Kenali Cara Mencegah Rambut Beruban di Usia Muda

“Uban tidak hanya muncul pada seseorang yang berusia tua. Nyatanya uban juga dapat muncul di usia muda, bahkan remaja. Uban di usia muda mungkin bisa dicegah dengan mengonsumsi makanan kaya antioksidan, memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin, dan berhenti merokok. Namun, terbilang sulit mencegah uban jika penyebabnya akibat faktor genetik atau penuaan”

Merupakan hal normal ketika rambut beruban seiring bertambahnya usia. Namun, ada kalanya uban juga bisa tumbuh pada seseorang yang masih berusia muda atau bahkan remaja. Nah, artinya sebenarnya uban bisa muncul hampir setiap saat.

Perlu diketahui, manusia memiliki jutaan folikel rambut atau kantung kecil yang melapisi kulit. Folikel menghasilkan rambut dan sel warna atau pigmen yang mengandung melanin. Seiring waktu, folikel rambut kehilangan sel pigmen sehingga menghasilkan rambut putih yang dinamakan uban. Lantas, bisakah mencegah uban tumbuh di usia muda?

Cara Mencegah Munculnya Uban Di Usia Muda

Jika genetika atau penuaan menjadi penyebabnya, maka tidak ada yang bisa dilakukan untuk mencegah uban. Namun, jika uban muncul disebabkan faktor gaya hidup atau kondisi medis, mungkin masih bisa dicegah.

Ketika tubuh kekurangan vitamin tertentu, maka bisa menyebabkan uban muncul lebih cepat. Nah, berikut beberapa cara perawatan rambut yang bisa kamu lakukan untuk mencegah pertumbuhan uban di usia muda.

  1. Konsumsi Makanan Kaya Antioksidan

Pola makan seseorang berperan dalam mencegah kemunculan uban. Mengonsumsi makanan kaya antioksidan dapat mengurangi stres oksidatif. Makanan kaya antioksidan meliputi:

  • Buah dan sayuran segar.
  • Teh hijau.
  • Minyak zaitun.
  • Ikan.
  1. Penuhi Kebutuhan Vitamin

Siapapun yang memiliki uban akibat kekurangan vitamin tertentu harus memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin tersebut. Contohnya dengan mengonsumsi lebih banyak makanan yang mengandung vitamin tertentu.

Misalnya makanan laut, telur, dan daging adalah sumber vitamin B-12 yang baik. Sementara itu susu, ikan salmon, dan keju adalah sumber vitamin D yang sangat baik. Kamu juga bisa mengonsumsi suplemen untuk memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin dan mineral penting yang bermanfaat bagi rambut.

  1. Berhenti Merokok

Merokok memiliki dampak buruk pada tubuh dan berkontribusi pada kemunculan uban. Peneliti juga menemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara kebiasaan merokok dan hilangnya pigmentasi rambut.

Cara Alami Mengatasi Pertumbuhan Uban

Untuk mendukung pencegahan, atau mengatasi uban yang terlanjur muncul di usia muda, ada beberapa cara alami yang bisa dilakukan:

  • Minyak kelapa. Pijatkan minyak kelapa ke kulit kepala setiap hari, sebelum tidur. Keesokan paginya, cuci rambut seperti biasa.
  • Jahe. Makanlah satu sendok teh jahe parut segar yang dicampur dengan 1 sendok makan madu. Lakukan setiap hari.
  • Biji wijen hitam. Setiap dua sampai tiga kali seminggu, konsumsi satu sendok makan biji wijen hitam untuk mencegah dan mengatasi rambut beruban.
  • Bawang bombay. Haluskan bawang bombay dalam blender lalu gunakan saringan hingga tersisa airnya. Pijatkan air jus bawang bombay ke kulit kepala, biarkan selama 30 menit, kemudian keramas seperti biasa. Lakukan cara ini ini dua kali seminggu.
  • Jus wortel. Minum jus wortel setiap hari.
  • Konsumsi makanan yang kaya enzim katalase. Contohnya bawang putih, kubis, ubi, brokoli, dan kacang almond.
  • Minyak almond. Campurkan minyak almond dan jus lemon. Pijat campuran tersebut ke rambut dan kulit kepala. Lakukan rutinitas tersebut dua kali sehari selama tiga bulan.

Hal yang perlu ditegaskan, cara-cara di atas belum terbukti ampuh dan efektif untuk mencegah atau mengatasi pertumbuhan uban yang muncul di usia muda. Namun, dengan diagnosis dan perawatan yang tepat dari dokter, perkembangan uban dapat diminimalkan. Pola makan sehat dan perawatan rambut yang baik juga akan membantu.


Ketahui Cara Cepat dan Mudah Memanjangkan Rambut

5 Ways to Keep Your Hair Healthy and Shiny

Meski kenyataannya rambut kita selalu tumbuh, kecepatan pertumbuhan rambut setiap orang berbeda antara satu dengan lainnya. Sebagian wanita begitu beruntungnya memiliki kemudahan untuk memiliki rambut panjang dan sehat.

Karena itu, kamu perlu mengetahui fase pertumbuhan rambut yang lebih cepat. Ini supaya kamu tahu cara agar rambut cepat panjang sesuai kondisi yang kamu alami. Selain itu, kamu perlu tahu tips seputar memanjangkan rambut sekaligus hal-hal yang harus dihindari.

Rambut Memiliki Kecepatan Tumbuh yang Berbeda

Melansir dari American Academy of Dermatology, rata-rata pertumbuhan rambut di kepala manusia adalah sepanjang 0,5 inci per bulan atau 6 inci dalam setahun. Setiap wanita memiliki pola tersendiri terkait tingkat pertumbuhan rambut setiap harinya. Kecepatannya pun berbeda-beda. Untuk mengetahui apakah kecepatan pertumbuhan rambutmu ideal atau terlalu lambat, kamu bisa mencoba mengukurnya setiap sebulan sekali.

Faktor yang Memengaruhi Kecepatan Pertumbuhan Rambut

Penyebab pertumbuhan rambut dipengaruhi berbagai faktor antara lain genetik, ras, perawatan harian rutin, dan kemampuan rambut mempertahankan pertumbuhannya.

●        Faktor Genetik

Cepat atau lambatnya rambut untuk tumbuh panjang sangat bergantung pengaruh pada genetik masing-masing individu.

●        Faktor Ras

Berbeda ras memiliki rambut dengan tekstur atau karakteristik berbeda pula. Perbedaan tersebut juga memengaruhi cepat-lambatnya proses rambut untuk tumbuh panjang.

●        Perawatan Rutin pada Rambut

Perawatan setiap hari pada rambut juga berkaitan erat dengan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk memanjangkan rambut. Semakin tercukupi nutrisi, semakin cepat rambutmu panjang, sehat, dan berkilau indah.

●        Kemampuan Mempertahankan Pertumbuhan Rambut

Ada hal-hal terkait rambut yang sering kamu lakukan tetapi hal itu berdampak dengan mengurangi kecepatan tumbuh rambut. Salah satunya adalah pemakaian styling tool, mewarnai rambut, atau memilih gaya yang bisa membuat rusak dan stres pada rambut (misalnya: terus-menerus memakai ikat/jepit terlalu ketat).

Fase pertumbuhan Rambut

Setidaknya ada tiga fase pertumbuhan rambut dengan siklus yang berulang.

●        Fase Anagen

Ini merupakan fase pembentukan rambut saat tumbuh secara aktif, cepat panjang, dan sehat. Folikel aktif mendorong rambut lama dan memproduksi materi pembentuk rambut baru sehingga rambut cepat tumbuh. Setiap helai bisa mencapai umur antara 2-5 tahun sebelum akhirnya rontok secara alamiah.

●        Fase Katagen

Ini merupakan fase pertumbuhan transisi. Pada fase ini, rambut berhenti tumbuh. Selain itu, sel-sel rambut berhenti membelah pada fase ini. Proses ini Ditandai dengan menyusutnya bagian akar rambut. Fase ini berlangsung selama 4-6 minggu.

●        Fase Telogen

Ini adalah fase rambut saat beristirahat. Pada fase telogen, rambut akan berhenti tumbuh sama sekali untuk kemudian didorong rambut-rambut baru. Itulah yang disebut kerontokan alami. Fase ini berlangsung 2-3 bulan.

