Archives June 2024

5 Causes of Black Spots on Hands, Plus Solutions to Remove Them

5 Causes of Black Spots on Hands, Plus Solutions to Remove Them

5 Causes of Black Spots on Hands, Plus Solutions to Remove Them -Have you ever found black spots on your hands? Yes, it turns out that black spots on the skin can not only appear on the face.

Generally, black spots on the hands are not dangerous. However, some people feel that black spots on their hands can disturb their appearance.

Causes of black spots on hands

Black spots on the skin, aka age spots or liver spots , are brown or black skin spots that appear on the face, hands and arms.

Dark spots on the hands are very common in adults over 50 years of age. However, younger people can also experience dark spots.

So, to answer your curiosity, here are some of the causes of black spots on the hands.

1. Prolonged exposure to sunlight

The Medlineplus site states that black spots, or what are also called sunspots, are usually caused by exposure to sunlight .

The areas of the body that receive the most sun exposure are the face, hands, or arms.

2. Hormonal factors

Hormonal fluctuations in the body can also trigger various skin problems , one of which is black spots on the hands which are said to be similar to melasma .

Melasma is a skin condition that causes small patches to appear that are a different color to your natural skin.

This condition occurs more often in women, especially during pregnancy.

3. Skin inflammation

Black spots on the hands can also appear after you experience inflammation of the skin, which in medical terms is called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation .

Inflammatory skin problems can also be caused by eczema , psoriasis, skin injuries, and acne .

4. Scars or insect bites

When you get bitten by an insect or get injured, you may have a scar that doesn’t go away quickly.

Black spots on the hands can also appear on the scars. Although it takes time, usually this condition can disappear or fade on its own.

5. Effects of drugs or treatment

Black spots on your hands can also be caused by side effects of the medication or treatment you are taking.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, radiation therapy can increase the risk of developing dark spots ( hyperpigmentation ) on the hands.

Apart from that, several types of drugs can also trigger black spots , such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), tetracycline, and psychotropic drugs.

How to remove dark spots on the skin?

Black spots on the hands actually do not require special skin care because they are generally not dangerous to health.

However, this condition can affect your appearance and self-confidence.

Luckily, you can try some of the following skin treatments to get rid of dark spots.

1. Whitening cream

Using whitening cream is an easy way to remove dark spots on the skin.

You can choose products that contain hydroquinone, glycolic acid or kojic acid . These chemicals can lighten the skin and are safe to use.

2. Medicines

Sometimes, doctors can prescribe several types of whitening cream that contain hydroquinone or are combined with retinoids ( tretinoin ).

In addition, even though sunblock and sunscreen are different, you still need to use them to protect your skin from the appearance of other dark spots due to sunlight.

3. Laser or light therapy

Laser therapy works by destroying the cells that produce excess melanin.

This type of skin care needs to be done several times to get the expected results.

4. Dermabrasion

The dermabrasion procedure is performed to remove the top layer of skin. This method can damage the skin and has the risk of causing bleeding.

Black spots on the hands will usually fade around 6 – 12 weeks after you undergo dermabrasion.

Sometimes, swelling and pain may occur after this procedure. Remember to keep your skin clean and protect it from sunburn .

5. Chemical peels

In a chemical peel procedure , the doctor removes the top layer of the skin with the help of a special tool. This procedure is similar to the exfoliation process .

The chemicals used include salicylic acid , glycolic acid, and lactic acid. You can see the results after a few months.

It is always best to discuss it with your dermatologist to determine the right method according to your skin type and the severity of your black spot problem.

Here’s How to Get Rid of Body Odor

Here's How to Get Rid of Body Odor

Here’s How to Get Rid of Body Odor – “Body odor often occurs when the body sweats, thus triggering the growth of bacteria. Bathing regularly and using antibacterial soap can be a way to get rid of body odor.”

Jakarta – You may notice that body odor often occurs when the body sweats. Actually, sweat itself has no smell and body odor comes from bacteria that live in sweaty parts of the body. So, cleaning your body after sweating is one way to get rid of body odor.

Bacteria thrive in moist environments, such as the armpits. When you sweat, the bacteria break down certain proteins in your sweat into acids. So it’s not the bacteria that smell, but the byproducts of the bacteria breaking down your sweat that cause the unpleasant odor.

How to Get Rid of Body Odor

For those of you who have body odor problems, here are some ways to get rid of body odor that you can do:

1. Bath regularly

Regular bathing at least once a day can be one of the easiest ways to eliminate body odor. When bathing, you must ensure that areas that are prone to sweat and prone to causing body odor are cleaned properly.

2. Dry Your Body Properly

Drying your body properly is one way to eliminate body odor that you can do. This should be considered especially in areas that produce sweat, such as the armpits and groin. Drying your body properly will make it difficult for bacteria that cause body odor to grow.

