Archives July 2024

5 Ways to Keep Your Hair Healthy and Shiny

5 Ways to Keep Your Hair Healthy and Shiny

5 Ways to Keep Your Hair Healthy and Shiny – How to care for healthy and shiny hair cannot be obtained only by shampooing. There are various ways to care for hair that you can try. In fact, some of these methods can be done at home.

Hair is the crown of the head that must always be kept healthy. However, cleaning hair regularly is not enough to get the beautiful hair you want.

Some hair styling methods can actually make hair dry, fall out, or split . In addition, exposure to sunlight and pollution can also worsen hair damage. Therefore, proper care is needed to keep hair healthy and looking beautiful.

Various Ways to Care for Hair

Here are some tips for getting healthy and shiny hair that you can do yourself at home:

1. Caring for the scalp

The first step to getting healthy hair is to take care of your scalp. Treatment can be done by massaging the scalp while shampooing slowly to increase blood circulation and stimulate hair follicles to produce thicker and shinier hair.

According to hair care experts, hair follicles are affected by the health and blood supply of the surrounding skin tissue. So, it can be said that a healthy scalp is the key to healthy hair.

Some experts also recommend choosing hair care products that can maintain the production of natural oils on the scalp and, as much as possible, avoid products containing sulfates, alcohol, or fragrances.

If necessary, protect your scalp and hair from harmful ultraviolet rays by wearing a hat when doing outdoor activities.

2. Choose the right shampoo

It is recommended that you choose a shampoo based on your hair type and according to the hair problems you are experiencing, such as dandruff , split ends, or hair loss .

Avoid shampoos that contain harsh ingredients, such as ammonium lauryl sulfate or sodium lauryl sulfate . When shampooing, it is recommended that you use plain or warm water, because hot water can remove the hair’s natural oils, making it dull.

After using shampoo , apply conditioner to keep hair soft, shiny and manageable.

3. Do treatment after shampooing

It is recommended that you do not comb or rub wet hair with a towel. Hair styling should be done when the hair is 90 percent dry and if possible let the hair dry naturally. Avoid using a hair dryer too often because it can make hair dry easily.

4. Minimize the use of hair accessories

To keep your hair healthy, don’t forget to practice how to care for your hair by minimizing the use of hair accessories. Avoid tying or braiding your hair too often and don’t comb your hair too long or too often.

In addition, reduce the use of chemical-based hair products and the use of hair styling tools that use electric heat, such as straighteners, curlers, or hair dryers.

5. Eat nutritious food

Hair care is not only done from the inside, but also from the outside. Well, to maintain healthy and beautiful hair, consume foods rich in protein , such as eggs, milk, nuts, fish, poultry, and lean meat.

Also fulfill your zinc and omega-3 intake by consuming green leafy vegetables, fruits, seafood, cheese, and yogurt to create healthier and shinier hair. If necessary, you can take biotin supplements to reduce or prevent hair loss . You can also use natural ingredients to care for your hair, such as aloe vera, honey, lime , lemon, and apple cider vinegar .

Do not hesitate to consult a doctor to find out how to properly care for your hair. Moreover, if your hair looks dull or even falls out to the point of baldness after treatment. This could be a sign of a serious health problem that requires medical attention.



TIPS FOR NATURAL BEAUTIFUL EYES IN ALL SITUATIONS – What is the first thing we see when talking to someone? Yes, definitely the eyes. In addition to ethics, the eyes will also “speak” more honestly than just words.

Well, the opposite is the same. When other people talk to us, they will pay attention to our face and eyes. If our eyes look naturally beautiful in all situations, even when wearing a mask, people will definitely feel at home talking to us.

So Ladies , do you want to know how to make your eyes look naturally beautiful in all situations, even when you wear a mask? Read this article until the end.

Natural Beautiful Eye Tips in All Situations

1. Sleep Well at Night to Prevent Dark Circles

Try to get a good night’s sleep, at least 6-8 hours. This is not only to maintain a healthy body, but will also make your eyes more beautiful. Getting enough sleep will prevent red and puffy eyes, and reduce dark circles under the eyes. Another way to disguise dark circles under the eyes, you can use concealer and eyeshadow.

