5 Ways to Form a Pointed Chin, Naturally Without Surgery

5 Ways to Form a Pointed Chin, Naturally Without Surgery

5 Ways to Form a Pointed Chin, Naturally Without Surgery

5 Ways to Form a Pointed Chin, Naturally Without Surgery  – A pointed chin is almost every woman’s dream. This certainly makes women feel disturbed by the presence of a double chin or a chin that is too wide. Plastic surgery and filler injections can be a way to form a pointed chin quickly. But of course this procedure is not without risk

In addition to considering the health risks, you must also consider the cost of carrying out the procedure because the cost of plastic surgery and fillers is not cheap. You can choose to use natural ways to get a pointed chin without having to spend a lot of money.

Here are 5 ways to get a pointed chin without surgery that you can do!

1. Facial Exercises

The first way to get a pointed chin is by doing facial exercises. Basically, facial exercises cannot change the structure of your facial bones, but they are still effective in reducing double chin and excess fat on the chin that makes your chin look wider.

There are several facial exercise movements that you can do to sharpen your chin and define your jaw. One of the movements is to lift your head, then shape your lips as if you want to kiss something. Hold the position for 10-20 seconds, then lower your head to its normal position. Do this movement up to 10 repetitions.

2. Facial Massage

The second way to form a pointed chin is by facial massage. This method does have benefits not only for the chin, but also for almost the entire face. Facial massage with the right technique can help relax the face and make the skin of the face firmer.

How to massage the face to form the chin is to massage the jaw upwards and massage like pushing the chin to the front. You can massage the face at any time applying moisturizer to the face or you can also use olive oil to help the facial massage process become easier.

3. Chewing Gum

The next way to form a perfect chin is by chewing gum. This method is a practical way to train the jaw and chin if you are lazy to do facial exercises or facial massage. Chewing gum is proven to train facial muscles, especially the jaw and chin.

You can do this exercise every day, but of course don’t overdo it because it can make your facial muscles stiff and chewing gum should also not be consumed too much because it contains sugar which is not good for your health.

4. Watch your food intake

The effort to shape the chin is the same as the effort to shape other body parts. Whatever the effort, it will be in vain if it is not accompanied by the right food intake and a healthy lifestyle. This method is not a specific way to get a pointed chin, but this method also cannot be ignored as a supporting method to get a more perfect face shape.

5. Take Advantage of Make Up

This way of shaping the chin is the most practical and most instant way to get a perfect pointed chin. Make up is indeed one of the magical ways to shape your face according to your wishes. The way to shape a pointed chin with make up is by applying contour and highlighter in balance on the face.

This makeup technique can give the illusion of a more perfect face shape, not only a pointed chin but also thin cheeks and a sharp nose. Before applying it, make sure you know first how to apply contour and highlighter according to your face shape.

Plastic surgery or filler procedures may be able to give you a sharp chin faster. But you have to remember that sharp chins resulting from surgery and fillers often look too sharp and look odd on the face.

How to make a pointed chin naturally may take longer and the results are not too significant, but at least, you can get a more beautiful chin shape and also look natural and of course will make your appearance more attractive. Good luck!

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