8 Ways to Thin Your Lips Safely, Quickly and Fail-Proof

8 Ways to Thin Your Lips Safely, Quickly and Fail-Proof

8 Ways to Thin Your Lips Safely, Quickly and Fail-Proof

8 Ways to Thin Your Lips Safely, Quickly and Fail-Proof – Jakarta How to thin lips can be done naturally or through medical procedures. Thick lips are sometimes thought to reduce a person’s appearance and cause a lack of self-confidence. This is what makes many people look for ways to thin their lips.

There are several ways to thin your lips , from exfoliating the dead skin that accumulates on your lips which makes your lips look thick, to using facial makeup which can make your lips look thinner than they actually are.

There are various tricks and ways to thin your lips that you can try. Not only using natural ingredients and medical procedures, but also facial makeup tricks can be tried to become an alternative choice for thinning lips.

For more details, below Liputan6.com summarizes from various sources how to thin lips safely, quickly and without failure. Friday (7/10/2022).

How to Thin Lips

Lips are one of the important features on the face, where many girls invest in choosing lipstick to add color and shine to the lips. The size of your lips is also often a concern. If you are wondering how to make your lips look smaller, then you can try the following methods:

1. Avoid Lip Gloss

The first way to thin your lips is to avoid using lip gloss. While lip gloss offers a shiny and beautiful texture, it is also something that makes it look bigger. If you want to use makeup on your lips, then apply lipstick in the same color as your skin color, because it will look less striking and lipstick will not make them look fuller.

2. Clean your lips

To reduce the size of larger lips naturally, you need to clean them once a week. When your lips are unclean, they look darker from accumulated dirt and dead cells. This makes the lips look a little bigger than they should be, and is also unhygienic. Clean it using a lip scrub and wash it every day.

How to Thin Lips

3. Practice

Just like how exercise burns fat and makes your body look smaller, facial exercises will also have the same effect on your lips. Here is a list of lip and face exercises that you can do:

– Facial yoga exercises, meaning you will move your lips in a certain way and keep them in that position.

– Place your index finger in your mouth, move it for ten times.

– Maintain an exercise routine, and say tongue twisters to focus on exercising your lips.

– Another useful exercise is smiling, because it makes your lips thinner by pulling them. It’s temporary, but efficient and looks beautiful.

4. Remove hair around the lips

Your lips may have hair above or below them, which makes you look like you have bigger, fuller lips. To make them look smaller, or to show their natural size, you should remove the hair around the lips by plucking, lasering or waxing.

5. Ice Cubes

The next way to thin your lips is to use ice cubes. You simply compress ice cubes on the lip area. This method can be done before you use makeup. Cold ice cubes can make the lip muscles tighten, so that the lower lip can appear thinner. Ice cubes can also make lip pores smaller.

6. Don’t bite or lick your lips

Things that can cause thick lips are the habit of biting and licking the lips. Make sure not to lick or bite your lips. Because this will further dry out and damage your lips. Also, reduce your intake of spicy foods and increase your consumption of vitamins that you may be lacking, as this helps your lips and your overall health.

7. Makeup Tricks

Extra makeup on your lips will make them look smaller. Add foundation to your lips and complete with lipstick, making them look smaller without having to bother yourself. Another great makeup routine is to add concealer or foundation around your lips, then add a darker shade of lipstick that suits your skin tone. Don’t use bright colors, because they can make your lips look fuller.

8. Surgery

The final option for thinning lips is to do cosmetic surgery or use injections to reduce lip tissue. But this is not recommended unless you are desperate to make your lips smaller quickly and efficiently.

Note that this can be very expensive and has side effects, plus you also need to do further tests afterwards. If you decide to have surgery, make sure you do your research to get the best service and ensure that you are undergoing a safe procedure.

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