How to Get Rid of Black Lips with Natural Ingredients

How to Get Rid of Black Lips with Natural Ingredients

How to get rid of black lips – Facial beauty is what women desire most. Having white skin and radiant red lips is considered to be part of this beauty. Although currently women’s beauty standards are starting to change as time goes by.

Regarding lips, in general women want to have lips that look red. However, due to an unhealthy lifestyle and other factors, your lips can appear black and dull.

Does Grameds lack self-confidence because of black lips? Therefore, you need to know how to deal with darkened black lips using several natural methods.

Having soft, pink lips is certainly a dream for many people. Therefore, Grameds need a little more effort to have healthy lips. Not only from treatment, Grameds also need to change from an unhealthy lifestyle.

So, here’s how to treat black lips quickly using natural ingredients. It’s easy and practical, you know!

Causes of Black Lips 

Before knowing how to treat black lips, there’s no harm in Grameds finding out the cause of this condition. Then, what are the causes that make lips dark?

First, if Grameds often licks his lips, this could be the cause of black lips. This is because the habit of licking your lips will make your lips even drier which makes Grameds want to continue licking them.

Second, if Grameds has a smoking habit. This can also make the lips black. Dark lips can be caused by several factors, one of which is reduced blood flow to the lip area. The ingredients in cigarettes, such as tobacco and nicotine, can darken the lips and the lining of the mouth, which ultimately changes the color of the lips.

Apart from that, there are several causes of black lips, such as consuming a lot of caffeine, allergies, using unsuitable beauty products, lack of nutrition, using lipstick too often, consuming certain medications and hereditary factors.

Each cause of black lips varies from one individual to another. Therefore, you must know for sure the cause of black lips. That way, you can focus on how to deal with black lips.

How to Treat Black Lips

Black lips often occur due to hyperpigmentation, which is a change in skin color. This can be overcome with cosmetic treatments, such as laser treatment and the help of chemicals, namely hydroquinone and kojic acid.

Apart from that, Grameds can use other natural ingredients as a way to treat dark lips. Here are several ways to deal with black lips, including:

  • Take advantage of lemon juice and water

Journal studies show that lemons can act as a melanin inhibitor to help treat black lips. Drinking lemon juice mixed with warm water and honey makes a good herbal mixture, Grameds. This functions to detoxify the body, so that the skin on the lips becomes radiant and looks healthier.

Apart from that, because this fruit also has whitening properties, Grameds can rub lemon on the lips as a way to treat black lips.

Every night before going to bed, cut a lemon and rub the juicy part gently on your lips. The next morning, rinse your lips with cold water. Grameds can also mix lemon with sugar to use as a lip scrub.

The goal is to exfoliate the dead skin that sticks and accumulates, causing blackness on the lips. Grameds can repeat it regularly every night until you see the results.

  • Berries and honey

Berries contain important minerals and vitamins to keep lips healthy and nourished. Both raspberries and strawberries, this fruit can be used to treat black lips. These berries can help brighten dark lips.

Mixing honey in this concoction can be said to be quite helpful in brightening the lips. Apart from brightening, berries and honey can help treat chapped and irritated lips. Its properties also stimulate the growth of new skin cells and help reduce skin damage caused by sunlight.

Apply these natural ingredients to help your lips turn pink naturally. Mix these ingredients in a bowl, then apply as a scrub to the lips. Massage gently for 10 minutes, then let it dry and rinse thoroughly.

  • Lime

Lime is another type of citrus fruit which is believed to have anti-melanin production properties, so it is suitable as an ingredient to treat black lips quickly. In a small bowl, mix the following natural ingredients:

  • 1 ½ tsp fresh lime juice
  • 1 tsp hone
  • 1 tsp glycerin

Mix all the ingredients until smooth, gently apply the mixture to your lips before going to bed. After that, rinse your lips the next morning with warm water. Because it tastes very sour, you should try to reduce the amount of orange juice that gets into your mouth, Grameds.

  • Turmeric

Turmeric is a natural ingredient that can treat black lips. In a small bowl, combine the following ingredients:

1 tbsp liquid milk

Enough turmeric powder to make a paste
Stir until it forms a paste and add a little water so that the texture is not too dense. Using wet fingertips, rub the paste on your lips. Then, leave it for about 5 minutes before rinsing with cold water. After your lips are dry, apply them with your favorite moisturizer, Grameds.

  • Aloe vera

In a study, it was found that the ingredients in aloe vera can inhibit melanin production. Therefore, it can make the lip color appear brighter. Aloe vera is efficacious for removing skin pigmentation naturally.

How to deal with black lips can be by applying a thin layer of fresh aloe vera gel to the lip area. Once dry, rinse with sufficient warm water. Then, add coconut oil to make your lips feel more moist and nutritious. This is one of the best tips on how to get rid of black lips quickly.

  • Pomegranate

A study in 2005 found that pomegranate extract could lighten hyperpigmentation on the skin. This is a way to deal with black lips quickly and naturally. Grameds can mix the following ingredients to get healthier looking lips, namely:

1 tsp pomegranate seeds

1 tsp rose water

1 tbsp fresh milk cream

Gently massage the mixture onto your lips for about 3 minutes, then rinse with cold water. Repeat every day for optimal treatment of black lips.

Almond oil

Almond oil is quite effective in removing skin pigmentation naturally. Massaging the lips with almond oil can help moisturize and increase circulation in the lip area. This can increase blood flow to the area and make the lips brighter.

Use high-quality almond oil or coconut oil as a way to treat black and dry lips. Gently rub the oil into your lips several times a day. The effect will be visible in the next 1 or 2 days, Grameds. Almond oil can be easily found in supermarkets and online .

Drink enough water

Lips are one of the first areas of the body to look dry and dark. Drinking enough water is one of the best ways to care for your skin. Well, a well-hydrated body is also a way to deal with black lips quickly. Grameds can add cucumber or lemon slices to a glass of water for a more delicious and refreshing taste.


Beetroot, a fruit that is similar to dragon fruit, can be an option to treat black lips next. Beetroot is believed to give lips a natural pink color.

How to use it is by blending beets into a smooth mixture, then apply it to the lip area 3 times a week. Leave it for 5 to 10 minutes then rinse. Once your lips are clean and dry, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly, Grameds.

