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4 Habits to Lose and Maintain Ideal Weight

4 Habits to Lose and Maintain Ideal Weight

4 Habits to Lose and Maintain Ideal Weight – To lose and maintain ideal body weight, you need healthy lifestyle changes. Deliberately not eating until you are hungry or overdoing it when exercising will never be a healthy lifestyle for losing weight .

Steps to lose weight and keep your body healthy and fit must be balanced. If not, the ideal body weight that you may have achieved will not last long. You will only make short-term changes. You should be able to lose weight and keep it off without it having to shock or interrupt your daily life.

The following are 4 healthy ways to help you lose the ideal weight but still be healthy in the long term.

Healthy habits to maintain ideal body weight

1. Exercise every day

Create a regular schedule of around 15-20 minutes of exercise every day. You can do cardio exercise such as jogging, swimming or strength training such as lifting small barbells.

To do this, please wake up 20 minutes earlier than your daily wake-up schedule. Start doing it regularly, at least 4-5 times a week.

You can also lose weight simply by doing exercises such as knee bends, push ups, sit ups and other exercises that you can do before taking a shower in the morning.

Daily exercise can make a difference in your figure and the way your body processes calories. When you exercise, you use your heart, mind and body, this can also make your mood better throughout the day.

Because when you exercise, your body releases endorphins which make you happy and refresh your mind, so you can start the day well.

2. Eat healthy food

Eating healthy food is the most important way to lose and maintain ideal body weight. Nobody gets fat from eating vegetables. Avoid eating foods that contain a lot of sugar, processed foods and ready-to-eat foods.

3. Don’t intentionally not eat

To lose weight, don’t deliberately not eat. Your body needs energy to burn fat. So by skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner, your body’s metabolism will actually slow down.

Eat on a regular schedule throughout the day, because this can normalize blood sugar levels and prevent a decrease in your daily energy and concentration. Apart from that, a breakfast with low glycemic content can also improve the energy burning system and help burn fat in your body.

4. Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things to stay healthy. Try to go to bed at the same time every day. Get 8 hours of quality sleep every day. Lack of sleep tends to make you eat more and crave unhealthy food in the morning.

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Tips for Removing Warts on the Face

Tips for Removing Warts on the Face

Tips for Removing Warts on the Face – Jakarta – Having warts on the face is actually not dangerous. However, its presence often interferes with appearance and reduces self-confidence. That is why, many people want to remove warts on the face and try various methods.

Talking about removing warts, one drug that is often used is salicylic acid. However, this drug is not suitable for removing warts on the face, because it can irritate the skin. So, what can be done?

Natural Ways to Remove Warts on the Face

There are several natural ways to remove warts on the face that you can try, namely:

1. Garlic

Garlic contains allicin which has antiviral properties. That is why garlic is believed to be able to fight the HPV virus which causes warts on the face. To use it, you can crush the garlic, then rub it on the wart, and let it sit for 15 minutes.

However, garlic can cause skin irritation. So, if you experience stinging, itching, or tingling on your skin after using this ingredient, wash it immediately with water.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also believed to be a natural ingredient for removing warts on the face. This is because apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid which has antiviral properties, so it can eradicate the virus that causes warts. Apart from that, acetic acid is also believed to be able to remove excess skin tissue on the face.

To remove warts on the face with apple cider vinegar, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in half a glass of water, then dip a cotton ball and apply it to the wart. Cover the cotton with a bandage and leave it overnight.

3. Pineapple juice

Pineapple extract or juice contains solvent enzymes and acids which can destroy wart tissue on the face. To use it, simply apply pineapple juice to the warts regularly. However, there is no clinical evidence to support the effectiveness of pineapple juice for removing warts.

4. Lemon Juice

It tastes sour and refreshing, who would have thought that lemon juice could also be an ingredient for removing warts on the face. Yes, this is because of the citric acid content in lemon juice, which is believed to kill the virus that causes warts. To use it, you only need to rub lemon juice on the warts regularly.

Medical Procedures to Remove Warts

After knowing what natural ingredients can be used to remove warts on the face, of course it wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t discuss what medical treatment options can be taken. Moreover, the various natural ingredients for removing warts that have been described are not necessarily suitable for everyone, especially those with sensitive skin.

If the wart doesn’t go away even though you have tried various methods, you should make an appointment with a dermatologist at the hospital via the Halodoc application . The doctor may recommend several treatments or medical procedures to treat warts, depending on the condition you are experiencing.