3. Using Antibacterial Soap

To get rid of body odor, you can use soap with packaging that states antibacterial. Using antibacterial soap can be useful for eradicating and controlling bacteria that cause body odor. If bacteria can be controlled, it can automatically reduce body odor.

Want to know more about the causes and how to overcome body odor? Read this article: ” These are 5 Causes of Body Odor and Effective Ways to Overcome It “.

4. Using Deodorant or Antiperspirant

How to eliminate body odor can be done by using deodorant or antiperspirant . Indeed, deodorant cannot prevent sweat from coming out, but the scent of deodorant can prevent body odor from appearing.

Meanwhile, antiperspirants can reduce sweat from the body. Antiperspirants are necessary for those who produce excessive sweat.

5. Pay attention to the food consumed

Food also influences the appearance of body odor. Eating spicy food can cause excessive sweating. Meanwhile, foods that contain fat, are oily and have a strong smell, such as garlic and onions, can cause body odor.

6. Wear the Right Clothes

You can wear clothes that don’t make your body hot or that can absorb sweat quickly. Clothing such as cotton, for example, can reduce the appearance of excessive sweating and thus minimize the appearance of body odor. Wearing socks is also necessary to avoid the appearance of odor on the feet.

7. Keep Clothes Clean

Change your clothes often when you sweat a lot. Clean clothes can help reduce body odor. Also, be sure to change your socks, especially if you tend to have smelly feet. Use deodorant powder in your shoes and change your insoles often, and go barefoot whenever possible.

8. Shave Excess Hair

Apocrine glands are concentrated in areas covered by hair. This includes the armpits and pubic area. Hair can trap sweat, making it a haven for bacteria. Shaving can help control bad body odor. Consider shaving your underarms, or at least trimming them shorter. This can also help reduce body odor.

The body naturally produces body odor. Everyone experiences bad body odor from time to time. You may not be able to eliminate body odor completely. Moreover, other people are more likely to notice your body odor than you are.

6 Ways to Overcome Stretchy Hands and Feet

6 Ways to Overcome Stretchy Hands and Feet

6 Ways to Overcome Stretchy Hands and Feet – Jakarta – Having striped skin after sunbathing is normal. Because, when the skin is exposed to sunlight, more pigments that regulate skin and hair color, namely melanin, will be produced. Melanin will gather to protect skin exposed to sunlight and make the skin darker.

The face, hands and feet are parts of the body that are often exposed to UV rays from the sun. That is why this part is usually darker than other parts of the body. Striped skin can certainly reduce your appearance and make you less confident.

Well, the good news is that there are several ways you can do to make your skin tone even again, you know . Let’s take a look at how to deal with striped skin below.

Tips for Overcoming Uneven Skin Tone Naturally

There are several ways to treat patchy skin on your hands and feet, but remember, this skin condition cannot be treated overnight. Overcoming striped skin takes at least a week. Here are the methods:

1. Use sunscreen

Not only is it important to use before sunbathing, sunscreen can also be used afterward to overcome uneven skin tone. This skincare product can protect the skin from exposure to the sun’s UV rays and speed up the process of repairing skin color.

Choose sunscreen with a Sun Protector Factor (SPF) of at least 30. Use it 15-30 minutes before doing activities outside the home, and apply evenly every 2 hours. If necessary, you can wear a hat, long sleeves and gloves (if riding a motorbike) so that your skin is further protected from exposure to the sun’s UV rays.

2. Exfoliate

Another way to deal with striped skin on your hands and feet that you can try is exfoliation. This can be done using the scrubbing technique , namely rubbing the skin of the hands and feet with a material that has fine granules.

The goal is so that dead skin cells can be removed, and skin color that is mottled due to exposure to UV rays from the sun can return to brightness. Use a scrub that has coarse granules regularly at least 2-3 times a week for maximum results.

3. Make a Natural Mask

Apart from the face, masks can also be used to treat patchy skin on the hands and feet. Use this natural mask at least once a day for maximum results. How to make it is quite easy, you only need to use natural ingredients such as:

Tomato fruit

Apply tomatoes that have been cut or processed into juice on the skin of your hands and feet. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


Finely grate or mash raw potatoes, then rub it on the striped skin of your hands and feet. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


Apply pure honey to the skin of your hands and feet. Leave it to dry, then rinse with warm water.


Apply plain yogurt (unflavored and unsweetened) to the discolored skin on your hands and feet. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Rice and olive oil

Finely grind the rice and mix with olive oil. Apply evenly to the spots on your feet and hands, leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Apart from carrying out the treatments above, here are some tips for preventing skin spots from the sun that you need to know.

Beauty Procedures to Treat Spotted Skin

Apart from using natural methods, you can also try the following beauty procedures which are effective in treating patchy skin on your hands and feet:

1. Microdermabrasion

In fact, the scrubbing technique using small, slightly coarse granules cannot only be done using natural ingredients.

