Tag Beware of the Dangers of Skin Whitening Products Containing Mercury

Beware of the Dangers of Skin Whitening Products Containing Mercury

Beware of the Dangers of Skin Whitening Products Containing Mercury

Beware of the Dangers of Skin Whitening Products Containing Mercury – Mercury is often misused as an ingredient for facial whitening products. Although it can brighten the skin in a short time, the mercury content in beauty products can have a negative impact on health.

Mercury is one of the chemicals that is sometimes used in soaps and skin whitening creams . Not only that, some cosmetic products, such as mascara and eye makeup removers, also often use mercury as a preservative in their products.

Mercury Content in Skin Whitening Products

Mercury is used as one of the ingredients to whiten the skin because it can inhibit the formation of melanin or skin pigment, so that the skin looks brighter in a short time. Although it can provide instant results, its impact on health cannot be underestimated.

In Indonesia, the use of mercury in beauty products, such as facial cleansers , moisturizers, and day or night creams, has been banned. However, for eye makeup and cleansers, it is still allowed with a level of no more than 0.007%.

However, the use of mercury other than in these beauty products is considered misuse and is prohibited from being marketed. Even though there is a ban, the public still needs to be more careful because many unscrupulous manufacturers sell mercury-based beauty products online .

These products are usually not registered, do not list BPOM numbers, do not provide clear instructions for use, write product ingredient information in a foreign language, or even do not list any information at all. If you find a product like this, it is best not to buy it.

Health Risks Due to Mercury

The use of mercury in beauty products has been proven to be dangerous and is banned in many countries. This is because this chemical can be easily absorbed by the skin and enter the bloodstream.

Mercury is also corrosive, so its use can make the skin layer thin. In fact, not only does it affect the skin, high mercury exposure can also cause damage to the digestive tract and nervous system.

In addition, mercury also risks disrupting the function of various organs of the body, such as the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, and the immune system. This is because the entry of mercury into the body can cause mercury poisoning with symptoms including:

  • Insomnia
  • Decreased cognitive function and memory
  • Tremor
  • Emotional changes
  • Sensory disturbances, including vision, hearing, and speech disorders
  • Decreased sense of taste
  • Decreased body coordination function
  • Numbness and tingling in the hands, feet, or around the mouth

The use of mercury in skin whitening products is also carcinogenic or triggers cancer. Therefore, it is not surprising that the use of mercury can also increase the risk of skin cancer .

In addition to affecting adults, babies and children are also at risk of exposure to mercury and its side effects. When parents use mercury-based products and then come into contact with their children, mercury can stick to their hands and be swallowed when the child sucks their fingers.

Specifically, mercury poisoning in children is called infantile acrodynia or also known as pink disease . This condition can be recognized by the appearance of pain and pink color on the hands and feet.

How to Protect Yourself from Mercury Exposure

As a consumer, you need to be careful in using beauty products, including skin whiteners. Don’t be easily tempted by instant results. Well, so that you don’t get caught in cosmetic products containing mercury, here are things you need to pay attention to:

Check BPOM number

Beauty products are considered safe if they have obtained BPOM permits. So, if the beauty product you buy does not include a BPOM number, do not use the beauty product. If a BPOM number is listed, try to check its validity again through the official BPOM website.

Check the packaging label

Avoid using products with foreign language labels that are not common or that you do not understand. If the packaging label states mercurous chloride, calomel, mercuric , or mercurio , do not buy it or stop using it immediately because it means the product contains mercury.

If you feel exposed to a product containing mercury, immediately wash your hands and wash other areas of your body that were also exposed to the product. If necessary, consult a doctor.

Before disposing of products containing mercury, it is recommended that you put the product in a plastic bag or sealed container and ensure that it does not leak.

You should be careful with skin whitening products that promise white skin in a short time, because it is possible that the whitening product contains mercury. You also need to know the characteristics of a face affected by mercury . Remember, the dangers of mercury cannot be underestimated so you should avoid using it.

For those of you who want to have white skin, you should consult a doctor first to find out and get the right treatment that will not endanger your health.