Maksimalkan perawatan rambut dan dengan melakukan kebiasaan baik yang dapat mengaktifkan folikel untuk semakin tumbuh cepat selama fase anagen.

7 Cara Cepat Memanjangkan Rambut

Rambut membutuhkan waktu sekitar 2 tahun untuk tumbuh sepanjang 6 inci. Selama proses menunggu, kamu perlu berusaha keras menjaga dengan melakukan perawatan rambut sebaik mungkin.

Kabar baiknya, kamu tetap bisa mempercepat proses memanjangkan rambut dengan beberapa tips. Asalkan menjalani tanpa stres dan dengan senang hati, kamu bisa mendapatkan rambut panjang yang indah dalam waktu relatif singkat. Seperti apa tipsnya? Simak cara agar rambut cepat panjang berikut:

1.  Membersihkan Kulit Kepala dan Rambut

Memakai sampo dan kondisioner yang bisa memanjangkan rambut sekaligus membersihkannya secara menyeluruh adalah hal pertama yang kamu lakukan. Setelah itu, kamu juga tak boleh melupakan perawatan kulit kepala.

Menurut Penny James, seorang Trichologist dari NYC’s Penny James Salon, salah satu komponen utama dalam mempercepat pertumbuhan rambut adalah perawatan kulit kepala. Produk khusus untuk menyehatkan kulit kepala mampu memberi dampak signifikan pada kekuatan rambut dari akarnya.

Rambut bisa semakin sehat, semakin tebal, dan tak mudah patah karena didukung kulit kepala yang memiliki metabolisme lancar. Selain itu, pori-pori yang bersih membantu folikel menumbuhkan rambut baru.

2.  Melembapkan Rambut

Setelah keramas, jangan lewatkan kondisioner untuk menutrisi dan mengunci kelembapan di setiap helaian. Hal ini penting agar rambut tidak mudah patah dan rontok. Rambut yang rapuh dan patah dalam jumlah banyak, bisa menyebabkan penipisan rambut. Alhasil tujuan mendapat rambut panjang akan sulit tercapai.

3.  Mengeringkan Rambut

Keringkan rambut secara alami dengan cara mengangin-anginkan di suhu ruang. Hindari memakai hair dryer kecuali kamu sedang terburu-buru untuk keluar rumah sehingga harus mengeringkan rambut dengan cepat.

Pastikan saat memakai hair dryer, kamu mengatur suhu di level yang kurang panas. Selain itu, hindari memposisikan arah hair dryer ke bagian rambut tertentu, agar tidak membuatnya terlalu kering.

4.  Menyisir Rambut

Selalu pilih sisir yang memiliki gigi jarang atau sikat rambut dengan pad yang empuk dan lembut, sehingga nyaman di kepala.

Hindari menyisir saat basah agar rambut tidak rontok. Selain memakai sisir bergigi jarang, kamu juga bisa memakai jari tangan, untuk mengurai rambut yang kusut, sebelum proses menyisir. Cara ini dapat mencegah kerontokan lebih efektif.

5.  Meningkatkan Nutrisi dari Dalam

Konsumsi asupan makanan yang kaya nutrisi setiap hari. Mulailah dengan diet sehat dengan makan makanan yang kaya protein, asam amino, vitamin A, vitamin C, niacin, biotin, hingga zinc dan zat besi.

Kamu juga perlu mengonsumsi air putih dalam jumlah cukup untuk mencegah dehidrasi. Kecukupan air putih berpengaruh dalam keseimbangan organ tubuh dan rambut.

Beberapa Nutrisi Makanan agar Rambut Cepat Panjang

Salah satu cara agar rambut cepat panjang adalah memperhatikan asupan gizi dari makanan dan minuman.

  • Zat besi: bayam, brokoli, asparagus
  • Zinc: kacang-kacangan, daging dan keju
  • Protein: telur, susu, kacang, tahu, ikan, ayam
  • Vitamin A: wortel untuk kulit kepala sehat
  • Vitamin B; alpukat, gandum utuh, daging
  • Kalsium: Yogurt, susu dan keju
  • Air putih minimal 2 liter per hari.

6.  Mengurangi Stres

Keterkaitan antara stres dan rambut tampaknya jarang disadari sebagian wanita. Padahal, stres bisa memperlambat pertumbuhan rambut, bahkan menyebabkan rambut berhenti tumbuh. Dalam kondisi serius, stres dapat menyebabkan kerontokan. Kurangi stres dengan berolahraga atau mengerjakan hal-hal menyenangkan agar rambut tidak mengalami fase telogen (istirahat).

7.  Menambah Suplemen dan Vitamin Rambut

Jika asupan gizi dari makanan kurang mencukupi, kamu bisa berkonsultasi ke dokter untuk perawatan rambut lewat suplemen vitamin dan mineral. Sebagian konsumen memakai produk tersebut untuk mendapatkan tambahan nutrisi lebih dari dalam.

5 Hal yang Bisa Memperlambat Rambut Panjang

1.  Terlalu Sering Memakai Hair Dryer

Selalu mengeringkan rambut dengan hair dryer usai keramas bisa menyebabkan rambut menjadi kering. Paparan suhu panas dari ujung hair dryer menyebabkan protein dan kelembapan rambut cepat menghilang. Rambut pun rentan kering dan rusak.

2.  Membungkus Rambut Basah dengan Handuk

Membungkus rambut dengan handuk bisa memicu kerusakan rambut jika dilakukan terus-menerus. Cara mengeringkan rambut dengan handuk semacam ini bisa menyebabkan tipe rambut kering mengalami kerusakan di bagian batang rambut. Hal ini menjadikan rambut sulit diatur dan gampang patah.

3.  Menyisir Rambut saat Masih Basah

Sisir rambutmu ketika sudah kering. Jangan pernah menyisir di kala basah. Hal ini karena rambut basah cenderung lebih lemah dan lebih mudah mengalami kerontokan dibandingkan ketika rambut dalam keadaan kering.

4.  Penggunaan Styling Tool Bersuhu Ekstrem

Senangnya bisa berganti gaya rambut dengan styling tool. Kini saatnya berhenti sejenak dan biarkan rambutmu istirahat. Bebaskan rambut dari alat-alat pemanas seperti curling wand, flat iron, atau hair dryer.

Panas dari alat-alat tersebut bisa menghilangkan protein alami pada rambut. Membuatnya kering sehingga mudah patah dan rapuh. Rambut bisa jadi susah panjang karena terus-menerus patah akibat batang rambut yang kehilangan kekuatannya.

Jika perlu, hentikan pemakaian styling tool seluruhnya, agar kamu mendapatkan rambut yang lebih panjang dan lebih sehat.

5.  Over-Styling Rambut dengan Perming Kimia

Biarkan rambutmu tetap natural jika ingin tumbuh lebih subur dan cepat panjang. Hal ini karena rambut rontok, mudah patah, dan susah panjang merupakan kasus yang banyak menimpa kaum hawa yang hobi gonta-ganti gaya rambut.

Pemakaian zat kimia untuk pewarnaan, bleaching, pelurusan, dan pengeritingan bisa berdampak pada melemahnya struktur rambut. Sehingga rambut rentan kering, patah, dan rontok.

Pemakaian perm kimia dalam waktu pendek juga menyebabkan trauma pada rambut atau kulit kepala. Bahan kimia bisa saja mengenai lapisan kulit sehingga menyebabkan kebotakan dan merusak folikel di area tersebut. Akibat terburuknya, rambut tumbuh lebih lambat bahkan berhenti sama sekali.

Dove Total Hair Fall Treatment: Rambut Tumbuh Kuat Ternutrisi dari Akar

Dove Intensive Hair Fall Treatment telah teruji secara klinis dapat mengurangi kerontokan sekaligus mengunci kekuatan di akar rambut. Penggunaan sampo dan kondisioner secara teratur setiap hari dapat menjadikan pertumbuhan rambut lebih kuat 10 kali lipat.

Rangkaian Dove Total Hair Fall Treatment diperkaya Nutrilock aktif yang menyerap ke setiap helai rambutmu dan meminimalkan rambut patah. Formulanya menutrisi rambut dari akar dan menjadikannya tumbuh lebih kuat.

Keyword Terkait :

7 Cara Menghilangkan Ketombe Membandel yang Mudah dan Efektif

Aircraftgalleries – Ketombe adalah kotoran yang berada pada permukaan kulit kepala. Teksturnya seperti serpihan yang berwarna putih atau kuning.