  • The following are several medical treatment options that are commonly used to remove warts:
  • Cantharidin. Cantharidin is an ingredient that can cause chemical burns. The doctor may use cantharidin or a mixture of this chemical with other ingredients to coat the wart, and form a blister beneath it, so that the wart can be removed afterwards.
  • Cryotherapy. This treatment is known as cryosurgery. The doctor injects or applies liquid nitrogen to the wart, and freezes it. The process may need to be done several times over two to three weeks.
  • Removal surgery. This procedure is often used to remove filiform warts. The doctor will use a scalpel to cut the wart. Sometimes, more than one treatment is needed.
  • Electrosurgery and curettage. This procedure combines burning of the wart through electrocauterization and scraping off the wart.

That’s a brief explanation of the various ways to remove warts on the face. Discuss further with your doctor about which treatment is most appropriate to do.

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Here are 9 ways to care for your skin so it looks healthy and bright

Here are 9 ways to care for your skin so it looks healthy and bright

Here are 9 ways to care for your skin so it looks healthy and bright – “There are various ways to care for your skin that are effective and easy to do. For example, eating healthy food, getting enough rest, and using the right skin care products.

Jakarta – Being the outermost and largest organ of the human body, skin is very susceptible to contamination by dirt, germs and bacteria.

Being indifferent to skin health conditions can result in serious conditions. This is why, you need to know how to care for healthy skin properly.

The question is, how do you care for your skin so that it always looks healthy and bright?

How to Take Care of Your Skin to Always Keep It Healthy

Caring for skin is actually not limited to using skin care products alone. You also need to adopt healthy living habits to support skin care from within the body. So, how do you care for healthy facial skin? Here are easy tips:

1. Adopt a healthy diet

The food you consume has a big influence on the health of your skin. Not only do you have a balanced nutritional intake, make sure your daily menu also contains protein and antioxidants, which are important for supporting healthy skin.

Don’t forget to fulfill your vitamin needs as a way to care for your skin. Starting from vitamin E to vitamin C. According to a study in the Indian Dermatology Online Journal entitled Vitamin C in Dermatology , vitamin C is a very important vitamin for the skin.

Fulfilling vitamin C needs helps the skin produce collagen. Collagen is the main protein structure for maintaining strong and healthy skin.

Find out why it is important to eat healthy food for skin care through this article: The Importance of Consuming Healthy Food for Glowing Skin .

Here are some recommendations for healthy foods that you can try to provide nutrition for your skin, namely:

  • Vegetables and fruit with an orange or yellow color, such as tomatoes and carrots.
  • Green vegetables, such as broccoli and spinach.
  • Low fat milk.
  • Berries.
  • Salmon and mackerel.
  • Nuts.

2. Manage stress well

The body will release the hormone cortisol when stressed, which results in increased production of natural oils in the skin.

Excessive oil causes blockage of skin pores and traps bacteria. This is what triggers acne.

According to a study in the journal Dermatology Practical and Conceptual with the title Stress and Skin: An Overview of Mind Body Therapies as a Treatment Strategy in Dermatology , stress can cause a body response that results in endocrine, neurological and immune system activity.

One of them is the release of neurohormones, neuropeptides and neurotransmitters which can have an impact on the skin. The release of this hormone can also trigger the production of other hormones such as histamine and serotonin. It can even increase neurogenic inflammation.

This condition ultimately risks increasing skin inflammation, increasing itching, causing disruption in the skin’s protective function, reducing immunity and the wound healing process.

Skin care is certainly not complete if you are unable to manage stress well. There are many ways to manage stress well , one of which is by taking time to do activities you like, or telling a psychologist directly if you need direct advice from an expert.

3. Fulfill your body’s fluid needs by drinking water

How to care for your skin can also be done with simple things, namely drinking water.

A study in Clinical Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology entitled Dietary water affects human skin hydration and biomechanics , shows that there is a relationship between water consumption and skin conditions.

The researchers studied several people who previously had the habit of consuming very little water. Then, his daily water intake was increased. The results have a positive impact on skin condition and overall health.

Find out various ways to deal with dry skin through this article 7 Ways to Treat Dry Facial Skin .

4. Enough rest time is needed

You can also care for your skin by getting enough sleep. This activity can give the skin time to rest and repair damaged cells.

A study in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology stated that people who get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep at night have moister skin.

Not only that, getting enough sleep also prevents the formation of eye bags.

Furthermore, damage to the skin occurs due to exposure to UV rays and can prevent dull skin.

