7 Cara Merawat Rambut Rusak secara Alami

Perawatan rambut rusak tidak selalu membutuhkan produk atau prosedur yang mahal, lho. Ada berbagai cara merawat rambut rusak yang dapat dengan mudah Anda lakukan di rumah. Dengan demikian, rambut sehat dan indah pun bisa Anda wujudkan.

Rambut rusak dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai hal, seperti terlalu sering menggunakan alat pengering rambut, kebiasaan mewarnai rambut, atau memakai produk perawatan rambut yang tidak tepat.

7 Cara Merawat Rambut Rusak secara Alami - Alodokter

Kerusakan rambut kerap menimbulkan rasa tidak nyaman dan kurang percaya diri bagi siapapun yang mengalaminya. Nah, untuk memperbaikinya, Anda bisa mencoba rangkaian perawatan rambut yang dapat dilakukan di rumah.

Beragam Cara Merawat Rambut Rusak secara Alami

Ada beberapa cara alami yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk mengatasi masalah rambut rusak, seperti rambut mudah patah, sulit diatur, kering, bercabang, dan rontok.

Tak hanya rambut rusak, berbagai cara ini juga dapat mencegah kerusakan rambut berulang. Berikut ini adalah cara-caranya:

1. Oleskan minyak alami

Cara merawat rambut rusak yang pertama adalah mengoleskan minyak alami ke kulit kepala dan rambut. Hal ini bertujuan untuk melembutkan dan melembapkan rambut kering akibat kerusakan rambut, serta merangsang pertumbuhan rambut yang sehat.

Anda bisa melakukannya sambil memijat kepala selama 30–60 menit sebelum mencuci rambut. Jenis minyak alami yang bisa Anda gunakan adalah minyak zaitun, minyak almond, atau minyak kelapa. Anda juga bisa mencampur minyak tersebut dengan minyak esensial, seperti tea tree oil atau minyak peppermint.

7 Manfaat Tea Tree Oil untuk Kesehatan Kulit - Alodokter

2. Batasi penggunaan alat penata rambut

Penggunaan alat penata rambut, seperti pengering, pelurus, atau pengeriting rambut, bisa memperparah kerusakan rambut apabila digunakan terlalu sering atau pada suhu yang terlalu tinggi.

Pasalnya, paparan suhu panas dari alat-alat tersebut mampu menghilangkan kandungan minyak dan kelembapan alami rambut, sehingga rambut lebih rapuh dan mudah rontok.

Oleh karena itu, pastikan Anda menggunakannya dengan suhu yang tidak terlalu panas dan jangan biarkan alat tersebut terlalu lama menempel di rambut.

3. Gunakan masker rambut alami secara rutin

Cara merawat rambut rusak yang juga efektif adalah dengan masker rambut alami. Penggunaan masker rambut secara rutin bisa membawa banyak manfaat, termasuk mengurangi kerusakan rambut, membuat rambut lebih kuat, dan menyehatkan kulit kepala.

Ada banyak pilihan bahan-bahan alami yang bisa Anda gunakan sebagai masker rambut, seperti pisang, madu, kuning telur, alpukat, atau lidah buaya.

Khasiat Lidah Buaya Bagi Kesehatan

4. Lindungi rambut dari paparan langsung sinar matahari

Sama seperti kulit, paparan sinar matahari ke rambut juga bisa membuat rambut rusak, kusam, dan mudah rontok. Oleh karena itu, saat beraktivitas di luar ruangan Anda disarankan untuk mengenakan topi atau payung agar rambut tetap terlindungi.

5. Gunting rambut secara teratur

Cara merawat rambut rusak secara alami yang juga tak boleh dilewatkan adalah menggunting ujung rambut secara teratur, setidaknya 2 bulan sekali. Hal ini penting dilakukan bagi Anda yang sering menggunakan alat penata rambut yang panas.

Salah satu yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunting rambut sendiri di rumah adalah menghindari penggunaan gunting tumpul, sebab bisa membuat ujung rambut justru semakin rusak.

6. Hindari perawatan rambut dengan bahan kimia keras

Untuk merawat rambut rusak, Anda juga perlu menghindari berbagai perawatan rambut yang menggunakan bahan kimia keras, seperti mewarnai rambut. Hal ini karena bahan kimia di dalam pewarna rambut dapat menghilangkan kelembapan alami rambut dan membuat rambut menjadi kusam atau semakin rusak.

7. Cukupi asupan nutrisi untuk rambut

Melakukan perawatan rambut dari luar saja tidak cukup untuk memperbaiki atau mencegah rambut rusak. Rambut juga memerlukan nutrisi dari dalam untuk tumbuh dengan sehat. Beberapa nutrisi yang baik bagi kesehatan rambut meliputi protein, vitamin D, biotin, asam lemak omega-3, dan zat besi.