2. Eye Shape at the Corner of the Eye

Correction of eye shape can be done by using makeup tricks that focus on the corner of the eye. For example, if the corner of your eye looks down, then try using PIXY 3-Shades Eye Shadow on the eyelid for correction and to make it look like the corner of the eye is pointing up (cat eye).

There are three variants of PIXY 3-Shades Eye Shadow that you can choose according to your needs, namely 3-Shades Eye Shadow Chic Terracotta, 3-Shades Eye Shadow Green Rhythm, and 3-Shades Eye Shadow Pinkish Glam. Each has 3 colors in one package, so you save more, and can be creative in giving highlights that can emphasize the color on the eyelid.

3. Emphasize the Eye Line for Eyes that Give a Sharp and

Intelligent Impression The eyes are the focal point when people look at you, especially since the rest of your face is covered by a mask. So, to make your beautiful eyes look clear and give a sharp and intelligent impression, use eyeliner thicker than usual.
The choice of eyeliner that you can use, such as PIXY Slim Line Matte Eyeliner, a multifunctional eye pencil that can be used as eyeshadow, eyeliner, and eyeshadow base. The tip of the pencil is softer so it is easy to apply to the eyes and the color also looks more real.

How to Make Up Natural Beautiful Eyes with 3 PIXY Products

Regardless of whether you travel frequently and have to wear a mask or spend more time at home, putting on makeup and beautifying your eyes will boost your confidence when meeting other people.
Natural, beautiful eye makeup doesn’t have to be expensive and complicated, you just need to use PIXY 3-Shades Eye Shadow, PIXY Slim Line Matte Eyeliner, and finally PIXY Big Bang Mascara.
How to apply eye makeup that is practical and easy:

  • Use PIXY 3-Shades Eye Shadow and apply the color you want on the entire eyelid. Because this PIXY eye shadow product has 3 colors in one package, you can also combine the three colors in one use starting from using a bright color, then blending the color in certain parts, and adding a darker color at the end of the eye.
  • Emphasize the shape of your eyes by using PIXY Slim Line Matte Eyeliner.
  • Finally, use PIXY Big Bang Mascara to beautify and add volume to your eyelashes that are proven to last 12 hours. In addition to beautifying your eyelashes, this mascara also helps care for your eyelashes because it contains vitamin E.

Ready to look your best with naturally beautiful eyes in every situation? Just apply the natural beautiful eyes tips from this article every day with PIXY 3-Shades Eye Shadow which you can buy here .

5 Ways to Tighten Facial Skin Naturally

5 Ways to Tighten Facial Skin Naturally

5 Ways to Tighten Facial Skin Naturally – How to tighten facial skin  can be done naturally. Although not with the help of drugs or medical procedures, natural methods are no less effective in making skin look tighter, smoother, and healthier, especially if done routinely.

As we age, collagen production in the body decreases. As a result, facial skin will appear increasingly sagging accompanied by the appearance of signs of aging in the form of fine lines around the nose, mouth, and cheeks.

Signs of facial aging can also appear faster due to continuous exposure to sunlight and pollution or an unhealthy lifestyle. Even so, there are several ways to tighten facial skin to delay the appearance of signs of facial aging.

Various Ways to Tighten Facial Skin

If you are starting to get worried about your facial skin looking saggy, there are several ways to tighten your facial skin naturally that you can do, including:

1. Use a natural mask

To tighten facial skin and reduce wrinkles, you can use a face mask with natural ingredients, such as avocado, honey, and cocoa powder. Use the face mask in the following way:

  • Mix 2 avocados, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder.
  • Apply the mask evenly to the face.
  • Let stand for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

The combination of avocado, honey, and cocoa powder will stimulate collagen production and soften facial skin. You can also use other natural ingredients that provide moisture to the skin, such as yogurt  and spirulina .

2. Do facial massage regularly

Facial massage can also be one way to tighten facial skin. To do this, you can use serum or facial oil, then massage the face in a circular motion or from bottom to top.

