Easy Ways to Take Care of Your Skin to Keep It Tight and Healthy

Easy Ways to Take Care of Your Skin to Keep It Tight and Healthy

Easy Ways to Take Care of Your Skin to Keep It Tight and Healthy – As you get older, the signs of aging become more obvious. Don’t worry, there are easy ways to care for your skin to keep it firm and healthy.

As you get older, the signs of aging on your skin become more apparent. Complaints usually include skin that looks wrinkled, sagging and wrinkled. In fact, many of these complaints are experienced by those under 30 years of age! Don’t immediately panic and want to rush into a facelift . There are easy ways to care for your skin to keep it firm and healthy.

Before you know the secret to caring for healthy and firm skin , know some of the causes of skin that quickly looks old and wrinkled, namely:

Excessive sun exposure. Moreover, if you don’t use sunscreen, sun exposure can damage the supporting structures in the skin.
Unstable body weight. Weight gain and loss easily can damage skin elasticity. As a result, the skin sags and wrinkles easily.
Smoking . Tobacco and various chemicals in cigarettes cause dry skin and wrinkles easily. Apart from that, smoking can also reduce the oxygen and nutrients that the skin needs.
Consuming caffeine. Drinks that contain caffeine, such as tea, coffee, or energy drinks can trigger the appearance of fine wrinkles on the face.

When you find that your skin is no longer as firm as before, don’t rush to spend millions to tens of millions of rupiah. Try doing the simple steps below first:

Clean the skin regularly

Routinely cleaning your skin by bathing and cleaning your face regularly can help maintain healthy skin. This is because this activity is able to remove dust, dirt or disease-causing germs that stick to the skin. Make sure you shower twice a day and never forget to clean your face before going to bed.

Drink water

Try to drink at least eight glasses of water per day. If the body’s fluid needs are met, the skin will also feel the benefits. Skin moisture will continue to be maintained, so you avoid dry skin and wrinkles.

Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep and/or have a habit of staying up late? Be careful, all of this can accelerate premature aging. Not only that, the body’s ability to absorb good nutrients from food can also be hampered. Furthermore, the body’s capacity to produce cell rejuvenation hormones is reduced because these hormones actively work while you sleep.


Eat more vegetables and fruit

Vegetables and fruit have high antioxidant content. Well, this antioxidant plays a big role in skin rejuvenation and regeneration. So, if you want your skin to stay healthy, make sure vegetables and fruit are never absent from your daily menu.

Exercise routine

Regular exercise can increase the skin’s oxygen and blood supply, so that the nutrients the skin needs to maintain its health are maintained.

Protect skin with sunscreen

From now on, try not to leave the room without sunscreen protection. Use sunscreen or sunblock every morning, 15 minutes before you do outdoor activities. Using this sunscreen can prevent excessive formation of melanin pigment and prevent damage to the skin’s protective structure so that premature aging does not occur. Don’t forget to reapply sunscreen every 3-4 hours.

Stay away from cigarettes

According to a study from the University of Alabama, England, smoking can cause skin aging which begins with the appearance of wrinkles. This is because the nicotine in cigarettes is a vasoconstrictor, namely a substance that can reduce blood flow to body organs, such as the skin. This decrease in blood flow can eliminate oxygen and important nutrients that the skin needs, including vitamin A which is needed for skin cell regeneration.

Excessive wrinkles will occur around the mouth and creases between the nose and mouth. This causes the basic tissue of the skin to lose its strength, so that the face will become droopier and have deeper wrinkles.

Even though you never miss skin care at a beauty clinic or buy various skin care products, never forget the seven basic methods above. Caring for skin also requires patience. Accompanied by discipline, your skin will definitely stay firm and healthy!

How to Prevent Blackheads from Disturbing Your Appearance

How to Prevent Blackheads from Disturbing Your Appearance

How to Prevent Blackheads from Disturbing Your Appearance – The appearance of blackheads can disrupt your appearance and reduce your self-confidence. Is there a way to prevent blackheads from causing this? Check here! Blackheads occur due to blockage of oil glands and inflammation. There are two types of blackheads, namely closed comedones (look like white dots) and open comedones (look like black dots).

