How to Treat an Oily Face

When caring for oily skin, you cannot equate it with skin care for other skin types. Because there are special things that need to be considered.

So, here are the ways to deal with an oily face that you should pay attention to:

1. Wash your face regularly

2. Use toner

3. Pat your face dry

4. Use a facial mask once a week

5. Apply facial moisturizer


To be healthy and beautiful, don’t forget to eat recommended fruit that is good for your skin

To be healthy and beautiful, don't forget to eat recommended fruit that is good for your skin

To be healthy and beautiful, don’t forget to eat recommended fruit that is good for your skin

In commemorating Fruit Day, Emina shares tips on recommended fruit that are good for the skin so that your skin remains healthy and beautiful

Busy activities from morning to evening don’t make you forget to take care of yourself, beauty besties. Taking care of yourself is not only diligently using skin care products that suit your skin and keeping your body and face clean, but also paying attention to the nutrition that enters your body to maintain the health and beauty of your youth. One food ingredient that should not be missed is fruit.

It’s no longer a secret that fruit contains lots of minerals and vitamins which are good for the body’s metabolism as well as maintaining the beauty of the skin and making it fresher and more radiant. That’s why no matter how simple the daily menu you eat, a portion of fruit is a must as an appetizer or dessert. Even better if you can make it as a snack or healthy snack. So, what fruits are good for your skin? Come on, take a look at the recommendations for fruit that is good for the skin:

1. Fruits Rich in Vitamin C

Did you know that vitamin C is very good for improving the body’s immune system to fight various types of disease attacks? Especially during a pandemic like this, maintaining immunity is something that must be done so that you are always fit and can remain active in activities. On the other hand, this vitamin also has a good effect on the beauty of your skin, you know, besties.

Vitamin C has the ability to maintain and help regenerate damaged body cells, including skin cells, so that they always look young and skin cells can work as they should. Apart from that, these micronutrients also have an antioxidant effect that protects the skin from the negative effects of the environment, making it look fresher, younger and certainly brighter. If you diligently eat fruits rich in vitamin C, you no longer need to be afraid of being in the sun or being exposed to pollution because your skin will always be protected.

Want to get this special benefit? Come on, diligently consume oranges, papaya, kiwi, avocado, watermelon, grapefruit and pomegranate. For your information, you can find grapefruit and pomegranate in the Emina Masquerade Sheet Mask too, so your face can always be looked after from the outside and inside.

2. Fruits Rich in Vitamin E

Those of you who care about the health and beauty of your skin will definitely understand that vitamin E is really needed to maintain skin elasticity and youthfulness. If your daily vitamin E needs can be met, don’t be surprised if your face looks fresher,

feels moisturized and smooth to the touch. Vitamin E also has an antioxidant effect that protects the skin from free radicals that cause dullness and dry skin. If you want to feel the good effects of this content, don’t be lazy about eating fruits that are high in vitamin E such as mango and avocado.

The goodness of vitamin E for the skin makes avocado one of the ingredients used in the Emina Avocado Honey Face Mask which functions to remove dirt from the skin’s pores while making it moister and healthier all the time. This face mask is very suitable as a care product for your skin which is often exposed to sunlight which makes it tend to dry out. Have you tried it yet?

3. Fruits that lighten the skin

Have bright and healthy radiant skin, you want it! Therefore, in your daily diet you need to eat fruit which contains nutrients that are known to brighten the skin. For example, it contains vitamin C, vitamin E, and a combination of other vitamins which are effective in helping skin cells rejuvenate and inhibit melanin production which makes the skin darker.

Apart from that, some of these vitamins are also good for keeping skin fresh because brightness alone is not enough. To get the benefits of brightening your skin, from now on, be diligent in consuming summer plums like those in the Emina Bright Stuff Series, grapes like those in Emina Sun Battle SPF 45 which protects your face from exposure to UVA and UVB rays from the sun and avocado to maintain moisture while making your skin brighter. fresher, more radiant skin like when you use the Emina Avocado Honey Face Mask.

4. Fruits that moisturize and protect the skin from acne

Stubborn acne, not really. You’ll definitely be bored to death if pimples appear here and there. Apart from disturbing your beautiful appearance, inflamed acne is also not good for the health of your facial skin, making it infected.

To prevent acne from appearing, make a habit of cleaning your face thoroughly at least in the morning and evening. Apart from that, don’t forget to eat some fruit which is effective in killing germs that cause acne and helps keep your skin healthy, such as lemons which contain high levels of vitamin C and also strawberries which contain a natural nutritional duo, namely vitamin C and salicylic acid as used in Emina Ms.

.Pimple Series . Salicylic acid itself is specifically useful for preventing bacterial growth and accelerating skin regeneration so that your facial skin will be softer and more moisturized.

Beauty does not only come from appropriate and safe skin care products, but also from the nutrition that enters the body. Maximize the beauty of your skin by regularly consuming the various fruits above so that your youthful charm shines even more, beauty besties!



Facial Treatments You Can Get at Beauty Clinics

To maintain the health and beauty of your facial skin, you can do various treatments at beauty clinics. Here, you can find many types of treatments to suit your skin’s needs, from microdermabrasion, chemical peels , Botox and filler injections , to laser therapy.

Facial Treatments You Can Get at Beauty Clinics

Various types of facial treatments at beauty clinics have different ways of working, functions and purposes as well as their own side effects. Apart from that, the type of skin care performed will also be adjusted to the condition of each patient’s facial skin.

Therefore, before deciding to undergo aesthetic treatment at a beauty clinic, you first need to know information about the type of procedure, benefits and risks.