Rosewater and olive oil

Mix 2 drops of rose water and olive oil to treat black lips. Apply this mixture to your lips 3 to 4 times a day. Grameds can also apply this concoction before going to bed at night.

Even though you can feel the oily feeling on the lips, don’t wipe it off, Grameds. This can also make your lips feel more moisturized and prevent them from drying out.


Grameds can use cucumber as the next way to treat black lips. Apart from being commonly used for facial masks, it turns out that this fruit is also beneficial for the lips, you know . Here’s how to easily prepare cucumber for a lip mask at home:

Blend and fruit as cucumber puree.

Chill the cucumber puree in the refrigerator.

Once the cucumber concoction has cooled, dip a cotton ball into it.

Then, use a cotton ball to gently apply the puree to the dark areas of your lips.

Leave the cucumber puree on your lips for about 30 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Sesame oil

In one study, sesame oil contains active lignin called sesamol. According to research, this compound was found to inhibit melanin biosynthesis in animal studies. This is because sesame oil also helps in dealing with dark lips in humans.

The way to use it is to rub sesame oil on your lips and leave it to dry. Grameds can be applied in layers to make lips feel moister. Do this 2-3 times a day. Of note, sesame oil can cause allergic reactions in some people. Therefore, do a patch test on the skin first, Grameds.

Exfoliates lips

Exfoliating your lips is also an important step as a way to treat black lips quickly. Exfoliation or peeling of the skin aims to remove dead skin cells.

If you don’t do it regularly, it can make your lips black again. At least exfoliate your lips 2-3 times a week, Grameds.

Sugar and butter

The following natural ingredients are definitely in our kitchen. Come on, use it to treat black lips quickly, Grameds. Sugar and butter are believed to be quite helpful in making lips brighter and moisturized.

So, how do you make it? Here’s a practical way to make a concoction of sugar and butter:

Mix 3 tsp sugar and 2 tsp butter.

Massage this mixture onto your lips for 3 to 4 minutes.
If Grameds wants to try, butter can be replaced with olive oil. Olive oil. Olive oil will create higher moisture in the lip area.


Toothpaste which is rich in magnesium, selenium, calcium, potassium and various other minerals is good for speeding up the skin regeneration process. Apply it firmly to your lips, let it sit for 15 minutes then rinse with clean water. For maximum results, use herbal toothpaste.


Potatoes have vitamins and minerals that can help speed up the skin regeneration process, so they can be used as a way to treat black lips to make them bright and rosy. Grameds can do the treatment by mashing the potato and then applying it to the lips.


Ice cubes will constrict the blood vessels so that the blood pressure in the lips will increase and they will appear red. Rub ice cubes on your lips for 15 minutes every day.

Coconut oil

Applying coconut oil on the lips can not only soften the skin of the lips, it can also restore the color of the lips to a brighter color. Grameds can mix sugar and coconut oil then rub it gently. Don’t forget to rinse with clean water, Grameds!

Pure milk

How to deal with black lips by applying pure milk for 10-15 minutes on the lips to help remove dead skin. The lactic acid content can remove black spots on the lips and make them brighter again.

Lip balm

Apart from using natural ingredients, Grameds can also add another step as an effort to overcome black lips by using lip balm. This function is to provide moisture to the lips, lip balm can also help brighten and reduce dull lips. Make sure the lip balm product that Grameds uses has SPF to protect your lips from sunlight and doesn’t get darker, Grameds.

Mint leaves

Mint leaves will give a cooling sensation to the lips which are rich in vitamins and minerals. This content can redden lips naturally, Grameds. How to make mint leaf mixture:

First grind 2 mint leaves.

Then apply on lips.

Leave it for 15 minutes.

Then rinse it with clean water.


Avocados contain antioxidants and vitamins which are good for skin health. Moreover, avocado contains more than 25 nutrients that are important for the body. How to get rid of black lips quickly and permanently with avocado. The method is to mash the avocado flesh then apply it to the lips. Leave it for 15 minutes then rinse with clean water.

So, those are various ways to get rid of black lips with natural ingredients that are easy to do, Grameds. Hopefully this article inspires you! Good luck!

If Grameds is still confused, and needs references regarding ways to completely treat black lips with natural ingredients or looking for a beauty book, then you can visit the Gramedia book collection at

As #FriendsWithoutLimits, we will always provide the best and most complete information for Grameds. To support Grameds in broadening their knowledge, Gramedia always provides quality and original books so that Grameds has information #MoreByReading.

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How to Treat Acne Correctly Medically

How to Treat Acne Correctly Medically

Knowing how to treat acne correctly according to medical recommendations will determine how quickly you will be free from acne.

Mistakes in how to treat acne can cause the face to be full of pus, boils, blemishes or pockmarks and even serious infections that require hospital treatment.

For this reason, treating acne cannot be done carelessly so that the scars can disappear. This is because acne is a disorder that is influenced by many interrelated factors.

MIKA friends, let’s look at several ways to deal with acne in the following article.

Get to know the factors that cause acne

Acne is a skin disorder caused by blockage of the fat glands (sebaceous glands).

Usually, acne will appear on the face, neck, upper chest, back and upper arms. This disorder often affects teenagers and sometimes adults. The appearance of acne is triggered by several factors such as:

  1. Genetic or hereditary factors
  2. Hormonal factors, the hormones that play a role in causing acne are androgen hormones. For this reason, acne is often suffered by teenagers whose hormonal functions are starting to work actively, as well as before and after menstruation.
  3. Cosmetics, especially those with high fat content such as moisturizers , night creams , and foundations as well as the use of scrubs often worsen this disorder.
  4. Foods that contain a lot of fat such as nuts, chocolate, butter, cheese, fried foods, goat meat, pork, foods that contain lots of spices such as chili sauce, foods with coconut milk, as well as durian fruit, mango, avocado, jackfruit, and so on.
  5. Poor facial hygiene
  6. Lack of sleep or lack of rest
  7. Stress, anxiety, anxiety, worrying too much.
  8. Difficulty defecating
  9. Frequently holding, squeezing, or rubbing acne. The more often you touch or squeeze, the bigger, worse the acne will get, and can leave very ugly blemishes in the form of pockmarks or keloids.
  10. Rubbing hair or using a towel roughly.

