Take a peek at the secret to maintaining ideal body weight

Take a peek at the secret to maintaining ideal body weight

Take a peek at the secret to maintaining ideal body weight

Take a peek at the secret to maintaining ideal body weight – Maintaining an ideal body weight is very important for health. The older you get, the easier it will be to gain weight. Therefore, maintaining body weight within a healthy range should start to become a priority.

Why Should Ideal Body Weight Be Maintained? 

Like it or not, the fact is that weight really affects your health. Ideal body weight will provide various benefits for the body, including:

  • The body is fitter and more active
  • Not easily attacked by disease
  • Blood circulation becomes healthier

It is known that increasing age accompanied by weight gain can increase the risk of developing chronic diseases. Apart from that, uncontrolled body weight leading to overweight and obesity is a risk factor for dangerous diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, cancer, and many more.

Therefore, monitoring that the scale needle remains stable in the ideal number range will reduce the risk of contracting the scary disease above. Not only does it have a positive impact on healthy people, ideal body weight is also useful for improving the quality of life for people with chronic diseases.

Check out these tips for maintaining ideal body weight 

Find out whether your body weight is ideal or not through calculating your Body Mass Index (BMI). Based on the WHO classification for Asians, the BMI value is said to be ideal in the range of 18.5-22.9 kg/m 2 . So, as long as the BMI change is still within this range, body weight is still categorized as ideal.

Be consistent with a balanced diet 

The key to maintaining an ideal body weight is balancing incoming and outgoing energy. The energy that comes in is energy obtained from daily food, while the energy that comes out is energy used for activities. Incoming energy can be controlled through the consistency of a proper diet.

To enrich your intake, consuming probiotics can be a good choice. Consuming probiotics can have a positive impact on body weight, plus digestion will be healthier if consumed regularly.

Keep your body hydrated 

Don’t forget to drink water to accompany a balanced meal to avoid dehydration. It is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Because, most of the body’s components consist of fluid. The body needs enough water to function optimally. Drinking water will also help get rid of toxins and regulate metabolism in the body.

Drinking water after a meal will help you feel full without extra calories.

Exercise Routine 

Even though you already have an ideal body weight, that doesn’t mean you don’t need exercise. This condition must be maintained by maintaining regular physical activity. The recommendation for adults is to exercise for 150 minutes a week with a division of 30 minutes every day.

To be more active, from now on you can try reducing sitting time and walking more.

Set aside time for quality sleep 

Sleep is closely related to the body’s working system. Lack of sleep has a negative impact on changes in hormones that regulate hunger and fullness, as a result, hunger comes more often. Usually people who don’t get enough sleep are more easily tempted to eat unhealthy food and are lazy about exercising. In fact, lack of sleep can reduce the body’s metabolic system.

The National Sleep Foundation  recommends people aged 18-64 get around 7-9 hours of sleep. However, the duration of good sleep can vary greatly for each person.

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