This technique can also be done using sophisticated equipment by professionals. This procedure is called microdermabrasion. This skin and beauty treatment can brighten skin tone, as well as clean and moisturize.

2. Chemical Peeling

Exfoliating the skin with chemicals or chemical peels may have a harsh effect on the skin.

However, this method can remove stubborn dirt and dry skin, making the skin look fresher with an even skin tone.

However, after doing a chemical peel , you should avoid exposure to sunlight first because the skin will become more sensitive.

3. Laser

A more aggressive way to treat striped skin is through laser therapy. This therapy basically has the same method as other hyperpigmentation treatments. The method removes the outer layer consisting of dead cells and dry skin, thereby revealing a more even skin tone.

Dealing with patchy skin is not easy. You are also not advised to use whitening products carelessly. Because on the market, many whitening products contain steroids or mercury which are dangerous for the skin.

So before buying, make sure the whitening product you choose is registered with the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM and the Indonesian Ministry of Health, OK?

How to Treat Vitiligo, Including Using Sunscreen

How to Treat Vitiligo, Including Using Sunscreen

Vitiligo is a skin pigmentation disorder that results in loss of pigmentation cells in the epidermis. Aesthetic dermatology venereology specialist Dr. Benny Nelson Sp. D.V.E, explained that the loss of pigment results in the formation of a pattern whose color is similar to that of a calf’s fur. Benny continued, vitiligo is an autoimmune disease or a condition when immune cells attack their own cells, in this case melanocytes, namely cells that produce melanin.

Benny said that until now the cause of vitiligo is still unknown, but it is certain that this disease is not contagious. “The exact cause of vitiligo is still unknown, but it is thought to be multifactorial (caused by many factors), such as genetic factors, autoimmune factors, physical or psychological stress, exposure to ultraviolet light, chemicals or free radicals,” said Benny.

Vitiligo sufferers may experience other comorbidities, some of which are often overlooked. About 20 percent of vitiligo cases are associated with autoimmune diseases such as thyroid disease, pernicious anemia, Addison’s disease, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and alopecia areata. Vitiligo sufferers have a skin condition that is very vulnerable to exposure to ultraviolet light because melanin cannot be produced as a form of skin protection FOR4D.

Therefore, using sunscreen or sunscreen is one method of treating vitiligo that should not be missed. Vitiligo sufferers should choose sunscreen that has a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 30 and PA++. Sunscreen use also needs to be repeated every 2-3 hours. “Therefore, the use of sunscreen is mandatory for vitiligo patients. Basic skin care such as bathing with gentle soap and using moisturizer must also be done,” added the doctor who practices at the hospital. Pondok Indah Jakarta.

Apart from that, when traveling, vitiligo patients are advised to look for a shady place and wear long-sleeved dark colored clothing and denser materials to avoid sunlight. For example, Benny said that denim clothing has a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of around 1700, while white T-shirts only have an SPF of around 7. Skin treatments that should be avoided in patients suffering from vitiligo are skin treatments that cause trauma, such as laser, microdermabrasion, skin care. tanning or other exfoliative treatments. Apart from paying attention to skin health, vitiligo patients must also maintain physical health by eating healthy foods mposlot.

For vitiligo patients there are no special restrictions or recommendations regarding foods that can be consumed, but it is best to avoid processed foods and processed meats such as canned food, instant food, canned meat, white bread, pasta, gluten, fast food, alcohol, drinks and foods that are too sweets, as well as packaged snacks.

These foods are thought to trigger inflammatory reactions and are rich in free radicals, making vitiligo difficult to treat. In contrast, foods rich in antioxidants are thought to have a protective role, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, foods rich in omega-3 (but low in omega-6), whole grains, and fish oil. Some experts, said Benny, also recommend a number of supplements such as ginkgo biloba, vitamins C, D and E.

Apart from all that, it is also important to maintain mental health in vitiligo patients. Patients must avoid stress and should regularly consume healthy and nutritious food so that the immune system can be well maintained. Vitiligo sufferers also need to consult with experts togel terpercaya, such as a specialist in dermatology, aesthetic venereology, to get appropriate treatment.

You need to know, here are 6 effective ways to overcome bad breath

You need to know, here are 6 effective ways to overcome bad breath

You need to know, here are 6 effective ways to overcome bad breath -Jakarta – Bad breath or halitosis is a very disturbing health problem. Apart from reducing self-confidence, this problem can also interfere with social activities because it makes the sufferer feel uncomfortable.

Furthermore, bad breath that interferes with social activities can cause anxiety when around other people and excessive focus on one’s own breath.

So, what causes bad breath and how to deal with it?

What Causes Bad Breath?

