This is How to Get Rid of Body Odor

This is How to Get Rid of Body Odor

This is How to Get Rid of Body Odor

This is How to Get Rid of Body Odor – Jakarta – You may notice that body odor often occurs when the body sweats. Actually, sweat itself has no smell and body odor comes from bacteria that live in sweaty parts of the body. So, cleaning your body after sweating is one way to get rid of body odor.

Bacteria thrive in damp environments, for example in the armpits. When you sweat, these bacteria break down certain proteins in the sweat into acids. So, it’s not the bacteria that smells, but rather the byproducts of the bacteria that break down sweat which causes the unpleasant aroma to appear.

How to Get Rid of Body Odor

For those of you who have body odor problems, here are several ways to get rid of body odor that you can do:

1. Regular Bathing

Bathing regularly at least once a day can be one of the easiest ways to get rid of body odor. When bathing, you have to make sure that areas that are prone to sweat and prone to causing body odor are cleaned well.

2. Dry the Body Properly

Drying your body properly is one way you can get rid of body odor. This must be paid attention to especially in sweat-producing areas, such as the armpits and groin. Drying your body properly will make it difficult for bacteria that cause body odor to reproduce.

3. Use antibacterial soap

To get rid of body odor, you can use soap with packaging that states antibacterial. Using antibacterial soap can be useful for eradicating and controlling bacteria that cause body odor. If bacteria can be controlled, it can automatically reduce body odor.

Want to know more about the causes and how to deal with body odor? Read this article: ” These are 5 causes of body odor and effective ways to overcome them .”

4. Using Deodorant or Antiperspirant

You can get rid of body odor by using deodorant or antiperspirant . Indeed, deodorant cannot prevent sweat from coming out, but the fragrance of deodorant can block body odor that appears.

Meanwhile, antiperspirants can reduce sweat from the body. Antiperspirants are necessary for those who produce excessive sweat.

5. Pay attention to the food consumed

Food also influences the appearance of body odor. Eating spicy food can cause excessive sweating. Meanwhile, foods that contain fat, are oily and have a strong smell, such as garlic and onions, can cause body odor.

6. Wearing the Right Clothes

You can wear clothes that don’t make your body hot or that can absorb sweat quickly. Clothing such as cotton, for example, can reduce the appearance of excessive sweating and thus minimize the appearance of body odor. Wearing socks is also necessary to avoid the appearance of odor on the feet.

7. Keep Clothes Clean

Change clothes often when you sweat a lot. Clean clothes can help reduce body odor. Also make sure to change your socks, especially if they tend to have smelly feet. Use deodorant powder on your shoes and change the insoles of your shoes often, and go barefoot if possible.

8. Shave Excess Hair

Apocrine glands are concentrated in areas covered by hair. This includes the armpits and pubic area. Hair can trap sweat and become a comfortable place for bacteria. Shaving can help control unpleasant body odor. Consider shaving your underarm hair, or at least cutting it shorter. This method can also help reduce body odor.

The body naturally produces body odor. Everyone sometimes experiences unpleasant body odor. You may not be able to get rid of body odor completely. Moreover, other people are more likely to notice your body odor than you are.

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