Meski tak menular, masalah ini bisa menurunkan rasa percaya diri pengidapnya sehingga penting untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara menghilangkan ketombe yang efektif.

Ketombe adalah gangguan yang umumnya terjadi saat masa pubertas dan mencapai puncaknya di usia 20 tahunan. Risikonya juga rentan terjadi pada orang yang berusia di atas 50 tahun.

Cara Menghilangkan Ketombe Membandel dengan Efektif

Ketombe tak hanya menurunkan rasa percaya diri. Masalah ini juga menimbulkan rasa gatal berlebihan sehingga muncul keinginan ingin terus menggaruk.

Di bawah ini beberapa trik dan cara menghilangkan ketombe:

1. Sampo anti ketombe

Jika kamu memiliki jenis rambut yang mudah berminyak, maka sebaiknya rutin keramas untuk mengatasi masalah ketombe. Dengan cara ini, sel-sel kulit mati dan kotoran pada kulit kepala bisa terangkat.

Namun, bukan berarti kamu harus keramas setiap hari, ya. Keramas terlalu sering justru menghilangkan minyak alami pada rambut dan kulit kepala. Akibatnya, kulit kepala menjadi semakin kering dan masalah ketombe akan semakin parah.

Saat keramas, gunakan sampo anti ketombe yang mengandung zink pyrithione, ketoconazole, asam salisilat, dan selenium sulfida.

Sampo ini juga mampu meredakan gatal pada kulit kepala akibat ketombe.

Lantas, bagaimana jika ketombe tetap muncul walaupun sudah ganti sampo? Menurut American Academy of Dermatology, kamu bisa menggunakan sampo anti ketombe secara bergantian dengan bahan aktif yang berbeda.

2. Konsumsi obat-obatan yang diresepkan dokter

Cara menghilangkan ketombe yang semakin parah terkadang memerlukan tindakan dari dokter spesialis kulit. Dokter mungkin akan meresepkan obat ketombe untuk mengatasi gejalanya. Berikut rekomendasi obatnya:

  • Ketomed 2% Scalp Solution 60 ml. Mengandung ketoconazole, senyawa antijamur yang efektif untuk mengobati infeksi kulit kepala, termasuk dermatitis seboroik ringan dengan gejala ketombe serta ketombe akibat Pityrosporum ovale.
  • Zoloral SS Shampo 80 ml. Efektif untuk terapi dan pencegahan dermatitis seboroik yang dapat menyebabkan ketombe. Selain itu, untuk mengatasi pitiriasis kapitis, yaitu kondisi umum yang mengakibatkan timbulnya sisik berlebihan dari sel-sel kulit mati pada kulit kepala.
  • Kloderma Lotion 30 ml. Mengandung clobetasol propionate, yang efektif untuk pengobatan jangka pendek kondisi kulit inflamasi berat, seperti eksim yang membandel dan psoriasis, yang dapat menyebabkan ketombe.
  • Itraconazole 100 mg 10 Kapsul. Obat antijamur turunan triazol yang efektif untuk mengobati berbagai infeksi jamur, salah satunya tinea capitis yang dapat menyebabkan ketombe.
  • Prednicort 4 mg 10 Tablet. Prednicort mengandung Methylprednisolone, yaitu kortikosteroid yang digunakan untuk mengurangi peradangan dan reaksi alergi. Salah satunya, termasuk untuk masalah ketombe.

3. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil atau minyak pohon teh efektif membantu mengatasi ketombe membandel. Bahan alami ini bekerja dengan mengurangi pertumbuhan jamur penyebab ketombe dan meredakan gatal.

Untuk menggunakannya, campurkan beberapa tetes tea tree oil murni dengan sampo yang biasa kamu gunakan. Lalu, keramas seperti biasa. Namun, pastikan kamu tidak alergi dengan minyak ini, ya.

Untuk memastikannya, oleskan sedikit tea tree oil pada kulit lengan dan tunggu reaksinya dalam 24 jam. Jika terlihat memerah, segera hentikan penggunaannya.

4. Cuka sari apel

Manfaat cuka sari apel dalam mengatasi ketombe tercatat dalam studi yang berjudul Growth inhibition of a phytopathogenic fungus, Colletotrichum species by acetic acid pada Microbiology Research.

Jurnal tersebut menyebutkan adanya sifat antijamur dalam cuka sari apel dapat mencegah beberapa munculnya jamur penyebab ketombe. Selain itu, terdapat juga kandungan asam yang dapat membantu mengembalikan pH kulit kepala.

Untuk mendapatkan manfaatnya, kamu bisa mencampurkan ½ cangkir cuka sari apel dan 1 ½ cangkir air dingin. Aplikasikan ke seluruh kulit kepala. Kemudian bilas dengan air biasa dan oleskan kondisioner.

5. Mengonsumsi probiotik

Probiotik tak hanya mampu memelihara kesehatan sistem pencernaan saja. Nutrisi di dalamnya juga dapat meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, termasuk dalam melawan infeksi jamur penyebab ketombe.

Caranya, kamu bisa mengonsumsi yoghurt, tempe, kimchi, dan kombucha untuk mengurangi keparahan ketombe.

Meski terbilang ampuh, cara menghilangkan ketombe menggunakan probiotik masih perlu penelitian lebih lanjut.

6. Makanan sehat bergizi seimbang

Makanan yang dapat menurunkan keparahan ketombe adalah zink dan vitamin B.

Selain itu, asupan omega-3 juga penting untuk meningkatkan nutrisi dan mengurangi peradangan kulit kepala pada pengidap ketombe.

7. Masker air lemon

Di dalam lemon terdapat semua nutrisi penting yang mampu menunjang kesehatan rambut. Di antaranya, vitamin C, asam sitrat, flavonoid, dan zat besi. Kandungan itu dapat mengatasi ketombe dengan menyeimbangkan pH kulit kepala.

Selain beberapa kandungan itu, terdapat asam sitrat sebagai pengatur pH alami kulit kepala.

Fakta tersebut terlampir pada jurnal Shampoo and Conditioners: What a Dermatologist Should Know? pada Indian Journal of Dermatology.

Artinya, dengan menggunakan air lemon, kandungan di dalamnya dapat menyesuaikan pH kulit kepala hingga 5.5. Manfaatnya tak hanya mengatasi ketombe, tetapi juga mencegah reaksi peradangan kulit.

Untuk mendapatkan manfaatnya, kamu bisa mengaplikasikan 2 sendok teh air perasan lemon ke kulit kepala. Diamkan 10 sampai 15 menit, lalu bilas sampai bersih.


7 Cara Merawat Rambut Rusak secara Alami

Perawatan rambut rusak tidak selalu membutuhkan produk atau prosedur yang mahal, lho. Ada berbagai cara merawat rambut rusak yang dapat dengan mudah Anda lakukan di rumah. Dengan demikian, rambut sehat dan indah pun bisa Anda wujudkan.

Rambut rusak dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai hal, seperti terlalu sering menggunakan alat pengering rambut, kebiasaan mewarnai rambut, atau memakai produk perawatan rambut yang tidak tepat.

7 Cara Merawat Rambut Rusak secara Alami - Alodokter

Kerusakan rambut kerap menimbulkan rasa tidak nyaman dan kurang percaya diri bagi siapapun yang mengalaminya. Nah, untuk memperbaikinya, Anda bisa mencoba rangkaian perawatan rambut yang dapat dilakukan di rumah.

Beragam Cara Merawat Rambut Rusak secara Alami

Ada beberapa cara alami yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk mengatasi masalah rambut rusak, seperti rambut mudah patah, sulit diatur, kering, bercabang, dan rontok.

Tak hanya rambut rusak, berbagai cara ini juga dapat mencegah kerusakan rambut berulang. Berikut ini adalah cara-caranya:

1. Oleskan minyak alami

Cara merawat rambut rusak yang pertama adalah mengoleskan minyak alami ke kulit kepala dan rambut. Hal ini bertujuan untuk melembutkan dan melembapkan rambut kering akibat kerusakan rambut, serta merangsang pertumbuhan rambut yang sehat.

Anda bisa melakukannya sambil memijat kepala selama 30–60 menit sebelum mencuci rambut. Jenis minyak alami yang bisa Anda gunakan adalah minyak zaitun, minyak almond, atau minyak kelapa. Anda juga bisa mencampur minyak tersebut dengan minyak esensial, seperti tea tree oil atau minyak peppermint.

