How to Smooth Facial Skin Using Natural and Easy Ingredients

How to Smooth Facial Skin Using Natural and Easy Ingredients

How to Smooth Facial Skin Using Natural and Easy Ingredients – Many people try to smooth facial skin and are willing to spend a lot of money for smooth facial skin. Having smooth and glowing facial skin is the dream of many people.

It turns out there is a way to get a smooth face and you can do it yourself without spending a large amount of money. What are the ways? Find out simple treatments for smooth facial skin with natural skincare ingredients here.

How to Smooth Facial Skin Naturally

Getting smooth facial skin is determined by various factors that need to be considered, including age, how to care for the skin, exposure to air pollution and the food consumed. Here are several ways to smooth facial skin that can be done, according to various sources:

1. Exfoliate regularly

Exfoliating facial skin aims to clean oil and layers of dead skin that have accumulated on the face. This method can also speed up skin cell regeneration and increase blood flow so that the face can get enough nutrition and oxygen.

How to exfoliate your skin can use natural ingredients as exfoliators. These include oatmeal, coffee powder and sugar scrub. Exfoliate regularly using these ingredients 3 times a week to get smooth and shining facial skin.

2. Drink water regularly

Even though it seems simple, this method has been proven to help smooth the skin naturally. Lack of water intake in the body can cause dehydration. Signs of dehydration are that the skin looks dry, dull, and there are cracks on the skin.

According to several studies, regularly drinking 2.25 liters of water every day can affect the condition and thickness of the skin. Another study from the University of Missouri, United States, revealed that drinking 500 ml of water can increase blood flow to the skin.

3. Steam your face

The next way to smooth facial skin is rarely known to many people but has many benefits for the skin. These include opening facial pores, cleaning dirt on the face, improving blood circulation, shedding oil on the skin and increasing collagen production.

Prepare hot water in a large container, add essential oil to provide relaxation. Take a bent position over the container and cover your head with a towel to trap the steam. Do this position for 5-10 minutes, then use moisturizer to close the pores.

4. Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep has been proven to soften facial skin. According to research in the journal Nature Cell Biology, when you fall asleep, more collagen is repaired in the skin. Get enough sleep, 7-8 hours every day.

Collagen is a protein fiber found in hair, nails and skin. So, if you want to have healthy, smooth and supple skin, you need enough collagen. This method can smooth the face naturally.

5. Moisturizes facial skin

The way to smooth facial skin so it looks bright and shining is to maintain facial moisture. Many foods can moisturize facial skin naturally, such as vegetables and fruit. However, you can add moisture by using aloe vera gel as a skin treatment .

Apart from that, use SPF 30 sunscreen before doing activities or going outside. Sunscreen functions to protect the skin from sun exposure. Don’t forget to reapply every 3 hours, especially during hot weather.

6. Exercise regularly

Exercise has many benefits for body health, starting from increasing heart rate, increasing blood flow to the skin and stimulating collagen production. So, exercise not only makes the body healthy but is a way to make facial skin smooth.

To get this benefit, you can start by doing light exercise around the house, such as walking or jogging for 30 minutes a day. Get multiple benefits by using this method.

Natural Skincare Ingredients to Smooth Facial Skin

There are many things you can do to get smooth and well-maintained skin. Now without needing to go to a beauty clinic, you can use various natural skincare ingredients as a way to smooth facial skin as follows.

1. Honey

Honey is often an ingredient in various beauty products. Because honey contains ingredients that can maintain skin moisture. You can use a honey mask to smooth facial skin.

2. Aloe Vera

Generally, aloe vera is known to nourish and thicken hair. However, aloe vera can also be used for dry facial skin. Because aloe vera contains aloesin, a substance that can inhibit the formation of melanin which can make facial skin look dull.

3. Tomatoes

It turns out that ingredients that are often found in the kitchen can be used as ingredients to soften facial skin. Like tomatoes, the anti-oxidant compound or lycopin contained in tomatoes can fight free radicals. Apart from that, this content can make the face look bright.

You can try the above methods for smoothing facial skin yourself at home. Using natural ingredients like this cannot provide instant results but you can get good results. Therefore, do it regularly and you can get the skin you dream of.

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