How to Make Nail Polish from Natural, Safe and Halal Ingredients

How to Make Nail Polish from Natural, Safe and Halal Ingredients

How to Make Nail Polish from Natural, Safe and Halal Ingredients

While there are many industries selling nail polish or nail polish with various colors and materials, there are still many of you who prefer to make it yourself. Find out how to make nail polish from natural ingredients, such as plants.

There’s nothing wrong with that, especially if you as a Muslim woman have to pay attention to the halal side of a product. Nail polish made from permanent chemicals will prevent the absorption of ablution water into your fingers. In this way, ablution and prayer become invalid.

If you want to use nail polish made from permanent chemicals, then when you are going to perform ablution you must clean the nail polish first. Of course this will take a lot of time. Rather than that, it would be better if you could use nail polish made from natural, safe and halal ingredients.

In this article, we will provide recommendations on what natural ingredients can be used to make nail polish. We will also provide a tutorial or how to make it. Read this article from until the end, OK?

How to Make Nail Polish Using Food Coloring

Materials and Tools Required:

  • Food coloring. Free to choose any color.
  • Sufficient baby powder.
  • 2 cotton buds.
  • Small container.

How to make:

  • Prepare a container that will be used to mix the ingredients.
  • Pour 8 – 9 drops of food coloring into the container.
  • Add enough baby powder.
  • Stir the two ingredients evenly and thicken.
  • Apply the polish to your nails using a cotton bud.
  • Leave it for approximately 30 minutes.
  • Rinse your nails using clean water.
  • Look, painted nails look very beautiful.

How to Make Nail Polish Using Baking Powder or Cake Baking Powder

Materials and Tools Required:

  • Baking powder.
  • Base coat nail polish.
  • Small brush or cotton bud.
  • Fine sieve.
  • Receptacle.

How to make:

  • Prepare a container to mix the ingredients.
  • Sift the baking powder using a fine sieve and put it into the prepared container.
  • Stir until smooth, don’t let any lumps remain.
  • Apply the nail polish to your nails using a brush or cotton bud.
  • Leave it for a few moments until it dries.
  • Rinse your nails using clean water and tidy up any messy areas using a clean brush.
  • Finished. Repeat this process on the other part of the nail.

How to Make Nail Polish Using Olive Oil and Vitamin E

Materials and Tools Required:

  • 4 tablespoons cold pressed olive oil.
  • Alkanet root powder to make red color as much as 2 teaspoons.
  • You can also use 3 teaspoons of ginger root powder to make a neutral color.
  • Likewise, you can use charcoal powder to make a dark gray color.
  • ½ teaspoon beeswax.
  • 3 drops of vitamin E oil.
  • Jojoba oil ½ teaspoon.
  • Frying pan and stove.
  • Filter.
  • Brush or cotton bud.

How to make:

  • Put the prepared olive oil and powder of choice into the pan. Alkanet root powder is capable of producing a ruby ​​red color. Meanwhile, ginger root powder can produce a neutral color. A mixture of alkanet root powder and ginger root powder can produce a pink color. Meanwhile, charcoal powder can produce a dark gray color.
  • Warm using low heat.
  • Stir the ingredients evenly.
  • When it’s warm, remove the ingredients.
  • Strain the olive oil back into the pan using a fine sieve or cheesecloth.
  • Add the beeswax and let it melt.
  • Then, add jojoba oil.
  • Blend the ingredients by stirring.
  • Leave it for a few moments until it is slightly warm.
  • Apply the nail polish to your nails using a brush or cotton bud. Make sure the nail polish is still slightly warm.

That’s how to make nail polish from natural, safe and halal ingredients that you can try. Using halal ingredients will not make you feel anxious or even afraid that your ablution and prayer will be invalid. It’s better if you perform ablution first before applying nail polish, right?

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