7 WAYS TO CARE FOR YOUR SKIN FROM WITHIN YOUR BODY NATURALLY, TAKE NOTE! – There are various ways to care for your skin from within the body naturally that you can do, one of which is to consume healthy and nutritious foods .

Although it seems simple, this method can be said to be effective. In addition, because it is not related to the use of chemical products, this method is also considered healthier.

So, how do you take care of your skin from within? This article will summarize a series of ways in full. Let’s take a look!

7 Ways to Care for Your Skin from Within Naturally

Here are some ways to maintain healthy skin from within naturally that you can do:

1. Best Possible Stress Management

The first way to care for your skin from within the body is to manage stress as best as possible.

In fact, stress is a natural thing to experience. In addition, stress cannot be completely eliminated.

However, what we can do is manage it as well as possible so that it does not have a negative impact on the body.

If stress cannot be managed properly, the body will release more of the hormone cortisol which increases the production of natural oils in the skin.

Excess oil production on the skin will clog the pores. As a result, bacteria are trapped in the skin. This is what will eventually cause acne.

Therefore, if you experience stress, try to do something you like or talk to a professional if necessary.

2. Consume Healthy and Nutritious Food

The food that the body consumes every day will have a big influence on the health of the skin.

Therefore, consuming healthy and nutritious food is one way to care for your skin from within the body that you can do.

The criteria for healthy and nutritious food are that it is nutrient dense, hygienic, and has a balanced amount of macronutrients.

Here are some recommendations for food menus that can support healthy skin, including:

  • Green vegetables, such as spinach and broccoli
  • Yellow or orange vegetables and fruits, such as carrots and tomatoes
  • Berries
  • Low fat milk
  • Nuts
  • Salmon and mackerel

3. Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep and rest at night is also one way to care for your skin from within the body.

This is because good quality sleep with sufficient duration can give the skin time to rest and renew damaged cells.

Furthermore, according to Clinical Experimental Dermatology in 2015, it was stated that sleeping 7-9 hours at night makes the skin more moist.

Not only that, getting enough sleep will also prevent the appearance of eye bags, as well as avoid skin damage due to UV rays.

4. Actively Exercise

Doing physical activities, such as exercising regularly , is also one way to care for your skin from within naturally, you know.

Yup, this is because physical activity can increase the supply of blood rich in nutrients and oxygen to skin cells.

In addition, when exercising, the body will also release the compound IL-15. This compound can prevent skin damage to the cellular level. That way, the skin will be healthier and will not experience premature aging.

Therefore, do exercise for at least 150 minutes a week, or 30 minutes every day.

5. Fulfill Daily Fluid Intake

There are various benefits of drinking water for the face , starting from preventing premature aging, maintaining moisture, and helping reduce acne.

Therefore, fulfilling your daily fluid intake is one way to care for your skin from within the body that you need to do.

Apart from being good for the face, water actually has many benefits for overall body health.

Well, the recommended daily fluid intake is 2 liters per day for adult women. Meanwhile, for adult men, the level is 2.5 liters per day.

6. Cleanse your face regularly

The next way to care for your facial skin from the inside that you can do is to clean your face regularly.

The reason is, when doing activities, especially outdoors, there will be a lot of dust and pollution that sticks to the face.

If not cleaned, germs and bacteria on the face can cause various skin problems, such as blackheads and acne.

Therefore, clean your face at least twice a day, in the morning and at night before going to bed. Or, you also need to clean your face after doing outdoor activities.

7. Consume Supplements

There are already various supplements on the market that contain vitamins to treat skin from within the body. These supplements are packaged in the form of capsules, tablets, and even drinks.

It is important to note that the nutrients that the skin needs are vitamins C, E, and collagen. Therefore, you can take supplements containing these three ingredients to help care for your skin from within.

Here are a number of ways to care for your skin from within the body that you can do easily.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the way to maintain healthy skin from within must start by implementing a healthy lifestyle.

Well, one way that can be done is by consuming at least 2 liters of water per day. In this regard, let’s choose #AQUADULU.

Because, you need to remember that not all mineral water is AQUA. Well, AQUA is high-quality mineral water because it comes from 19 selected mountain sources in Indonesia, and has been clinically tested hundreds of times.

Not only that, AQUA also feels naturally cold and fresh when consumed without having to put it in the refrigerator.

Therefore, let’s consume AQUA DULU regularly to help maintain healthy skin from within. Created by nature, 100% PURE mountain mineral water without any additives, as nature wants you to drink it.