Tag 5 Simple Ways to Prevent Premature Aging of Facial Skin

5 Simple Ways to Prevent Premature Aging of Facial Skin

5 Simple Ways to Prevent Premature Aging of Facial Skin

5 Simple Ways to Prevent Premature Aging of Facial Skin – “There are several simple things you can do to prevent premature aging. Such as using sunscreen every day, stopping smoking, managing your weight, and adopting a balanced diet.”

Jakarta – As we age, every cell in the body is programmed to age and decline in function. Making aging a natural process that cannot be avoided. Therefore, many people do everything they can to look youthful.

Of course, no one wants aging, especially prematurely, on facial skin. If this condition occurs in someone at a young age, they may look much older than their actual age. As a result, self-confidence can decrease due to fading  skin beauty .

However, there is no need to worry, there are several simple ways to prevent premature aging of facial skin. So what are the ways? Check out the information here!

Get to know how to prevent premature aging

The following are several ways you can prevent premature aging of facial skin, including:

1. Regularly use sunscreen

One simple way to prevent premature aging of the skin is to use sunscreen every day.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the use of sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 with “broad spectrum” on the label is highly recommended.

Because this product can protect the skin against UVA and UVB rays from the sun. Please note that UVA rays can cause aging effects on the skin if exposed to them for too long without protection.

It’s a good idea to apply sunscreen to your neck, arms and hands every day, especially if you have to travel. Using sunscreen can also become a daily routine, like brushing your teeth.

2. Quit Smoking

Smoking is a negative habit and can cause various health impacts on the body, including the skin.

On the skin, smoking can speed up the process of breaking down collagen and narrow the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the skin.

As a result, smokers are prone to early wrinkles on their facial skin. Apart from that, smoking can also cause yellow nails and fingertips, as well as black gums and lips caused by the nicotine and tar contained in cigarettes.

3. Manage Weight

Controlling body weight can also be done as an effort to prevent premature aging of the skin.

Because, being too thin or too overweight can speed up the aging process of the body.

A thin body does not have natural fat that fits the facial structure, which can cause wrinkles and make the skin look saggy. This condition also cannot be treated by treatment methods, such as Botox injections or facelifts .

Meanwhile, those who are overweight due to increasing age or lack of exercise can experience various health problems and the aging cycle continues.

Therefore, regular exercise is highly recommended for those who are overweight. This aims to reduce wrinkles, as well as the flabby appearance of facial skin produced by fat accumulation.

Apart from that, people who suffer from eating disorders are also prone to dry skin and wrinkles. If this condition is left unchecked, those with eating disorders can have body features that resemble skeletons.

Because the body experiences malnutrition over a long period of time. However, this condition can be overcome by adopting a healthy diet rich in antioxidants, and exercising regularly.

4. Limit alcohol consumption

Alcohol can dehydrate the skin and dilate blood vessels if consumed in excess.

Because alcohol can force the kidneys to work harder over time.

This makes various important organs in the body dry, because excess fluid in the body will be wasted in large quantities through urine.

If the skin is dehydrated , it will tend to wrinkle more easily, so premature aging can occur.

Apart from that, alcohol can also remove vitamin A which is an important antioxidant for the activity and regeneration of healthy cells in the body.

Therefore, it is better to limit consumption of alcoholic drinks, in order to prevent premature aging.

5. Implementing a Diet with Balanced Nutrition

Eating fresh fruit and vegetables every day can prevent skin damage that can cause premature aging. Because, adequate intake of important nutrients can increase the formation of healthy skin cells in the body.

Several types of food can also help brighten the skin , such as tomatoes, carrots, kiwi, almonds and fish. Apart from that, you should limit foods that contain sugar, trans fat or high carbohydrates.

Apart from these methods, premature aging can also be prevented through facial care to keep the skin clean. You should regularly wash your face twice a day and after sweating a lot.

The reason is, sweat can irritate the skin, especially if you often wear a hat or helmet.

However, make sure to clean the skin gently, because rubbing the skin too hard can cause irritation to the skin which can accelerate premature aging.

Then, gently wash your facial skin to remove pollution, makeup, and other substances that can irritate or clog your skin pores.

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