Before knowing how to deal with bad breath , it is important to identify the cause first.

There are several factors that can cause bad breath, the most important of which are problems with the teeth and mouth, such as cavities and gum problems.

Apart from that, halitosis can also occur due to certain health conditions, such as:

  • Diabetes.
  • Liver disorders.
  • Respiratory tract infections such as chronic bronchitis.
  • Dry mouth or xerostomia, which occurs due to impaired saliva
  • production due to the buildup of bacteria in the mouth.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Sinusitis that causes post nasal drip, which is the flow of thick mucus from the sinuses into the throat.

Apart from these factors, maintaining good oral hygiene is also important to avoid experiencing halitosis.

Avoiding foods that have strong odors, stopping smoking and consuming alcohol, and maintaining a balanced carbohydrate intake can also help reduce this problem.

The mouth itself is the first organ of the digestive system. This organ plays an important role in chewing, processing food chemically, and delivering food to the stomach.

You can read about the important role of the mouth in the article Know the Function of the Oral Cavity in the Human Digestive System.

How to prevent bad breath?

Here are some tips you can try to get rid of bad breath:

1. Keep your mouth and teeth clean

The first and most important step is to maintain oral and dental hygiene.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day, use dental floss to clean between your teeth, and rinse your mouth with mouthwash that does not contain alcohol.

Apart from that, you should also replace your toothbrush every two months and have regular dental check-ups at least every six months.

If you wear dentures , make sure to clean them regularly so that food residue does not accumulate and cause the growth of bacteria that trigger bad breath.

2. Increase your intake of fiber and water

Consuming foods high in fiber can help maintain the body’s metabolism and prevent bad breath and digestive disorders.

Apart from that, drinking enough water can also prevent the mouth from becoming dry, which also triggers this condition.

3. Stop unhealthy habits

Another way to deal with an unpleasant odor in the mouth is to stop doing unhealthy habits. Avoid smoking, alcoholic drinks and caffeine .

Apart from that, avoid consuming foods with strong odors such as jengkol, petai, onions and durian.

4. Prevent bad breath by chewing gum

Next, chew gum. Choose gum that is sugar-free and contains xylitol.

This content is effective in fighting bad breath while inhibiting the growth of bacteria.

You can chew xylitol gum for five minutes after eating.

5. Use natural ingredients

You can also overcome bad breath by using natural ingredients such as betel leaves. If you don’t feel comfortable chewing it, you can gargle with boiled betel leaf water.

Apart from betel leaves, you can also use cloves, cinnamon and peppermint leaves in the same way to get rid of the unpleasant aroma in your mouth.

6. Consume yoghurt

Consuming 85 grams of sugar-free yoghurt twice a day for six weeks can also help overcome bad breath.

This is because yoghurt can reduce levels of sulfide compounds which cause an unpleasant mouth odor.

So, those are various ways to overcome the problem of bad breath. However, if bad breath doesn’t go away and tends to get worse, immediately contact a doctor at Halodoc for further treatment.

5 Fast and Effective Ways to Thicken Eyebrows

5 Fast and Effective Ways to Thicken Eyebrows

5 Fast and Effective Ways to Thicken Eyebrows – How to thicken eyebrows is done to make the appearance more attractive. However, thickening eyebrows should be done in the right way so as not to cause health problems around the eyes.

Some women may lack confidence with thin eyebrows. The condition of thin eyebrows can be triggered by various factors, such as increasing age, plucking eyebrows too often, or health disorders, such as anemia, lack of nutrition, or thyroid dysfunction.

Various Ways to Thicken Eyebrows

One of the common ways to thicken thin eyebrows quickly is to use an eyebrow pencil. However, this method has a drawback, which is that it is not permanent and can fade.

Well, a more permanent way to thicken eyebrows can be done with care, starting from the use of natural ingredients to eyebrow transplantation. Here is the explanation:

1. Using natural ingredients

Some natural ingredients known to thicken eyebrows include coconut oil , lavender oil, olive oil, and tea tree oil . In addition, castor oil has also long been known to grow eyebrows and hair because it contains ricinoleic acid .

The use of various oils is quite easy. You just need to apply oil to the eyebrow area, then massage gently. Then, leave it overnight and rinse with water the next day.

However, the effectiveness of using natural oil in thickening eyebrows still needs further research.

2. Using eyebrow serum

In addition to natural ingredients, how to thicken eyebrows can also use serum. Serums containing biotin and peptides are known to thicken eyebrows. These two ingredients are known to stimulate growth and maintain eyebrow health.

However, look back at the composition of the content in the serum product, the expiration date, and the instructions for use before you use it, yes.

3. Consuming biotin supplements

Not only in the form of serum, biotin can also be consumed in the form of supplements. However, you should first consult with a doctor before consuming biotin supplements to thicken eyebrows.