Massaging your face for 5–10 minutes will increase blood circulation and tighten the skin, thereby preventing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

In addition to doing self-massage, you can also try acupressure massage  or facial acupressure . Although this method has not been scientifically proven to tighten the skin, acupressure massage can at least provide a sense of comfort and relaxation to the facial muscles.

3.  Consume foods that contain collagen

Not only with facial treatments, how to tighten facial skin can be done naturally by consuming foods high in collagen. Some examples of foods rich in collagen to tighten facial skin include fish, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, rokokslot and strawberries.

These types of foods can tighten the skin and prevent the appearance of premature signs of aging.

4.  Drink enough water

One easy way to tighten your face is to drink enough water. Fulfill your body’s fluid needs by drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day. Drinking enough water will increase skin moisture so that it can tighten facial skin.

5. Implement a healthy lifestyle

The appearance of premature signs of aging on the skin can also be triggered by exposure to air pollution, such as cigarette smoke and vehicle exhaust fumes. You can reduce the effects of exposure to pollution by implementing the following healthy lifestyle:

  • Use sunscreen , especially when doing outdoor activities.
  • Cleanse make up before bed
  • Use a gentle facial cleanser and moisturizer
  • Exercise regularly every day
  • Enough sleep
  • Stop smoking because it can interfere with skin cell development and collagen production.

Although easy to do, the various ways to tighten facial skin above can give different results for each person. This is because each person has a different facial tissue structure, including bones and muscles. The results cannot be obtained instantly so you need to be patient and consistent in applying them. slot online

If you have tried the various ways to tighten facial skin above and feel they are not effective enough, you can consult a  doctor to get advice on treatments that suit your needs and the condition of your facial skin.

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7 WAYS TO CARE FOR YOUR SKIN FROM WITHIN YOUR BODY NATURALLY, TAKE NOTE! – There are various ways to care for your skin from within the body naturally that you can do, one of which is to consume healthy and nutritious foods .

Although it seems simple, this method can be said to be effective. In addition, because it is not related to the use of chemical products, this method is also considered healthier.

So, how do you take care of your skin from within? This article will summarize a series of ways in full. Let’s take a look!

7 Ways to Care for Your Skin from Within Naturally

Here are some ways to maintain healthy skin from within naturally that you can do:

1. Best Possible Stress Management

The first way to care for your skin from within the body is to manage stress as best as possible.

In fact, stress is a natural thing to experience. In addition, stress cannot be completely eliminated.

However, what we can do is manage it as well as possible so that it does not have a negative impact on the body.

If stress cannot be managed properly, the body will release more of the hormone cortisol which increases the production of natural oils in the skin.

Excess oil production on the skin will clog the pores. As a result, bacteria are trapped in the skin. This is what will eventually cause acne.

Therefore, if you experience stress, try to do something you like or talk to a professional if necessary.

2. Consume Healthy and Nutritious Food

The food that the body consumes every day will have a big influence on the health of the skin.

Therefore, consuming healthy and nutritious food is one way to care for your skin from within the body that you can do.

The criteria for healthy and nutritious food are that it is nutrient dense, hygienic, and has a balanced amount of macronutrients.

Here are some recommendations for food menus that can support healthy skin, including:

  • Green vegetables, such as spinach and broccoli
  • Yellow or orange vegetables and fruits, such as carrots and tomatoes
  • Berries
  • Low fat milk
  • Nuts
  • Salmon and mackerel

3. Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep and rest at night is also one way to care for your skin from within the body.

This is because good quality sleep with sufficient duration can give the skin time to rest and renew damaged cells.

Furthermore, according to Clinical Experimental Dermatology in 2015, it was stated that sleeping 7-9 hours at night makes the skin more moist.

Not only that, getting enough sleep will also prevent the appearance of eye bags, as well as avoid skin damage due to UV rays.

4. Actively Exercise

Doing physical activities, such as exercising regularly , is also one way to care for your skin from within naturally, you know.

Yup, this is because physical activity can increase the supply of blood rich in nutrients and oxygen to skin cells.

In addition, when exercising, the body will also release the compound IL-15. This compound can prevent skin damage to the cellular level. That way, the skin will be healthier and will not experience premature aging.

