5 Ways to Prevent Acne Naturally for a Beautiful, Radiant Face

5 Ways to Prevent Acne Naturally for a Beautiful, Radiant Face

5 Ways to Prevent Acne Naturally for a Beautiful, Radiant Face

5 Ways to Prevent Acne Naturally for a Beautiful, Radiant Face – Jakarta – Having smooth, clean, acne-free and healthy facial skin is certainly a dream for many people, both men and women. This is why many people are looking for ways to avoid acne and how to prevent acne, both with natural ingredients and medical methods.

It is true, skin problems such as acne are often annoying for everyone. Because, acne can make the face not smooth and has the potential to reappear due to several triggers.

How to Prevent Acne Naturally

However, there are actually some facial treatments that you can try as a way to avoid acne. What are they?

1. Keep your facial skin clean

Even if you don’t currently have acne, it’s important to wash your face twice a day to keep your facial skin clean .

This aims to remove dirt, dead skin cells, and extra oil from the surface of the skin.

Make sure to use warm water, not hot, and a mild facial cleanser for optimal results.

In addition, avoid rubbing your facial skin too hard, when cleaning it, or when drying it with a towel.

 2. How to prevent acne by not touching your face with your hands

The second way to avoid acne is to avoid touching your face with your hands . Not only can it spread bacteria, touching your face with dirty hands can irritate inflamed facial skin.

Both are factors that trigger acne on the skin. Also, avoid squeezing acne with your fingers.

Because, this habit can cause infection and scar tissue.

3. Limit the time spent outdoors

The sun’s ultraviolet rays can increase inflammation and redness, and can cause post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (dark discoloration).

Additionally, some acne medications can also make the skin more sensitive to sunlight.

Therefore, limit your time when you are doing outdoor activities during the day.

If you want to do outdoor activities, make sure to use sunscreen with a minimum strength of SPF 50.

4. How to prevent acne by exercising regularly

Regular exercise is good for the whole body, including the skin. This is also one of the easiest ways to avoid acne for you to do.

Because, you don’t need to do heavy physical exercise. Just take 30 minutes every day to walk, run, or cycle.

However, make sure to avoid wearing clothes that can cause irritation. Then immediately shower after exercising.

5. Manage stress well

Stress is indeed a strong trigger for acne growth. In fact, this mental health problem is also the root of many health disorders.

Therefore, managing stress well is also another way to avoid acne that you definitely have to do. You can manage it by doing some positive activities that you like. For example, painting, playing musical instruments, or going on vacation with your friends.

Those are some ways to avoid acne that you and your family members can try to apply. In addition, also know 10 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Acne .

These are some ways to prevent acne naturally and how to keep your face free of acne.

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