Asupan nutrisi tersebut bisa diperoleh dari berbagai makanan, seperti buah-buahan, sayuran, kacang-kacangan, telur, daging tanpa lemak, ikan, dan produk susu rendah lemak.

Selain mengikuti beberapa cara merawat rambut rusak secara alami, Anda disarankan juga untuk minum banyak air mineral setiap hari, mengelola stres, dan menghindari cuci rambut terlalu sering.

Mencuci rambut maksimal 1–2 kali sehari ketika kulit kepala terasa berminyak dan rambut kotor. Setelah keramas, biarkan rambut mengering dengan sendirinya, sebisa mungkin saat rambut basah jangan langsung tidur, dan hindari menggosok-gosok rambut terlalu kencang agar tidak semakin rusak.

Jika rambut Anda tetap terlihat rusak atau justru semakin parah meski telah melakukan berbagai cara merawat rambut secara alami di atas, sebaiknya konsultasikan kondisi rambut Anda ke dokter untuk mendapatkan penanganan yang tepat.



Situs Toto

Situs Toto

Rekomendasi Collagen Terbaik Untuk Jaga Kecantikan Kulit

Collagen merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam tubuh yang berfungsi untuk menjaga kekencangan dan elastisitas kulit. Selain itu, collagen juga memainkan peran vital dalam menjaga kesehatan sendi, tulang, dan rambut. Seiring bertambahnya usia, produksi collagen dalam tubuh akan menurun.

Oleh karena itu, banyak orang mencari suplemen collagen sebagai solusi untuk memperlambat penuaan dini dan menjaga kesehatan kulit. Berikut ini adalah rekomendasi produk collagen terbaik yang bisa menjadi pilihan untuk menjaga kesehatan dan kecantikan kulit Anda.


GEUT MARINE COLLAGEN TRIPEPTIDE Cherry adalah minuman kolagen rasa cherry dengan 10.000mg kolagen tipe I untuk kulit kenyal, lembab, cerah, rambut kuat, dan kuku sehat. Dilengkapi Vitamin C, L-Glutathione, dan Grape Seed Extract. Aman untuk semua orang, termasuk ibu hamil dan menyusui. Tersedia dalam kemasan 5 dan 14 sachet dengan harga terjangkau.

2. Balans Pure – Collagen Drink 

Balans Pure adalah minuman kolagen premium yang tidak mengandung perasa atau pewarna tambahan (murni/pure). Produk ini diformulasikan dengan L-Glutathione yang berfungsi untuk mencerahkan kulit dan Hyaluronic Acid untuk melembabkan kulit. Balans Pure Collagen Drink tersedia dalam kemasan yang berisi 14 sachet, dengan masing-masing sachet mengandung 10 gram minuman kolagen.

3. Nature’s Way Collagen Gummies

Nature’s Way Collagen Gummies adalah suplemen yang dirancang untuk mendukung kesehatan kulit dengan menyediakan dosis kolagen yang mudah dan lezat. Ini adalah cara praktis dan menyenangkan untuk mengintegrasikan manfaat kolagen ke dalam rutinitas harianmu, khususnya bagi mereka yang mencari alternatif pengonsumsian kolagen selain dalam bentuk serbuk atau tablet. Kolagen adalah protein penting yang membantu menjaga kelenturan, kekencangan, dan hidrasi kulit.

Produk ini biasanya diformulasikan dengan rasa buah yang nikmat, membuat pengalaman mengonsumsi kolagen tidak hanya bermanfaat tetapi juga menyenangkan. Collagen Gummies dari Nature’s Way menawarkan kemudahan konsumsi dengan kepraktisan bentuk permen karet, ideal untuk orang-orang yang sibuk atau mereka yang kesulitan menelan pil.

4. Nutrimax Feminine Beauty Collagen 

Nutrimax Feminine Beauty Collagen, suplemen dengan kolagen, ekstrak anggur, vitamin E, beta karoten, zinc, vitamin C,quercetin, dan coenzyme Q10, membantu memelihara kesehatan kulit, memudarkan bekas jerawat dan flek hitam,mencegah penuaan dini, menjaga kesehatan rambut dan kuku, serta meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh. Tersedia dalam 30 dan 60 kapsul, aman dikonsumsi, dan cocok untuk wanita yang ingin memiliki kulit sehat, cantik, dan awet muda.



situs togel


































Manfaat Masker Kopi untuk Kulit Wajah

12 Manfaat Masker Kopi untuk Wajah dan Kulit, Bikin Glowing!

Masker wajah merupakan produk perawatan kulit yang kerap dipilih oleh sebagian besar orang. Pasalnya, produk ini bisa dibuat dengan menggunakan bahan alami yang mudah ditemukan, salah satunya adalah kopi. Lantas, apa manfaat masker kopi untuk kulit wajah? Berikut penjelasannya.