Therefore, do exercise for at least 150 minutes a week, or 30 minutes every day.

5. Fulfill Daily Fluid Intake

There are various benefits of drinking water for the face , starting from preventing premature aging, maintaining moisture, and helping reduce acne.

Therefore, fulfilling your daily fluid intake is one way to care for your skin from within the body that you need to do.

Apart from being good for the face, water actually has many benefits for overall body health.

Well, the recommended daily fluid intake is 2 liters per day for adult women. Meanwhile, for adult men, the level is 2.5 liters per day.

6. Cleanse your face regularly

The next way to care for your facial skin from the inside that you can do is to clean your face regularly.

The reason is, when doing activities, especially outdoors, there will be a lot of dust and pollution that sticks to the face.

If not cleaned, germs and bacteria on the face can cause various skin problems, such as blackheads and acne.

Therefore, clean your face at least twice a day, in the morning and at night before going to bed. Or, you also need to clean your face after doing outdoor activities.

7. Consume Supplements

There are already various supplements on the market that contain vitamins to treat skin from within the body. These supplements are packaged in the form of capsules, tablets, and even drinks.

It is important to note that the nutrients that the skin needs are vitamins C, E, and collagen. Therefore, you can take supplements containing these three ingredients to help care for your skin from within.

Here are a number of ways to care for your skin from within the body that you can do easily.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the way to maintain healthy skin from within must start by implementing a healthy lifestyle.

Well, one way that can be done is by consuming at least 2 liters of water per day. In this regard, let’s choose #AQUADULU.

Because, you need to remember that not all mineral water is AQUA. Well, AQUA is high-quality mineral water because it comes from 19 selected mountain sources in Indonesia, and has been clinically tested hundreds of times.

Not only that, AQUA also feels naturally cold and fresh when consumed without having to put it in the refrigerator.

Therefore, let’s consume AQUA DULU regularly to help maintain healthy skin from within. Created by nature, 100% PURE mountain mineral water without any additives, as nature wants you to drink it.

Here are 5 Easy and Effective Ways to Overcome Dull Skin

Here are 5 Easy and Effective Ways to Overcome Dull Skin

Here are 5 Easy and Effective Ways to Overcome Dull Skin – “There are a number of simple and effective ways to overcome dull skin. One of them is to clean the face gently by avoiding the use of harsh scrubs.”

Jakarta – Dull skin is one of the common skin problems that can affect anyone. Both teenagers who are going through puberty, and adults who do a lot of outdoor activities.

This condition can occur due to a number of factors. Starting from dead skin cells that accumulate, dehydrated skin, stress, lack of antioxidants, smoking habits to excessive sun exposure.

However, whatever the cause, there are actually a number of easy and effective ways to overcome dull skin. If you or a family member is experiencing this condition, there’s no harm in trying the following methods.

Easy and Effective Ways to Overcome Dull Skin

Here are some skin treatments as an easy and effective way to overcome dull skin:

1. Cleanse your face gently

Make sure you have removed sunscreen, makeup or dirt that clogs your pores after a day of activities. However, make sure to cleanse your face gently.

This means you need to avoid using harsh  scrubs and soaps that dry out your skin. Because both can trigger skin irritation, redness and peeling.

Instead, use a cleansing oil first to remove makeup and sunscreen without stripping and damaging the top layer of skin. Then, do a second wash with a gentle face wash to remove the oil.

2. Avoid Hot Water

The next easy and effective way to overcome dull skin is to avoid using hot water. Because, hot water can remove the skin’s natural oils, so it risks triggering irritation and dryness.

In addition, using hot water to bathe or wash your face can also cause blood vessels on the surface of the skin to dilate. This condition can make the skin red, although only temporarily.

Instead, use warm water when cleaning your face. Also choose a cleanser that moisturizes with certain ingredients. For example, coconut oil, shea butter , or almond oil to help retain moisture.

3. Exfoliate Regularly

Regular exfoliation is one of the keys to overcoming dull skin. This is because dead skin cells that accumulate on the outer layer of the skin can cause the skin to look dull, dry, and flaky.