7 Manfaat Tea Tree Oil untuk Kesehatan Kulit - Alodokter

2. Batasi penggunaan alat penata rambut

Penggunaan alat penata rambut, seperti pengering, pelurus, atau pengeriting rambut, bisa memperparah kerusakan rambut apabila digunakan terlalu sering atau pada suhu yang terlalu tinggi.

Pasalnya, paparan suhu panas dari alat-alat tersebut mampu menghilangkan kandungan minyak dan kelembapan alami rambut, sehingga rambut lebih rapuh dan mudah rontok.

Oleh karena itu, pastikan Anda menggunakannya dengan suhu yang tidak terlalu panas dan jangan biarkan alat tersebut terlalu lama menempel di rambut.

3. Gunakan masker rambut alami secara rutin

Cara merawat rambut rusak yang juga efektif adalah dengan masker rambut alami. Penggunaan masker rambut secara rutin bisa membawa banyak manfaat, termasuk mengurangi kerusakan rambut, membuat rambut lebih kuat, dan menyehatkan kulit kepala.

Ada banyak pilihan bahan-bahan alami yang bisa Anda gunakan sebagai masker rambut, seperti pisang, madu, kuning telur, alpukat, atau lidah buaya.

Khasiat Lidah Buaya Bagi Kesehatan

4. Lindungi rambut dari paparan langsung sinar matahari

Sama seperti kulit, paparan sinar matahari ke rambut juga bisa membuat rambut rusak, kusam, dan mudah rontok. Oleh karena itu, saat beraktivitas di luar ruangan Anda disarankan untuk mengenakan topi atau payung agar rambut tetap terlindungi.

5. Gunting rambut secara teratur

Cara merawat rambut rusak secara alami yang juga tak boleh dilewatkan adalah menggunting ujung rambut secara teratur, setidaknya 2 bulan sekali. Hal ini penting dilakukan bagi Anda yang sering menggunakan alat penata rambut yang panas.

Salah satu yang perlu diperhatikan saat menggunting rambut sendiri di rumah adalah menghindari penggunaan gunting tumpul, sebab bisa membuat ujung rambut justru semakin rusak.

6. Hindari perawatan rambut dengan bahan kimia keras

Untuk merawat rambut rusak, Anda juga perlu menghindari berbagai perawatan rambut yang menggunakan bahan kimia keras, seperti mewarnai rambut. Hal ini karena bahan kimia di dalam pewarna rambut dapat menghilangkan kelembapan alami rambut dan membuat rambut menjadi kusam atau semakin rusak.

7. Cukupi asupan nutrisi untuk rambut

Melakukan perawatan rambut dari luar saja tidak cukup untuk memperbaiki atau mencegah rambut rusak. Rambut juga memerlukan nutrisi dari dalam untuk tumbuh dengan sehat. Beberapa nutrisi yang baik bagi kesehatan rambut meliputi protein, vitamin D, biotin, asam lemak omega-3, dan zat besi.

Asupan nutrisi tersebut bisa diperoleh dari berbagai makanan, seperti buah-buahan, sayuran, kacang-kacangan, telur, daging tanpa lemak, ikan, dan produk susu rendah lemak.

Selain mengikuti beberapa cara merawat rambut rusak secara alami, Anda disarankan juga untuk minum banyak air mineral setiap hari, mengelola stres, dan menghindari cuci rambut terlalu sering.

Mencuci rambut maksimal 1–2 kali sehari ketika kulit kepala terasa berminyak dan rambut kotor. Setelah keramas, biarkan rambut mengering dengan sendirinya, sebisa mungkin saat rambut basah jangan langsung tidur, dan hindari menggosok-gosok rambut terlalu kencang agar tidak semakin rusak.

Jika rambut Anda tetap terlihat rusak atau justru semakin parah meski telah melakukan berbagai cara merawat rambut secara alami di atas, sebaiknya konsultasikan kondisi rambut Anda ke dokter untuk mendapatkan penanganan yang tepat.


Situs Toto

Situs Toto

5 Ways to Keep Your Hair Healthy and Shiny

5 Ways to Keep Your Hair Healthy and Shiny

5 Ways to Keep Your Hair Healthy and Shiny – How to care for healthy and shiny hair cannot be obtained only by shampooing. There are various ways to care for hair that you can try. In fact, some of these methods can be done at home.

Hair is the crown of the head that must always be kept healthy. However, cleaning hair regularly is not enough to get the beautiful hair you want.

Some hair styling methods can actually make hair dry, fall out, or split . In addition, exposure to sunlight and pollution can also worsen hair damage. Therefore, proper care is needed to keep hair healthy and looking beautiful.

Various Ways to Care for Hair

Here are some tips for getting healthy and shiny hair that you can do yourself at home:

1. Caring for the scalp

The first step to getting healthy hair is to take care of your scalp. Treatment can be done by massaging the scalp while shampooing slowly to increase blood circulation and stimulate hair follicles to produce thicker and shinier hair.

According to hair care experts, hair follicles are affected by the health and blood supply of the surrounding skin tissue. So, it can be said that a healthy scalp is the key to healthy hair.

Some experts also recommend choosing hair care products that can maintain the production of natural oils on the scalp and, as much as possible, avoid products containing sulfates, alcohol, or fragrances.

If necessary, protect your scalp and hair from harmful ultraviolet rays by wearing a hat when doing outdoor activities.

2. Choose the right shampoo

It is recommended that you choose a shampoo based on your hair type and according to the hair problems you are experiencing, such as dandruff , split ends, or hair loss .

Avoid shampoos that contain harsh ingredients, such as ammonium lauryl sulfate or sodium lauryl sulfate . When shampooing, it is recommended that you use plain or warm water, because hot water can remove the hair’s natural oils, making it dull.

After using shampoo , apply conditioner to keep hair soft, shiny and manageable.

3. Do treatment after shampooing

It is recommended that you do not comb or rub wet hair with a towel. Hair styling should be done when the hair is 90 percent dry and if possible let the hair dry naturally. Avoid using a hair dryer too often because it can make hair dry easily.

4. Minimize the use of hair accessories

To keep your hair healthy, don’t forget to practice how to care for your hair by minimizing the use of hair accessories. Avoid tying or braiding your hair too often and don’t comb your hair too long or too often.

In addition, reduce the use of chemical-based hair products and the use of hair styling tools that use electric heat, such as straighteners, curlers, or hair dryers.

5. Eat nutritious food

Hair care is not only done from the inside, but also from the outside. Well, to maintain healthy and beautiful hair, consume foods rich in protein , such as eggs, milk, nuts, fish, poultry, and lean meat.

Also fulfill your zinc and omega-3 intake by consuming green leafy vegetables, fruits, seafood, cheese, and yogurt to create healthier and shinier hair. If necessary, you can take biotin supplements to reduce or prevent hair loss . You can also use natural ingredients to care for your hair, such as aloe vera, honey, lime , lemon, and apple cider vinegar .

Do not hesitate to consult a doctor to find out how to properly care for your hair. Moreover, if your hair looks dull or even falls out to the point of baldness after treatment. This could be a sign of a serious health problem that requires medical attention.

Tips for choosing a moisturizer for acne-prone skin

Tips for choosing a moisturizer for acne-prone skin

In contrast to normal skin types, acne-prone skin types are quite susceptible to the use of certain products. Choosing the wrong type of product can cause acne problems on facial skin to get worse.

One skincare product that should not be missed to improve the condition of your skin so that it becomes healthy again is moisturizer. Some people choose to avoid facial moisturizer products because they believe that these products can make their acne worse. Is that true?

In fact, according to skin specialists , the right moisturizing products can help restore the skin’s condition and texture to health, thereby helping overcome acne problems.

Some types of moisturizer are very rich and have a dense texture, so they are prone to leaving residue on facial skin and causing clogged pores to cause acne. But of course this will not happen if we can choose the right type of moisturizer for acne-prone skin. Here are the tips

1. Recognize the Type of Acne

The first thing to pay attention to when determining the right type of moisturizer is to recognize the type of acne.

Teen age:

  • If you are still a teenager where the secretion of sebum on the skin is reaching its most active point, disrupting the balance of the skin and causing acne, it is recommended to use a type of moisturizer that is useful for cleaning the remaining sebum on facial skin. Usually this type of moisturizer contains peeling and anti-bacterial ingredients.
  • Skin metabolism tends to be active in adolescence, so using a moisturizer that has the function of cleaning excess sebum on the skin will work more effectively to overcome acne problems. Choose a type of moisturizer that has a bactericidal or peeling function and is also able to provide high humidity to the skin to prevent over-exfoliating.


