5 Causes of Black Spots on Hands, Plus Solutions to Remove Them

5 Causes of Black Spots on Hands, Plus Solutions to Remove Them

5 Causes of Black Spots on Hands, Plus Solutions to Remove Them

5 Causes of Black Spots on Hands, Plus Solutions to Remove Them -Have you ever found black spots on your hands? Yes, it turns out that black spots on the skin can not only appear on the face.

Generally, black spots on the hands are not dangerous. However, some people feel that black spots on their hands can disturb their appearance.

Causes of black spots on hands

Black spots on the skin, aka age spots or liver spots , are brown or black skin spots that appear on the face, hands and arms.

Dark spots on the hands are very common in adults over 50 years of age. However, younger people can also experience dark spots.

So, to answer your curiosity, here are some of the causes of black spots on the hands.

1. Prolonged exposure to sunlight

The Medlineplus site states that black spots, or what are also called sunspots, are usually caused by exposure to sunlight .

The areas of the body that receive the most sun exposure are the face, hands, or arms.

2. Hormonal factors

Hormonal fluctuations in the body can also trigger various skin problems , one of which is black spots on the hands which are said to be similar to melasma .

Melasma is a skin condition that causes small patches to appear that are a different color to your natural skin.

This condition occurs more often in women, especially during pregnancy.

3. Skin inflammation

Black spots on the hands can also appear after you experience inflammation of the skin, which in medical terms is called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation .

Inflammatory skin problems can also be caused by eczema , psoriasis, skin injuries, and acne .

4. Scars or insect bites

When you get bitten by an insect or get injured, you may have a scar that doesn’t go away quickly.

Black spots on the hands can also appear on the scars. Although it takes time, usually this condition can disappear or fade on its own.

5. Effects of drugs or treatment

Black spots on your hands can also be caused by side effects of the medication or treatment you are taking.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, radiation therapy can increase the risk of developing dark spots ( hyperpigmentation ) on the hands.

Apart from that, several types of drugs can also trigger black spots , such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), tetracycline, and psychotropic drugs.

How to remove dark spots on the skin?

Black spots on the hands actually do not require special skin care because they are generally not dangerous to health.

However, this condition can affect your appearance and self-confidence.

Luckily, you can try some of the following skin treatments to get rid of dark spots.

1. Whitening cream

Using whitening cream is an easy way to remove dark spots on the skin.

You can choose products that contain hydroquinone, glycolic acid or kojic acid . These chemicals can lighten the skin and are safe to use.

2. Medicines

Sometimes, doctors can prescribe several types of whitening cream that contain hydroquinone or are combined with retinoids ( tretinoin ).

In addition, even though sunblock and sunscreen are different, you still need to use them to protect your skin from the appearance of other dark spots due to sunlight.

3. Laser or light therapy

Laser therapy works by destroying the cells that produce excess melanin.

This type of skin care needs to be done several times to get the expected results.

4. Dermabrasion

The dermabrasion procedure is performed to remove the top layer of skin. This method can damage the skin and has the risk of causing bleeding.

Black spots on the hands will usually fade around 6 – 12 weeks after you undergo dermabrasion.

Sometimes, swelling and pain may occur after this procedure. Remember to keep your skin clean and protect it from sunburn .

5. Chemical peels

In a chemical peel procedure , the doctor removes the top layer of the skin with the help of a special tool. This procedure is similar to the exfoliation process .

The chemicals used include salicylic acid , glycolic acid, and lactic acid. You can see the results after a few months.

It is always best to discuss it with your dermatologist to determine the right method according to your skin type and the severity of your black spot problem.

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