Well, regular exfoliation can prevent this from happening. In addition, exfoliation can also help expose fresh layers of skin that are ready to retain hydration.

This can help tighten your skin, making it look younger, smoother, and healthier. However, if you have acne-prone skin, be sure to be careful about exfoliating.

To be safe, check out the tips in the article: Peek at the Right Way to Exfoliate Skin that is Prone to Acne .

4. Using Facial Serum

Facial serums contain highly concentrated ingredients that help brighten skin, increase hydration, and reduce signs of aging.

The serum also absorbs quickly into the skin, you can apply it once or twice a day after cleansing.

Well, there are a number of ingredients that can be recommended as serum ingredients, namely:

  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin B3 (niacinamide).
  • It is a roast beef.
  • Resveratrol.

These ingredients have powerful antioxidant effects that can help prevent and repair damage from collagen-destroying free radicals.

Vitamin C also helps fade hyperpigmentation or dark spots, making skin appear firmer over time.

Another key ingredient to look for is hyaluronic acid, which temporarily binds water to the surface layer of the skin.

If you are confused about choosing the right facial serum, find out the recommendations in the article: Here are 5 Recommended Serums that are Effective for Brightening the Face .

5. Using Retinoids

Retinoids are derivatives of vitamin A that have been scientifically proven to stimulate collagen growth and normalize skin cell turnover. Retinoids are generally the treatment of choice for acne .

However, because of how it works, retinoids are also often the choice to overcome dull skin. This ingredient works by helping to exfoliate old skin cells and bring new, fresh skin cells to the surface.

In addition, retinoids also smooth and thin the top layer of cells. However, if you want to try it, be sure to discuss it with your doctor first.

Cracked Feet, Here’s What You Can Do

Cracked Feet, Here's What You Can Do

Cracked Feet, Here’s What You Can Do – Cracked feet can make your confidence decrease, especially when wearing sandals or shoes with open heels. Those of you who have this problem no longer need to feel inferior because there are several solutions to overcome cracked feet that are easy to apply.

Cracked feet occur because the skin in the feet area is very dry. This makes the skin in that area easy to crack. This condition not only interferes with appearance, but can also cause a burning sensation on the soles of the feet.

Cracked Feet Skin Solution

The main key to treating cracked feet is to keep the skin on your feet moist. To get more moisturized skin, you can apply the following tips:

1. Clean your feet with a mild soap.

Clean or soak your feet using soap for 20 minutes. Then, rub dry or cracked feet using pumice stone slowly and dry using a soft towel.

Soaking your feet in soapy water can help treat cracked feet, but make sure that the soap you use to soak your feet is a mild soap. Soaps that contain harsh chemicals should be avoided because they can actually make your skin drier.

2. Use foot cream

To overcome cracked feet, you are also advised to apply a moisturizing cream containing dimethicone . Foot cream with this content is effective in moisturizing dry skin.

You can apply this cream to your cracked feet at any time. However, to optimize absorption, it is recommended to apply it after every shower.

3. Use petroleum jelly

In addition to foot cream, you can also use petroleum jelly to treat cracked feet. Petroleum jelly can restore moisture to the soles of the feet well.

It is recommended that you apply petroleum jelly at night before bedtime. Wear clean, comfortable socks after applying this moisturizer so that the petroleum jelly doesn’t get everywhere.

4. Ensure adequate fluid intake

Lack of body fluids can make your mouth and throat feel dry, as well as the skin on your feet. Therefore, it is important to always meet your body’s fluid needs by consuming 8 glasses or 2 liters of water every day.

If the skin is well hydrated, the cracked feet problem you are experiencing will slowly improve.

Cracked feet are usually accompanied by hardening of the skin tissue or known as calluses . This condition can be treated by applying medication containing salicylic acid .

Cracked feet initially only interfere with appearance, but can also turn into a serious problem when the feet become injured and infected.

If cracked feet have become infected, there will usually be several symptoms, such as pain and redness around the area. If this happens, the doctor will prescribe topical antibiotics .

Tips to Prevent Cracked Feet

To prevent cracked feet, here are some tips you can do:

Keep your feet moist

The soles of your feet are often the part of your body that gets overlooked when you apply moisturizer . So, from now on, don’t forget to apply moisturizer to the soles of your feet at least twice a day, especially after you shower.