All of these factors cannot be eliminated directly in a short time and not all of these factors can be eliminated completely. Therefore, acne treatment cannot achieve maximum results in a short time and is sustainable.

How to deal with acne properly

When acne appears, MIKA Friends can take several steps to overcome it. Here are the steps to treat acne properly:

a. Clean your face regularly

The first thing that MIKA Friends must do as a step to prevent acne recurrence and overcome it is to always maintain regular facial cleanliness.

Even though the acne has healed, MIKA friends still have to make sure they clean their face properly and well continuously.

b. Don’t squeeze pimples

Next, you have to make sure you avoid all the factors that cause acne. To cure and remove acne, MIKA Friends are prohibited from holding, squeezing or rubbing acne.

If these activities are carried out, it will trigger secondary infections which often result in complications in the form of blemishes and blemishes, pockmarks or keloids.

c. Reduce the use of skincare with high fat content

As mentioned before, cosmetics or skincare that have high levels of fat are the cause of acne.

Many skin and venereal specialists recommend the next way to deal with acne, namely by reducing or avoiding the use of skincare or cosmetics with a high fat content. Usually this fat content is found in moisturizers, day cream, night cream, foundation, cleansing cream.

This will result in blockage of pores. MIKA friends are also not advised to use scrubs too often because it will damage facial skin and make it easier for secondary infections to occur which will make acne worse

d. Wash your face properly

There are several rules for cleaning your face properly to avoid the risk of acne, including avoiding the use of antiseptic soap or medicated soap . Generally, this soap will often cause skin irritation

Apart from that, MIKA Friends are also not recommended to clean or wash their face with hot water.

e. Use acne medication

If it turns out that acne triggers pockmarks, then MIKA Friends can buy topical acne medication at the pharmacy or one that has been recommended by a doctor.

If this method of dealing with acne doesn’t work, chemical peeling can be done by an experienced skin and genital health specialist.

e. Other ways to get rid of acne

Finally, you can do several activities to prevent acne from recurring, namely:

Avoid doing activities including exercise under hot sunlight which can make acne worse

  • Avoid foods that contain lots of fat
  • Manage stress and get enough rest
  • Try to have regular bowel movements every day
  • Eat foods with low fat content such as beef, fish, chicken, non-fat milk,
  • steamed or boiled and eat lots of vegetables and fruit.
  • If the acne has healed, maintenance efforts need to be made to prevent
  • recurrence according to the doctor’s instructions.

Consult with a skin and genital health specialist

There are many cases of acne causing facial skin to become damaged such as blemishes or spots and blemishes or pockmarks due to wrong treatment. Among the acne treatments above, the best way to deal with it is to visit a skin health specialist.

The doctor will perform a procedure to remove the blockage of the sebaceous glands, such as giving medicine that can exfoliate the dirty skin.

This skin peeling process aims to remove dead skin cells, so that it can remove the blockage of the sebaceous glands which is the root cause of acne, as well as remove the dullness of the face so that the face becomes bright and clean.

This skin exfoliation process does not always result in thinning of the skin if it is carried out under the supervision of a skin and genital health specialist.

Interested in having a consultation to treat and get rid of acne? Meet the best Skin and Venereology Specialist doctor at Mitra Keluarga!

Bandar Togel Taruhan Termurah

No need for skincare, your dull face will become bright with these 5 rituals!

No need for skincare, your dull face will become bright with these 5 rituals! – Got itdull facewhich is really hard to be bright?

Sometimes, usingskincareIt’s not enough to brighten a dull face!

Actually, we can brighten a dull face naturally without using skincare, you know! Really?

Just try doing some of the ‘rituals’ below and see the results for yourself!

1. Hydrate your skin by drinking enough water

This tip may seem very cliche, but there are so many benefits we can feel from drinking enough water every day!

If the body is well hydrated, it will affect the overall appearance of our skin.

It’s not surprising that a face that was previously dull, over time can look brighter and fresher because it is well hydrated!

2. Consume fruit to brighten up

Consuming fruit is recommended to maintain healthy and beautiful skin.

Especially for those of us who want our faces to look brighter and more naturally rosy , the fruit we consume also can’t be done haphazardly!

Consume fruit that contains lots of vitamins and antioxidants so that our skin can look healthy from within.

Want to know what fruit is good for treating dull skin? Lookhere!

3. Use a mask made from natural ingredients

If we feel like we don’t have enough money to buy skincare, try using natural ingredients around us to deal with dull skin!

We can make masks from natural ingredients which have been proven to brighten the skin.

The ingredients that we can use as masks include: honey, tomatoes, yoghurt, granulated sugar, lemon, turmeric and many more.

Just practice the DIY natural mask recipe which is now spread everywhere!

4. Massage your face before bed

Many people ignore it, even though giving a facial massage before bed also plays an important role in making facial skin healthier and brighter, you know!

Facial massage at night has many benefits, including improving blood circulation, preventing premature aging, and making your face look fresher and brighter.

We can use a little natural oil to gently massage our face at night before going to bed, OK?

5. Improve sleep quality and don’t use gadgets often!

Eits, make no mistake! The quality of a night’s sleep really influences the appearance of our face, you know!

If we often sleep too late, especially if we like staying up late, don’t be surprised if our face looks really dull!

Apart from that, try not to stalk your ex too often or scroll through your timeline incoherently or use gadgets for things that aren’t important!

Because blue light from gadget screens can actually damage the skin, trigger signs of premature aging, and make the face look increasingly dull. (*)

Bandar Togel Taruhan Termurah



Having healthy, moisturized and radiant skin is everyone’s dream. Therefore, the condition of dry skin—especially dry, scaly skin—is something scary. However, in some cases, some people think that having dry skin is better than having oily skin. In fact, dry skin actually gives an uncomfortable sensation, you know. Often, owners of this skin type experience itching and a pulling effect.

During this pandemic, people with dry skin are made even more miserable. The obligation to regularly wash your hands with soap or use hand sanitizer to avoid the COVID-19 virus is believed to increase the level of dryness of the skin. This can happen because the skin layer does not have enough water and lipids to form the skin’s defenses due to moisture being eroded.

