How to Get Rid of Blackheads on the Nose, Cheeks and Face Naturally

Blackheads are a beauty problem that almost everyone faces; which can appear in various areas of the face such as the nose, cheeks and face in general. Even though it is small, this problem can reduce self-confidence, so many people are looking for how to get rid of blackheads on the nose, cheeks and face and what products to use.

If you have tried various products, there’s no harm in trying ways to deal with blackheads naturally using ingredients you have at home. Curious? Come on, see the complete explanation below!

5 Reasons Why Blackheads Can Appear
a number of certain habits or lifestyles can worsen skin conditions and cause blackheads to appear. Here are 5 lifestyle habits that can cause blackheads:

  • Lazy to Clean Your Face
    A facial cleansing routine is very important. Not washing your face before going to bed or after exercising can cause sebum, dirt and bacteria to accumulate on the face, which can eventually clog pores and cause blackheads.
  • Smoke
    Smoking has many bad effects on health, including skin health. Nicotine and other harmful substances in cigarettes can shrink blood vessels in the skin, cause a buildup of dead cells, and increase the risk of blackheads.
  • Unhealthy Diet
    Regular consumption of fatty, high-sugar and processed foods can affect skin health. These foods can trigger inflammation and increase sebum production, which can lead to the appearance of blackheads.
  • Lack of sleep
    Poor sleep quality or lack of sleep can also have an impact on skin health. Lack of sleep can affect the balance of hormones in the body, which can lead to excess sebum production and the potential for blackheads to appear.
  • Stress
    Prolonged stress can cause various health problems, including skin problems such as blackheads. When stressed, the body releases the hormone cortisol which can trigger excess sebum production.

10 Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads Naturally

Blackheads, whether blackheads or whiteheads, are always an annoying problem. They often appear on the nose, cheeks, and other areas of the face. But, don’t worry! The following are several ways to remove blackheads on the nose, cheeks and face naturally.

  1. Use a Papaya Mask
    Papaya is a natural ingredient that is good for cleaning pores and removing blackheads. You only need to mix mashed papaya with water. Apply this mixture to your face as a mask. Leave it for 15-20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  2. Use Sugar Scrub
    Sugar has a rough texture and can function as a natural scrub. The method is quite easy, mix sugar with olive oil or honey to make a scrub. Use it to gently rub the area with blackheads, then rinse.
  3. Take Advantage of Egg Whites
    Egg white can help remove blackheads and help close large pores. Apply egg white to the area with blackheads, then stick a tissue on top. Let it dry, then remove it slowly.
  4. Use Honey and Cinnamon
    A mixture of honey and cinnamon can work as a mask that pulls blackheads out of the pores. Apply to the area with blackheads, leave for about 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  5. Apply Lemon and Salt
    Lemon and salt can function as an effective natural scrub for removing blackheads. Mix lemon juice and salt, then apply to the area with blackheads. Leave it for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  6. Take advantage of Aloe Vera Gel
    Aloe vera gel has many benefits for the skin, one of which is helping clean and care for areas with blackheads. Apply aloe vera gel to the area with blackheads, then let it sit for about 10 minutes before rinsing.
  7. Try a Green Tea Mask
    Green tea is not only good for body health, but can also be used as a natural mask to remove blackheads. You can mix green tea powder with water to make a paste, then apply it to the area with blackheads. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  8. Use Ice Cube Massage
    Ice cubes can help relieve inflammation and help tighten pores. After doing other natural treatments, you can finish by massaging the area with blackheads with ice cubes.
  9. Use a Baking Soda Mask
    Baking soda can also be used as a natural scrub. Mix baking soda with a little water to make a paste. Gently rub this paste on the area with blackheads, then rinse until clean.
  10. Use Coconut Oil
    Coconut oil can help remove blackheads on the face while moisturizing the skin. You can apply coconut oil to the area with blackheads, then rinse thoroughly after 15 minutes.

Remember, this natural facial treatment requires time and consistency. So, be patient and keep using this treatment consistently to see results.