1. Menenangkan Kulit Wajah
Manfaat masker kopi untuk wajah yang pertama adalah mampu menenangkan kulit wajah secara alami. Kopi mengandung senyawa yang bersifat antioksidan sehingga dapat mengatasi iritasi kulit akibat paparan sinar matahari atau efek samping dari penggunaan produk tertentu.

2. Memperlambat Penuaan
Kandungan antioksidan di dalam masker kopi juga dapat melindungi kulit dari paparan radikal bebas yang menimbulkan berbagai tanda penuaan dini, seperti flek hitam atau hiperpigmentasi, garis halus, serta kerutan pada wajah.

Selain itu, senyawa antioksidan dalam masker kopi dipercaya mampu meningkatkan produksi elastin serta mencegah penurunan kadar kolagen, sehingga dapat membuat kulit terlihat kencang dan sehat.

3. Mengurangi Jerawat
Manfaat masker kopi untuk wajah berikutnya adalah mampu membantu mengurangi jerawat yang disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri. Pasalnya, masker kopi memiliki kandungan chlorogenic acid yang bersifat antibakteri dan antiinflamasi sehingga dapat melawan berbagai macam bakteri penyebab jerawat.

4. Menyamarkan Selulit
Menggunakan masker kopi secara rutin diketahui mampu menyamarkan kulit yang bertekstur tidak rata karena bekas luka hingga karena selulit. Hal ini dikarenakan masker kopi mengandung kafein yang bekerja dalam membantu melebarkan pembuluh darah di bawah kulit. Dengan begitu, peredaran darah menjadi lebih lancar sehingga bisa memperbaiki penampilan dan tekstur kulit.

5. Menghilangkan Mata Panda
Mata panda merupakan permasalahan kulit berupa munculnya lingkaran hitam di bawah mata. Kondisi ini kerap mengganggu penampilan dan membuat sebagian orang merasa kurang percaya diri.

Untuk mengatasinya, Anda dapat menggunakan masker kopi pada kulit di sekitar wajah secara rutin. Sebab, kandungan kafein dalam masker kopi dapat merangsang aliran darah sehingga turut melancarkan sirkulasi darah menuju bagian bawah mata.

6. Mengangkat Sel Kulit Mati
Mengangkat sel kulit mati merupakan salah satu manfaat masker kopi yang sayang bila dilewatkan. Bahkan, butiran bubuk kopi dari masker wajah ini juga bisa digunakan sebagai scrub untuk eksfoliasi wajah dan mengangkat kotoran yang menyumbat pori-pori. Alhasil, kulit tampak lebih bersih, sehat, dan segar.

Namun, sebelum menggunakan masker kopi untuk eksfoliasi wajah, pastikan kulit Anda tidak sensitif terhadap kopi agar tidak menimbulkan efek samping atau iritasi, seperti kulit bengkak, perih, dan kemerahan.

7. Menurunkan Risiko Kanker Kulit
Biji kopi mentah diketahui mengandung senyawa trigonelline yang dapat berubah menjadi niacin jika melalui proses pemanggangan.  Senyawa niacin tersebut mampu mencegah serta menurunkan risiko munculnya kanker kulit. Oleh karenanya, Anda bisa memanfaatkan biji kopi yang telah dipanggang untuk dijadikan sebagai masker wajah.

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Cara Membuat Masker Kopi untuk Wajah

Jika ingin membuat masker kopi, Anda disarankan untuk menggunakan biji kopi segar yang sudah digiling. Lalu, bubuk kopi tersebut bisa dicampur dengan pelarut alami yang bersifat non-comedogenic, seperti minyak zaitun, perasan air lemon, madu, susu, dan yogurt.

Penting pula untuk memastikan bahan-bahan pembuatan masker kopi yang digunakan dalam keadaan segar dan baru dibuat untuk mencegah pertumbuhan bakteri yang berisiko menimbulkan masalah kulit.

Cara Menggunakan Masker Kopi

Untuk memperoleh manfaat masker kopi secara optimal, Anda bisa menggunakannya melalui langkah-langkah berikut ini.

Pastikan masker kopi tidak menimbulkan reaksi alergi dengan mengoleskannya pada punggung tangan atau area kulit di belakang siku terlebih dahulu.
Apabila tidak menimbulkan reaksi alergi, seperti iritasi dan gatal, Anda dapat mengoleskan masker kopi ke wajah secara merata dengan gerakan memutar.
Diamkan selama 10–30 menit.
Lalu, bilas menggunakan air hangat.
Bagi yang memiliki kulit sensitif, disarankan untuk tidak menggosok masker kopi saat sedang membilasnya.
Keringkan wajah menggunakan handuk bersih.
Gunakan masker kopi sebanyak 1–2 kali dalam seminggu untuk mendapatkan hasil yang optimal.

Itu dia sejumlah manfaat masker kopi untuk kulit wajah yang sayang dilewatkan. Selain menggunakan masker kopi alami, Anda juga disarankan untuk berkonsultasi dengan dokter guna menjaga kesehatan kulit wajah secara optimal.