5. Don’t smoke

The next way to care for your skin is not to smoke. Because, this habit causes narrowing of the small blood vessels in the outermost layer of skin. As a result, there is a decrease in blood flow and the skin will look pale and dull.

This can also occur due to the tobacco content in cigarettes. According to a study in the Journal of Dermatological Science entitled Tobacco Smoke Causes Premature Skin Aging , smoking tobacco can have a bad effect on the skin directly through irritant components in the epidermis, and indirectly on the dermis through blood circulation.

This condition can also trigger a decrease in skin moisture which contributes to wrinkles on the face. In fact, the habit of pursing your mouth when smoking a cigarette also risks triggering wrinkles around the mouth.

Apart from that, smoking also plays a role in damaging elastin and collagen in skin tissue. In fact, both are proteins that are very important for maintaining skin elasticity and health.

This damage will cause wrinkles to form on the skin so that the skin looks older.

6. Do not consume alcohol

It’s best to stop consuming alcohol as a way to care for your skin properly. Reducing alcohol intake can actually reduce the risk of non-melanoma skin cancer.

Not only that, alcohol can also cause the body to lose a lot of fluids. This condition can cause the skin to become dry and look dull.

7. Actively move

Doing regular physical activity will help keep your skin healthy, you know ! This is done by increasing the intake of blood rich in nutrients and oxygen in skin cells.

A study in the Journal of Aging Cell states that the body will release a compound called IL-15 when doing physical activities such as exercise.

Proper nutrition and oxygen will help skin cells rejuvenate themselves. Meanwhile, IL-15 helps inhibit skin damage down to the cellular level. Finally, the skin will remain healthy and not experience premature aging.

8. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight

Another way to care for your skin that you can do is avoid direct exposure to sunlight. Sunlight contains ultraviolet (UV) which can cause skin burns and trigger skin aging.

Reporting from the Indian Journal of Dermatology with the title A Review on Sun Exposure and Skin Diseases , continuous exposure to direct sunlight can also increase the risk of skin cancer.

Chronic exposure to direct sunlight on the skin can cause changes in molecular characteristics, pigmentation and skin morphology. This condition can lead to carcinogenic development, which triggers malignancy in skin cells.

For this reason, always protect your skin from direct exposure to sunlight. Starting from using sunscreen for both the face and body, wearing clothes that can cover the skin, to minimizing outdoor activities when the sun is hot.

9. Use appropriate skin care products

You can use various beauty care products, from moisturizer, night cream, or day cream to keep your skin healthy. Using these skincare products is a way to care for your skin so that your skin stays healthy.

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How to enlarge your hips naturally and easily, no need for plastic surgery

How to enlarge your hips naturally and easily, no need for plastic surgery

How to enlarge your hips naturally and easily, no need for plastic surgery – JAKARTA, beritaokewla – There are severalhow to enlarge hipsnaturally. For some women, having an hourglass-shaped body with wide hips is a dream or body goal.

Even though each body shape has its own uniqueness and charm, it is not uncommon for people to want to enlarge certain body parts. One of them, the hips, so that the body looks sexier and looks ideal.

It’s not surprising that quite a few people want to change their body shape, but still in a natural way. Yes, NANA4D besides surgery, there are waysenlarge hipsnaturally, you know!

Curious as to what? The following is the list, as summarized on Sunday (17/9/2023).

How to enlarge hips

Dietary habit

The easiest first way is to adjust your diet. Yes, if you want to have an ideal body shape and make your hips appear more exposed, you really need a healthy and regular diet.

You can try consuming foods with healthy fat content. Incorporate healthier fats into your diet, for example by replacing regular butter with coconut butter. Other sources of good fats include avocados, nuts and fish oil.

Apart from healthy fats, you can eat foods with good protein content. For example, beef, chicken, fish, and even yogurt.


The most important way to enlarge your hips naturally is exercise. One of the recommended exercises is squats. This exercise can shape the lower body, one of which is the hips.

Apart from squats, you can also try hip raises and side leg lifts. These two exercises can also shape the lower body, especially the hips.

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5 Ways to Grow Your Hair Longer Naturally that You Can Copy at Home

5 Ways to Grow Your Hair Longer Naturally that You Can Copy at Home

5 Ways to Grow Your Hair Longer Naturally that You Can Copy at Home – Jakarta – Women are synonymous with long hair. You need to know that hair growth is influenced by several factors, including age, hair type, your health condition and diet. If you want to grow your hair naturally, you can follow these 5 ways to lengthen your hair that you can use at home.

