How to Moisturize Facial Skin with the Right Moisturizer Choice

How to Moisturize Facial Skin with the Right Moisturizer Choice

How to Moisturize Facial Skin with the Right Moisturizer Choice

Facial skin that looks dry and dull can be a sign that the skin is losing moisture. Well, there are ways to moisturize facial skin that you can try. In this way, you can get healthy and shining looking skin.

Cold air, lack of fluid intake, or exposure to direct sunlight can reduce facial skin’s moisture, making it feel dry, rough, and dull. If left untreated, the skin will be susceptible to irritation and infection. Therefore, facial skin moisture needs to always be maintained.

One way to moisturize facial skin is to use facial moisturizer . Moisturizer acts as a protector that keeps the skin hydrated, treats dry skin , protects sensitive skin, and improves skin texture.

Choose a moisturizer according to your skin type

So that moisturizer can work effectively, you are advised to choose a facial moisturizer according to your skin type. The following is the guide:

Dry skin

Choose an oil – based moisturizer that contains ingredients that can maintain skin moisture, for example petrolatum . This content is very suitable for very dry or chapped skin.

Moisturizers made from hyaluronic acid , shea butter , jojoba oil, olive oil , dimethicone , glycerin and mineral oil are also good for moisturizing dry facial skin.

Oily skin

For those with oily skin , you can use a moisturizer in the form of a lotion and water -based . Apart from that, choose products that are labeled noncomedogenic so they don’t clog pores.

Moisturizer made from alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) is a type of moisturizer that is good for oily and acne-prone facial skin types. You can also choose a moisturizer that contains dimethicone , urea, and ceramide .

Sensitive skin

Choose a moisturizer that contains ingredients, such as chamomile or aloe vera and does not contain substances that can cause irritation to facial skin, such as perfume or dyes.

Moisturizers labeled hypoallergenic can also be an option because they are considered to have a small risk of causing allergic reactions and irritation.

Aging skin

As we age, skin tends to become drier because oil production decreases. Therefore, look for oil-based moisturizers that contain petrolatum, antioxidants , or AHAs to prevent signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles .

Normal skin

For normal skin types, you should use a water-based moisturizer with a light texture and contains little oil, such as dimethicone .

Various Ways to Moisturize Facial Skin
Apart from using moisturizer, there are several things you can do to keep your facial skin moist and healthy, namely:

1. Clean your face regularly

Cleaning your face regularly is the first step to maintaining healthy skin. However, make sure you choose a gentle facial soap to prevent dry skin and irritation.

Don’t wash your face too often and avoid using warm water because it can remove the skin’s natural oils, making the skin feel drier.

2. Remove dead skin cells

The process of removing dead skin cells on the face also needs to be done regularly to stimulate the formation of new skin cells. You can use facial soap that contains scrub to remove dead skin cells and make it easier for moisturizer to penetrate the skin.

3. Maintain hand hygiene

Make sure your hands are clean before touching your face or using certain facial care products, such as night cream or moisturizing lotion. This is important to do to prevent the entry of bacteria or dirt that causes acne.

4. Protect the face from sunlight

Long-term exposure to direct sunlight can strip the skin of moisture, resulting in the skin becoming dull, dry and wrinkled. Therefore, it is important to always use sunscreen every time you do outdoor activities.

5. Live a healthy lifestyle

Not only external care, you also need to do internal care to maintain healthy and moisturized skin. You can do this by living a healthy lifestyle , namely consuming nutritious food, meeting your body’s fluid needs and getting enough rest time.

So, the method above for moisturizing facial skin is quite easy to do, isn’t it? However, you also need to remember to use facial moisturizer according to your skin type and follow the recommended rules.

If you have difficulty determining a moisturizer that suits your skin type or have questions about other ways to moisturize your facial skin, you can consult a doctor .

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