5 Cara Merawat Wajah yang Tepat agar Terhindar dari Komedo

Mudah! Ini 15 Cara untuk Menghilangkan Komedo Secara Alami

Komedo adalah sejenis jerawat yang sifatnya non-inflamasi dengan ukuran kecil dan ditandai dengan ujung yang menghitam. Kondisi ini umum terjadi sebagai akibat dari sel kulit mati dan minyak yang tersumbat dalam pori-pori wajah. Pori wajah yang terinfeksi tetap membuka, sehingga memungkinkan terjadinya oksidasi pada permukaannya, dan ini yang memberikan warna gelap pada komedo.

Komedo bisa terjadi di bagian wajah mana saja, tetapi sering menginfeksi bagian pipi dan hidung. Komedo dapat membuat kamu kurang percaya diri, dan terpancing untuk memencetnya untuk mengusirnya dari wajah.

Namun, hal tersebut membuat kulit wajah dan jerawat kamu memburuk. Mungkin, kamu bisa melakukan cara mengusir komedo dan merawat wajah agar terhindar dari komedo berikut ini.

  • Jangan Sentuh Komedo

Komedo terbentuk dari hasil penyumbatan folikel. Jadi, penting untuk kamu menjaga kebersihan pori-pori kulit wajah. Jangan pernah menyentuh komedo di wajahmu dengan tangan, bahkan memencetnya, karena ini membuat bakteri dari tangan kamu menyebar ke seluruh kulit wajah, semakin menghalangi pori-pori dan berpotensi menimbulkan sekawanan jerawat lainnya.

  • Cuci Muka Dua Kali Sehari

Penggunaan produk kecantikan untuk membuat wajah terlihat lebih segar dan cantik ketika di luar rumah sangat penting untuk wanita. Jangan lupa untuk segera membersihkannya karena produk kecantikan dapat menyumbat pori-pori kulit wajah. Meski tidak menggunakan produk kecantikan apa pun, laki-laki harus membersihkan wajah. Bersihkan wajah setidaknya dua kali sehari.

  • Gunakan Produk Pembersih Muka yang Tepat

Tidak semua produk pembersih muka bisa menghindarkan wajahmu dari serangan komedo. Salah penggunaan produk bisa memicu terjadinya komedo dan jerawat yang membandel. Untuk itu, kamu perlu mengenali jenis kulit wajahmu, apakah normal, kering, atau berminyak. Selanjutnya, kamu pasti lebih mudah dalam memilih produk pembersih muka yang tepat.

  • Jaga Kulit Tetap Terhidrasi

Cara tepat agar wajah terhindar dari komedo berikutnya adalah tidak membiarkan kulit wajah kamu dalam keadaan kering, meski sudah membasmi komedo yang membandel dari wajah. Keseimbangan kelembapan yang tepat membantu mengurangi keberadaan sel kulit mati yang menjadi pemicu utama munculnya komedo.

Cara terbaik adalah tetap jaga asupan cairan harian kamu. Supaya lebih maksimal, kamu bisa menggunakan produk pelembap terbaik dan sesuai dengan sifat kulit wajahmu.

  • Jaga Kebersihan Rambut

Apa hubungannya kebersihan rambut dan munculnya komedo pada wajah? Tentu saja ada, rambut berminyak bisa memindahkan minyak dan sel kulit mati ke wajah. Inilah mengapa ketika kamu tidak mencuci rambut, wajah kamu terasa cepat berminyak, meski kamu sudah menutupinya dengan make-up.

Jadi, cucilah rambut secara teratur, setidaknya dua hari sekali. Hindari juga jangan sampai rambut sering terkena muka, karena gesekan yang terjadi dapat menimbulkan jerawat.

Pastinya, hindari konsumsi makanan berlemak dan mengandung banyak minyak, ya! Mengobati dan menjaga wajah agar terhindar dari komedo pasti akan membutuhkan waktu. Inilah mengapa kamu harus rutin dan menjadikan aktivitas ini sebagai kebiasaan.

Jika kamu tidak berhasil membersihkan komedo membandel dari wajah, kamu bisa mulai bertanya pada dokter tentang cara mengatasi komedo tersebut.

5 Ways to Take Care of Your Face in the Style of Japanese Women that You Must Emulate

The beauty of Japanese women’s facial skin is an attraction that cannot be denied. Healthy, white skin and looking much younger than her real age, makes many women look for the secret of how to care for Japanese women’s faces. From various sources, it has been revealed that the beauty of Japanese women’s facial skin is not achieved instantly. But after going through a series of facial treatments, which of course must be done regularly, and also for a long time. For those who are curious about the various treatments in question, here are five ways to care for a Japanese girl’s face that ladies need to emulate.

