Tag 6 Ways to Overcome Stretchy Hands and Feet

6 Ways to Overcome Stretchy Hands and Feet

6 Ways to Overcome Stretchy Hands and Feet

6 Ways to Overcome Stretchy Hands and Feet – Jakarta – Having striped skin after sunbathing is normal. Because, when the skin is exposed to sunlight, more pigments that regulate skin and hair color, namely melanin, will be produced. Melanin will gather to protect skin exposed to sunlight and make the skin darker.

The face, hands and feet are parts of the body that are often exposed to UV rays from the sun. That is why this part is usually darker than other parts of the body. Striped skin can certainly reduce your appearance and make you less confident.

Well, the good news is that there are several ways you can do to make your skin tone even again, you know . Let’s take a look at how to deal with striped skin below.

Tips for Overcoming Uneven Skin Tone Naturally

There are several ways to treat patchy skin on your hands and feet, but remember, this skin condition cannot be treated overnight. Overcoming striped skin takes at least a week. Here are the methods:

1. Use sunscreen

Not only is it important to use before sunbathing, sunscreen can also be used afterward to overcome uneven skin tone. This skincare product can protect the skin from exposure to the sun’s UV rays and speed up the process of repairing skin color.

Choose sunscreen with a Sun Protector Factor (SPF) of at least 30. Use it 15-30 minutes before doing activities outside the home, and apply evenly every 2 hours. If necessary, you can wear a hat, long sleeves and gloves (if riding a motorbike) so that your skin is further protected from exposure to the sun’s UV rays.

2. Exfoliate

Another way to deal with striped skin on your hands and feet that you can try is exfoliation. This can be done using the scrubbing technique , namely rubbing the skin of the hands and feet with a material that has fine granules.

The goal is so that dead skin cells can be removed, and skin color that is mottled due to exposure to UV rays from the sun can return to brightness. Use a scrub that has coarse granules regularly at least 2-3 times a week for maximum results.

3. Make a Natural Mask

Apart from the face, masks can also be used to treat patchy skin on the hands and feet. Use this natural mask at least once a day for maximum results. How to make it is quite easy, you only need to use natural ingredients such as:

Tomato fruit

Apply tomatoes that have been cut or processed into juice on the skin of your hands and feet. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


Finely grate or mash raw potatoes, then rub it on the striped skin of your hands and feet. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


Apply pure honey to the skin of your hands and feet. Leave it to dry, then rinse with warm water.


Apply plain yogurt (unflavored and unsweetened) to the discolored skin on your hands and feet. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Rice and olive oil

Finely grind the rice and mix with olive oil. Apply evenly to the spots on your feet and hands, leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Apart from carrying out the treatments above, here are some tips for preventing skin spots from the sun that you need to know.

Beauty Procedures to Treat Spotted Skin

Apart from using natural methods, you can also try the following beauty procedures which are effective in treating patchy skin on your hands and feet:

1. Microdermabrasion

In fact, the scrubbing technique using small, slightly coarse granules cannot only be done using natural ingredients.

This technique can also be done using sophisticated equipment by professionals. This procedure is called microdermabrasion. This skin and beauty treatment can brighten skin tone, as well as clean and moisturize.

2. Chemical Peeling

Exfoliating the skin with chemicals or chemical peels may have a harsh effect on the skin.

However, this method can remove stubborn dirt and dry skin, making the skin look fresher with an even skin tone.

However, after doing a chemical peel , you should avoid exposure to sunlight first because the skin will become more sensitive.

3. Laser

A more aggressive way to treat striped skin is through laser therapy. This therapy basically has the same method as other hyperpigmentation treatments. The method removes the outer layer consisting of dead cells and dry skin, thereby revealing a more even skin tone.

Dealing with patchy skin is not easy. You are also not advised to use whitening products carelessly. Because on the market, many whitening products contain steroids or mercury which are dangerous for the skin.

So before buying, make sure the whitening product you choose is registered with the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM and the Indonesian Ministry of Health, OK?