Eating fish can make your skin glow, is that true?

Eating fish can make your skin glow, is that true?

Eating fish can make your skin glow, is that true?

Eating fish can make your skin glow, is that true? – wadays, beauty is not just about perfect makeup, but also about the natural beauty of the skin. Everyone wants skin that is radiant, free of wrinkles and blemishes, and looks fresh and healthy.

Many beauty and skin care products promise instant results. However, there is a secret key to getting healthy and naturally glowing skin , namely by consuming fish regularly.

Behind the secret of glowing skin that is sought after by many people, there are a series of important nutrients and substances that play a vital role, such as collagen, vitamin D and vitamin B.

Collagen is often called the “glue” of the human body, and is the main element in maintaining skin elasticity and suppleness. A lack of collagen can cause the skin to sag and lose its natural glow.

Meanwhile, the role of B vitamins, especially B12 and B9, cannot be ignored. These vitamins play a crucial role in the formation of the nucleus of body cells.

Without a strong cell nucleus, the process of forming new cells will not run smoothly. Therefore, maintaining vitamin B intake is important to ensure healthy skin cell regeneration.

Interestingly, we can get all this by consuming fish regularly. For those of you who want to maintain beautiful skin while maintaining overall body health, it is important to pay attention to balanced nutritional intake.

Especially through consuming fish which is rich in collagen, vitamin D, B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids.

In this way, not only will your skin glow, but your overall health will also be well maintained.

According to Prof. Dr. Hardinsyah, MS, a nutritionist from IPB University and General Chair of the Indonesian Food Association, we need to consume fish in sufficient quantities to achieve maximum benefits.

He suggests consuming a minimum of 100 grams of fish a day at least four times a week.

“At least 100 grams a day. Minimum 4 days or 4 times a week. “Yes, so if you have 100 grams a day at least 4 times, if you can do it every day, it’s even better,” said Hardin at the launch of the #FamiliesGemarIkanTogetherABC Educational Series for Healthy & Smart Communities, Thursday (19/10/2023) in Jakarta.

By meeting the recommended consumption amount, the benefits of fish as a source of important nutrients such as collagen, vitamin D, vitamin B and omega-3 will be realized optimally.

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