1. Basic Facial Cleansing Stages
Japanese women believe that ensuring clean facial skin is one thing
It’s important to take care of this before doing any other series of facial treatments. If pores
not clean, then other treatments will not be absorbed properly into the skin.
They usually start cleaning their face by using cleansing oil.

Followed by washing your face with soap which can remove oil and dust
on the face. And the final stage is using toner, but in Japan, in the form of
lotion​. After that, they continue with various skin care treatments according to the instructions

2. Masks are a Must
The face masks recommended by Japanese women are sheet masks. The reason is because this sheet mask previously contained many nutrients that facial skin needed and transferred them effectively to the face, just by attaching them. Can be used daily or even whenever needed to freshen facial skin. Using this type of mask is also believed to help soothe facial skin.

3. Using serum
Serum helps overcome facial problems, according to skin type. There are serums that are used to tighten the skin, or to keep the skin hydrated. There are also those who use serum as a way to whiten their face. These various serums are usually included in daily facial care steps.

4. Memijat wajah
Massaging the face is something that Japanese women do naturally. “Massaging your face is not just touching it with your fingertips, but actually massaging it with your full hands,” said Megumi Setoguchi, from Koh Gen Do, as reported by Teenvogue. One well-known technique is the Chizu Saeki massage, namely circular movements when massaging the face, and tapping the chin before starting the massage. This massage is believed to help rejuvenate skin cells.

5. Don’t forget natural ingredients
Soaked and mashed rice is used to exfoliate the skin, which is one of the secrets to the beauty of Japanese women’s facial skin. Or green tea, which has been clinically proven to have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, is widely consumed for healthy skin. Seaweed can also be consumed with benefits that are believed to slow aging and help detoxification.

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How to Get Rid of Scars with Natural Ingredients

Natural ingredients such as aloe vera can speed up the wound healing process and help remove scars. This will also work if used in conjunction with other methods.”

Bekas Luka Sulit Hilang? Segera Lakukan Perawatan Ini - EMC Healthcare - SAME

Most injuries are caused by daily activities which could be due to falling objects, scratched hands, tripping, etc. Wounds caused by daily activities like this can cause scars that take a long time to disappear. Fortunately, there are ways to get rid of scars with natural ingredients that you can rely on.

How to Use Natural Ingredients to Remove Scars

Proper wound care can prevent infections and other complications, and also help speed up the healing process with less scarring. Keeping the wound soft during the healing process can help minimize scarring.

Usually this is done by using antibiotic ointment which is applied in the early stages of healing, so it will keep the skin around the wound soft and supple. Once the wound has healed enough so that there is no risk of infection, the antibiotic ointment can be replaced with a natural ingredient to remove the scar.

So, what natural ingredients can be used as a way to remove scars? Here are some examples:

1. Aloe Vera 

Aloe vera may improve wound healing and may help remove scars when used in conjunction with other methods. To use it, you can remove the gel from the skin, then apply it to the scar in a circular motion.

After half an hour, wash off the gel with fresh cold water. Repeat twice every day to get maximum results.

2. Vitamin E 

Vitamin E can treat acne and heal scars. Even though the results are not very significant, at least this can help lighten the scars.

How to use it is by opening a vitamin E capsule and pouring it over the scar. Massage for approximately 10 minutes on the wound area. After 20 minutes, rinse the oil with warm water.

3. Honey

Honey can remove scars because it contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The application can be done by covering the scar with honey, then wrapping the scar covered in honey with a bandage. Leave it for one full night. In the morning, remove the bandage and wash off the honey with warm water.

4. Coconut Oil

Using coconut oil can help fade scars. Coconut oil has the benefit of encouraging collagen synthesis, reducing inflammation, improving the shape of injured skin, and has antibacterial and antioxidant effects.

How to use it: Heat a few tablespoons of coconut oil to taste, then massage the oil into the scar for about 10 minutes. Let the skin absorb the oil for at least 1 hour, and repeat two to four times daily.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

The succinic acid content in apple cider vinegar can control inflammation caused by acne, which in turn can prevent scar formation. You can mix four tablespoons with apple cider vinegar then apply to the scar, and let it dry. Do this every night before going to bed and clean it when you wake up in the morning.

That is information about how to remove scars with natural ingredients

How to Care for Oily Facial Skin

Oily facial skin is the most common problem. “How to care for oily skin is quite easy, you only need to wash your face regularly, apply moisturizer, and use a facial mask once a week

6 Ciri-Ciri Kulit Berminyak dan Cara Merawatnya - Alodokter

Oily facial skin occurs when the sebaceous glands in the skin produce too much sebum, which is a waxy and oily substance that protects and hydrates the skin. So, it’s important to know how to deal with an oily face to avoid various skin problems.

Oily facial skin problems are the most common. You have to do this regularly as a routine to deal with an oily face. Through the right routine and skin care products, this problem can become less of a worry.