  • For those of you who are 20 to 30 years old, acne usually arises due to an unhealthy lifestyle, such as staying up late, smoking habits, or stress. At this age, skin resistance also tends to decrease. Apart from that, the lack of vitamin and mineral levels in the body which is exacerbated by excessive consumption of fatty foods can also play a role in causing acne problems.
  • The type of facial moisturizer that is suitable for acne-prone skin in adulthood is a product that is able to maintain skin moisture. Using this type of moisturizer will really help to hydrate the skin so that it doesn’t dry out and produce excess oil which often triggers acne.
  • Moisturizers that are able to maintain skin moisture will help restore healthy, moist and fresh skin conditions. Apart from that, you can choose a type of moisturizer that is equipped with various vitamins such as vitamin E or additional ingredients such as aloe vera which helps support skin moisture.

2. Contains active ingredients to treat acne

When you want to choose a moisturizer for acne skin care, it is important to pay attention to the ingredients. Because, there are several types of products that can treat acne and there are also products that contain ingredients that can make acne worse.

To treat acne inflammation on the face, choose a moisturizing product that contains the following ingredients:

  • Anti-inflammatory . This anti-inflammatory ingredient is useful for preventing and reducing inflammation of the skin. Several types of ingredients included in anti-inflammatories are Glycyrrhizic acid 2K and glycyrrhetic acid stearyl. Both are ingredients that are often used to suppress symptoms of red, hot or itchy skin due to inflammation.
  • Vitamin C . So that your skin can regenerate properly so that acne problems are quickly resolved, you can choose moisturizing products that contain vitamins or vitamin C derivatives. Vitamin C can provide anti-inflammatory effects while reducing sebum production. This is what makes vitamin C able to trigger skin regeneration. However, only vitamin C derivatives can be absorbed by the skin. These include vitamin C phosphate, ascorbic acid glucoside, and many more.
  • Vitamin B2 . Apart from vitamin C, vitamin B2 can also help reduce excess sebum production.
  • Vitamin A. Vitamin A also has the property of supporting the growth of the skin epidermis and accelerating the skin regeneration process, and others. Of course, this kind of vitamin intake cannot only be obtained from just consuming skin care products. So that the effect is felt more optimally, you can get it by consuming fruit and vegetables.
  • It is oil free . It’s a good idea to choose a type of facial moisturizer that is oil free . Moisturizing facial products that contain oil have the potential to disrupt the balance of sebum levels on the skin and cause acne to appear on facial skin. This excess sebum becomes ‘food’ for the bacteria that cause acne, which results in an increasing number of acne appearing on the face. Therefore, it is mandatory to choose a facial moisturizer product with minimal oil content or even no oil at all.
  • Free from alcohol content . Apart from oil, the alcohol content in moisturizing products should also be avoided by those with acne-prone skin. Alcohol is indeed able to provide a fresh sensation and reduce itching on acne-prone skin, but at the same time it also makes the skin drier. This dry skin condition is not good because it will only make acne problems worse. Choose products that do not contain alcohol and other derivatives such as ethanol and the like.

3. Choose one with a light texture


Moisturizer for acne-prone skin should not cause irritation and also not contain many additional substances or additives. These additives are usually added to influence the texture of the moisturizer to make it more supple or soft so that people prefer it.

However, excess additives will leave residue on the skin so it is not recommended for those with acne-prone skin so that their acne problem does not get worse.

Choose a type of moisturizer that has a light, lightweight texture and is easily absorbed by facial skin and does not leave a heavy and sticky impression when applied.

You can choose a type of moisturizer that has a watery texture, or is water based , so it feels light when used. Lotion or gel type moisturizers that have a runny texture can also be an alternative option for acne-prone skin.

If you have stubborn skin problems, don’t hesitate to consult a dermatologist using Okadoc. You can make an appointment to see a doctor directly or have a virtual consultation via video call for various health problems, you know!

Come on, download the Okadoc application now on the Play Store and App Store.

Bandar Togel Taruhan Termurah

Definition, Benefits and Tips for Choosing a Moisturizer

Definition, Benefits and Tips for Choosing a Moisturizer

Benefits of Moisturizer – Currently the world of skincare has experienced very rapid development, there are lots of skincare products that use a variety of unique ingredients with a million benefits. Apart from that, skincare brands are increasingly detailing customer needs and separating each skincare function. Examples include serum, toner and moisturizer .

Does Grameds understand what the use of moisturizer is ? Moisturizer is a moisturizer that has many benefits for the skin. However, moisturizers also have different functions and benefits. To make it clearer, see the following explanation about moisturizers .

Understanding Moisturizer

In general, a moisturizer is a moisturizer, namely a lotion or cream that is used on the skin and its function is to prevent and treat dry skin problems. Moisturizer is not only needed by people who have dry skin, but is also needed by all skin types, both normal and oily.

Some people are sometimes reluctant to use moisturizer, because moisturizer is considered to be one of the causes of increasingly oily skin. However, this assumption is wrong because if Grameds can choose the right moisturizer , then the moisturizer will nourish Grameds’ oily skin well.

Even though in general moisturizers and moisturizers are the same skincare product , along with the development of skincare products, many skincare brands are starting to differentiate the functions of moisturizers and skincare .

So, moisturizer and moisturizer are different skincare products and have different functions. Basically, a moisturizer is a skincare product that focuses more on its function as a moisturizer or ‘locker’ as well as a moisturizer. Apart from that, both also have the same shape and texture. Confused? Check out the following explanation of the differences between moisturizer and moisturizer !

Difference between Moisturizer and Humidifier

Moisturizers and moisturizers have the same packaging form, usually in the form of a tube or a special container, apart from that, they both also have the same texture, such as gel, cream and lotion. Apart from that, moisturizers and moisturizers generally have the same function, namely to moisturize facial skin, so that the skin will feel softer.

So what is the difference between moisturizer and moisturizer? Basically, the basic difference between moisturizer and moisturizer is in terms of benefits.

Moisturizers generally work by hydrating the skin, so that the skin will become moist and can maintain moisture in the skin, so that it does not disappear easily by retaining the water content in the layers of the skin.

Therefore, the benefits of moisturizer will be felt more by Grameds who have dehydrated facial skin types. Because dehydrated skin needs skincare products that can hydrate and maintain skin moisture at the same time.

The benefits of this moisturizer are certainly different from the benefits of moisturizer. Moisturizer has the benefit of maintaining the natural moisture that already exists in the skin. In simple terms, this moisturizer actually has almost the same function as a skin barrier, namely to protect the skin from environmental aggressors and prevent the water content in the skin layer from evaporating through the pores.

How does humidifier work? The method is to form a report on the surface of the skin which has the function of preventing water from evaporating as well as protecting the skin. This layer also fills gaps and cracks in the layers of skin cells, so that the texture of facial skin becomes smoother and softer and can reduce itching on the skin.

The difference between moisturizer and other moisturizers is that moisturizer can help overcome skin problems such as dull skin, remove blemishes, disguise wrinkles, treat acne and others. Moisturizers , in general, do not have these benefits because moisturizers focus more on providing hydration and moisturizing the skin.

Benefits of Moisturizer

Even though a moisturizer doesn’t sound like it has as many benefits as a moisturizer, using a moisturizer at the Grameds skincare stage is important, because using a moisturizer will help restore keratin protein to facial skin. So that the skin is maintained, remains moist, smooth and healthy.

By regularly using moisturizer , the skin pH that is lost when washing your face returns. Apart from that, there are other benefits for skin health when using moisturizer regularly. Check out the explanation below.

1. Maintain skin moisture

In accordance with the main function of a moisturizer , namely as skincare that maintains moisture or provides moisture to the skin, the first and most important benefit of a moisturizer is to maintain skin moisture.

Moisturizer provides sufficient hydration to the outermost layer of facial skin, and is useful for protecting the deeper layers of skin from damage due to various things.

2. Nourish the skin

Apart from providing hydration and maintaining skin moisture, moisturizer is also useful for nourishing the skin. In general, certain skincare brands have added several ingredients that can nourish the skin. Examples include vitamins, antioxidants and even SPF which is useful for tightening the skin from damaging UVA or UVB rays and protecting the skin from sun exposure.