The above phenomenon was then proven by findings in the journal The Prevalence and Determinants of Hand and Face Dermatitis during COVID-19 Pandemic which reported that 83.2% of people had experienced dryness on their skin since the pandemic due to washing their hands too often and using hand sanitizer.

Furthermore, the condition in question is further aggravated by inappropriate use of soap or hand sanitizer, for example products that contain alcohol. Still from the same journal, the impact of dry skin during this pandemic is shown by: 54.2% of people reported changes in the texture of their skin, 45.4% of people experienced dry, scaly skin, 39.6% of people admitted their skin was itchy, 28, 1% reported their skin experienced redness, and 17.4% felt a burning sensation on their skin.

Usually, this skin condition cannot be categorized as a serious problem because you can easily treat it using the right handbody products for dry skin. Come on, keep reading the article to find out how to deal with this skin type along with recommendations for the best handbody products.

Characteristics of Dry Skin

The characteristics of dry skin can be different for each individual. This is influenced by several factors such as age, health condition, skin color, and the environment where you live. But in general, dry skin has the following characteristics as reported by the Mayo Clinic:

  • The skin feels tight and pulled
  • Rough and uneven textured skin
  • Skin often itches
  • Dry scaly and flaky skin
  • Cracked skin sometimes bleeds
  • Reddish skin
  • White lines appear when scratched

Causes of Dry Skin

Usually, dry skin is temporary. In most cases, this skin complaint generally appears when the weather changes. Come on, look at the causes of dry skin in full according to the Mayo Clinic in the following points:

  1. Environmental conditions, Living in a weathered or cold climate with low humidity can make the skin dry faster.
  2. Inappropriate bathing habits. 2. Soaking in hot water for too long or rubbing your skin roughly when bathing can strip the skin of its natural moisture.
  3. Use of soap or detergent with harsh ingredients. It is believed that alcohol, parabens or fragrances contained in several products on the market can damage the skin barrier and make the skin dehydrated.
  4. Other skin disorders. People who suffer from eczema or psoriasis (dry, scaly skin) tend to have dry skin.
  5. Age. As we age the skin becomes more susceptible to dryness. This is because the production of natural oil-producing glands in the skin begins to decrease when you reach age 50 years and above.

How to Overcome Dry Skin

You can try some of the tips below to overcome dryness on your skin:

1. Maintaining Skin Moisture

Dryness of the skin occurs due to low levels of moisture in the sense of touch. Therefore, you are advised to use a moisturizer such as handbody for dry skin regularly to keep your skin healthy and hydrated. As recommended by the Mayo Clinic, you can apply moisturizer several times a day, especially when your skin feels dry after washing your hands or showering.

2. Avoid hot showers.

Psst, hot water is believed to remove natural oils which function to moisturize the skin, you know. Therefore, you are advised to shower using cold or warm water to reduce the risk of dry skin. After showering, simply dry your body using a towel by gently patting it. Avoid rubbing the towel too hard on the skin so that the skin doesn’t dry out further.

3. Hydrate your body by drinking enough water.

Make it a habit to consume at least 8 glasses of water a day. Water contains nutrients in the form of minerals such as zinc and magnesium which are very good for hydrating the skin. This habit will help the skin become naturally moisturized from within. When the body’s fluid needs are met, the skin will look healthier and more well-groomed from the outside!

4. Wear comfortable clothes.

Wool is comfortable to wear in cold weather. However, if your skin type tends to be dry, you need to avoid woolen clothing. The texture of wool, which tends to be rough on the skin, can cause itching, irritation, and even dry, scaly skin. Use comfortable natural cotton clothes so your skin can breathe.

5. Use a Humidifier

According to Healthline, installing a humidifier at home can help minimize the risk of dry skin caused by low air humidity levels. Not only that, humidifiers are also able to overcome the problems of chapped lips, colds and sore throats. If you are interested in installing a humidifier, make sure you clean it regularly so it doesn’t trigger the growth of fungus and bacteria, OK!

6. Use gentle soap and body lotion

Look for soap and handbody products for dry skin without excessive alcohol and chemical content. Also make sure the products are well formulated using ingredients that are gentle on the skin. One natural ingredient that is effective for treating dry skin is wheat.

Oats have been used to treat dry skin for centuries. As stated in a journal publication published in the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology in 2015, wheat has been proven to have natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects which can help improve dry, scaly and rough skin, including relieving itching, inflammation and redness.

You can get wheat content in Aveeno ® Skin Relief Body Wash and Aveeno ® Skin Relief Moisturizing Body Lotion . The gentle Triple Oat Complex content in this product is an option for treating dry skin because it is proven to protect, moisturize and soothe your skin twice for up to 24 hours. You also don’t need to worry, this product is formulated without added fragrance and has been clinically tested!

Hopefully the review above is useful for dealing with your dry skin, OK? If your skin does not experience any changes even though you have practiced some of the tips discussed, including using a handbody for dry skin such as Aveeno ® Skin Relief Moisturizing Body Lotion , it is a good idea for you to immediately go to a dermatologist so that you can be examined and treated further. Good luck!

Bandar Togel Taruhan Termurah



Having beautiful and healthy hair is everyone’s dream, especially women. So, it is not surprising that many people are willing to take special care to get beautiful hair. Hair care is necessary to avoid damage and keep the scalp clean so that it is free from problems such as dandruff or excess oil. Because each person has a different type and type of hair, the way to care for hair that needs to be done is also different. If you do the wrong care method, it is not impossible that your hair will actually become problematic. In this article, you will find how to care for curly hair, how to care for dry and frizzy hair, etc. Come on, take a look!

How to care for hair according to type

1. How to Care for Curly Hair

It can be said that caring for curly hair requires more attention than straight hair. Apart from being more difficult to manage, curly hair also tends to break and fall out more easily. This is caused by the natural condition of curly hair which has a flat surface on each strand. This flat, twisting shape means that curly hair is more easily damaged, so it requires proper care to keep it well maintained. If you have curly hair, here are some ways to care for your hair that you need to know!