Hair Growth with Nutrition from Within

There are 4 types of food that you can consume to maintain healthy hair and help hair growth:

1. Spinach

Frequently consuming spinach is believed to be good for maintaining moisture in the scalp, so that hair does not break easily. Spinach contains folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron and beta carotene which are good for hair health.

2. Salmon

Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids which can indirectly make your hair shiny and look healthy.

3. Chicken meat

So that hair can grow well and not experience hair loss, you need food that contains enough protein, such as lean chicken meat/

4. Counts

Eating eggs can help hair growth because this food contains protein, iron and vitamin B which are good for hair.

Lengthening Hair Through External Treatments

External care for lengthening hair is just as important as internal nutrition. The following are home care tips for long natural hair.

1. Hair Treatment with Coconut Oil

The next way to lengthen hair is by using coconut oil. This oil is known to have a fatty acid structure that is easily absorbed into the hair shaft, so it can repair damaged or easily broken hair. How to use it is, rub coconut oil on your hair and scalp, then wrap your hair with a head covering or towel. The next morning you can wash your hair to clean it.

2. Using an Egg White Mask

The next way to lengthen hair naturally is by using egg whites. Egg whites contain protein to accelerate hair growth. To apply it, you need to provide three eggs, only the white part of which is taken and one tablespoon of olive oil. Mix the two ingredients until evenly mixed. After that, apply thoroughly to your hair and scalp while gently massaging your scalp. Leave it for 5 to 10 minutes so that the nutrients from the egg are completely absorbed by the hair so that the hair is stronger and healthier. Then rinse until clean.

3. Avoid washing your hair every day

Avoid washing your hair every day if you want your hair to grow long quickly. Because washing your hair every day can remove the natural oils produced from your hair. If this natural oil is lost, it can make hair dry and not grow well. To help hair grow long quickly, you should wash your hair at least once every 2-3 days. Okewla adalah situs toto terbesar dan terpercaya yang memiliki lisensi resmi dan terpercaya juga sudah menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk semua pemain judi online di indonesia.

Apart from that, after shampooing, rinse your hair with cold water. Cold water can soften hair cuticles, prevent dry scalp and hair damage that occurs due to using hair heating tools too often.

4. Use conditioner every time you wash your hair

The last way to lengthen your hair is to use conditioner at least once a week to replace the proteins and lipids that gradually decrease in your hair shaft. Conditioner also helps seal the cuticles to avoid further damage. Use conditioner only on the ends of your hair. Avoid applying conditioner to the scalp because it can cause hair to fall out easily.

Those are 5 natural ways to lengthen your hair that you can try at home. Apart from the method above, you can discuss other methods with doctors at Halodoc via the Chat, Voice / Video Call feature.

You can also buy medicine, vitamins and various health products at Halodoc. The method is very easy, just order via the application and your order will be delivered within one hour. Apart from that, you can carry out blood tests and also determine the schedule, location and lab staff who will come to the destination location through the Lab Service service . Lab results can be seen directly on the Halodoc health service application .   Come on , download the Halodoc application now on the App Store and Google Play.

Ingredients and Natural Ways to Get Rid of Panda Eyes Quickly

Ingredients and Natural Ways to Get Rid of Panda Eyes Quickly

Ingredients and Natural Ways to Get Rid of Panda Eyes Quickly

Panda eyes is a term that describes dark circles around the eyes, often accompanied by swelling. This condition is temporary and not dangerous, and can be experienced by anyone, both men and women. Although makeup such as concealer is often used to hide panda eyes, keep in mind that it only disguises the problem, not eliminates it. There are various ways to get rid of panda eyes, including using compresses and natural ingredients.

Causes of Panda Eyes Appearing

  • There are several factors that cause panda eyes, including:
  • Genetic factors
  • Smoking habits and excessive alcohol consumption
  • Too long in front of a device or laptop
  • Allergy
  • Often stay up late
  • Apart from the factors above, panda eyes can also be caused by increasing age. As the aging process progresses, the body will experience thinning of the skin so that fat and collagen tissue decreases. This will cause the blood vessels under the eyes to stand out and result in the skin looking darker.

List of Ingredients and Natural Ways to Remove Panda Eyes

The following is a list of several natural ingredients and how to use them to treat panda eyes


  • Thinly slice a piece of cucumber.
  • Place cucumber slices over your eyes for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Do this regularly to reduce swelling and brighten the skin around the eyes.