3. Prevents the emergence of various skin problems

By regularly using moisturizer , the skin’s pH will become more balanced, thus preventing Grameds from dry skin and oily skin problems. If Grameds has an oily skin type, then Grameds skin will more easily get acne, if Grameds skin is dry, then Grameds can look older and dull. Therefore, whatever your skin type, Grameds need to prevent all skin problems by regularly using moisturizer .

4. Disguise blemishes on the face

If Grameds has skin problems in the form of black spots on the face, whether due to acne scars or signs of aging, Grameds can get rid of those annoying black spots by regularly using moisturizer .

Apart from being able to disguise black spots on the face, moisturizer is also useful for evening out the color and texture of facial skin. However, this benefit is a little tricky , because Grameds must be smart in choosing a moisturizer that has ingredients that suit Grameds’ skin problems.

For example, if Grameds wants to disguise blemishes on the face due to aging, then Grameds can choose a moisturizer that contains retinol or vitamin C.

5. Makes skin more youthful

Who doesn’t want to look youthful, without wrinkles and smooth? If you want to look youthful, then moisturizer is the key! As previously explained, dry skin that doesn’t get enough nutrition or hydration can cause the skin to become dehydrated.

So what’s the effect? Grameds will have signs of skin aging appearing earlier. Examples include fine lines on the forehead, smile lines , wrinkles, or even dry patches and spots. Apart from that, skin that is dry and dehydrated usually tends to look dull.

Therefore, a moisturizer which has the main benefit of maintaining skin hydration and providing moisture can also overcome skin problems that cause aging and inhibit aging. So, if Grameds often watches Korean dramas, Grameds certainly knows that Korean actresses tend to look more youthful and one of their secrets is diligently using moisturizer with the right ingredients according to their skin type!

6. Brightens facial skin color

The final benefit of moisturizer is that it can brighten facial skin color. Because of this one benefit, moisturizers are able to even out patchy skin color.

By using moisturizer regularly, Grameds’ facial skin will look healthier, fresher and brighter. Apart from that, currently there are many moisturizers that have been formulated with ingredients that will make facial skin brighter.

Types of Moisturizers

When choosing a moisturizer , Grameds needs to adjust it to your skin type and it must be adjusted to Grameds’ skin type and skin problems, so that Grameds gets maximum treatment results. The types of moisturizers have been adapted to their function, including moisturizers for oily, dry skin and moisturizers for combination skin.

The types of moisturizers are also distinguished by the composition they contain and the texture of the moisturizer. The following is a further explanation regarding the types of moisturizers .

1. Moisturizer for oily skin

For Grameds who have an oily skin type, Grameds must use a moisturizer that does not contain oil or is oil free and a moisturizer that has a water based or gel texture, so that it does not feel heavy and makes the skin even more oily. Grameds can have moisturizers that contain tea tree, AHA or other ingredients that are known to prevent acne.

2. Moisturizer for Dry Skin

Dry skin types basically need a moisturizer that has a lotion or cream texture, so that it can moisturize the skin and prevent the skin from becoming dehydrated. Therefore, Grameds with dry skin types can choose a moisturizer that has a heavier texture, so that the skin can be well hydrated.

Grameds can use a moisturizer that contains oil based to keep the skin moist. Apart from that, Grameds can also use a water based moisturizer if you want to add hydration but don’t like the feeling of a heavy moisturizer on the skin.

3. Moisturizer for Combination Skin

The third type of moisturizer is a moisturizer that can be used by someone who has combination skin. In general, someone who has a combination skin type can use a type of moisturizer that has a gel texture on the t zone of the face and a moisturizer with a lotion texture on the u zone of the face.

Grameds can choose a moisturizer for combination skin that contains antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, ceramide, hyaluronic acid and so on.

4. Moisturizer for Normal Skin

The last type of moisturizer is a moisturizer that is good for Grameds who have normal skin. If you have normal skin, Grameds will find it easier to determine the texture or composition of the moisturizer . Because, in general, normal skin types tend not to have many skin problems.

Focus on what type of care Grameds wants to achieve. For example, Grameds wants their face to look brighter, so Grameds can choose a moisturizer that is liquid or contains non-comedogenic ingredients so it doesn’t clog pores, as well as ingredients that can brighten the skin, such as niacinamide.

Tips for Choosing a Moisturizer

After knowing the types of moisturizers , Grameds also need to know tips for choosing a moisturizer . Well, the first key is that Grameds must know Grameds’ skin type first. If you know Gramed’s skin type, it will be easier for Gramed to choose a moisturizer according to your skin’s needs.

  1. Choose a moisturizer that contains SPF, so that the skin can be protected from exposure to sunlight, especially ultraviolet rays such as UVA and UVB which can accelerate premature aging.
  2. Choose a moisturizer that contains antioxidants to ward off free radicals and prevent damage to skin cells.
  3. Adjust the moisturizer to the needs and condition of Grameds’ skin. If Grameds has an oily skin type, then choose a special moisturizer for oily skin.
  4. Avoid choosing a moisturizer that has fragrance ingredients, because this can pose a risk of skin irritation, especially if Grameds has a sensitive skin type
  5. For Grameds who have oily skin, it is better to choose a moisturizer that contains light basic ingredients.
  6. If Grameds has a dry skin type, then Grameds can choose a moisturizer that has a high level of protection and contains ceramides in it.
  7. If Grameds has a sensitive skin type, then Grameds can choose a moisturizer that is gentler and does not contain fragrance, or not choose an exfoliating moisturizer with a high concentration of exfoliate content because it can cause irritation.

How to Use Moisturizer Correctly

In order to get maximum treatment results, apart from being smart in choosing the type of moisturizer according to your condition and skin type, Grameds also need to know the correct way to use moisturizer.

  1. Clean the skin with cleanser, double cleansing is better. Before using moisturizer, Grameds must ensure that the skin is clean from makeup and dirt that sticks to it after a day of activities. Using toner. After washing your face and double cleansing , Grameds’ facial skin will definitely dry out and the skin’s pH will change. So to normalize and make the moisturizer work more effectively, Grameds can use toner first.
  2. Apply moisturizer . If you don’t have serum or are not used to using serum as a skincare step , then Grameds can directly use moisturizer .
    The way to do this is to take enough moisturizer around a grain of corn, then rub it on your face evenly. Spread the moisturizer from the outer part of the face to the center in a circular motion, then move to the middle of the chin and massage the face slowly.
  3. If you spread the moisturizer in the opposite direction, namely from nose to ear, it will leave moisturizer residue around the hairline.
    So there is concern that the moisturizer that Grameds uses will actually accumulate and clog pores and cause lots of pimples and blackheads to appear on that area of ​​the face.
  4. Don’t forget, use moisturizer on the neck! Don’t take it lightly, the skin on the neck also needs attention so that wrinkles don’t appear quickly. Use enough moisturizer on your face, then take another corn kernel of moisturizer and apply it to your neck.

Now we know that a moisturizer is a moisturizer that has different textures and benefits depending on skin type. If Grameds is interested in skincare , including the ingredients in it, benefits, types and the correct steps in using skincare , Grameds can find out more by reading books related to skincare on so that you have information #MoreByReading.

Bandar Togel Taruhan Termurah

How to Get Rid of Black Lips with Natural Ingredients

How to Get Rid of Black Lips with Natural Ingredients

How to get rid of black lips – Facial beauty is what women desire most. Having white skin and radiant red lips is considered to be part of this beauty. Although currently women’s beauty standards are starting to change as time goes by.

Regarding lips, in general women want to have lips that look red. However, due to an unhealthy lifestyle and other factors, your lips can appear black and dull.

Does Grameds lack self-confidence because of black lips? Therefore, you need to know how to deal with darkened black lips using several natural methods.

Having soft, pink lips is certainly a dream for many people. Therefore, Grameds need a little more effort to have healthy lips. Not only from treatment, Grameds also need to change from an unhealthy lifestyle.

So, here’s how to treat black lips quickly using natural ingredients. It’s easy and practical, you know!

Causes of Black Lips 

Before knowing how to treat black lips, there’s no harm in Grameds finding out the cause of this condition. Then, what are the causes that make lips dark?

First, if Grameds often licks his lips, this could be the cause of black lips. This is because the habit of licking your lips will make your lips even drier which makes Grameds want to continue licking them.