Get into the habit of washing your hair regularly. Use shampoo with a composition of argan oil and vitamin E. This is because these ingredients are effective in making hair smoother. This is very necessary for curly hair which is prone to having a rough texture.
Use a conditioner that contains vitamins and protein. Both function to strengthen hair strands so they don’t break easily and fall out. Considering that curly hair is more prone to breakage, this kind of conditioner is clearly needed.
Every two times a week, you should give hair vitamins. Vitamins are good additional nutrients to keep your curly hair healthy and soft. You can apply vitamins when your hair is clean, namely after shampooing.
The final step is to comb your hair when it is wet after shampooing. This is to avoid tangled hair and it will be difficult to tidy up when the hair is dry. Apart from that, combing curly hair is also necessary when you wake up. Use a comb with wide teeth to make it easier for you to comb curly hair.

2. How to Care for Straight Hair

For those of you who have straight hair, the hair care you need to do can actually be said to be easier. Because straight hair generally tends to be easier to manage and style. However, if you are not careful about maintaining its condition, straight hair is also prone to looking unkempt. Because the texture tends to lack volume, straight hair is very easy to look frizzy. That’s why, there are several special ways to care for straight hair that you need to pay attention to.

On the one hand, those with straight hair are blessed with hair that is easy to style and manage. However, on the other hand, dirty straight hair also very easily looks oily or limp. For this reason, those of you who have straight hair must be very diligent in maintaining the cleanliness of your hair, one of which is by washing your hair at least once every two days. By shampooing, oil production which makes hair limp can be controlled.
Conditioner is a must . One of the disadvantages that straight hair owners have to face is that it easily looks rough and frizzy. That’s why, one way to care for your hair that you must do is not to leave out the use of conditioner. The vitamin and protein content in conditioner will help your straight hair remain manageable and smooth. Always use conditioner after shampooing, OK?
Even though at first glance straight hair looks easy to manage, that doesn’t mean you neglect combing your hair. Because, even though it is easy to style, straight hair also gets tangled and messy easily. Exposure to wind or just a little activity can make your straight hair look sloppy. So, make it a habit to keep combing your hair, especially before doing activities. It is recommended that you use a comb with solid teeth so as not to damage your hair.

How to care for hair according to type

In general, human hair types are divided into three categories, namely normal, oily, and dry and fluffy hair. The way you care for your hair must also be adapted to these types, because the problems and treatment required for each hair type are also very different. So, what is the correct way to care for your hair according to your hair type?

1. How to Care for Normal Hair

Normal hair type is characterized by minimal hair problems or damage. Your hair can be said to be normal if it doesn’t experience problems such as hair loss or dandruff. Because normal hair is basically in a healthy condition, the care required is not too complex. You only need to use a shampoo that functions to actively clean and protect, so that the health of your normal hair is maintained. Apart from that, consume foods in the form of fruit and vegetables that contain lots of vitamins to further maintain the health of your hair.

So that your normal, very healthy hair avoids damage, it’s also a good idea to avoid hair styling processes that involve chemicals, for example bleaching or hair coloring.

2. How to care for curly and frizzy hair

One of the most common hair problems, especially among women, is dry and frizzy hair. Dry hair conditions cause hair to break and tangle more easily. This certainly disturbs your appearance. Dry hair can be caused by excessive exposure to sunlight and chemicals. Recognizable signs of dry hair are hair falling out, breaking easily and feeling rough.

To overcome the problem of dry and frizzy hair, you can choose a shampoo that contains keratin such as TRESemmé Keratin Smooth Conditioner & Shampoo which contains a salon quality formula with Hydrolyzed Keratin and Micro Smoothing Particles which can absorb deeply up to 10 layers of hair. Not only that, TRESemmé Keratin Smooth provides long-lasting, salon-quality soft hair (up to 48 hours) every day.

3. How to care for oily hair

The next hair type is oily hair. Oily hair is caused by excess oil production in the scalp glands. Excess oil production can cause dandruff and lead to hair loss. The characteristics of oily hair are that the hair always looks dull, limp, and often feels itchy.

To care for oily hair, wash your hair regularly using shampoo containing the active ingredients ZPTO and tea tree oil . Not only that, you can also make your own natural hair mask, for example an avocado or aloe vera mask. Also avoid consuming foods that contain high levels of sugar and oil, such as fried foods and foods containing coconut milk. Because these two foods can trigger the glands to produce more oil.

Caring for your hair based on its type and type is indeed difficult and easy to do. You can make a natural hair mask that is full of benefits, but this will of course take a lot of time and energy. Instead, efforts to care for your hair can be done by choosing hair care products that have been designed for various types and types of hair.

For those of you who have straight or curly hair, for example, you can choose TRESemmé Keratin Smooth shampoo and conditioner which is equipped with a salon quality formula with Hydrolized Keratin and Micro Smoothing Particles which can absorb deeply up to 10 layers of hair. You can also get this benefit if you have frizzy hair, because it makes your hair soft and long-lasting, salon style!

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How to Moisturize Facial Skin with the Right Moisturizer Choice

How to Moisturize Facial Skin with the Right Moisturizer Choice

Facial skin that looks dry and dull can be a sign that the skin is losing moisture. Well, there are ways to moisturize facial skin that you can try. In this way, you can get healthy and shining looking skin.

Cold air, lack of fluid intake, or exposure to direct sunlight can reduce facial skin’s moisture, making it feel dry, rough, and dull. If left untreated, the skin will be susceptible to irritation and infection. Therefore, facial skin moisture needs to always be maintained.

One way to moisturize facial skin is to use facial moisturizer . Moisturizer acts as a protector that keeps the skin hydrated, treats dry skin , protects sensitive skin, and improves skin texture.

Choose a moisturizer according to your skin type

So that moisturizer can work effectively, you are advised to choose a facial moisturizer according to your skin type. The following is the guide:

Dry skin

Choose an oil – based moisturizer that contains ingredients that can maintain skin moisture, for example petrolatum . This content is very suitable for very dry or chapped skin.

Moisturizers made from hyaluronic acid , shea butter , jojoba oil, olive oil , dimethicone , glycerin and mineral oil are also good for moisturizing dry facial skin.

Oily skin

For those with oily skin , you can use a moisturizer in the form of a lotion and water -based . Apart from that, choose products that are labeled noncomedogenic so they don’t clog pores.