Green tea

  • Soak green tea bags in hot water for a few minutes.
  • Chill the tea bags in the refrigerator.
  • Place cool green tea bags over your eyes for 10-15 minutes.
  • Green tea contains antioxidants which can help relieve eye irritation and reduce panda eyes.


  • Thinly slice a piece of raw potato.
  • Place the potato slices over your eyes for 15-20 minutes.
  • Potatoes contain enzymes that help brighten the skin around the eyes.

Aloe vera

  • Cut a piece of aloe vera and take the natural gel.
  • Apply aloe vera gel around the eyes and leave it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Aloe vera has moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Almond Oil

  • Apply a little almond oil around the eyes before going to bed.
  • Gently massage the skin around the eyes with almond oil.
  • Almond oil contains vitamin E which can help moisturize the skin and reduce panda eyes.


  • Use cold cucumber to compress the eyes.
  • Thinly slice the cucumber and place the cold slices over the eyes for a few minutes.


  • Mix a little honey with cold water.
  • Apply this mixture gently around the eyes and leave it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Honey has antimicrobial and moisturizing properties that can help treat panda eyes.

Make sure to avoid direct contact with eyes when using this natural ingredient. Use regularly for better results, and if there is an allergic reaction or irritation, stop use immediately and consult a doctor.


Here’s How to Get Rid of Wrinkles on the Face

Here's How to Get Rid of Wrinkles on the Face

Here’s How to Get Rid of Wrinkles on the Face – You can get rid of wrinkles on your face by doing natural treatments at home or at a beauty clinic. Each method of getting rid of wrinkles on the face will certainly give different results, so it can be adjusted to suit your needs.

The appearance of wrinkles or wrinkles on the face is part of the aging process. The reason is, as we age, collagen production in the skin will decrease. This reduces skin elasticity, resulting in the appearance of wrinkles on the face that cannot be avoided.

Apart from that, various factors can also trigger premature aging which ultimately makes wrinkles appear more quickly. These factors include excessive sun exposure, pollution, and smoking habits.

The appearance of wrinkles is actually not something to worry about, but many people feel less confident if they experience them. It is not surprising that various ways to remove wrinkles on the face are willing to be used so that the skin looks smoother, firmer, healthier and more youthful.

How to Get Rid of Wrinkles on the Face

There are many ways to get rid of wrinkles on the face, from wearing a face mask to undergoing a laser procedure. The following are several options for getting rid of wrinkles on the face and explanations:

1. Wear a face mask regularly

You can buy face masks that are claimed to be able to disguise or eliminate wrinkles on the market. However, you can also make this mask at home.

One facial mask that can remove wrinkles on the face is a mask made from avocado, chocolate and honey. Avocado and chocolate are able to stimulate collagen production well, so they can disguise the appearance of wrinkles. Meanwhile, honey can maintain skin moisture, so the skin becomes more supple.

The following is how to make an avocado mask to remove wrinkles on the face:

  • Mash the avocado with a spoon until the texture is puree or soft.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder and 1 teaspoon of honey, stir until evenly mixed.
  • Apply this mask evenly to your face and let it sit for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Your skin will feel firmer after regularly using a facial mask 1-3 times a week, depending on your skin type.

2. Use anti-aging cream

As a way to get rid of wrinkles on your face, you are recommended to use anti-aging cream . This cream is usually formulated with special ingredients that can prevent skin aging, such as  alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), vitamin C, niacinamide , or azelaic acid .

Apart from that, there are also anti-aging creams that contain  retinol . This content is able to disguise or eliminate wrinkles on the face by regenerating the skin while increasing collagen production in the skin. In this way, fine lines and wrinkles on the face are reduced, and facial skin feels more supple.

3 . Exfoliate

Exfoliating your face 2-3 times a week can improve the appearance of wrinkles on your face. The reason is that exfoliating your face regularly will remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new, healthy skin cells.

Not only that, this method of getting rid of wrinkles on the face can also make the anti-aging cream applied to the skin absorbed well. That way, the benefits of anti-aging cream in eliminating wrinkles can be obtained optimally.

4. Undergo chemical peeling

Another way to get rid of wrinkles on the face is to undergo chemical peeling . In this treatment, the doctor will apply chemicals to the wrinkled areas of the face.

The chemicals applied will exfoliate the outer layer of skin and increase collagen production. As a result, the skin becomes smoother, cleaner and firmer. To get maximum results, you need to undergo chemical peeling several times.

