Having healthy, moisturized and radiant skin is everyone’s dream. Therefore, the condition of dry skin—especially dry, scaly skin—is something scary. However, in some cases, some people think that having dry skin is better than having oily skin. In fact, dry skin actually gives an uncomfortable sensation, you know. Often, owners of this skin type experience itching and a pulling effect.

During this pandemic, people with dry skin are made even more miserable. The obligation to regularly wash your hands with soap or use hand sanitizer to avoid the COVID-19 virus is believed to increase the level of dryness of the skin. This can happen because the skin layer does not have enough water and lipids to form the skin’s defenses due to moisture being eroded.

The above phenomenon was then proven by findings in the journal The Prevalence and Determinants of Hand and Face Dermatitis during COVID-19 Pandemic which reported that 83.2% of people had experienced dryness on their skin since the pandemic due to washing their hands too often and using hand sanitizer.

Furthermore, the condition in question is further aggravated by inappropriate use of soap or hand sanitizer, for example products that contain alcohol. Still from the same journal, the impact of dry skin during this pandemic is shown by: 54.2% of people reported changes in the texture of their skin, 45.4% of people experienced dry, scaly skin, 39.6% of people admitted their skin was itchy, 28, 1% reported their skin experienced redness, and 17.4% felt a burning sensation on their skin.

Usually, this skin condition cannot be categorized as a serious problem because you can easily treat it using the right handbody products for dry skin. Come on, keep reading the article to find out how to deal with this skin type along with recommendations for the best handbody products.

Characteristics of Dry Skin

The characteristics of dry skin can be different for each individual. This is influenced by several factors such as age, health condition, skin color, and the environment where you live. But in general, dry skin has the following characteristics as reported by the Mayo Clinic:

  • The skin feels tight and pulled
  • Rough and uneven textured skin
  • Skin often itches
  • Dry scaly and flaky skin
  • Cracked skin sometimes bleeds
  • Reddish skin
  • White lines appear when scratched

Causes of Dry Skin

Usually, dry skin is temporary. In most cases, this skin complaint generally appears when the weather changes. Come on, look at the causes of dry skin in full according to the Mayo Clinic in the following points:

  1. Environmental conditions, Living in a weathered or cold climate with low humidity can make the skin dry faster.
  2. Inappropriate bathing habits. 2. Soaking in hot water for too long or rubbing your skin roughly when bathing can strip the skin of its natural moisture.
  3. Use of soap or detergent with harsh ingredients. It is believed that alcohol, parabens or fragrances contained in several products on the market can damage the skin barrier and make the skin dehydrated.
  4. Other skin disorders. People who suffer from eczema or psoriasis (dry, scaly skin) tend to have dry skin.
  5. Age. As we age the skin becomes more susceptible to dryness. This is because the production of natural oil-producing glands in the skin begins to decrease when you reach age 50 years and above.

How to Overcome Dry Skin

You can try some of the tips below to overcome dryness on your skin:

1. Maintaining Skin Moisture

Dryness of the skin occurs due to low levels of moisture in the sense of touch. Therefore, you are advised to use a moisturizer such as handbody for dry skin regularly to keep your skin healthy and hydrated. As recommended by the Mayo Clinic, you can apply moisturizer several times a day, especially when your skin feels dry after washing your hands or showering.

2. Avoid hot showers.

Psst, hot water is believed to remove natural oils which function to moisturize the skin, you know. Therefore, you are advised to shower using cold or warm water to reduce the risk of dry skin. After showering, simply dry your body using a towel by gently patting it. Avoid rubbing the towel too hard on the skin so that the skin doesn’t dry out further.

3. Hydrate your body by drinking enough water.

Make it a habit to consume at least 8 glasses of water a day. Water contains nutrients in the form of minerals such as zinc and magnesium which are very good for hydrating the skin. This habit will help the skin become naturally moisturized from within. When the body’s fluid needs are met, the skin will look healthier and more well-groomed from the outside!

4. Wear comfortable clothes.

Wool is comfortable to wear in cold weather. However, if your skin type tends to be dry, you need to avoid woolen clothing. The texture of wool, which tends to be rough on the skin, can cause itching, irritation, and even dry, scaly skin. Use comfortable natural cotton clothes so your skin can breathe.

5. Use a Humidifier

According to Healthline, installing a humidifier at home can help minimize the risk of dry skin caused by low air humidity levels. Not only that, humidifiers are also able to overcome the problems of chapped lips, colds and sore throats. If you are interested in installing a humidifier, make sure you clean it regularly so it doesn’t trigger the growth of fungus and bacteria, OK!

6. Use gentle soap and body lotion

Look for soap and handbody products for dry skin without excessive alcohol and chemical content. Also make sure the products are well formulated using ingredients that are gentle on the skin. One natural ingredient that is effective for treating dry skin is wheat.

Oats have been used to treat dry skin for centuries. As stated in a journal publication published in the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology in 2015, wheat has been proven to have natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects which can help improve dry, scaly and rough skin, including relieving itching, inflammation and redness.

You can get wheat content in Aveeno ® Skin Relief Body Wash and Aveeno ® Skin Relief Moisturizing Body Lotion . The gentle Triple Oat Complex content in this product is an option for treating dry skin because it is proven to protect, moisturize and soothe your skin twice for up to 24 hours. You also don’t need to worry, this product is formulated without added fragrance and has been clinically tested!

Hopefully the review above is useful for dealing with your dry skin, OK? If your skin does not experience any changes even though you have practiced some of the tips discussed, including using a handbody for dry skin such as Aveeno ® Skin Relief Moisturizing Body Lotion , it is a good idea for you to immediately go to a dermatologist so that you can be examined and treated further. Good luck!

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