Avoid taking too long a shower

Taking a long shower can reduce skin moisture, including the skin of your feet. Therefore, you are advised to limit your shower time, which is around 5-10 minutes only. Then, avoid showering using hot water because this can make your skin even drier.

Wear comfortable footwear

Wear comfortable socks and shoes or footwear that fit well when traveling so that your feet can be well supported. Avoid wearing flip-flops for long periods of time because this can make your feet dry more easily.

Keep your feet warm

Avoid going barefoot when walking on hot floors because the heat can absorb into the skin and make the feet dry. When the air temperature is cold, you are advised to wear socks so that the temperature of the feet is maintained.

Treating cracked feet is not easy. It takes patience, attention, and extra time to restore the condition. If you have done the tips above, but the cracked feet you are experiencing have not improved, consult a doctor to get the right treatment.

10 Ways to Remove Dark Spots on the Face Quickly and Effectively

10 Ways to Remove Dark Spots on the Face Quickly and Effectively

10 Ways to Remove Dark Spots on the Face Quickly and Effectively – How to remove spots on the face is actually not difficult, it just requires regular care and discipline. This treatment can be done with natural remedies at home or medical action by a doctor. Proper care not only overcomes spots on the face, but also makes the skin of the face cleaner and more youthful.

Uneven skin tone or hyperpigmentation is a condition where certain areas of the skin experience increased melanin production, making the skin darker than the surrounding areas. This condition generally occurs due to excessive sun exposure. In addition, age, hormones, and side effects of certain medications can also cause the skin to become uneven.

Uneven skin tone can make sufferers feel uncomfortable and less confident. However, you don’t need to worry if you experience it because there are several ways to remove uneven skin tone on your face that can be done.

How to Remove Dark Spots on the Face

How to remove spots on the face can be by using beauty care products that contain certain ingredients to undergoing laser therapy. Here is the explanation:

1. Use exfoliating products

Exfoliation can be done as a way to remove spots on the face because it can remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new skin cells. That way, the skin tone will appear more even.

To exfoliate, you can use skincare products that contain glycolic acid (AHA), salicylic acid (BHA), or retinol. If you are new to using exfoliating products, choose products with low concentrations of ingredients.

Use exfoliating products only at night and don’t forget to use sunscreen before doing outdoor activities during the day.

2. Use vitamin C serum

One way to deal with uneven skin tone on the face is to use vitamin C serum. This vitamin can even out skin tone by inhibiting the formation of tyrosinase, an enzyme that produces melanin .

Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant that can protect the skin from the effects of free radicals , which are one of the causes of skin damage and uneven skin tone.

3. Use an oatmeal and yogurt scrub

You can use natural ingredients as a way to remove spots on the face, for example oatmeal and yogurt scrub . Oatmeal is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that can help soothe irritated skin, while yogurt is rich in lactic acid that can remove dead skin cells.

The combination of these two ingredients can help brighten facial skin, including overcoming uneven skin tone. However, use the scrub on the face gently so as not to cause irritation or injure the skin.

4. Use a green tea mask

Green tea can help fade spots on the face by reducing melanin production in the skin. This natural ingredient is also rich in catechins that can reduce inflammation, including treating acne.

How to get rid of freckles on the face with green tea is quite simple, you just need to soak the green tea bag for 3-5 minutes, then take it out and let it cool down.

After that, rub the tea bag gently on the dark skin area. Do this 1-2 times a day until you get the desired results.

5. Use products with licorice content

Licorice is known as an herbal plant with many benefits, including for the skin. Compounds in licorice can inhibit the work of the tyrosinase enzyme, so that dark skin color can become bright again.

To get these benefits, you can use skincare products that contain licorice , such as facial soap, moisturizer, or toner.

6. Apply aloe vera gel

How to remove spots on the face with aloe vera is obtained thanks to the content of aloin and aloesin. Both of these contents can destroy and prevent the formation of melanin, so that the skin tone becomes even and the face looks brighter.