Choices and Risks of Facial Treatments at Beauty Clinics

Here are several treatment options at beauty clinics and their risks that you need to understand:

1. Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a facial treatment procedure that is carried out by exfoliating skin tissue using a special tool, so that dead facial skin cells are removed. This method also aims to stimulate the formation of new and healthy facial skin tissue.

Microdermabrasion is generally performed to treat several skin problems, such as wrinkles, dull skin , scars, and black spots or spots due to aging.

The microdermabrasion procedure usually takes around 20−30 minutes. To get maximum results, you may need to do this treatment several times, as recommended by your doctor.

2. Chemical peels

This treatment can be done to overcome the problem of changes in skin color or uneven facial skin color, for example spots or black spots on the skin. Apart from that, chemical peels can also be done to help treat acne.

This procedure is carried out using a sponge and a special chemical fluid to stimulate skin exfoliation. In this way, dead skin cells, dust and excess oil on the face can be removed. Chemical peels can also be done to stimulate the formation of new, healthy facial skin tissue.

Although the results are promising, there are risks you should be aware of. This treatment can make the skin dry, irritated, red and sore. In certain cases, chemical peels can also cause permanent changes in facial skin color and the formation of scars .

3. Dermal fillers

Dermal filler is a facial treatment procedure that is carried out by injecting special fluids ( fillers ) into certain parts of the face. This procedure is generally performed to remove acne scars and wrinkles, make the nose appear sharper , and make the lips and cheeks appear thicker and more rosy.

In the process, the doctor will inject filler material into the patient’s face and perform a gentle massage. This treatment can take around 30 minutes to 1 hour.

For 1 day after treatment, the area affected by the filler may appear swollen and red, but the condition will generally improve on its own after a few days.

After getting filler injections , you are advised to avoid sun exposure, not consume alcoholic drinks and coffee, and clean your face gently.

4. Botox injections

Botox injections are a commonly performed aesthetic procedure to tighten the skin and remove wrinkles. Botox or botulinum toxin is a drug made from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum.

Botox works by blocking signals from the nerves to the muscles, so that the muscles weaken temporarily and reduce or even eliminate wrinkles in the skin at the injection area. The effectiveness of Botox injections can last for around 3-6 months.

Even though it is quite effective in treating skin problems, Botox injections can also cause several side effects, such as pain, swelling or bruising at the injection site, difficulty moving the face, and headaches.

5. Laser resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is a skin care procedure that aims to help reduce wrinkles, age spots and acne scars. This procedure is carried out using 2 methods, namely with ablative and non-ablative lasers.

Ablative laser is performed by removing the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and heating the lower skin (dermis) to stimulate the formation of new collagen . Meanwhile, nonablative laser is performed without removing the top layer of skin and stimulates collagen growth.

Both ablative and non-ablative lasers still carry the risk of side effects, such as changing skin color to a darker color or redness, swelling and itching in the area affected by the laser.

Facial treatment procedures at beauty clinics are indeed effective in dealing with various complaints on facial skin. However, you also still need to consider the various risks of side effects that could arise and the treatment costs that need to be incurred.

Therefore, if you want to have skin and body care at a beauty clinic, you should first consult with a dermatologist or beauty doctor . That way, the doctor will recommend treatment that suits your needs.




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Benefits of Creatine for Women: Body Shape to Youth

Jakarta – Creatine or creatine is a compound that is naturally found in the body’s muscles. You can increase production by consuming creatine foods or supplements. The main benefit of creatine is increasing muscle mass.

This substance is commonly consumed by bodybuilders and athletes in general. For women, creatine is also beneficial for beauty because it influences skin rejuvenation and also helps shape an ideal body.

What is Creatine?

Reporting from the WebMD site, creatine is involved in making energy for muscles. 95 percent of creatine is found in skeletal muscle.

This substance can be obtained from red meat and seafood. For example beef, shellfish, cow’s milk or goat’s milk

However, to increase exercise performance and muscle mass, a higher creatine content is needed, which is obtained from supplements. Creatine supplements can come in powder, tablet, capsule, drink, or energy bar form.

Benefits of Creatine for Women

Creatine can be consumed by men and women, whether athletes or not. The benefits are the same. But women may like the following benefits of creatine:

  1. Building an Athletic Body
  2. Physical exercise or going to the gym has now become a lifestyle for many women. One thing that is hoped for is to get an athletic body shape.

Quoted from the Mayo Clinic website, creatine helps you increase your endurance during physical exercise. Strength and muscle mass will increase along with the amount of calories burned due to exercise.

  1. Prevents Skin AgingCreatine can also prevent skin aging through creams that contain creatine and a mixture of other ingredients. In early research, benefits were obtained when applying the cream to the face every day for six weeks.

Reporting from aircraftgalleries.com, creatine prevents aging by helping repair aging skin cells due to exposure to UV rays, age factors, and accelerating the development of new skin cells.

  1. Prevent Weak Muscles Due to Age
  2. As explained on the PharmEasy website, as women enter menopause, estrogen levels decrease. This can weaken muscle and bone function. Creatine supplements and regular exercise can increase the body’s endurance.
  3. Prevents Muscle and Bone Diseases
  4. Creatine supplements combined with exercise can prevent muscle, bone, ligament, tendon and nerve injuries. In addition, it can prevent sarcopenia or a muscle disorder characterized by reduced strength and muscle mass as well as decreased physical performance.
  5. Improves Brain Health
  6. Not only muscles, creatine supplements also improve the cognitive performance of the brain. It can also maintain brain health in old age.

Creatine Side Effects

Creatine supplements are relatively safe to consume. However, there are possible side effects for some people. Quoted from the Cleveland Clinic website, here are some possible side effects of creatine:

Weight gain due to water retention (not due to fat)


Nausea and vomiting


Excessive sweat production (hyperhidrosis)

So, those are the benefits of creatine for women and the benefits in general.


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