Whiteheads form because the skin pores are accumulated by dead skin cells, sebum, bacteria and follicles. This type of blackhead is usually triggered by excess oil production in the skin, the habit of using cosmetics, or exposure to other chemicals.

Meanwhile, blackheads have a dark color because their surface is not covered with skin. Therefore, the part is exposed to air so that it oxidizes. Blackheads can occur due to not maintaining cleanliness and stress.  Why do blackheads often appear on the nose? This is because the nose skin area has larger pores and quite a lot of oil glands compared to other skin areas.

Blackheads can happen to anyone, and these complaints usually appear on the face, back, chest or shoulders.  So, how do you effectively prevent blackheads ? Below are tips you can follow:

1. Use a moisturizer that suits your facial skin

The first way to prevent blackheads from appearing is to use moisturizer.  Blackheads are often experienced by people who have oily skin types. Well , excess oil production often occurs due to inappropriate use of moisturizer.

To prevent blackheads from appearing again, you should use a moisturizer that is oil free and labeled non-comedogenic . Using these products is important, especially if your skin is oily.

2. Wash your face regularly

Being lazy about cleaning your face after doing activities all day makes dust, dirt and pollution easily accumulate on your face. This situation can increase the risk of blackheads and even acne.

To prevent this from happening, you need to clean your face at least twice a day using care products that suit your skin type.

3. Avoid using thick cosmetics

Blockages in skin pores can occur due to the use of cosmetics that are excessive or too thick, especially if your skin is oily.  So, the way to prevent blackheads from appearing again is to avoid  excessive  use of cosmetics, including foundation  and  compact powder.

You should also not use these products every day, so as not to cause blockages in the pores.

4. Adopt a Low Fat and Carbohydrate Diet

The influence of food intake on  acne  and blackheads is still individual, meaning it varies from person to person.

However, it is known that consuming foods low in carbohydrates and fat can improve hormonal control in the body. This can ultimately reduce the risk of acne and blackheads appearing.

5. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes

The next way to prevent blackheads on the face is to avoid alcohol and cigarettes.  The reason is, these two things can trigger excess oil production on the face, thereby increasing the chance of blackheads and acne appearing.

Not only that, alcohol and cigarettes can also put you at greater risk of premature aging, you know.

6. Don’t squeeze blackheads

Squeezing blackheads, especially with unsterile hands or tools, can increase the risk of inflammation.

This action can also cause infection which makes complaints worse.

7. Exfoliate your face

Facial exfoliation can be a way to avoid blackheads that you can try.

Exfoliation is done to clean dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. This can help brighten the face and optimize the absorption of the skin care products used.  You can exfoliate in a simple way, for example using a facial scrub  when washing your face.

Even so, exfoliation should not be done excessively. Do it only 1‒2 times a week. For facial skin that is inflamed or has active acne, exfoliation should be avoided. You should consult a doctor first.

8. Use sunscreen

Sunscreen will not trigger the appearance of acne or blackheads. This product is actually able to protect the skin from the negative effects of sun exposure. If your skin is oily, it is highly recommended to choose a sunscreen product that says non-comedogenic . This product contains ingredients that do not clog pores.

In addition, avoid using sunscreen for the body on the face area. Sunscreen for the body tends to have a thicker and oilier consistency, so it is not suitable for use on the face.

9. Wear clothes that are not too tight

Clothes that are too tight can cause sweat to be trapped. This makes sweat easily mix with oil and bacteria, thus triggering the appearance of blackheads.

As a solution, wear loose clothing and material that absorbs sweat when working. This way, your skin can breathe more easily so blackheads and acne can be avoided.

10. Get enough rest

Stress can trigger the oil glands to be more active, thereby increasing the risk of blackheads appearing.  You need to get enough rest by sleeping at least 7‒8 hours every night. You are also advised to exercise to prevent blackheads from appearing in the future.