4. Apply minoxidil medicine

Minoxidil ointment is usually used to treat male pattern baldness. However, this medicine can also be used to thicken eyebrows due to eyebrow baldness.

Before using monoxidil ointment , you are also advised to consult a doctor first, in order to determine the correct drug concentration and duration of drug use.

5. Doing an eyebrow transplant

The next way to thicken the eyebrows is to do an eyebrow transplant. This method is done by taking hair from the scalp, usually the hair area above the ear.

Eyebrow transplantation is a complicated procedure because it must be done carefully and carefully in order to minimize scars and avoid damage to the eyebrows.

This is because not only hair strands, but hair follicles will also be transferred to the eyebrows. The purpose is for new hair to grow after the transplant procedure is done.

This procedure generally takes about 2-3 hours. You will be given a local anesthetic before the transplant procedure is performed to reduce the pain that appears.

How to Maintain Eyebrow Health

Thick eyebrows are the dream of many women. Therefore, it is important to always treat and keep the eyebrows clean. Well, here are some ways you can do to keep your eyebrows well-groomed:

Complete nutritional intake

There are several types of nutritional intake that are important in supporting eyebrow growth, including protein, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc , calcium, selenium, folic acid , and iron.

You can get these nutrients by consuming low-fat meat, salmon, nuts, avocados, olive oil , potatoes, mangoes, carrots, and spinach.

Grooming the shape of the eyebrows

To keep thick eyebrows still looking beautiful, you can tidy up their shape by plucking them regularly or undergoing   eyebrow threading procedures .

When shaping, use a clean eyebrow remover and remember to always be careful. You are advised to pluck your eyebrows after showering, that is when the skin condition is more moist because it makes the plucking process easier.

Thick and well-groomed eyebrows can really beautify the appearance. However, make sure to choose a safe eyebrow thickening method according to your eyebrow condition. If you are still in doubt, it is best to consult a doctor first to get the right explanation and advice.

Tips for Losing Fat with a Safe Water Diet

Tips for Losing Fat with a Safe Water Diet

Tips for Losing Fat with a Safe Water Diet – Fat that accumulates in the body is very detrimental to appearance. Apart from that, large amounts of fat deposits can also cause health problems. There are lots of tips for losing fat to lose weight. One of them that is quite popular is the water diet.

Did you know, not all water diets are safe for health. A water diet that is done incorrectly can actually have fatal consequences. In fact, many health experts say that a slim body due to an improper diet will not last long. If you want to try a safe water diet, use the following tips.

• Don’t just drink water

Even though it’s called a water diet, it doesn’t mean you can’t consume any food or drinks other than water. In fact, if only water enters the body, this can endanger your health. A body that is deficient in protein, carbohydrates, essential fats, vitamins and minerals can experience a decrease in metabolic rate. If this continues over a long period of time, you will feel weak, dizzy, lack concentration, and even faint.

Then, what should be done? Combine your water diet with a healthy and balanced food intake. Don’t forget, do exercise regularly so that the diet you follow can provide maximum results as expected.

• Hunger Test with a Glass of Water

Maybe many people don’t know, feeling hungry doesn’t always mean the body needs food, you know. So, when you feel hungry, you should not immediately eat heavy foods such as rice, bread, etc. Do a test first to determine whether the hunger is real or fake by using a glass of water.

To do this test, drink a glass of water, then wait ten minutes. If you still feel hungry, it means that what you are feeling is genuine hunger. You can eat enough, don’t be too full. On the other hand, if the feeling of hunger disappears, it means you only feel fake hunger.

• Always bring water when doing activities outside

Don’t forget to bring water wherever you go. Whether it’s when going to work, exercising, or even when eating out. This will really help you so that you are not tempted to buy drinks with high sugar content such as syrup or soda. As we know, drinks with high sugar content are the main cause of weight gain.

• Don’t drink large amounts of water at once

Even though we are advised to drink at least eight glasses of water per day, that doesn’t mean we drink it all at once. Arrange and make a schedule for drinking water, for example immediately after waking up, before eating, after eating, between activity breaks, and so on.

• Use Infused Water for Detoxification

To get the results you want, try drinking infused water. Apart from helping to dissolve fat, infused water can also remove toxins that have settled in the body and provide a refreshing effect.

How to make infused water is very easy. You just mix pieces of fruit or vegetables into drinking water. Fruits or vegetables that are often used are lemons, limes, mint, cucumbers, strawberries, and others. Just choose which one you like.

5 Ways to Get Rid of Dry Skin to Keep It Moist & Healthy

5 Ways to Get Rid of Dry Skin to Keep It Moist & Healthy

5 Ways to Get Rid of Dry Skin to Keep It Moist & Healthy – Dry skin is a problem that women often face. Dry skin is caused by many factors, one of which is not drinking enough water. Moist skin is skin that is well hydrated. Drinking water has been proven to make your body healthy and your skin moisturized because it is well hydrated. However, if your goal is to have a supple, moisturized and healthy face, then drinking water alone is not enough.

