Regarding the Use of Sunscreen for the Face

Regarding the Use of Sunscreen for the Face

Regarding the Use of Sunscreen for the Face

Regarding the Use of Sunscreen for the Face – Using sunscreen on the face is as important as using sunscreen on other skin on the body. This sunscreen can equally protect the skin from the dangers of excess sunlight. For sunscreen on the face, make sure you pay attention to the formula and how to use it.

Sunscreen is a skin care product that functions to protect the skin from the dangers of sunlight. Some sunscreens are used for body skin and some are used for the face. However, for the face, the sunscreen used should ideally be a special sunscreen for facial skin.

Please note that facial skin tends to be thinner and more sensitive than the skin on other parts of the body. This condition causes facial skin to be more susceptible to problems due to the bad effects of sunlight, such as redness, irritation and the appearance of black spots or spots .

So , this is the reason why using sunscreen for the face is no less important than sunscreen for the body.

Not only that, sunscreen products can also help reduce the risk of skin cancer and prevent wrinkles and premature skin aging . The active ingredients in sunscreen work by absorbing ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun, so that radiation exposure does not reach the deeper layers of the skin.

Facial sunscreen is specially made with a lighter texture than sunscreen for the body. Apart from that, sunscreen for the face generally does not contain oil or alcohol, so it tends not to clog facial pores which risks causing acne or irritation of facial skin.

How to Use Sunscreen for the Face Correctly

Like sunscreen for the body, sunscreen for the face is also available in the form of cream, lotion, gel and spray . To use sunscreen on your face correctly, try following these steps:

  • For sunscreen in lotion or liquid form, shake the container first before use so that the contents are mixed thoroughly
  • For spray sunscreen, spray it first into your hands, then rub it evenly over your facial skin. Avoid spraying sunscreen directly on facial skin
  • Apply sunscreen to your face at least 30 minutes before doing outdoor activities, so that the active ingredients in the sunscreen can be absorbed optimally and are more effective in protecting facial skin.
  • Use sunscreen for the face on the ears and neck, because these areas are also exposed to sunlight
  • Also apply sunscreen to your lips using sunscreen in the form of lip balm

Sunscreen cannot protect facial skin all day. Therefore, it is recommended to reapply it every 1–2 hours. Sunscreen should also be used after the skin has sweated excessively, dried the face with a towel, or finished swimming.

Things to Pay Attention to When Using Sunscreen for the Face

Apart from how to use it, there are several things you need to pay attention to regarding using sunscreen for the face. So that sunscreen on the face can protect facial skin more effectively, do the following tips:

1. Choose a sunscreen that suits your facial skin type

If you have facial skin that tends to be dry, use sunscreen in the form of a cream with moisturizing content . Avoid spray sunscreen because this type of sunscreen usually contains alcohol which can make the skin even drier.

For oily and acne-prone skin types, choose sunscreen in gel form which absorbs more quickly into the skin. Avoid sunscreen in cream or oil-based form because it can clog pores and make facial skin even more oily.

For sensitive facial skin, use a sunscreen product that does not contain alcohol and fragrance.

2. Choose sunscreen with the label ” broad-spectrum “

The “ broad spectrum ” label indicates that the sunscreen can protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays. UVA and UVB rays are ultraviolet radiation from sunlight which can damage the skin.

UVA rays can accelerate skin aging, and cause wrinkles and dark spots . Meanwhile, UVB rays can cause skin burns.

3. Pay attention to the SPF value

SPF ( sun protection factor ) is a measurement that determines how long sunscreen can protect the skin from UVB. The SPF value needs to be adjusted to the condition and skin color, but the most commonly used in Indonesia is SPF 30 or more.

Whatever form of sunscreen for the face you use, make sure how to use it according to the usage instructions listed on the packaging label.

4. Choose cosmetics that contain sunscreen

If you want to wear make-up or cosmetics, choose one that contains sunscreen. Some cosmetic products, such as foundation , have added sunscreen, so they can provide a protective effect from the sun when used.

If the cosmetic product is not enriched with sunscreen, you can use sunscreen for your face first, then wait for at least 20 minutes before using make up .

Apart from that, don’t forget to check the composition of the ingredients contained in sunscreen, because it can be a consideration if you may be allergic to these ingredients. If you are confused about which type of sunscreen is suitable for your face, you can consult a dermatologist .

Using sunscreen for the face also needs to be accompanied by other efforts, such as using sunglasses that can ward off UV rays and wearing a wide-brimmed hat. With these efforts, the face and scalp will be better protected from sunlight when doing outdoor activities.

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