These are some ways to prevent blackheads that you can try. From now on, avoid factors that trigger blackheads and take care of your skin as best as possible.

Immediately stop using certain products that cause skin irritation, acne, redness and pain.  If you need help or have questions about blackheads and other skin problems, don’t hesitate to consult via the ask a doctor service on 24-hour Live Chat or the KlikDokter application .

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Easy Ways to Take Care of Your Skin to Keep It Tight and Healthy

Easy Ways to Take Care of Your Skin to Keep It Tight and Healthy

As you get older, the signs of aging become more obvious. Don’t worry, there are easy ways to care for your skin to keep it firm and healthy.

As you get older, the signs of aging on your skin become more apparent. Complaints usually include skin that looks wrinkled, sagging and wrinkled. In fact, many of these complaints are experienced by those under 30 years of age! Don’t immediately panic and want to rush into a facelift . There are easy ways to care for your skin to keep it firm and healthy.

  • Before you know the secret to caring for healthy and firm skin , know some of the causes of skin that quickly looks old and wrinkled, namely:
  • Excessive sun exposure. Moreover, if you don’t use sunscreen, sun exposure can damage the supporting structures in the skin.
  • Unstable body weight. Weight gain and loss easily can damage skin elasticity. As a result, the skin sags and wrinkles easily.
  • Smoking . Tobacco and various chemicals in cigarettes cause dry skin and wrinkles easily. Apart from that, smoking can also reduce the oxygen and nutrients that the skin needs.
  • Consuming caffeine. Drinks that contain caffeine, such as tea, coffee, or energy drinks can trigger the appearance of fine wrinkles on the face.

When you find that your skin is no longer as firm as before, don’t rush to spend millions to tens of millions of rupiah. Try doing the simple steps below first:

Clean the skin regularly

Routinely cleaning your skin by bathing and cleaning your face regularly can help maintain healthy skin. This is because this activity is able to remove dust, dirt or disease-causing germs that stick to the skin. Make sure you shower twice a day and never forget to clean your face before going to bed.

Drink water

Try to drink at least eight glasses of water per day. If the body’s fluid needs are met, the skin will also feel the benefits. Skin moisture will continue to be maintained, so you avoid dry skin and wrinkles.

Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep and/or have a habit of staying up late? Be careful, all of this can accelerate premature aging. Not only that, the body’s ability to absorb good nutrients from food can also be hampered. Furthermore, the body’s capacity to produce cell rejuvenation hormones is reduced because these hormones actively work while you sleep.


Eat more vegetables and fruit

Vegetables and fruit have high antioxidant content. Well, this antioxidant plays a big role in skin rejuvenation and regeneration. So, if you want your skin to stay healthy, make sure vegetables and fruit are never absent from your daily menu.

Exercise routine

Regular exercise can increase the skin’s oxygen and blood supply, so that the nutrients the skin needs to maintain its health are maintained.

Protect skin with sunscreen

From now on, try not to leave the room without sunscreen protection. Use sunscreen or sunblock every morning, 15 minutes before you do outdoor activities. The use of sunscreen can prevent excessive formation of melanin pigment and prevent damage to the skin’s protective structure so that premature aging does not occur. Don’t forget to reapply sunscreen every 3-4 hours.

Stay away from cigarettes

According to a study from the University of Alabama, England, smoking can cause skin aging which begins with the appearance of wrinkles. This is because the nicotine in cigarettes is a vasoconstrictor, namely a substance that can reduce blood flow to body organs, such as the skin. This decrease in blood flow can remove oxygen and important nutrients that the skin needs, including vitamin A which is needed for skin cell regeneration.

Excessive wrinkles will occur around the mouth and creases between the nose and mouth. This causes the basic tissue of the skin to lose its strength, so that the face will become droopier and have deeper wrinkles.

Even though you never miss skin care at a beauty clinic or buy various skin care products, never forget the seven basic methods above. Caring for skin also requires patience. Accompanied by discipline, your skin will definitely stay firm and healthy!