Second, if Grameds has a smoking habit. This can also make the lips black. Dark lips can be caused by several factors, one of which is reduced blood flow to the lip area. The ingredients in cigarettes, such as tobacco and nicotine, can darken the lips and the lining of the mouth, which ultimately changes the color of the lips.

Apart from that, there are several causes of black lips, such as consuming a lot of caffeine, allergies, using unsuitable beauty products, lack of nutrition, using lipstick too often, consuming certain medications and hereditary factors.

Each cause of black lips varies from one individual to another. Therefore, you must know for sure the cause of black lips. That way, you can focus on how to deal with black lips.

How to Treat Black Lips

Black lips often occur due to hyperpigmentation, which is a change in skin color. This can be overcome with cosmetic treatments, such as laser treatment and the help of chemicals, namely hydroquinone and kojic acid.

Apart from that, Grameds can use other natural ingredients as a way to treat dark lips. Here are several ways to deal with black lips, including:

  • Take advantage of lemon juice and water

Journal studies show that lemons can act as a melanin inhibitor to help treat black lips. Drinking lemon juice mixed with warm water and honey makes a good herbal mixture, Grameds. This functions to detoxify the body, so that the skin on the lips becomes radiant and looks healthier.

Apart from that, because this fruit also has whitening properties, Grameds can rub lemon on the lips as a way to treat black lips.

Every night before going to bed, cut a lemon and rub the juicy part gently on your lips. The next morning, rinse your lips with cold water. Grameds can also mix lemon with sugar to use as a lip scrub.

The goal is to exfoliate the dead skin that sticks and accumulates, causing blackness on the lips. Grameds can repeat it regularly every night until you see the results.

  • Berries and honey

Berries contain important minerals and vitamins to keep lips healthy and nourished. Both raspberries and strawberries, this fruit can be used to treat black lips. These berries can help brighten dark lips.

Mixing honey in this concoction can be said to be quite helpful in brightening the lips. Apart from brightening, berries and honey can help treat chapped and irritated lips. Its properties also stimulate the growth of new skin cells and help reduce skin damage caused by sunlight.

Apply these natural ingredients to help your lips turn pink naturally. Mix these ingredients in a bowl, then apply as a scrub to the lips. Massage gently for 10 minutes, then let it dry and rinse thoroughly.

  • Lime

Lime is another type of citrus fruit which is believed to have anti-melanin production properties, so it is suitable as an ingredient to treat black lips quickly. In a small bowl, mix the following natural ingredients:

  • 1 ½ tsp fresh lime juice
  • 1 tsp hone
  • 1 tsp glycerin

Mix all the ingredients until smooth, gently apply the mixture to your lips before going to bed. After that, rinse your lips the next morning with warm water. Because it tastes very sour, you should try to reduce the amount of orange juice that gets into your mouth, Grameds.

  • Turmeric

Turmeric is a natural ingredient that can treat black lips. In a small bowl, combine the following ingredients:

1 tbsp liquid milk

Enough turmeric powder to make a paste
Stir until it forms a paste and add a little water so that the texture is not too dense. Using wet fingertips, rub the paste on your lips. Then, leave it for about 5 minutes before rinsing with cold water. After your lips are dry, apply them with your favorite moisturizer, Grameds.

  • Aloe vera

In a study, it was found that the ingredients in aloe vera can inhibit melanin production. Therefore, it can make the lip color appear brighter. Aloe vera is efficacious for removing skin pigmentation naturally.

How to deal with black lips can be by applying a thin layer of fresh aloe vera gel to the lip area. Once dry, rinse with sufficient warm water. Then, add coconut oil to make your lips feel more moist and nutritious. This is one of the best tips on how to get rid of black lips quickly.

  • Pomegranate

A study in 2005 found that pomegranate extract could lighten hyperpigmentation on the skin. This is a way to deal with black lips quickly and naturally. Grameds can mix the following ingredients to get healthier looking lips, namely:

1 tsp pomegranate seeds

1 tsp rose water

1 tbsp fresh milk cream

Gently massage the mixture onto your lips for about 3 minutes, then rinse with cold water. Repeat every day for optimal treatment of black lips.

Almond oil

Almond oil is quite effective in removing skin pigmentation naturally. Massaging the lips with almond oil can help moisturize and increase circulation in the lip area. This can increase blood flow to the area and make the lips brighter.

Use high-quality almond oil or coconut oil as a way to treat black and dry lips. Gently rub the oil into your lips several times a day. The effect will be visible in the next 1 or 2 days, Grameds. Almond oil can be easily found in supermarkets and online .

Drink enough water

Lips are one of the first areas of the body to look dry and dark. Drinking enough water is one of the best ways to care for your skin. Well, a well-hydrated body is also a way to deal with black lips quickly. Grameds can add cucumber or lemon slices to a glass of water for a more delicious and refreshing taste.


Beetroot, a fruit that is similar to dragon fruit, can be an option to treat black lips next. Beetroot is believed to give lips a natural pink color.

How to use it is by blending beets into a smooth mixture, then apply it to the lip area 3 times a week. Leave it for 5 to 10 minutes then rinse. Once your lips are clean and dry, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly, Grameds.

Rosewater and olive oil

Mix 2 drops of rose water and olive oil to treat black lips. Apply this mixture to your lips 3 to 4 times a day. Grameds can also apply this concoction before going to bed at night.

Even though you can feel the oily feeling on the lips, don’t wipe it off, Grameds. This can also make your lips feel more moisturized and prevent them from drying out.


Grameds can use cucumber as the next way to treat black lips. Apart from being commonly used for facial masks, it turns out that this fruit is also beneficial for the lips, you know . Here’s how to easily prepare cucumber for a lip mask at home:

Blend and fruit as cucumber puree.

Chill the cucumber puree in the refrigerator.

Once the cucumber concoction has cooled, dip a cotton ball into it.

Then, use a cotton ball to gently apply the puree to the dark areas of your lips.

Leave the cucumber puree on your lips for about 30 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Sesame oil

In one study, sesame oil contains active lignin called sesamol. According to research, this compound was found to inhibit melanin biosynthesis in animal studies. This is because sesame oil also helps in dealing with dark lips in humans.

The way to use it is to rub sesame oil on your lips and leave it to dry. Grameds can be applied in layers to make lips feel moister. Do this 2-3 times a day. Of note, sesame oil can cause allergic reactions in some people. Therefore, do a patch test on the skin first, Grameds.

Exfoliates lips

Exfoliating your lips is also an important step as a way to treat black lips quickly. Exfoliation or peeling of the skin aims to remove dead skin cells.

If you don’t do it regularly, it can make your lips black again. At least exfoliate your lips 2-3 times a week, Grameds.

Sugar and butter

The following natural ingredients are definitely in our kitchen. Come on, use it to treat black lips quickly, Grameds. Sugar and butter are believed to be quite helpful in making lips brighter and moisturized.

So, how do you make it? Here’s a practical way to make a concoction of sugar and butter:

Mix 3 tsp sugar and 2 tsp butter.

Massage this mixture onto your lips for 3 to 4 minutes.
If Grameds wants to try, butter can be replaced with olive oil. Olive oil. Olive oil will create higher moisture in the lip area.


Toothpaste which is rich in magnesium, selenium, calcium, potassium and various other minerals is good for speeding up the skin regeneration process. Apply it firmly to your lips, let it sit for 15 minutes then rinse with clean water. For maximum results, use herbal toothpaste.


Potatoes have vitamins and minerals that can help speed up the skin regeneration process, so they can be used as a way to treat black lips to make them bright and rosy. Grameds can do the treatment by mashing the potato and then applying it to the lips.


Ice cubes will constrict the blood vessels so that the blood pressure in the lips will increase and they will appear red. Rub ice cubes on your lips for 15 minutes every day.

Coconut oil

Applying coconut oil on the lips can not only soften the skin of the lips, it can also restore the color of the lips to a brighter color. Grameds can mix sugar and coconut oil then rub it gently. Don’t forget to rinse with clean water, Grameds!

Pure milk

How to deal with black lips by applying pure milk for 10-15 minutes on the lips to help remove dead skin. The lactic acid content can remove black spots on the lips and make them brighter again.

Lip balm

Apart from using natural ingredients, Grameds can also add another step as an effort to overcome black lips by using lip balm. This function is to provide moisture to the lips, lip balm can also help brighten and reduce dull lips. Make sure the lip balm product that Grameds uses has SPF to protect your lips from sunlight and doesn’t get darker, Grameds.