Moisturizer made from alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) is a type of moisturizer that is good for oily and acne-prone facial skin types. You can also choose a moisturizer that contains dimethicone , urea, and ceramide .

Sensitive skin

Choose a moisturizer that contains ingredients, such as chamomile or aloe vera and does not contain substances that can cause irritation to facial skin, such as perfume or dyes.

Moisturizers labeled hypoallergenic can also be an option because they are considered to have a small risk of causing allergic reactions and irritation.

Aging skin

As we age, skin tends to become drier because oil production decreases. Therefore, look for oil-based moisturizers that contain petrolatum, antioxidants , or AHAs to prevent signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles .

Normal skin

For normal skin types, you should use a water-based moisturizer with a light texture and contains little oil, such as dimethicone .

Various Ways to Moisturize Facial Skin
Apart from using moisturizer, there are several things you can do to keep your facial skin moist and healthy, namely:

1. Clean your face regularly

Cleaning your face regularly is the first step to maintaining healthy skin. However, make sure you choose a gentle facial soap to prevent dry skin and irritation.

Don’t wash your face too often and avoid using warm water because it can remove the skin’s natural oils, making the skin feel drier.

2. Remove dead skin cells

The process of removing dead skin cells on the face also needs to be done regularly to stimulate the formation of new skin cells. You can use facial soap that contains scrub to remove dead skin cells and make it easier for moisturizer to penetrate the skin.

3. Maintain hand hygiene

Make sure your hands are clean before touching your face or using certain facial care products, such as night cream or moisturizing lotion. This is important to do to prevent the entry of bacteria or dirt that causes acne.

4. Protect the face from sunlight

Long-term exposure to direct sunlight can strip the skin of moisture, resulting in the skin becoming dull, dry and wrinkled. Therefore, it is important to always use sunscreen every time you do outdoor activities.

5. Live a healthy lifestyle

Not only external care, you also need to do internal care to maintain healthy and moisturized skin. You can do this by living a healthy lifestyle , namely consuming nutritious food, meeting your body’s fluid needs and getting enough rest time.

So, the method above for moisturizing facial skin is quite easy to do, isn’t it? However, you also need to remember to use facial moisturizer according to your skin type and follow the recommended rules.

If you have difficulty determining a moisturizer that suits your skin type or have questions about other ways to moisturize your facial skin, you can consult a doctor .

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White Injection: ​How it Works, Side Effects, and Treatment Costs

White Injection: ​How it Works, Side Effects, and Treatment Costs

Whitening injection is a beauty treatment that can help make skin look whiter and brighter. The white injection method is generally chosen because the process is fast and practical, and the results can be seen immediately.

How does white injection work and side effects? How much do white injections cost at a beauty clinic? Come on, see complete information about white injections in the following article!.

Benefits of white injections

Whitening injections are a way to whiten the skin that is often done in beauty clinics. Not only does it help brighten and whiten the skin, the benefits of white injection treatment can also be used to improve uneven skin tone and disguise spots, scars or blemishes on the skin.

The white injection method is often called vitamin C injection because it contains vitamin C which is rich in antioxidants and has good benefits for the skin. However, the benefits of white injections must be adjusted to the dosage and needs of each patient.

How does white injection work?

The white injection works through a combination of ingredients which include vitamin C, glutathione, and collagen and is then injected through the blood vessels and flows into the skin layers evenly throughout the body.

Before the procedure begins, the doctor will apply an anesthetic cream to the injection area to reduce pain on the skin during and after the white injection procedure.

The whitening injection treatment procedure usually does not take too long, namely only around 15-30 minutes, for one procedure. White injection injections are usually carried out in the elbow area, wrist or on the back of the hand.

What do white injections contain?

White injection treatments generally contain glutathione and collagen, as well as a combination of vitamin C solution. With the glutathione content in the white injection process, its antioxidant properties are useful for reducing the production of melanin (a natural dye) in the skin so that the skin will appear whiter and brighter.

The benefits of vitamin C are also known to be very good for the skin because it has anti-aging properties to help disguise fine lines, wrinkles and scars on facial skin. The antioxidant content in it can also help increase collagen production.

Collagen itself is very important for the skin because it can maintain skin elasticity and prevent dry skin. Collagen production will decrease with age so additional collagen is needed from the outside, either through collagen drinks, supplements, or collagen injections which are also contained in the white injection procedure.

How many times do you inject white to see the results?

In order to see optimal results from white injection treatment, repeated injections usually require 1-3 injections. This depends on the initial skin color and the desired skin color results.

However, the levels and intensity of white injections must be adjusted for each person because they have different conditions. Therefore, you will be asked to consult first with a doctor to adjust it to your skin’s needs.

What are the side effects of white injection?

Some side effects of white injections for health:

  • Increases the risk of infection due to damage to the skin layerThe
  • appearance of allergies such as skin rashes and itching
  • Causes scars, bruises, and even bleeding
  • Triggers sepsis and anaphylaxis

The side effects of the white injection above may occur in some people, especially if the white injection treatment is carried out incorrectly, including using excessive doses of the white injection.

First understand the benefits and side effects of the beauty treatment method you are undergoing. Do an allergy test before treatment and make sure that the white injection infusion is carried out by a doctor who is an expert in the field of beauty and at a trusted beauty clinic.

After undergoing white injection treatment , the doctor will also recommend drinking more water because vitamin C intake that is too high can make the kidneys function harder.

Is white injection safe?

Basically, white injections are safe if done under the supervision of a beautician. Even so, white injection patients should know that until now there has been no research that shows the medical effectiveness of white injections.

The benefits of vitamin C and glutathione contained in the white injection solution contain antioxidants which help fight free radicals that cause cell damage.

Vitamin C content is also beneficial for health and can be dissolved in water. If the amount is excessive, it will be excreted naturally through urine.

How much do white injections cost?

The cost of white injections at beauty clinics can vary. HDmall itself has collaborated with many beauty clinics closest to your location around Jabodetabek, including Ambrosia Aesthetic Clinic, Reface Clinic, Djanti Medika Clinic , Elegance Clinic, The Aesthetics Skin , and Youth & Beauty Clinic.

As one of the most popular types of body care, the cost of whitening injections ranges from IDR 140,000 to IDR 4,200,000. Also get a promo price for white injections at the best beauty clinic especially for you only at HDmall!

