How to Get Rid of Eye Bags and Dark Circles

How to Get Rid of Eye Bags and Dark Circles

How to Get Rid of Eye Bags and Dark Circles

How to Get Rid of Eye Bags and Dark Circles – There are several ways to get rid of eye bags and dark circles that can be tried, especially for those of you who are often tired or sleep deprived. Although not dangerous, eye bags and dark circles around the eyes can make the appearance not fresh.

Eye bags and dark circles in the eye area, also known as panda eyes , can appear with age. This happens because aging can cause a decrease in the amount of collagen in the skin around the eyes, so the eyelids look more sagging.

Some people may feel uncomfortable with the appearance of eye bags accompanied by dark circles under them. Especially if the complaint has caused the eyes to experience mild swelling.

To overcome it, you need to know first what is the cause of the appearance of eye bags that you are experiencing.

Some Causes of Eye Bags and Dark Circles Around Them

In addition to aging , the appearance of eye bags and dark circles around the eyes can also be caused by some of the following:

  • Fatigue and lack of sleep
  • An increase in the amount of melanin in the skin around the eyes, for example as a result of excessive exposure to sunlight
  • Inflammation or hyperpigmentation
  • Accumulation of fluid around the eyes, for example due to hormonal changes or too much salt consumption
  • Stress

How to Get Rid of Eye Bags and Dark Circles

Basically, eye bags and dark circles that appear around the eyes can be eliminated with the following simple care steps:

1. Use a cold compress

Compressing the eyes is known to be effective in reducing puffy eyes and disguising dark circles on the eyes. You can compress the eyes with a clean cloth that has been soaked in cold water or packed with ice. Compress the eyes for 10-15 minutes.

In addition to cold water or ice, you can also compress your eyes with wet green tea bags , cucumber slices, or special eye gel masks.

2. Improve sleep patterns

Eye bags and panda eyes can appear if you lack sleep or are tired. Therefore, try to always get enough sleep for 7-9 hours every night.

Certain sleeping positions can also overcome the eye bags you experience. Try to sleep with your head slightly elevated. You can use an extra pillow to support your head. This method is known to prevent the accumulation of fluid around the eyes while you sleep.

3. Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated drinks

Alcoholic and caffeinated drinks are known to cause mild dehydration, disrupt sleep hours, and make eye bags and dark circles around them more visible. Therefore, you need to limit the consumption of alcoholic and caffeinated drinks so that eye bags can disappear quickly.

4. Sufficient body fluid needs

Sufficient body fluids can also prevent the formation of eye bags. In addition, to avoid fluid retention, you can reduce the intake of processed foods that contain a lot of salt.

5. Complete the body’s potassium intake

Satisfying potassium intake can also reduce the risk of developing eye bags. There are several food sources that contain potassium, including bananas, nuts, yogurt, and green vegetables.

6. Use a special eye cream

Eye creams containing chamomile , cucumber, or arnica can also be used to reduce inflammation and tighten the skin  . In addition, eye creams with vitamin C, vitamin K , or vitamin E content can also eliminate eye bags.

7. Use sunscreen

Avoid exposure to sunlight and use sunscreen every day with SPF 30. Using a concealer that is lighter than your skin tone can also help disguise dark circles under the eyes.

You are advised to use a concealer with SPF 15 or more. If your skin tends to be oily or acne-prone, use an oil-free concealer .

Other Treatments Based on the Causes of Eye Bags

In addition to the simple methods above, you can also consult a doctor if the eye bags you experience are very disturbing or do not disappear.

To disguise or remove eye bags, the doctor can provide some of the following treatments:

Allergy medicine

If the appearance of eye bags and dark circles is caused by allergies , you can avoid the cause of allergies and consume allergy medicine. Doctors will usually prescribe antihistamines to relieve the symptoms of allergies that appear.

Whitening cream

The use of whitening cream can be a solution if eye bags and dark circles are caused by hyperpigmentation or increased melanin (natural skin pigment).

Usually, doctors will prescribe creams that contain skin lightening substances such as retonoid or retinol, hydroquinone , kojic acid, green tea, vitamin C , or soy extract.

Dermal fillers

Eye bags due to aging and sagging skin tissue can be overcome with dermal filler . However, how to get rid of these eye bags can only be done by a dermatologist or esthetician.

Laser therapy

To get rid of eye bags and dark circles around them, doctors can also perform laser therapy around the eyes. However, this therapy usually only shows results after several actions.

Laser therapy is generally only recommended when other methods are not successful in removing eye bags.

Eyelid Surgery to Eliminate Eye Bag Problems

If all efforts have been made but the problem of eye bags worsens to the point of swelling, you can consider eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty .

In addition to being able to remove eye bags, blepharoplasty can also improve swollen eyelids and reduce excess upper and lower eyelid skin that can interfere with vision.

However, you need to consult a doctor first before doing this procedure, remembering that eyelid surgery has various risks, such as infection, dry eyes , bleeding in the eyes, changes in the position of the eyelids, and even vision impairment.

Although it is often considered to disturb the appearance and make the face look not fresh, eye bags and dark circles around them are not serious medical conditions.

However, you still need to consult a doctor if the eye bags that appear do not disappear, get bigger or spread, or are accompanied by other complaints, such as eye irritation and severe swelling of the eyes.

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