This is the cause of an oily face

The causes of an oily face vary from person to person. Here are the causes of oily face that you need to know:

1. Genetics

It is possible that genetics plays a role in sebum production. Usually, the larger the pores, the more oil the skin produces.

Meanwhile, each person’s pore size varies based on family and ethnicity.

2. Age

Although your skin may not necessarily be oily, it will produce less sebum as you age.

Aging skin loses proteins, such as collagen and sebaceous glands slow down.

That is why many people who are getting older have dry skin. Reduced sebum along with the appearance of fine lines and more visible wrinkles.

3. Place of residence and time

While genetics and age determine the cause of oily skin, where you live and time of year can also be a factor.

People tend to have oilier skin if they live in places with hot and humid climates.

Additionally, you also tend to have a lot of oil on your skin during summer than winter.

4. Enlarged pores

Sometimes pores can stretduch e to age, weight fluctuations, and previous acne. Enlarged pores also tend to produce more oil.

Unfortunately you can’t shrink pores, but you can be more careful in wiping areas of your face with enlarged pores throughout the day

5. Using the wrong skin care products

The cause of oily skin could also be due to using the wrong skin care products for your skin type.

Some people mistake combination skin for oily skin, and they may use creams that are too thick.

If you have drier skin during the winter, it’s best to change your skincare regimen according to the climate.

Likewise, during summer, it is best to use a light moisturizer and gel-based cleanser.

Using the right skin care products can make a big difference in the amount of oil remaining on your face.

6. Overdoing your skin care routine

Washing your face too often or exfoliating can also make your skin oily. The purpose of washing and exfoliating the skin is to remove oil.

However, if you do it too often, your skin will lose too much oil.

This can cause the sebaceous glands to produce more oil to replace oil loss.

7. Not applying moisturizer

Moisturizer causes oily skin is a myth. In fact, if you use acne treatments like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, you need a good moisturizer to keep your skin from drying out.

Without moisturizer, any type of skin will be dry. Water-based moisturizers are suitable for oily skin. Always make this the last step after cleansing your face.


How to Get Rid of Black Acne Scars Naturally

Acne scars sometimes seem to disturb your appearance. “You can get rid of acne scars with various natural ingredients to remove acne scars, such as lemon, aloe vera and potatoes.”

Removing acne scars can be a challenge in itself. This skin problem can leave black marks on the skin which can disturb your appearance.

Well, the good news is that now there are several ways to remove acne scars naturally so that they don’t cause side effects on skin health.

The following is a review of the right way to remove acne scars for all skin types!

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars with Natural Ingredients

When acne improves, new skin cells will form to help the skin surface recover. However, the emergence of new skin cells can contain too much melanin.

Melanin is a coloring substance in the skin. When there is too much melanin in the skin, it can trigger darker skin patches. This condition is also known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

If it increases more and more, this condition can trigger stress and reduce self-confidence.

Well, there are several methods that are useful for removing acne scars, such as using the right skincare and natural ingredients.

If you want to try various natural ingredients as a way to remove acne scars naturally, try the following natural ingredients:

1. Lemons 


Lemons have a high vitamin C content. This content is very effective as an acne scar remover. Take note, these are the types of acne scars and how to treat them.

Apart from taking vitamin C supplements, you can use lemon water as a facial mask.

How to get rid of acne scars naturally in 3 days using lemon:

Mix half a glass of water with two tablespoons of lemon juice.
Apply to face 2-3 times a day.
Leave it until the mask dries then rinse with water.
After that, use facial moisturizer to keep your skin moist.
However, if you have sensitive and dry skin, you should not use this mask. Using lemon water risks triggering skin irritation.

2. Aloe vera 

Khasiat Lidah Buaya Bagi Kesehatan

There are many benefits that you can feel from aloe vera. One of them is to fade acne scars on the face.

This acne scar remover contains salicylic acid and sulfur, which work to reduce redness and acne scars.

Regular use can fade acne scars so that the skin will become brighter.

Here’s how to use aloe vera to remove acne scars:

Cut a small piece of aloe vera and scoop out the gel.
Apply aloe vera gel directly to acne scars.
Let the gel dry on the skin.
Once dry, rinse with warm water. Do this every day for better results.

3. Grape seed extract 

Ekstrak Biji Anggur (Grape Seed Extract)

This natural ingredient can also be used as a way to remove acne scars that cause black spots.

A study showed that grape seed extract consumed for 6 months was beneficial for people who had the skin condition melasma, which is similar to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Here’s how to get rid of acne scars naturally in 3 days using grape seed extract:

Mix a few drops of grape seed extract with other ingredients that are good for the skin, such as honey or yogurt.
Apply this mixture to the acne scars and leave it for 15-20 minutes.
Rinse with warm water.

4. Honey

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Honey can also be used to remove acne scars naturally. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of honey can overcome inflammation and skin infections caused by acne.

When acne is treated well, this condition will reduce the risk of black acne scars appearing.

