Tag 8 Ways to Deal with Dry and Peeling Facial Skin

8 Ways to Deal with Dry and Peeling Facial Skin

8 Ways to Deal with Dry and Peeling Facial Skin

8 Ways to Deal with Dry and Peeling Facial Skin – How to deal with dry and peeling facial skin can be done easily at home . These various methods are important to do regularly because dry and peeling facial skin can cause a burning sensation.

Dry facial skin can interfere with your appearance because it will make your skin look rough, cracked, or even peeling. This condition can be caused by sun exposure, using the wrong skincare products, or being in a cold and less humid room for too long.

To overcome this, there are various ways to overcome dry and peeling facial skin that can be done. Not only does it restore skin moisture, these various methods can also maintain skin health to avoid damage.

Various Ways to Overcome Dry and Peeling Facial Skin

Dealing with dry and peeling facial skin is not always done through treatments at a beauty clinic. This skin problem can also be overcome with several simple ways that can be done at home.

Here are some ways to deal with dry and peeling facial skin :

1. Drink enough water

How to overcome dry and peeling facial skin that should not be missed is to fulfill the body’s need for fluids by drinking water . Drinking enough water will hydrate the body and make the skin moist. That way, complaints of dry to peeling skin can disappear.

To maintain optimal skin moisture, you are advised to drink at least 2 liters or the equivalent of 8 glasses of water every day.

2. Avoid washing your face with warm water.

Although it has many benefits for the face, washing your face with warm water should be avoided if you have dry and peeling facial skin. This is because warm water can remove natural oils in the skin that function to moisturize the face. As a result, the facial skin becomes dry and peeling.

Therefore, you are advised to use water at room temperature when washing your face so that the complaint can be resolved quickly.

3. Use the right facial cleanser

In addition to paying attention to water temperature, using the right facial cleanser is also a way to overcome dry and peeling facial skin. You are advised to avoid facial cleansers with alcohol, retinoids, and perfumes so as not to dry out the skin.

You should use a facial cleanser that contains glycerin, ceramide , hyaluronic acid , or salicylic acid . These ingredients can increase skin moisture.

4. Use a facial moisturizer for dry skin

Using a facial moisturizer is one of the most important ways to deal with dry and peeling facial skin. However, make sure you choose a facial moisturizer specifically for dry skin .

Types of facial moisturizers for dry skin usually contain ingredients that can moisturize the skin, such as niacinamide , ceramide , shea butter , and hyaluronic acid . When used daily, these facial moisturizers can certainly help overcome complaints of dry and peeling facial skin.

The best time to use moisturizer is immediately after washing your face. At that time, the water on your facial skin will start to evaporate, so the moisturizer will work to hydrate the skin. To prevent dry skin and optimize the effects of moisturizer, skin care in the form of slugging can be tried.

5. Exfoliate your skin

Exfoliating the skin aims to remove dead skin cells . That way, the facial moisturizer you use can absorb well and function optimally. Not only that, exfoliating the skin can also remove peeling skin and make the face smooth again.

However, dry skin owners are advised to only exfoliate 1-2 times a week so that the skin does not become drier. In addition, use exfoliating products with gentle ingredients .

6. Use sunscreen every day

Using sunscreen every day is just as important as using facial moisturizer. This is because sunscreen can protect the skin from sun exposure so that its moisture is maintained while preventing damage.

Therefore, using sunscreen regularly, especially if you often do outdoor activities during the day, can be a way to overcome dry and peeling facial skin. To prevent dry skin from getting worse, you are advised to use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.

7. Turn on the humidifier

If the complaint of dry and peeling facial skin occurs because you have been in a room with low humidity for too long, turning on a humidifier or air humidifier might be the solution.

Humidifiers work to increase the humidity of the room. That way, dry skin can become more moist and not peel anymore.

8. Consume foods that can nourish the skin

Not only external treatment, how to deal with dry and peeling facial skin also needs to be done from within the body, namely by consuming foods that contain antioxidants and omega-3.

Various foods containing antioxidants , such as blueberries, carrots, tomatoes, and nuts, are known to repair skin damage. Meanwhile, foods rich in omega-3 , such as eggs and mackerel, play a role in maintaining skin moisture.

By consuming these types of foods, facial skin will be nourished so that various complaints, including dry and peeling facial skin, can be resolved.

Dry and peeling facial skin is indeed a disturbing complaint. Even so, it is better not to pick at peeling skin because it can increase the risk of irritation. Dry skin will disappear slowly if you apply the various methods above regularly.

However, if you have tried various ways to deal with dry and peeling facial skin but your skin condition does not improve or even gets worse, immediately see a doctor to get the appropriate examination and treatment.