Mint leaves

Mint leaves will give a cooling sensation to the lips which are rich in vitamins and minerals. This content can redden lips naturally, Grameds. How to make mint leaf mixture:

First grind 2 mint leaves.

Then apply on lips.

Leave it for 15 minutes.

Then rinse it with clean water.


Avocados contain antioxidants and vitamins which are good for skin health. Moreover, avocado contains more than 25 nutrients that are important for the body. How to get rid of black lips quickly and permanently with avocado. The method is to mash the avocado flesh then apply it to the lips. Leave it for 15 minutes then rinse with clean water.

So, those are various ways to get rid of black lips with natural ingredients that are easy to do, Grameds. Hopefully this article inspires you! Good luck!

If Grameds is still confused, and needs references regarding ways to completely treat black lips with natural ingredients or looking for a beauty book, then you can visit the Gramedia book collection at

As #FriendsWithoutLimits, we will always provide the best and most complete information for Grameds. To support Grameds in broadening their knowledge, Gramedia always provides quality and original books so that Grameds has information #MoreByReading.

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How to Treat Acne Correctly Medically

How to Treat Acne Correctly Medically

Knowing how to treat acne correctly according to medical recommendations will determine how quickly you will be free from acne.

Mistakes in how to treat acne can cause the face to be full of pus, boils, blemishes or pockmarks and even serious infections that require hospital treatment.

For this reason, treating acne cannot be done carelessly so that the scars can disappear. This is because acne is a disorder that is influenced by many interrelated factors.

MIKA friends, let’s look at several ways to deal with acne in the following article.

Get to know the factors that cause acne

Acne is a skin disorder caused by blockage of the fat glands (sebaceous glands).

Usually, acne will appear on the face, neck, upper chest, back and upper arms. This disorder often affects teenagers and sometimes adults. The appearance of acne is triggered by several factors such as:

  1. Genetic or hereditary factors
  2. Hormonal factors, the hormones that play a role in causing acne are androgen hormones. For this reason, acne is often suffered by teenagers whose hormonal functions are starting to work actively, as well as before and after menstruation.
  3. Cosmetics, especially those with high fat content such as moisturizers , night creams , and foundations as well as the use of scrubs often worsen this disorder.
  4. Foods that contain a lot of fat such as nuts, chocolate, butter, cheese, fried foods, goat meat, pork, foods that contain lots of spices such as chili sauce, foods with coconut milk, as well as durian fruit, mango, avocado, jackfruit, and so on.
  5. Poor facial hygiene
  6. Lack of sleep or lack of rest
  7. Stress, anxiety, anxiety, worrying too much.
  8. Difficulty defecating
  9. Frequently holding, squeezing, or rubbing acne. The more often you touch or squeeze, the bigger, worse the acne will get, and can leave very ugly blemishes in the form of pockmarks or keloids.
  10. Rubbing hair or using a towel roughly.

All of these factors cannot be eliminated directly in a short time and not all of these factors can be eliminated completely. Therefore, acne treatment cannot achieve maximum results in a short time and is sustainable.

How to deal with acne properly

When acne appears, MIKA Friends can take several steps to overcome it. Here are the steps to treat acne properly:

a. Clean your face regularly

The first thing that MIKA Friends must do as a step to prevent acne recurrence and overcome it is to always maintain regular facial cleanliness.

Even though the acne has healed, MIKA friends still have to make sure they clean their face properly and well continuously.

b. Don’t squeeze pimples

Next, you have to make sure you avoid all the factors that cause acne. To cure and remove acne, MIKA Friends are prohibited from holding, squeezing or rubbing acne.

If these activities are carried out, it will trigger secondary infections which often result in complications in the form of blemishes and blemishes, pockmarks or keloids.

c. Reduce the use of skincare with high fat content

As mentioned before, cosmetics or skincare that have high levels of fat are the cause of acne.

Many skin and venereal specialists recommend the next way to deal with acne, namely by reducing or avoiding the use of skincare or cosmetics with a high fat content. Usually this fat content is found in moisturizers, day cream, night cream, foundation, cleansing cream.

This will result in blockage of pores. MIKA friends are also not advised to use scrubs too often because it will damage facial skin and make it easier for secondary infections to occur which will make acne worse

d. Wash your face properly

There are several rules for cleaning your face properly to avoid the risk of acne, including avoiding the use of antiseptic soap or medicated soap . Generally, this soap will often cause skin irritation

Apart from that, MIKA Friends are also not recommended to clean or wash their face with hot water.

e. Use acne medication

If it turns out that acne triggers pockmarks, then MIKA Friends can buy topical acne medication at the pharmacy or one that has been recommended by a doctor.

If this method of dealing with acne doesn’t work, chemical peeling can be done by an experienced skin and genital health specialist.

e. Other ways to get rid of acne

Finally, you can do several activities to prevent acne from recurring, namely:

Avoid doing activities including exercise under hot sunlight which can make acne worse

  • Avoid foods that contain lots of fat
  • Manage stress and get enough rest
  • Try to have regular bowel movements every day
  • Eat foods with low fat content such as beef, fish, chicken, non-fat milk,
  • steamed or boiled and eat lots of vegetables and fruit.
  • If the acne has healed, maintenance efforts need to be made to prevent
  • recurrence according to the doctor’s instructions.

Consult with a skin and genital health specialist

There are many cases of acne causing facial skin to become damaged such as blemishes or spots and blemishes or pockmarks due to wrong treatment. Among the acne treatments above, the best way to deal with it is to visit a skin health specialist.

The doctor will perform a procedure to remove the blockage of the sebaceous glands, such as giving medicine that can exfoliate the dirty skin.

This skin peeling process aims to remove dead skin cells, so that it can remove the blockage of the sebaceous glands which is the root cause of acne, as well as remove the dullness of the face so that the face becomes bright and clean.

This skin exfoliation process does not always result in thinning of the skin if it is carried out under the supervision of a skin and genital health specialist.

Interested in having a consultation to treat and get rid of acne? Meet the best Skin and Venereology Specialist doctor at Mitra Keluarga!

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No need for skincare, your dull face will become bright with these 5 rituals!

No need for skincare, your dull face will become bright with these 5 rituals! – Got itdull facewhich is really hard to be bright?

Sometimes, usingskincareIt’s not enough to brighten a dull face!

Actually, we can brighten a dull face naturally without using skincare, you know! Really?

Just try doing some of the ‘rituals’ below and see the results for yourself!

1. Hydrate your skin by drinking enough water

This tip may seem very cliche, but there are so many benefits we can feel from drinking enough water every day!

If the body is well hydrated, it will affect the overall appearance of our skin.

It’s not surprising that a face that was previously dull, over time can look brighter and fresher because it is well hydrated!

2. Consume fruit to brighten up

Consuming fruit is recommended to maintain healthy and beautiful skin.

Especially for those of us who want our faces to look brighter and more naturally rosy , the fruit we consume also can’t be done haphazardly!

Consume fruit that contains lots of vitamins and antioxidants so that our skin can look healthy from within.

Want to know what fruit is good for treating dull skin? Lookhere!

3. Use a mask made from natural ingredients

If we feel like we don’t have enough money to buy skincare, try using natural ingredients around us to deal with dull skin!

We can make masks from natural ingredients which have been proven to brighten the skin.

The ingredients that we can use as masks include: honey, tomatoes, yoghurt, granulated sugar, lemon, turmeric and many more.

Just practice the DIY natural mask recipe which is now spread everywhere!

4. Massage your face before bed

Many people ignore it, even though giving a facial massage before bed also plays an important role in making facial skin healthier and brighter, you know!

Facial massage at night has many benefits, including improving blood circulation, preventing premature aging, and making your face look fresher and brighter.

We can use a little natural oil to gently massage our face at night before going to bed, OK?

5. Improve sleep quality and don’t use gadgets often!

Eits, make no mistake! The quality of a night’s sleep really influences the appearance of our face, you know!

If we often sleep too late, especially if we like staying up late, don’t be surprised if our face looks really dull!

Apart from that, try not to stalk your ex too often or scroll through your timeline incoherently or use gadgets for things that aren’t important!

Because blue light from gadget screens can actually damage the skin, trigger signs of premature aging, and make the face look increasingly dull. (*)

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