Tag Tips for Removing Warts on the Face

Tips for Removing Warts on the Face

Tips for Removing Warts on the Face

Tips for Removing Warts on the Face – Jakarta – Having warts on the face is actually not dangerous. However, its presence often interferes with appearance and reduces self-confidence. That is why, many people want to remove warts on the face and try various methods.

Talking about removing warts, one drug that is often used is salicylic acid. However, this drug is not suitable for removing warts on the face, because it can irritate the skin. So, what can be done?

Natural Ways to Remove Warts on the Face

There are several natural ways to remove warts on the face that you can try, namely:

1. Garlic

Garlic contains allicin which has antiviral properties. That is why garlic is believed to be able to fight the HPV virus which causes warts on the face. To use it, you can crush the garlic, then rub it on the wart, and let it sit for 15 minutes.

However, garlic can cause skin irritation. So, if you experience stinging, itching, or tingling on your skin after using this ingredient, wash it immediately with water.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also believed to be a natural ingredient for removing warts on the face. This is because apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid which has antiviral properties, so it can eradicate the virus that causes warts. Apart from that, acetic acid is also believed to be able to remove excess skin tissue on the face.

To remove warts on the face with apple cider vinegar, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in half a glass of water, then dip a cotton ball and apply it to the wart. Cover the cotton with a bandage and leave it overnight.

3. Pineapple juice

Pineapple extract or juice contains solvent enzymes and acids which can destroy wart tissue on the face. To use it, simply apply pineapple juice to the warts regularly. However, there is no clinical evidence to support the effectiveness of pineapple juice for removing warts.

4. Lemon Juice

It tastes sour and refreshing, who would have thought that lemon juice could also be an ingredient for removing warts on the face. Yes, this is because of the citric acid content in lemon juice, which is believed to kill the virus that causes warts. To use it, you only need to rub lemon juice on the warts regularly.

Medical Procedures to Remove Warts

After knowing what natural ingredients can be used to remove warts on the face, of course it wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t discuss what medical treatment options can be taken. Moreover, the various natural ingredients for removing warts that have been described are not necessarily suitable for everyone, especially those with sensitive skin.

If the wart doesn’t go away even though you have tried various methods, you should make an appointment with a dermatologist at the hospital via the Halodoc application . The doctor may recommend several treatments or medical procedures to treat warts, depending on the condition you are experiencing.

  • The following are several medical treatment options that are commonly used to remove warts:
  • Cantharidin. Cantharidin is an ingredient that can cause chemical burns. The doctor may use cantharidin or a mixture of this chemical with other ingredients to coat the wart, and form a blister beneath it, so that the wart can be removed afterwards.
  • Cryotherapy. This treatment is known as cryosurgery. The doctor injects or applies liquid nitrogen to the wart, and freezes it. The process may need to be done several times over two to three weeks.
  • Removal surgery. This procedure is often used to remove filiform warts. The doctor will use a scalpel to cut the wart. Sometimes, more than one treatment is needed.
  • Electrosurgery and curettage. This procedure combines burning of the wart through electrocauterization and scraping off the wart.

That’s a brief explanation of the various ways to remove warts on the face. Discuss further with your doctor about which treatment is most appropriate to do.

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