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Practice Self Care by Maximizing Skin Care

Practice Self Care by Maximizing Skin Care

Practice Self Care by Maximizing Skin Care When you hear the words self care , you might think about how to be physically healthy, for example eating nutritious food. However, among other things, skin care is also an important and beneficial part of self-care for your body.

So, as part of self care , what are the benefits of this skin care? What skin care steps can be taken ? Read this review to find out the answer.

Benefits and importance of skin care for self care 

You certainly already know that skin is the outermost layer of your body. This layer protects your body from various external substances or elements, such as UV rays, pollution, or cigarette smoke.

As a protector, the outer layer of the body becomes more susceptible to damage due to exposure. Your skin can become irritated, have acne, black spots appear, or experience permanent skin damage.

In fact, the risk of skin cancer increases if you don’t take care of your skin . This means that the benefits of doing other skin care can also make you physically healthier, which of course is part of self-care itself.

Not only that, skin care, especially facial care, also brings other benefits. One of them makes you more confident and looks charming.

These things can help you reduce stress and gain happiness. You can also become more energetic, so you can carry out activities as well as possible.

On the other hand, other self-care steps can also provide benefits for your skin health. Controlling stress, eating nutritious food, and exercising regularly can make your skin look younger and avoid various skin problems that may arise.

Tips for doing skin care as part of self care 

The easiest way to do self-care and love yourself is to appreciate and optimize your body without changing its shape and function. This was stated by a dermatologist, Dr. Erika Nurhandayani Zoulba, Sp.KK.

Doctor Erika explained that not everyone is born with a perfect physique in the opinion of many people, such as white skin, straight hair, sharp nose, slim body, and so on.

“But everyone can bring out their own best side. If your skin isn’t white, then at least it won’t be dull. “If you’re fat from birth, at least you’re not obese,” he said at the Prossi Clinic’s 3rd anniversary celebration at Twin House Cipete on October 25 2022.

At least, continued Dr. Erika, a person must meet the standard criteria for healthy skin. Moreover, as the outermost organ, the skin is the most visible part of the body.

Apart from that, artist and politician Wanda Hamidah shared her experience in doing skin care. According to him, he has maintained his own health since he was 30 years old by not exercising physically, getting enough rest, maintaining his diet and exercising regularly.

“As a child, mother and wife, there are people we must care for. “How can we take care of other people if we don’t start by taking care of ourselves,” he said.

To maintain healthy skin, Wanda said that she takes preventive measures before skin problems arise. For example, by injecting Salmon DNA, IPL ( Intense Pulse Light ) Hair Removal , and PRP ( platelet rich plasma ).

“It feels like my skin is regenerating. “So even though we are on the age threshold, we are not inferior to our nephews,” added Wanda.

Other skin care tips

Apart from tips from Dr. Erika and Wanda above, you can also get the benefits of skin care and self care by taking several other steps, such as the following.

  • Use sunscreen every day before doing activities outside the home.
    Quit or don’t smoke.
  • Use skin care products according to the condition and needs of your skin.
  • Clean your facial skin every time you wake up and before going to bed and if you sweat.
  • Get skin care at a beauty clinic or dermatologist.
  • Do not scratch irritated skin, including acne.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Eat foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and E, and good fats, such as omega 3 and omega 6.

Get the benefits of skin care through acupuncture

Apart from the methods above, acupuncture can also be part of a series of skin treatments as a form of self-care . The reason is, this treatment adapted from Chinese medicine can provide benefits for the health and beauty of your skin.

“Acupuncture can be done for cosmetic purposes by inserting needles into the skin tissue and then into the elastin to increase skin elasticity,” said Dr. Prinsa Raudha Acna, Sp.AK as an acupuncture specialist.

Not just for the skin, self-care with acupuncture can provide benefits for your body’s overall health.

Because, this type of treatment can help prevent back and waist pain and reduce stomach acid levels to treat ulcers and migraines.

To get various types of skin care, you can visit Prossi Clinic which is located in Tebet, Kebayoran Lama, and Bintaro. Come directly to the clinic location or book the Prossi Clinic in advance via Hello Sehat.

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For Healthy Facial Skin

For Healthy Facial Skin

For Healthy Facial Skin Maintaining healthy facial skin is not just a lifestyle, but a daily necessity and a form of self-compassion. In order to get a healthy and fresh face, a certain amount of money is set aside to buy various skin care products. The younger generation believes that a healthy and fresh face is a reflection of personality.

Ragil Irmalia (27) allocates a budget of less than IDR 500,000 per month to buy facial care products ( skincare ). “I think skincare is like buying vegetables for cooking. “So, I did prepare it because it has become a daily necessity,” said the writer who lives in Jakarta, Thursday (16/3/2022).

The beauty products that Ragil bought included facial cleanser and toner which cost less than IDR 10,000 per bottle. He also bought facial wash, serum, facial moisturizer and sunscreen. For these items the price is IDR 170,000–IDR 200,000.

Some skin care products are produced domestically. Some others are imported products. “I just fit in . As long as the product is good and the price is right, I’ll buy it. There are good Indonesian products that I use. “If it’s suitable, I usually keep buying it,” said the writer, who often does outdoor activities.

Ragil has been using this facial product since childhood. The product originally purchased was facial cleansing soap. As she gets older, she increasingly needs skincare that meets the specific needs of her oily and acne-prone skin. He realized that his skin problem was not just because it was dirty due to pollution or dust, but also a hormonal problem. Therefore, she buys beauty products that meet her needs.

Ragil’s goal in buying beauty products and caring for his skin is as a form of love for himself. “My journey using skincare goes hand in hand with how I found compassion for myself. I realize that as an individual I want to be better. “In terms of appearance, I make it happen by taking care of my face,” he explained.

Ragil feels happy because currently skin care products are diverse and produced to meet various needs. In the past, most skin care products were aimed at making skin whiter. Now there are many products that are deliberately made to cure skin problems, such as dry, oily and acne-prone skin.

Apart from that, the prices of skin care products also vary. Some cost tens to hundreds of thousands of rupiah or even millions of rupiah. This diversity makes it easier for consumers to choose products that suit their needs and budget. If your budget isn’t big, there are lots of products that are cheap and high quality.

