Tag How to Firm Your Breasts After Breastfeeding

How to Firm Your Breasts After Breastfeeding

How to Firm Your Breasts After Breastfeeding

How to Firm Your Breasts After Breastfeeding – During pregnancy and breastfeeding, there are various physical changes that occur in a woman’s body, one of which is breast size. Usually, the size and shape of the breasts will increase due to hormones and breast milk production.

However, after the breastfeeding period is over, the size and shape of the breasts will change because breast milk production has stopped. Not infrequently, this causes sagging breasts.

This is certainly one of the changes that most women are often worried about. However, don’t worry, there are various ways to firm your breasts after breastfeeding that you can try.

1. Do a Breast Massage

Breast massage is one way to tighten the breasts after giving birth and breastfeeding. By massaging them regularly, it will help stimulate blood circulation and encourage the growth of new breast tissue.

To deal with sagging breasts, you need to immediately massage your breasts after seeing any changes in the shape of your breasts. That way, massage will be effective in increasing breast firmness.

You can massage the breasts with circular movements and apply pressure gradually. Apart from using your hands to massage your breasts, you can also use a breast pump or special massage tool.

2. Exercise regularly

You can also take care of your breasts after giving birth by exercising regularly . It is important to focus on exercises that work the chest muscles, as these types of exercises have the greatest impact on breast firmness.

“To tighten the breasts, this can be helped by regular exercise, especially exercise that focuses on the chest area, such as sit ups , push ups , or planks which can tighten the muscles in the chest area,” said Dr. Dyah Novita Anggraini.

Apart from that, you can also try weight training. However, make sure to consult your doctor first before starting a new exercise routine.

3. Wear a supportive bra

Wearing a supportive bra is also one way to care for your breasts after breastfeeding. To prevent sagging breasts, of course you need to use a bra of the right size, so that your breasts can be well supported.

It’s important to remember, wearing the wrong bra, especially when you’re physically active, can cause pain and injury.

Choosing a push up bra can help shape your breasts after breastfeeding. However, still make sure the size is appropriate, OK!

4. Keep breast skin moist

To maintain firmness and hydration of the skin in the breast area, you need to keep the breast skin moist.

Try choosing a lotion that contains natural ingredients to keep your skin firmer and looking youthful. Apart from that, you can also use a body scrub to exfoliate dead skin cells around the breasts.

Shedding dead skin cells can help increase blood circulation and restore breast elasticity.

5. Maintain body posture

It is important for Mama to maintain her body posture so she can be upright. This position can help the body to support the breasts.

If you tend to have a forward-leaning posture, this will only make your breasts appear saggier.

Therefore, keep your shoulders back and make sure your back remains straight, okay?

6. Have a Healthy Diet

After breastfeeding, mothers are also advised to maintain a healthy diet. Try to reduce your consumption of saturated animal fats which are high in cholesterol. Mama can replace it with olive oil, vitamin B, and vitamin E. These nutrients can help overcome wrinkles and skin elasticity.

Not only that, make sure to prevent your body from becoming dehydrated by meeting your fluid needs.

Don’t forget, live a healthy life by quitting smoking. The reason is, this bad habit can affect the condition of the skin on the breasts.

7. Breast Lift Surgery

If you still can’t overcome sagging breasts after trying the various methods above, maybe it’s time to consider breast lift surgery.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, this procedure can improve the appearance of the breasts after giving birth. Later the doctor will make a small incision to remove and reshape the natural breast tissue.

To provide volume to the breasts, the doctor will also place implants behind the breast tissue. If you are interested in having this procedure, make sure you consult with a doctor first.

If you still have questions about firming your breasts after breastfeeding, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor via the Ask a Doctor service . Apart from that, Mama can also make an appointment to see a doctor for a direct consultation.

Come on, #KeepYourHealthy and your breasts by doing a health check. To make it more practical, try booking a Health Checkup via the KlikDokter application, OK!

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