Don’t just pull it out, this is a safe way to remove nose hair

Don't just pull it out, this is a safe way to remove nose hair

Don’t just pull it out, this is a safe way to remove nose hair – Nose hair that grows too long can interfere with your appearance, so quite a few people often pluck them. However, if done the wrong way, plucking nose hairs can cause infection.

Nose hair plays an important role in maintaining moisture in the nose. Not only that, nose hairs also function to filter dust, small insects, and microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses , which are inhaled into the nose so that they do not enter the lungs.

How to Remove Nose Hair Correctly

Even though it has many benefits, nose hairs can grow too long, causing discomfort and lack of self-confidence. Finally, cutting or plucking nose hair is considered the quickest way to deal with it.

However, you need to know that plucking nose hair should not be done haphazardly and should be done in the right way. The following are several safe ways you can remove nose hair:

Special scissors​

To be safer, use special scissors to remove nose hair. These scissors have rounded and blunt tips, making the process of cutting nose hair easier. These scissors have also been specially designed to prevent injuries in the area around the nose.

When using it, you are advised to sit or stand in front of a mirror with good lighting. First clean your nose of any stuck-on nasal discharge , then gently cut your nose hairs.

After the nose hair has been cut, exhale through your nose so that the hair that has been cut can come out. Please remember that it is recommended that you shave your nose hair only at the edges.


Plucking nose hair manually or  waxing is actually not recommended because it can cause nose hair to grow into the skin. This can cause ulcers and infections in the nose. However, if you want to continue waxing at home, always follow the instructions for use.

It is recommended that you apply candle wax only to the edges of the nostrils to prevent injury to the inner walls of the nose. If the nose area feels sore after waxing , try compressing it with a warm towel.

Compressing the nose area with a warm towel can relieve pain and help the healing process after waxing .

Laser hair removal

If you doubt using the manual method, laser hair removal can be an option. However, this method risks causing wounds to the mucous membranes in the nasal cavity.

Therefore, it is important for you to ensure that laser hair removal is carried out by a doctor who is an expert in this field, in order to reduce the risk of side effects, such as irritation or injury to the mucous membranes.

Plucking or removing nose hair is safe, but you are advised not to overdo it. This is because nose hair has an important function in reducing the risk of allergies and maintaining moisture in the air in the nose .

If you experience certain complaints after removing nose hairs, for example nosebleeds, fever, or boils and infections appear in the nose, immediately go to the doctor to get treatment.