After undergoing this procedure, the skin will become more sensitive to sunlight. Therefore, you should limit activities in the sun.

5. Undergo dermabrasion

Dermabrasion  or microdermabrasion can also help remove wrinkles on the face. This procedure must also be carried out by an experienced doctor so that the benefits can be maximized and the side effects can be reduced.

Dermabrasion is carried out using special tools which aim to scrape the top layer of skin and stimulate new skin cells. As a result, skin feels smoother and appears firmer.

After undergoing this method of removing facial wrinkles, your skin may become red, dry, peel, bruise, and be more sensitive to sun exposure.

6. Undergo a Botox injection procedure

If the various methods above do not produce the desired results, you can undergo a Botox injection procedure at a beauty clinic. Botox injections can remove wrinkles on the face by making the muscles in the face more relaxed. This gives the effect of firm and smooth skin.

Even though Botox injections can be an effective way to get rid of wrinkles on the face, the results will only last for 3-4 months. Therefore, you need to do this procedure again if you want the wrinkles to be invisible.

7. Do fillers

Filler is also an effective way to remove wrinkles on the face. This procedure is carried out by injecting a liquid or gel containing certain substances, such as collagen or hyaluronic acid, into wrinkled facial skin, so that the wrinkles disappear or are disguised.

In eliminating wrinkles, filler has a longer shelf life, reaching 6-12 months. Just like other procedures, fillers can also cause side effects, such as facial swelling, redness, or bruising for 1-2 weeks.

8. Undergo a laser procedure

Apart from making the skin smoother, laser action can also make wrinkles on the face disguised or disappeared. The reason is, the light shot onto the face in this procedure is able to remove layers of dead skin cells and stimulate collagen production in the skin. That way, facial skin looks firmer.

This procedure will also have a number of side effects, such as red skin and facial skin becoming dry and peeling. However, you don’t need to worry because your skin condition will improve slowly over a period of 2-3 months. .

You can apply this method to remove wrinkles on your face according to your needs. If you want to remove wrinkles on your face through a medical procedure, it is important to do it at a beauty clinic with an experienced or certified doctor.

Apart from that, don’t forget to prepare more funds because this action generally needs to be done repeatedly so that you get maximum results.

If you want to get rid of wrinkles on your face through a medical procedure, you are also advised to consult a doctor first to find out about the preparations and side effects that may arise after the procedure is carried out.

Some ways to remove wrinkles on the face may not be recommended if you have certain conditions. For example, it is not recommended that you undergo a laser procedure if you have active acne or have dark skin color.

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How to maintain healthy skin so it looks healthy and well-groomed

How to maintain healthy skin so it looks healthy and well-groomed

How to maintain healthy skin so it looks healthy and well-groomed – Maintaining healthy skin is the key so that your appearance always looks well-groomed and attractive. To ensure healthy skin, you should do a number of ways to maintain healthy skin consistently.

Healthy skin can be maintained from the outside and from the inside. Not only by using the ideal care products, your skin can naturally become healthier if you adopt a number of habits that are good for your skin.

The following are several ways to maintain healthy skin that you can do every day. Apart from healthier and more well-maintained skin, the good habits below also have a positive effect on your overall body health.

1. Change your diet to be healthier

What you eat can have a direct effect on the health of your skin. Eating foods rich in vitamins can make your skin more well-groomed and youthful. Meanwhile, getting used to eating foods that are too much fat and too high in carbohydrates can also have a bad effect on the skin because it can trigger inflammation and acne.

2. Get enough rest

The way to maintain healthy skin is as simple as getting enough rest every day. Make sure you sleep 7-8 hours per day for a youthful, bright and well-maintained skin appearance. On the other hand, when you don’t get enough sleep, your skin will easily look dull and old. Not to mention there is the risk of black eye bags appearing due to inadequate rest time.

3. Avoid smoking and alcohol

Have a habit of smoking and consuming alcohol? From now on, stop this habit if you want to get healthy skin. Smoking and consuming alcohol will reduce collagen. In fact, collagen is very important for healthy skin because it maintains its firmness. Reduced collagen production in the body will make skin regeneration less optimal and stimulate the appearance of fine wrinkles or other signs of aging.

4. Manage Stress Well

Stress is not good for skin health. Stress that is not managed well tends to stimulate the adrenal glands to produce the hormone cortisol. This is a hormone that plays a major role in the production of fat from the sebaceous glands. Too much oily fat can close skin pores and trap bacteria on your skin.

