You need to know, here are 6 effective ways to overcome bad breath

You need to know, here are 6 effective ways to overcome bad breath

You need to know, here are 6 effective ways to overcome bad breath -Jakarta – Bad breath or halitosis is a very disturbing health problem. Apart from reducing self-confidence, this problem can also interfere with social activities because it makes the sufferer feel uncomfortable.

Furthermore, bad breath that interferes with social activities can cause anxiety when around other people and excessive focus on one’s own breath.

So, what causes bad breath and how to deal with it?

What Causes Bad Breath?

Before knowing how to deal with bad breath , it is important to identify the cause first.

There are several factors that can cause bad breath, the most important of which are problems with the teeth and mouth, such as cavities and gum problems.

Apart from that, halitosis can also occur due to certain health conditions, such as:

  • Diabetes.
  • Liver disorders.
  • Respiratory tract infections such as chronic bronchitis.
  • Dry mouth or xerostomia, which occurs due to impaired saliva
  • production due to the buildup of bacteria in the mouth.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Sinusitis that causes post nasal drip, which is the flow of thick mucus from the sinuses into the throat.

Apart from these factors, maintaining good oral hygiene is also important to avoid experiencing halitosis.

Avoiding foods that have strong odors, stopping smoking and consuming alcohol, and maintaining a balanced carbohydrate intake can also help reduce this problem.

The mouth itself is the first organ of the digestive system. This organ plays an important role in chewing, processing food chemically, and delivering food to the stomach.

You can read about the important role of the mouth in the article Know the Function of the Oral Cavity in the Human Digestive System.

How to prevent bad breath?

Here are some tips you can try to get rid of bad breath:

1. Keep your mouth and teeth clean

The first and most important step is to maintain oral and dental hygiene.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day, use dental floss to clean between your teeth, and rinse your mouth with mouthwash that does not contain alcohol.

Apart from that, you should also replace your toothbrush every two months and have regular dental check-ups at least every six months.

If you wear dentures , make sure to clean them regularly so that food residue does not accumulate and cause the growth of bacteria that trigger bad breath.

2. Increase your intake of fiber and water

Consuming foods high in fiber can help maintain the body’s metabolism and prevent bad breath and digestive disorders.

Apart from that, drinking enough water can also prevent the mouth from becoming dry, which also triggers this condition.

3. Stop unhealthy habits

Another way to deal with an unpleasant odor in the mouth is to stop doing unhealthy habits. Avoid smoking, alcoholic drinks and caffeine .

Apart from that, avoid consuming foods with strong odors such as jengkol, petai, onions and durian.

4. Prevent bad breath by chewing gum

Next, chew gum. Choose gum that is sugar-free and contains xylitol.

This content is effective in fighting bad breath while inhibiting the growth of bacteria.

You can chew xylitol gum for five minutes after eating.

5. Use natural ingredients

You can also overcome bad breath by using natural ingredients such as betel leaves. If you don’t feel comfortable chewing it, you can gargle with boiled betel leaf water.

Apart from betel leaves, you can also use cloves, cinnamon and peppermint leaves in the same way to get rid of the unpleasant aroma in your mouth.

6. Consume yoghurt

Consuming 85 grams of sugar-free yoghurt twice a day for six weeks can also help overcome bad breath.

This is because yoghurt can reduce levels of sulfide compounds which cause an unpleasant mouth odor.

So, those are various ways to overcome the problem of bad breath. However, if bad breath doesn’t go away and tends to get worse, immediately contact a doctor at Halodoc for further treatment.