7 Easy Ways to Keep Your Nails Beautiful and Healthy

7 Easy Ways to Keep Your Nails Beautiful and Healthy

7 Easy Ways to Keep Your Nails Beautiful and Healthy

7 Easy Ways to Keep Your Nails Beautiful and Healthy – “Getting beautiful and healthy nails is actually easy. You just need to take care of your cuticles, avoid using chemicals, and take special supplements.”

Jakarta – Like a great new haircut or extraordinary skin care, beautiful, well-groomed nails are also an integral part of your appearance. Unfortunately, many people forget about nail care, or perhaps don’t consider it as important as other parts of the body.

Tips for Beautiful and Healthy Nails

To keep your nails beautiful and healthy, there are several tips you can try, namely:

1. Don’t Cut Cuticles

Whether at the salon or at home, never cut your cuticles when caring for your nails. The cuticle is a natural barrier to fungi and bacteria. Once you cut it, the protection will disappear.

This will not only make the cuticles look worse, it can even trigger infections in the nail bed. It is also not impossible that nails will be permanently damaged.

 2. Limit Manicure Procedures

Manicure is a very popular nail treatment. For a moment this beauty procedure may make your nails look beautiful. However, if you do it too often, it can make your nails dry and brittle. The cause is likely exposure to chemicals used during the procedure.

3. Reduce the use of acetone

Acetone is often used to remove nail polish or nail polish. Once in a while it might be okay. However, if used too often, acetone can make nails brittle and damaged.

4. Avoid using rough sandpaper

Grinding nails using an emery board may often be done to make nails beautiful and smooth. In fact, this habit is actually dangerous, lo.

Sanding nails with coarse sandpaper can lead to the appearance of small gaps and cracks, leading to damage and tears in the nails. So, if you want to sand your nails, make sure the sanding tool is not rough.

Using fine sandpaper on your nails is fine, as long as it’s done correctly. Sand the nails slowly so as not to damage the nails, and in one direction only.

5. Moisturize the Nail Base and Cuticle

To keep your nails beautiful, you can also moisturize the nail bed which will help your nails grow. It can also make cuticles look better and help protect nails from breaking due to lack of moisture.

If your nails are prone to breaking, it could be a sign that they need moisture. Applying oil around the cuticles can help moisturize the entire nail, which will reduce the incidence of cracking and splitting nails.

6. Do not wash your hands excessively

Increased awareness of hygiene during the pandemic has made many people wash their hands diligently. This is certainly a good thing. However, if it is too much, of course it will be a different story.

Not only does it have an impact on your skin, excessive hand washing can also damage your nails and make them no longer beautiful, you know. The solution is to avoid excessive hand washing and use moisturizer on the cuticle area several times a day.

When doing housework, minimize contact with harsh chemicals, including dishwashing liquid. By wearing rubber gloves whenever possible.

7. Take Biotin Supplements

As long as you eat a healthy and varied diet, you don’t need any dietary supplements to guarantee strong nails. However, people with weak nails can take biotin supplements. Biotin supplements are useful for strengthening and growing nails.

So, that’s a discussion about tips for keeping your nails beautiful and healthy. Actually, it’s quite easy to maintain healthy and beautiful nails, isn’t it?

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