To apply it, first peel the skin of the aloe vera and cut the flesh into several pieces. Then, apply the gel and aloe vera flesh to the uneven skin of the face several times a day.

7. Do facial laser

Laser facial can be a fast way to remove spots on the face. However, this procedure can only be performed by a doctor in a hospital or beauty clinic.

Facial lasers are divided into two types, namely ablative lasers and nonablative lasers. Both types of laser therapy are done by shooting certain frequency wave rays into the skin of the face. The goal is to stimulate collagen formation .

The difference between the two is that ablative lasers will remove the outermost layer of skin, while nonablative lasers do not remove the outermost layer of skin.

8. Undergo IPL therapy

Intense pulse light (IPL) therapy also has the same goal as laser therapy, which is to stimulate collagen growth. In addition to being able to overcome uneven skin, IPL can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and prevent enlarged pores.

9. Do microdermabrasion or dermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a procedure that is done to remove dead skin cells using a special tool. In addition, this procedure is also effective for treating dull skin, fine lines, and brown spots due to aging.

In addition to microdermabrasion, you can also undergo dermabrasion. This procedure is almost similar to microdermabrasion, but dermabrasion involves peeling the deeper layers of the skin, down to the dermis layer. Dermabrasion is an instant way to remove blemishes on the face.

10. Consume foods that are good for the skin

In addition to external care, how to remove uneven skin tone also needs to be accompanied by internal care. You can consume foods for the skin that contain vitamin C and niacin, such as oranges, guava, kiwi, strawberries, chicken, green beans, mushrooms, or tuna.

This type of food can help even out skin tone, while brightening the skin and reducing wrinkles.

That’s how to remove spots on the face that you can do. In addition to undergoing the above treatments, there are several other important things you can do so that the spots on the face do not get worse, namely:

Use sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 every day, even if you only do activities indoors.
Keep your facial skin hydrated by using moisturizer and drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day.
Avoid foods or drinks that can damage the skin, such as foods and drinks high in sugar, oily foods , and alcoholic drinks.
Do not smoke.

How to remove spots on the face naturally can be tried, but each method may give different results, depending on the severity of the spots and the skin condition of each person. If you want faster results, there’s nothing wrong with consulting a doctor .

5 Things That Can Enhance Beauty Naturally

5 Things That Can Enhance Beauty Naturally

5 Things That Can Enhance Beauty Naturally – Jakarta There are many ways to enhance beauty . Not only by using chemicals or cosmetics, it turns out that there are many natural ways that can be used to enhance beauty and it is very easy to do.

Here are some ways to enhance beauty naturally. Just take a look at the following review.

1. Exfoliation

To complement your moisturizer and ensure your skin stays beautiful longer, make sure you take the extra time to exfoliate every day. Your skin is constantly producing new cells and, as new cells emerge, the dead ones tend to sit on top of your skin, making it look dry and dull. If this happens, there’s no point in moisturizing. Use some exfoliating ingredients, like a coffee mask or tea leaves, and gently rub them into your skin.

2. Get enough rest

How to Get Rid of Eye Bags and Dark Circles

How to Get Rid of Eye Bags and Dark Circles

How to Get Rid of Eye Bags and Dark Circles – There are several ways to get rid of eye bags and dark circles that can be tried, especially for those of you who are often tired or sleep deprived. Although not dangerous, eye bags and dark circles around the eyes can make the appearance not fresh.

Eye bags and dark circles in the eye area, also known as panda eyes , can appear with age. This happens because aging can cause a decrease in the amount of collagen in the skin around the eyes, so the eyelids look more sagging.

Some people may feel uncomfortable with the appearance of eye bags accompanied by dark circles under them. Especially if the complaint has caused the eyes to experience mild swelling.

To overcome it, you need to know first what is the cause of the appearance of eye bags that you are experiencing.

