Tag Ingredients and Natural Ways to Get Rid of Panda Eyes Quickly

Ingredients and Natural Ways to Get Rid of Panda Eyes Quickly

Ingredients and Natural Ways to Get Rid of Panda Eyes Quickly

Ingredients and Natural Ways to Get Rid of Panda Eyes Quickly

Panda eyes is a term that describes dark circles around the eyes, often accompanied by swelling. This condition is temporary and not dangerous, and can be experienced by anyone, both men and women. Although makeup such as concealer is often used to hide panda eyes, keep in mind that it only disguises the problem, not eliminates it. There are various ways to get rid of panda eyes, including using compresses and natural ingredients.

Causes of Panda Eyes Appearing

  • There are several factors that cause panda eyes, including:
  • Genetic factors
  • Smoking habits and excessive alcohol consumption
  • Too long in front of a device or laptop
  • Allergy
  • Often stay up late
  • Apart from the factors above, panda eyes can also be caused by increasing age. As the aging process progresses, the body will experience thinning of the skin so that fat and collagen tissue decreases. This will cause the blood vessels under the eyes to stand out and result in the skin looking darker.

List of Ingredients and Natural Ways to Remove Panda Eyes

The following is a list of several natural ingredients and how to use them to treat panda eyes


  • Thinly slice a piece of cucumber.
  • Place cucumber slices over your eyes for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Do this regularly to reduce swelling and brighten the skin around the eyes.

Green tea

  • Soak green tea bags in hot water for a few minutes.
  • Chill the tea bags in the refrigerator.
  • Place cool green tea bags over your eyes for 10-15 minutes.
  • Green tea contains antioxidants which can help relieve eye irritation and reduce panda eyes.


  • Thinly slice a piece of raw potato.
  • Place the potato slices over your eyes for 15-20 minutes.
  • Potatoes contain enzymes that help brighten the skin around the eyes.

Aloe vera

  • Cut a piece of aloe vera and take the natural gel.
  • Apply aloe vera gel around the eyes and leave it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Aloe vera has moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Almond Oil

  • Apply a little almond oil around the eyes before going to bed.
  • Gently massage the skin around the eyes with almond oil.
  • Almond oil contains vitamin E which can help moisturize the skin and reduce panda eyes.


  • Use cold cucumber to compress the eyes.
  • Thinly slice the cucumber and place the cold slices over the eyes for a few minutes.


  • Mix a little honey with cold water.
  • Apply this mixture gently around the eyes and leave it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Honey has antimicrobial and moisturizing properties that can help treat panda eyes.

Make sure to avoid direct contact with eyes when using this natural ingredient. Use regularly for better results, and if there is an allergic reaction or irritation, stop use immediately and consult a doctor.