Come on, let’s take a look at various ways to get rid of dry skin, especially on the face, so that your face remains moist, bright & healthy.

How to Get Rid of Dry Skin to Keep It Moist & Healthy

1. Consume foods rich in antioxidants

It turns out that the food you consume can have an impact on your skin health, you know. One way to get rid of dry skin (taking care of your face to maintain its condition) is to consume more foods rich in antioxidants, such as grapes, berries and nuts.

Antioxidants play an important role in helping the body fight free radicals, preventing acne and protecting skin cells from damage caused by UV rays from the sun, such as hyperpigmentation.

2. Clean facial skin regularly

Diligently cleaning your face before going to bed and after waking up is the first step in caring for your face. A face that is clean of dirt, oil and pollution particles will effectively absorb nutrients from the skincare used later.

Choose a facial cleanser that is gentle on the skin and can help maintain moisture, yes.

Clean your face with a face cleanser from Garnier Sakura White, namely Sakura Glow Glowing Face Wash , a soft and light cleansing foam, or Pinkish Glow Whip Foam, a whip foam with sakura extract and hyaluron serum, which cleans pores thoroughly while moisturizing and Maintains skin elasticity to keep it supple and not dry.

3. Use a moisturizing serum

For treatment that reaches into the skin tissue, add serum after cleansing the face, and before moisturizing it. Serum is also one of the ways to get rid of dry skin and treat the face effectively to overcome skin problems and help moisturize the skin.

To give your face a natural hue, apply Sakura Glow Hyaluron 30x Booster Serum , a moisturizing serum with a light formula that quickly absorbs into the skin.

Apart from Sakura Extract, this serum is also equipped with 5000 Brightening Capsules so that the skin looks bright, clear, feels smooth, the skin tone is even, as well as elastic and soft.

4. Diligently Apply Moisturizer

Applying moisturizer before activities can also be one way to deal with dry and peeling facial skin on the face, especially those that provide additional benefits for the skin, such as Sakura Glow Pinkish Radiance Glowing Cream (SPF30/PA+++)

This cream contains 5x Sakura Extract and Glow Vitamin which not only protects and brightens the skin, but also disguises pores and black spots, smoothes and makes the skin look glowing.

At night, don’t forget to moisturize your skin with Garnier Sakura Glow Night Cream which helps your skin regenerate while you sleep. Also equipped with Sakura Extract and Vitamin B3 Cg to brighten the skin.

5. Nourish the skin with a moisturizing mask

Using a mask is an effective way to get rid of dry skin on the face and can also moisturize and nourish the skin quickly. To be practical, choose a sheet mask like Garnier Serum Mask Hydra Bomb Sakura Glow .

This mask is enriched with Sakura Extract and Hyaluronic Acid which moisturizes and brightens, and is made from 100% Natural Cellulose Fiber Tissue which continuously nourishes the skin during use. Your facial skin is guaranteed to be healthy, bright, moist and supple.

You can get all the Garnier Sakura White products above on the official Garnier Indonesia website or buy the products directly at shopping centers, cosmetic shops, supermarkets, minimarkets, the nearest drugstores and your favorite shops.

Glazed Eyes Make You Unconfident? Treat it according to the cause

Glazed Eyes Make You Unconfident? Treat it according to the cause

Glazed Eyes Make You Unconfident? Treat it according to the cause – Droopy eyes are not a big problem, but their presence can make your self-confidence plummet instantly. The reason is, this condition makes the face look less enthusiastic and less energetic.

So, how do you deal with droopy eyes? Adjust it first to each of the following causes.

What are droopy eyes?

Droopy eyes are a condition when the upper eyelid tends to droop, aka sag. This eye problem is also characterized by bags under the eyes and sometimes black circles around the eyes.

People often call them panda eyes. As a result of droopy eyes, the appearance of the eye area looks dull or dull and does not shine.

Some people have glazed eyes from birth. This is generally caused by genetic factors so that it is a basic characteristic of the sense of sight.

Causes of droopy eyes

Apart from birth defects, there are several causes of droopy eyes, tiredness, or looking like you are constantly sleepy, namely:

1. Lack of sleep

One of the most common causes of droopy eyes is lack of sleep. Constantly feeling sleepy will make the body sluggish and this can also be felt by the eyes.

Insufficient sleep duration causes blood flow to muscle tissue to experience a lack of oxygen. As a result, your eyes look more tired than usual when you wake up.

As a solution, make sure to get enough sleep every night. You are advised to sleep 6-8 hours every night to wake up feeling energetic and healthy and free from droopy eyes.

