4 Habits to Lose and Maintain Ideal Weight

4 Habits to Lose and Maintain Ideal Weight

4 Habits to Lose and Maintain Ideal Weight

4 Habits to Lose and Maintain Ideal Weight – To lose and maintain ideal body weight, you need healthy lifestyle changes. Deliberately not eating until you are hungry or overdoing it when exercising will never be a healthy lifestyle for losing weight .

Steps to lose weight and keep your body healthy and fit must be balanced. If not, the ideal body weight that you may have achieved will not last long. You will only make short-term changes. You should be able to lose weight and keep it off without it having to shock or interrupt your daily life.

The following are 4 healthy ways to help you lose the ideal weight but still be healthy in the long term.

Healthy habits to maintain ideal body weight

1. Exercise every day

Create a regular schedule of around 15-20 minutes of exercise every day. You can do cardio exercise such as jogging, swimming or strength training such as lifting small barbells.

To do this, please wake up 20 minutes earlier than your daily wake-up schedule. Start doing it regularly, at least 4-5 times a week.

You can also lose weight simply by doing exercises such as knee bends, push ups, sit ups and other exercises that you can do before taking a shower in the morning.

Daily exercise can make a difference in your figure and the way your body processes calories. When you exercise, you use your heart, mind and body, this can also make your mood better throughout the day.

Because when you exercise, your body releases endorphins which make you happy and refresh your mind, so you can start the day well.

2. Eat healthy food

Eating healthy food is the most important way to lose and maintain ideal body weight. Nobody gets fat from eating vegetables. Avoid eating foods that contain a lot of sugar, processed foods and ready-to-eat foods.

3. Don’t intentionally not eat

To lose weight, don’t deliberately not eat. Your body needs energy to burn fat. So by skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner, your body’s metabolism will actually slow down.

Eat on a regular schedule throughout the day, because this can normalize blood sugar levels and prevent a decrease in your daily energy and concentration. Apart from that, a breakfast with low glycemic content can also improve the energy burning system and help burn fat in your body.

4. Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things to stay healthy. Try to go to bed at the same time every day. Get 8 hours of quality sleep every day. Lack of sleep tends to make you eat more and crave unhealthy food in the morning.

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