5. Protect from sunlight

Exposure to direct sunlight can spread ultraviolet rays and free radicals which are bad for skin health. Your skin can easily become irritated and dry if it is exposed to sunlight too often. You can protect your skin from the sun by using sunscreen and limiting outdoor activities between 10.00-16.00 where the sun’s rays shine strongly at these times.

6. Exercise regularly

Many studies have revealed that regular exercise is an effective way to maintain healthy skin. When you exercise regularly, cell aging can be slowed, blood circulation is smoother, and hormone production in the body is more optimal. Skin is certainly healthier and more beautiful!

7. Shower twice a day

Don’t forget to always maintain body hygiene as a way to maintain healthy skin. Get into the habit of bathing twice a day using antibacterial soap to clean dirt and bacteria stuck to the body. Don’t let these impurities make your skin dull and cause irritation and unwanted infections. Various skin problems can also threaten your body’s skin if germs and bacteria still stick to your skin.

Lifebuoy Charcoal liquid soap can be an additional weapon to maintain the health of your skin. This liquid soap is able to provide 10 times more effective protection against various skin health problems, such as itching and redness due to germs. So, your skin is cleaner and always looked after!

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Note, this is how to prevent acne from growing again

Note, this is how to prevent acne from growing again

Note, this is how to prevent acne from growing again – Jakarta – Acne is a blockage of the skin caused by oil and dirt which then forms red blisters filled with pus.

After healing, it is not impossible for acne to appear again. You need to find a way to prevent acne from growing again.

The first tip you need to do is the main factor that triggers acne. The causes of this skin problem can be different for each person. By knowing, you can take precautions.

How to prevent acne from growing again

There are also various ways to prevent acne from growing again. Here are the treatments you can do:

1. Make sure your face remains clean

Whether you have acne or not, it is important to wash your face twice a day to remove dirt, dead skin cells, and excess oil from the skin’s surface. This method is effective so that acne does not grow again.

Well, washing your face more often than twice a day is not always better. It could be that this has more side effects than benefits.

Washing your face too often can actually make your skin dry and make acne even more inflamed .

Also, when washing your face, use warm water, not hot water, and a gentle facial cleanser.

Choose soap that is gentle and not harsh. Harsh soap can hurt already inflamed skin and cause further irritation.

2. Don’t rub your skin hard

The next way to prevent acne from growing again is to rub your face gently.

Rubbing your face roughly can injure the skin and inflame acne. This of course can make existing acne worse and trigger irritation.

Make sure the towel you wear is not mixed with your body towels to maintain hygiene.

3. Use facial moisturizer

The majority of acne treatment products contain ingredients that dry out the skin.

Therefore, use a moisturizer that reduces dryness and flaking of the skin.

This can be a way to prevent acne from growing again. So that you can be more alert, also know the reasons why acne on the face often appears repeatedly .

When purchasing products, choose moisturizers that are labeled “non-comedogenic”. This means that the product does not cause acne.

There are also special moisturizers for oily, dry or combination skin. So, just adjust it to the type of skin you have.

Get the right facial moisturizer product for your skin type only at the Halodoc Health Shop.✔️

4. Try non-prescription acne products

Over-the-counter acne products rarely require a doctor’s prescription. This type of product is no less effective than the medicines that doctors often prescribe.

The majority of over-the-counter products also contain ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or lactic acid.

Another option is a topical retinoid gel. This substance works to prevent the formation of acne.

Use this product with caution, especially if you have sensitive skin.

This content is known to be effective in controlling bacteria and drying out acne.

It’s best to use small amounts at first. Then adjust how much you use and how often.

5. Wear light make up

While acne appears and is still healing, avoid using heavy make-up , such as foundation, powder, or blush .

If you are forced to use make up , don’t forget to remove it at night before going to bed.

If possible, choose oil-free cosmetics, without dyes and chemical additives. Choose make-up that is labeled “non-comedogenic”.

Read the ingredients list on the product label before purchasing. This can be a way to prevent acne from growing again.

6. Pay attention when using hair products

Avoid using perfume, oil, pomade, or gel on your hair. If it gets on the face, this product can clog skin pores and irritate the skin. It’s best to choose a gentle  shampoo and conditioner .

Oily hair can increase the oil content on the face, which can trigger the growth of acne.

Therefore, you need to wash your hair regularly, especially if you have acne. This can be a way to prevent acne from growing again.