If you want to remove acne scars with honey, here are the steps:

Take a little pure natural honey (make sure the honey is genuine and not mixed with sugar or other ingredients).
Apply a thin layer of honey on acne scars.
Let the honey dry for 15-20 minutes.
Rinse with warm water.
Do this several times a week for better results.

5. Turmeric powder 

Kunyit Bubuk 25gr – Svara Ecommerce

This natural ingredient functions as a fairly effective acne scar remover.

Using turmeric powder as a mask can fade the color of acne scars because it can regenerate skin cells, so the skin becomes brighter.

In addition, turmeric powder has anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce scar tissue on the skin. That way, the black spots from acne scars will be hidden.

6. Green tea 

12 Manfaat Teh Hijau untuk Kesehatan - Alodokter

If you want to get rid of acne scars naturally, green tea could be the right way.

Green tea contains polyphenols which have antimicrobial properties.

Apart from that, regular use of green tea masks can also fade acne scars because of the antioxidant content in them.

Brew one green tea bag in a glass of hot water and let the tea cool.
Once cool, use cotton wool to apply green tea to acne scars or the entire face as a mask.
Leave it for 10-15 minutes.
Rinse with warm water and dry your face gently.
Do this 2-3 times a week.

7. Potatoes 

Tak Hanya Meningkatkan Fungsi Otak, Ini 13 Manfaat Kentang untuk Kesehatan

Potatoes contain potassium, sulfur, phosphorus and chloride which can fade acne scars on facial skin.

Apart from that, potatoes also contain the enzyme cocollase which has a brightening effect.

If you want to use potatoes to treat acne scars, here’s how:

Extract the juice from fresh potatoes using a juicer or blender.
Apply potato juice to acne scars using cotton.
Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Repeat this every day or several times a week.
So, that’s how to get rid of blackened acne scars.

10 Ways to Whiten Skin Naturally


Ilustrasi Kulit Glowing

Many women want white and bright skin. Various methods are used to whiten the skin.
For example, using instant brightening or whitening products that may contain ingredients that are harmful to the skin.

Instead of using dangerous methods, detikers can whiten their skin with natural ingredients that are easy to obtain.

The following natural ingredients can be used to whiten skin:

1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a kitchen spice that is rich in benefits. According to Healthline, the curcumin content in turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which can revive dead skin and make the skin brighter.

To get whiter skin, mix grated turmeric with honey Then, apply it to the skin. Wait a few minutes, then rinse with water.

2. Soybeans

The isoflavones in soybeans have brightening, antioxidant and anti-aging effects. Soybeans are also rich in vitamin E which can protect the skin from damage.

A study from the National Library of Medicine found that soybeans can protect the skin from inflammation due to exposure to ultraviolet light.

To do this, mash or blend the soybeans until smooth. Then, mix a little water until it forms a paste. Apply soybean paste on the skin. Leave it for a few minutes, then rinse until clean.

3. Apple cider vinegar

According to Healthline, apple cider vinegar contains quite a lot of acetic acid. This content has antimicrobial properties which can reduce bacteria on the skin and relieve acne. However, do a test first to check for an allergic skin reaction to apple cider vinegar.

How to whiten skin naturally using apple cider vinegar can be done regularly 1-2 times a day. To do this, dissolve apple cider vinegar in water, then apply it to the skin. Leave it for a few minutes, then rinse until clean.

4. Green tea

A study from the Journal of Ethnopharmacology shows that green tea contains the main polyphenol compound which has therapeutic properties, namely EGCG (Epigallo-catechin-3-gallate). EGCG has antioxidant properties that can brighten the skin and prevent skin cancer.

Make a mask from green tea to whiten your skin naturally. Mix green tea powder, honey and granulated sugar. Apply the mask to the skin. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse.

5. Aloe vera

Reporting from Healthline, aloe vera contains the compound aloin which can whiten the skin by inhibiting the formation of melanin.

According to a study from the National Library of Medicine, the anti-inflammatory effects of aloe vera are also effective in treating acne.

To whiten your skin naturally, apply pure aloe vera gel before going to bed. Then, rinse using warm water the next morning.

6. Lemons

Lemon is a source of vitamin C or ascorbic acid. According to a study from the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermaology, vitamin C has antioxidant and antipigmentation effects which can help reduce skin damage, brighten the skin, and prevent premature aging.

To whiten skin naturally, apply lemon juice to the skin. Leave it for 15-20 minutes before rinsing with water. Be careful when using lemon on the skin because it can cause a burning sensation.

7. Honey 

A study from the National Library of Medicine states that honey contains fructose, glucose and alphahydroxy acid which can help reduce excessive pigmentation. Honey is also a natural exfoliator that reduces dry and dull skin. So it makes the skin look brighter and supple.