2. Smoking habit

Do you have a smoking habit? If yes, then this could be the cause of your droopy eyes.

Cigarettes contain thousands of toxic substances and free radicals, including the smoke. Not only does it damage the lungs, other body parts such as eye tissue are also affected.

Exposure to cigarette smoke can also inhibit blood circulation throughout the body. If blood circulation is disrupted, it will automatically reduce the oxygen supply to the eye area.

Other effects of cigarette smoke can also make the eye nerves easily irritated.

3. Fatigue

Do you often struggle with writing notes, reading books, watching TV, staring at a computer screen or the like? If yes, this is also one of the causes of droopy eyes.

Because, when doing these activities, the eyes are usually forced to continue working and rarely rest. The more focused your eyes work, the more quickly your sense of sight will tire and dry out more easily.

Plus, electromagnetic radiation from the screen can make the organs of vision tense. If left untreated, the nerve tissue and muscles around the eyes are at risk of damage.

4. Minimal lighting

When working, especially those that require more focus, make sure the room has sufficient lighting. If the lighting is minimal, your eyes will become dry and tired more quickly, especially if you have to stare at small objects for a long time.

Over time, this habit can make your eyes look droopy.

5. Dehydration

Lack of drinking is more often known as the main culprit behind dry skin or lips. In fact, droopy eyes can also be caused by the same thing, you know!

Inadequate fluid intake can reduce eye freshness. Water production will automatically decrease when the body lacks fluids.

This condition can not only occur due to lack of drinking, but also when diarrhea or vomiting causes the body to lack fluids. Therefore, make sure your body stays hydrated every day, especially in summer.

6. Cry often

Whatever the reason you are crying, whether it’s sadness, being moved by hearing someone else’s story, or the effect of watching a drama, this habit can trigger droopy eyes.

When crying, the eye nerves become tense, thereby pressing on the surrounding muscles to stimulate tear production. As a result, over time the eyes become swollen and appear puffy. The eyes turned more glazed after that.

7. Iron deficiency

If you have adopted healthy habits, such as rarely staying up late and frequently resting your eyes, but your eyes still look droopy, it could be that you have an iron deficiency.

Iron deficiency causes the blood vessels around the eyes to become wider. If it is not immediately balanced with enough iron, the eyes which were originally swollen and droopy will slowly become better than before.

Prioritize consuming foods that are sources of iron such as red meat or chicken or beef liver. If necessary, you can also take iron supplements according to the recommended dosage.

8. Health problems

Several health problems can also change the aura of fresh eyes into sluggish or withered. Including when experiencing an eye injury, disorders that occur in the muscles or nerves can trigger glazed eyes.

Apart from that, other disorders that can also cause droopy eyes include:

  • Allergy
  • Angioedema, which is swelling under the skin due to allergies
  • Blepharitis, which is an eyelid infection due to overproductive glands near the eyelashes
  • Orbital cellulitis, or bacterial eye infection
  • Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy, a rare genetic muscle disorder that appears at the age of 40-60 years
  • Myasthenia gravis, a chronic autoimmune disorder that makes the body’s muscles weak
  • Bell’s palsy, or temporary paralysis of one side of the facial muscles
  • Multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack the myelin or the membrane that protects the nerves of the brain and spine
  • Tumors on the eyelids or curves of the eye

9. Age

As you get older, your skin will start to sag. Including the eyes, the skin around them will start to sag, giving a droopy impression.

How to deal with droopy eyes naturally

Each cause of droopy eyes requires different treatment. If it is caused by genetic factors, of course there is not much that can be done to change it.

However, you don’t need to worry because there are many ways you can do to give a fresh impression to your eyes. One of them is by wearing makeup.

Makeup styles such as  smokey eyes can make the eyes bigger and more defined. Eyes that previously seemed sluggish or glazed will be disguised.

It’s different if it’s caused by an injury or certain disease, the doctor will recommend certain steps to help restore glazed eyes.

The good news is, there are many tips that can help change the appearance of droopy eyes to a fresher one. Here’s how to deal with droopy eyes naturally, including:

1. Blink a lot

If your eyes start to feel dry, immediately blink a few times to lubricate your eyes. This movement can help increase fluid production in the eyes, thereby increasing moisture.

This method is especially important for people who often stare at monitor screens, read books and similar activities.

2. Compress

Compresses are not only good for treating swelling, but are also part of how to deal with droopy eyes. No need to bother, you can use ingredients in the kitchen to compress your eyes.

After making a glass of hot tea, don’t immediately throw away the tea bag. Use it to compress so that the blood vessels in the eye area become smoother.

The caffeine content in tea has also been proven to reduce swelling in the eyes, you know! Try compressing both eyes for 5 minutes and see the difference for yourself.

Apart from tea bags, you can also use cucumber to cool your eyes. This type of vegetable contains silica which acts as a synthetic coalgen.