7. Don’t touch your face

Avoid touching your face too often, especially if you still have inflamed acne.

Not only can it spread bacteria, it can irritate facial skin that is already inflamed.

You also shouldn’t squeeze pimples with your fingers. This can be dangerous because it can cause infection and quite deep scars.

8. Avoid sunlight

Ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun can trigger inflammation and redness. Not only that, ultraviolet can also cause skin hyperpigmentation.

Some acne medications may make skin more sensitive to sunlight. Therefore, limit your time in the sun, especially between 10 am and 4 pm.

If you have to leave the room, wear protective clothing, such as a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and a wide-brimmed hat.

You must also use a broad spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 30 or higher. Use at least 20 minutes before exposure to sunlight.

When buying a sunscreen product, you should choose one that is labeled “non-comedogenic” to prevent new acne from appearing.

9. Choose healthy foods

Most experts agree that certain foods, such as chocolate, do not cause acne. However, it makes sense to avoid fatty foods, foods high in sugar, dairy products and junk food.

This is because fatty foods and junk food can increase the oil content in the body, thereby triggering the formation of acne.

Meanwhile, dairy products and foods high in sugar can make the androgen hormone in the body more active, thereby increasing sebum production on the skin.

It’s best to consume more fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains every day.

10. Exercise and deal with stress well

Regular exercise is beneficial for body health, including skin. When exercising, avoid wearing clothes or using sports equipment that rubs the skin, causing irritation.

Additionally, some studies link stress to the severity of acne.

Look for various things that can trigger stress and find solutions later. This can also be a way to prevent acne from growing again.

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Here’s How to Slimming Your Body Naturally

Here's How to Slimming Your Body Naturally

Here’s How to Slimming Your Body Naturally – There are many ways to slim the body naturally , without the need to use slimming drugs whose effectiveness and safety are not necessarily proven. Apart from being healthy , using natural methods to slim the body, the results will also last a long time.

To get a slim body requires consistency and strong determination. The reason is, various bad habits that were previously carried out, such as overeating, lack of sleep, not exercising, and stress, can make the body overweight and even obese.

How to slim your body naturally

How to slim your body naturally doesn’t mean you have to endure excessive hunger. So that you don’t take the wrong steps, know the following natural ways to slim your body:

1. Drink lots of water

The first step you can take to get a slim body is to drink more water . A number of studies have revealed that drinking water is quite effective in helping you lose weight and burning more calories.

Drink about 2 glasses or 500 ml of water, 30 minutes before eating. This habit can make you full faster, thereby preventing you from overeating.

2. Consume healthy food

Eating nutritious food is an important factor in getting a slim body. The following is a guide to consuming nutritious foods:

Increase your consumption of foods that contain fiber, such as fruit, vegetables and whole grains , such as whole wheat bread and oatmeal .
Complete your protein needs by consuming fish, eggs and lean meat.
Limit foods that contain a lot of sugar and salt.
Choose healthy snacks, such as low-fat milk or dairy products (cheese or yoghurt) and boiled nuts.
Use healthy oils for cooking, such as olive oil, coconut oil, or canola oil.

As much as possible, reduce the portion of food on your plate, but eat more often. This can make your stomach feel full for longer and you will not be tempted to snack or overeat when you are hungry.

3. Don’t skip breakfast

A slim body is not just a dream if you eat breakfast regularly . This habit makes you have enough energy to carry out activities and is not encouraged to overeat during the day. Choose a healthy breakfast menu that contains whole grains, protein, fiber and low-fat milk.

4. Exercise regularly

There are many benefits that can be obtained by exercising regularly , such as improving the blood circulation system, improving mood, improving sleep quality, and losing weight.

Swimming , cycling and walking are types of exercise that are effective for burning calories. Take at least 30 minutes every day to exercise.

5. Get enough and regular sleep

Various studies show that lack of sleep is one of the factors causing obesity. Therefore, getting enough sleep is an important thing that should not be missed if you want to get a slim and healthy body.

Try to go to bed at the same time and make sure you get enough sleep, namely 7-9 hours every day.

Apart from using the natural methods above, to make your body slimmer and healthier, you also need to stop various unhealthy habits, such as smoking, consuming alcoholic or fizzy drinks , and eating fast food .

How to slim your body naturally isn’t difficult to do, right? Apart from getting a slim body, this habit will also make your body healthier and fitter. However, if you have certain medical conditions, you should first consult a doctor before using the methods above.

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