Some Causes of Eye Bags and Dark Circles Around Them

In addition to aging , the appearance of eye bags and dark circles around the eyes can also be caused by some of the following:

  • Fatigue and lack of sleep
  • An increase in the amount of melanin in the skin around the eyes, for example as a result of excessive exposure to sunlight
  • Inflammation or hyperpigmentation
  • Accumulation of fluid around the eyes, for example due to hormonal changes or too much salt consumption
  • Stress

How to Get Rid of Eye Bags and Dark Circles

Basically, eye bags and dark circles that appear around the eyes can be eliminated with the following simple care steps:

1. Use a cold compress

Compressing the eyes is known to be effective in reducing puffy eyes and disguising dark circles on the eyes. You can compress the eyes with a clean cloth that has been soaked in cold water or packed with ice. Compress the eyes for 10-15 minutes.

In addition to cold water or ice, you can also compress your eyes with wet green tea bags , cucumber slices, or special eye gel masks.

2. Improve sleep patterns

Eye bags and panda eyes can appear if you lack sleep or are tired. Therefore, try to always get enough sleep for 7-9 hours every night.

Certain sleeping positions can also overcome the eye bags you experience. Try to sleep with your head slightly elevated. You can use an extra pillow to support your head. This method is known to prevent the accumulation of fluid around the eyes while you sleep.

3. Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated drinks

Alcoholic and caffeinated drinks are known to cause mild dehydration, disrupt sleep hours, and make eye bags and dark circles around them more visible. Therefore, you need to limit the consumption of alcoholic and caffeinated drinks so that eye bags can disappear quickly.

4. Sufficient body fluid needs

Sufficient body fluids can also prevent the formation of eye bags. In addition, to avoid fluid retention, you can reduce the intake of processed foods that contain a lot of salt.

5. Complete the body’s potassium intake

Satisfying potassium intake can also reduce the risk of developing eye bags. There are several food sources that contain potassium, including bananas, nuts, yogurt, and green vegetables.

6. Use a special eye cream

Eye creams containing chamomile , cucumber, or arnica can also be used to reduce inflammation and tighten the skin  . In addition, eye creams with vitamin C, vitamin K , or vitamin E content can also eliminate eye bags.

7. Use sunscreen

Avoid exposure to sunlight and use sunscreen every day with SPF 30. Using a concealer that is lighter than your skin tone can also help disguise dark circles under the eyes.

You are advised to use a concealer with SPF 15 or more. If your skin tends to be oily or acne-prone, use an oil-free concealer .

Other Treatments Based on the Causes of Eye Bags

In addition to the simple methods above, you can also consult a doctor if the eye bags you experience are very disturbing or do not disappear.

To disguise or remove eye bags, the doctor can provide some of the following treatments:

Allergy medicine

If the appearance of eye bags and dark circles is caused by allergies , you can avoid the cause of allergies and consume allergy medicine. Doctors will usually prescribe antihistamines to relieve the symptoms of allergies that appear.

Whitening cream

The use of whitening cream can be a solution if eye bags and dark circles are caused by hyperpigmentation or increased melanin (natural skin pigment).

Usually, doctors will prescribe creams that contain skin lightening substances such as retonoid or retinol, hydroquinone , kojic acid, green tea, vitamin C , or soy extract.

Dermal fillers

Eye bags due to aging and sagging skin tissue can be overcome with dermal filler . However, how to get rid of these eye bags can only be done by a dermatologist or esthetician.

Laser therapy

To get rid of eye bags and dark circles around them, doctors can also perform laser therapy around the eyes. However, this therapy usually only shows results after several actions.

Laser therapy is generally only recommended when other methods are not successful in removing eye bags.

Eyelid Surgery to Eliminate Eye Bag Problems

If all efforts have been made but the problem of eye bags worsens to the point of swelling, you can consider eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty .

In addition to being able to remove eye bags, blepharoplasty can also improve swollen eyelids and reduce excess upper and lower eyelid skin that can interfere with vision.

However, you need to consult a doctor first before doing this procedure, remembering that eyelid surgery has various risks, such as infection, dry eyes , bleeding in the eyes, changes in the position of the eyelids, and even vision impairment.

Although it is often considered to disturb the appearance and make the face look not fresh, eye bags and dark circles around them are not serious medical conditions.

However, you still need to consult a doctor if the eye bags that appear do not disappear, get bigger or spread, or are accompanied by other complaints, such as eye irritation and severe swelling of the eyes.