How to use honey to whiten skin is fairly easy. Simply apply a mixture of honey and lemon juice to the skin. Leave it for about 15-20 minutes. Then, rinse thoroughly with water.

8. Yogurt 

Yogurt is a popular product that is often used in traditional medicine. A study from the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology stated that yogurt contains the compound L-cysteine ​​which can inhibit tyrosinase activity. So it can help reduce pigmentation and brighten dull skin.

Mix yogurt and honey, then apply the mixture to the skin. Leave it for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with water until clean.

9. Pineapple

According to a study from the National Library of Medicine, pineapple contains bioactive compounds that contain sulfur. This compound can reduce pigmentation by inhibiting tyrosinase activity.

To get whiter skin, puree the pineapple first. Then, mix the liquid pineapple with flour until it forms a paste. Apply to skin. Wait a few minutes, then rinse with water.

10. Rice Flour 

The ferrutic acid content in rice flour has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects which can prevent skin aging, reduce damage caused by exposure to ultraviolet light, and brighten the skin. A study from the Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery found that the phytic acid in rice flour is also effective in treating skin hyperpigmentation.

How to use rice flour to whiten skin is quite easy. Mix rice flour powder with olive oil or rose water until it forms a paste. Apply it to the skin, then leave it for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse until clean.

Please remember, whitening the skin with the natural ingredients above does not provide instant results. Must be done regularly and consistently. Apart from that, maintaining a good lifestyle is also important to keep your skin healthy.

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How to Treat Acne Correctly Medically

Knowing how to treat acne correctly according to medical recommendations will determine how quickly you will be free from acne.

Mistakes in how to treat acne can cause the face to be full of pus, boils, blemishes or pockmarks and even serious infections that require hospital treatment.

For this reason, treating acne cannot be done carelessly so that the scars can disappear. This is because acne is a disorder that is influenced by many interrelated factors.

Let’s look at several ways to deal with acne in the following article.


Get to know the factors that cause acne

6 Penyebab Jerawat Di Pipi

Acne is a skin disorder caused by blockage of the fat glands (sebaceous glands).

Usually, acne will appear on the face, neck, upper chest, back and upper arms. This disorder often affects teenagers and sometimes adults. The appearance of acne is triggered by several factors such as:

  • Genetic or hereditary factors
  • Hormonal factors, the hormones that play a role in causing acne are androgen hormones. For this reason, acne is often suffered by teenagers whose hormonal functions are starting to work actively, as well as before and after menstruation.
  • Cosmetics, especially those with high fat content such as moisturizers, night creams and foundations, as well as the use of scrubs, often worsen this disorder.
  • Foods that contain a lot of fat such as nuts, chocolate, butter, cheese, fried foods, goat meat, pork, foods that contain lots of spices such as chili sauce, foods with coconut milk, as well as durian fruit, mango, avocado, jackfruit, and so on.
  • Poor facial hygiene
  • Lack of sleep or lack of rest
  • Stress, anxiety, anxiety, worrying too much.
  • Difficulty defecating
  • Frequently holding, squeezing, or rubbing acne. The more often you touch or squeeze, the bigger, worse the acne will get, and can leave very ugly blemishes in the form of pockmarks or keloids.
  • Rubbing hair or using a towel roughly.

All of these factors cannot be eliminated directly in a short time and not all of these factors can be eliminated completely. Therefore, acne treatment cannot achieve maximum results in a short time and is sustainable.

How to deal with acne properly

Cara alami mengatasi jerawat dan bekasnya - Beauty Talk by Perfect Beauty

When acne appears, You can take several steps to overcome it. Here are the steps to treat acne properly

  1. Clean your face regularly
  2. Don’t squeeze pimples
  3. Reduce the use of skincare with high fat content
  4. Wash your face properly
  5. Use acne medication
  6. Other ways to get rid of acne

Finally, you can do several activities to prevent acne from recurring, namely:

  • Avoid doing activities including exercise under hot sunlight which can make acne worse
  • Avoid foods that contain lots of fat
  • Manage stress and get enough rest
  • Try to defecate regularly every day
  • Eat foods with low fat content such as beef, fish, chicken, non-fat milk, steamed or boiled and eat lots of vegetables and fruit.
  • If the acne has healed, maintenance efforts need to be made to prevent recurrence according to the doctor’s instructions.

Consult with a Skin Health Specialist

There are many cases of acne causing facial skin to become damaged such as blemishes or spots and blemishes or pockmarks due to wrong treatment. Among the acne treatments above, the best way to deal with it is to visit a skin health specialist.

The doctor will perform a procedure to remove blocked fat glands, such as administering medication that can exfoliate dirty skin.

This skin exfoliation process aims to remove dead skin cells, so that it can remove blocked fat glands which are the root cause of acne, as well as eliminate facial dullness so that the face becomes bright and clean.

This skin exfoliation process does not always result in thinning of the skin if it is carried out under the supervision of a skin and genital health specialist.

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