3. Healthy lifestyle

This method is important for cases of droopy eyes that arise due to lack of sleep or stress. Change your lifestyle to be healthier by getting enough sleep, avoiding stress, and drinking enough water.

4. Reduce activities that burden the eyes

If you want to avoid droopy eyes from staring at the screen for too long, follow the 20-20-20 guide.

What this means is that every 20 minutes, move your eyes forward 20 inches or 6 meters for 20 seconds. This can help reduce eye strain.

Also take the time to close your eyes for a few minutes periodically. For example, every 15 minutes, close your eyes for 2-3 minutes. Do this method to deal with droopy eyes repeatedly every 2 hours.

You can also move your eyes by glancing to the right and left for a few seconds alternately. Move your eyes up and down as well to relax tense eye muscles.

5. Use eye drops

If necessary, you can also use eye drops whenever your eyes feel dry. Especially if you regularly work in an air-conditioned room which tends to dry out your eyes quickly.

Use eye drops to help moisturize the eyes. Consult a doctor to get the right eye drops according to the droopy eye problem you are experiencing.

You can Book eye care packages available at at affordable prices. Starting from examinations and consultations with ophthalmologists, botox for eye wrinkles, to eyelid surgery such as blepharoplasty.

5 Easy and Practical Ways to Tighten Your Arms

5 Easy and Practical Ways to Tighten Your Arms

5 Easy and Practical Ways to Tighten Your Arms – How to tighten your arms can be done easily at home. If done regularly, these methods can reduce large, saggy arms. That way, your arms will be stronger and more muscular.

Arms are one part of the body that can experience fat accumulation, especially if you rarely exercise. If left unchecked, the fat deposits will make the arms look big and a wave will appear which will disturb your appearance.

Various ways to tighten the arms need to be done to overcome this. Toned arms and shoulders can not only improve appearance but also increase muscle strength, reduce the risk of injury, and improve body posture.

Various Arm Toning Movements

You can get toned arms by training your biceps and triceps . However, before doing various movements to tone your arms, it is recommended that you warm up and cool down after exercise, each for 5–10 minutes.

So, here are various movements that you can do to tighten your arms:

1. Push-ups

The easiest way to tighten your arms is to do push ups . Push-up movements can be done by following these steps:

  • Lie on all fours and position your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Straighten your arms with your palms pressed against a flat, hard surface and your fingers facing forward.
  • Straighten your legs, resting on your toes and knees not touching the floor. Feet are approximately hip-width apart.
  • Make sure your body position is parallel and straight from head to heels.
  • Inhale while slowly bending your elbows to the sides and lowering your body to the floor until your elbows form a 90 degree angle or your chest is about 5 cm above the floor.
  • Exhale while contracting your chest muscles and pushing your body back up through your arms to the starting position.
  • Repeat the movement 10–15 times.

2. Wall push-ups ( close-grip wall push-ups )

Different from regular push-ups , this movement uses the help of a wall to do it. The following is how to tighten your arms by doing close-grip wall push-ups :

  • Stand in front of a wall with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Place both palms on the wall at shoulder height and shoulder width apart.
  • Slowly bend your elbows and bring your body closer to the wall until your nose almost touches it.
  • Lift your heels when leaning against the wall so that your body is straight and push back.
  • Repeat this movement 10–15 times.

3. Bench dip

You can also tighten your arms by doing bench dips at home regularly. To do this movement, you need a chair that doesn’t have wheels or doesn’t move easily. The following is how to do bench dips:

  • With your back to the chair, grip the edge of the chair with both hands.
  • Straighten your legs by resting on your heels.
  • Lower your body by bending your elbows back until they form a 90 degree angle.
  • Raise your body slowly again and repeat the movement 10-15 times.

4. Tricep kickback

This movement can be done with the help of a barbell or dumbbell whose weight can be adjusted to suit your abilities. How to do tricep kickbacks to tone your arms is as follows:

  • In a standing position, lean forward with your knees slightly bent.
  • Move your left and right arms backward at the same time by bending your elbows until they form a 90 degree angle.
  • Repeat the movement 10–15 times, for 2 or 3 sets.

5. Bicep curls

You can also tighten your arms with bicep curls . Just like tricep kickbacks , bicep curls also require equipment in the form of barbells or fully filled drinking bottles. However, this movement is very easy to do compared to other movements.

How to do bicep curls is as follows:

  • Stand straight and place your feet hip-width apart.
  • Lift the barbell towards your shoulders by bending your elbows.
  • Repeat this movement 10 times.

You can do how to tighten your arms by following the various movements above. For maximum results, you are advised to exercise regularly and adjust your diet .

If you want to know how to tighten your arms according to your condition or experience an injury while doing the various movements above, consult a doctor so that you can be examined and receive appropriate treatment.