Facial skin is one of the sensitive parts of the body. As you get older, facial skin will also become increasingly saggy. Therefore, many people are trying to find ways to tighten facial skin. However, sagging facial skin is not always caused by age. External factors such as sun exposure, pollution and unhealthy lifestyles can also be causes. For some people, this condition feels unsettling because it can interfere with their appearance. No need to worry, here are five ways to tighten facial skin to look youthful!

1. Regularly do facial massage

This is one of the simplest ways to tighten facial skin. You only need to massage your face with your hands regularly. With the right combination of movements, blood circulation in the face and neck area will be smoother. Try massaging your face in circular motions or from bottom to top. This is done to prevent wrinkles and fine lines. Do it slowly for 5-6 minutes every day to get maximum results.

2. Wear a face mask

Sagging facial skin is actually a natural process of the body. The natural fat in the skin layer decreases, causing empty space. This emptiness is what causes sagging facial skin. Not to mention that a decrease in collagen levels can worsen this condition.

Garnier Serum Mask Hydra Bomb Green Tea dengan Esktra HA

For this reason, another way to tighten facial skin is to use a mask. Masks prevent sagging facial skin because they contain ingredients that can hydrate the skin and increase collagen production. There are also masks specifically designed to prevent aging. The three types of masks below have nutrients to get firm facial skin:

    • Green tea contains vitamin B2 which will increase collagen levels in the skin. This vitamin can make the skin firm so it stays youthful. You can get this benefit by using Garnier Serum Mask Hydra Bomb Green Tea.
    • Aloe vera or aloe vera contains antioxidants, magnesium, vitamins A, C, E, and B12 and folic acid. This content can be obtained from Wardah Nature Daily Sheet Mask – Aloe Vera. This product is useful for refreshing, moisturizing and tightening the skin. Don’t forget the Lyocell Fibers ingredient which makes this product feel soft on the face.
    • Honey has long been the main ingredient for skin care. This natural ingredient has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and can even remove wrinkles on the face. You can get this content in Labotica Skin Soft Mask Honey 20ml. This product is able to soothe irritated skin, reduce puffiness, and reduce signs of aging.

3. Don’t skip sunscreen

Using sunscreen before activities is one way to tighten facial skin that is very effective. Sunscreen will protect your skin from sun exposure. The reason is, sunlight is one of the factors that can cause sagging skin, wrinkles and even fine lines.

4. Use anti-aging skincare

Also use anti-aging skincare products to tighten your facial skin. There are several ingredients that you can pay attention to when choosing anti-aging skincare, namely:

– Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps the skin cell regeneration process. This content is rich in antioxidants to neutralize free radicals on the skin. You can get these benefits from Wardah C-Defense Energizing Creamy Wash, OK!


– Retinol

Retinol is a compound derived from vitamin A. This content has long been believed to treat signs of aging on facial skin. You can get the benefits of vitamin A through Avoskin Miraculous Retinol Ampoule. This product contains 0.09% retinol, 0.1% hexapeptide, and ellagic acid which is claimed to be able to overcome skin aging.

10 Rekomendasi Produk Avoskin Terbaik (Terbaru Tahun 2024) | mybest

– Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid keeps skin supple and fresh. Even though it naturally exists in the body, the production of this compound decreases as we age. Therefore, you can use COSRX Hyaluronic Acid Intensive Cream to keep your skin moisturized without being hindered by age. The nutrients can make the skin soft and healthy.

5. Balance it with a healthy lifestyle

The last way to tighten facial skin is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Even though you have used the various methods and products above, don’t forget to balance it with a healthy lifestyle. Exercising regularly and stopping smoking will help overcome sagging skin signs of aging. Also make sure you eat lots of vegetables and fruit and meet your daily mineral water needs, OK!

That’s a way to tighten facial skin that can be practiced easily. Sagging skin conditions and signs of aging can be resolved if the above methods are practiced regularly and correctly