Ragil’s journey to find products that suit his needs is not always beautiful. She once felt that a product was not suitable for her skin. “My skin was already acne-prone, so it became even more acne-prone. Finally I gave the product to my friend. The price is pretty good. “Finding suitable skincare is like looking for a soul mate, you have to look for the right one,” he said.

To buy skincare , Ragil usually hunts in online or offline stores . He also often waits for certain times when the product he is targeting offers a discount. The price of skincare , which is usually IDR 200,000, can drop to IDR 170,000 at the end of the month.

According to Ragil, considering that skincare has become a daily necessity, without these things, life feels inadequate. “If you forget to use skincare, you will feel uncomfortable. “It seems like something is missing and my face becomes oily,” he explained.

Rafi Ramadhan (21), who is currently studying Public Administration, Brawijaya University, also regularly looks after the lecture. For him, taking care of the skin – especially the face – is important. Apart from being a form of self-love, taking care of your skin is also useful for shaping your self-image.

Rafi routinely cleans his face twice a day with facial soap. Next, he adds moisturizer and sun protection cream every morning and before a day’s activities. “ Just basic skincare routine. Facial soap is the most important thing for keeping your face clean. In the morning, before going to college and coming home from college that afternoon, I immediately clean up. ” I haven’t gone to the clinic yet ,” said Rafi when contacted, Thursday (16/3/2023).

According to Rafi, facial skin care doesn’t cost a lot of money. In a month, he budgets IDR 150,000 to buy facial care products. He sets aside his pocket money for his skin care needs. Everything he uses is local products that are affordable and easy to obtain. “If I have any pocket money left over, I put some more aside. “So, I manage the source of my pocket money so that when it runs out I can buy more,” he said.

For him, skin care is not just about using facial cream and maintaining cleanliness. Diet and nutritional intake also need to be considered. “Sometimes it’s a match because each skin has its own characteristics. “The food and drinks that enter the body also have an effect, for example, there are those who cannot consume milk,” he explained.

Product safety

Separately, Dermatology and Venereology Specialist, Listya Paramita said that basic skin care or what is more familiarly called basic skincare is the right way to maintain the health of young people’s skin. Start by cleaning the skin using soap that does not make the skin dry or feel pulled.

Next, use a moisturizer that suits your skin type and protect your skin by using sunscreen of at least SPF 30 in the morning or afternoon. “Apart from that, use products according to your individual skin needs and complaints. “There are complaints about acne, for example, so add products that can help treat acne, for example products that contain salicylic acid, sulfur, AHA/BHA, or retinol,” said Mita.

According to Mita, everyone needs to know their skin type and the problems they face in order to understand how to overcome them so they can choose the right products. Apart from that, the most important thing is to check whether the care product is safe or not.

“Pay attention to the distribution permit. Don’t use fake products. Don’t blindly buy everything you want, but it turns out it doesn’t suit your skin’s needs. “Don’t be too “passionate” and apply various types of products without knowing their uses,” said Mita.

On the other hand, a healthy lifestyle also affects skin health, so skin care must also be supported by a healthy lifestyle. Among other things, getting enough sleep, a healthy diet and regular exercise will be very useful in keeping your skin in top condition.

For this reason, skin care actually doesn’t cost much if it is maintained from an early age and supported by a healthy lifestyle. “Especially when you understand your skin’s needs, just adjust it and adjust it to your individual budget, there’s no need to force yourself,” said Mita.

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Beauty trends 2024: technology-based treatments

Beauty trends 2024: technology-based treatments

Beauty trends 2024: technology-based treatments Jakarta (aircraftgalleries) – Expert in the field of aesthetics and anti-aging from the Association of Indonesian Aesthetic Doctors, dr. Cynthia Jayanto, M.Biomed (AAM), revealed that beauty care trends in 2024 will offer a variety of innovative aesthetic treatments, especially those based on technology.

Cynthia, in her electronic message to aircraftgalleries, Thursday detailed that there are two types of treatment that are the focus, namely regenerative aesthetic treatment and non-invasive treatment with natural results and respecting the uniqueness and uniqueness of each individual.

“Regenerative treatment is treatment that relies on the body’s natural ability to repair and rejuvenate damaged cells and structures to a healthier and more youthful state, for example collagen stimulator or PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma),” said Cynthia, who is also a member of the Indonesian Laser Medical Association. .

Apart from that, there is also a trend of mesotherapy with minimally invasive methods used to treat skin problems and rejuvenate the skin, such as fillers and Botox.

“This will still be a popular treatment in 2024. Not only wrinkles, loose skin in the jaw area can also be removed with mesotherapy,” he explained.

According to him, even a combination of minimally invasive mesotherapy with technology-based treatments can be applied to make the body look better.

One such treatment is ultrasonic cavitation which works with high energy to help reduce sagging and tighten the skin. Apart from that, there are also non-surgical treatments such as thread facelifts and lasers, for example fractional laser for a firmer face, which is predicted to become increasingly popular in 2024.

According to Cynthia, fractional laser treatment triggers healing by opening microscopic holes in certain areas of the skin and is a technological method that promises to remove wrinkles and acne scars.

“Sagging eyelids can also be treated with laser without requiring surgical intervention,” said the head doctor at the Cyn Clinic and Beautyxpert Clinic, Bekasi City.

Other treatments that will become a trend in 2023, namely making the face radiant or healthy and bright, such as facials, skin boosters , Salmon DNA, lasers for acne and hair removal, are predicted to still be popular with the public in 2024.

This treatment, continued Cynthia, is still much needed by beauty enthusiasts and has been proven to show significant change results.

Beauty trends from 2023 to 2024 will be more advanced and safer, however, they will still uphold natural results without side effects. Slot online For example, hair transplants and skin boosters with nano stem cells ,” he explained.

Cynthia noted that people’s increasing awareness of taking care of their facial and body skin means that the beauty industry will experience rapid development throughout 2023. This, he added, can be seen from the increasing number of people visiting beauty clinics near their homes and a number of treatments becoming trends in society.

Talking about popular treatments last year, he referred to data from his clinic, okewla mentioning slimming treatment with injections combined with technological treatments, namely HIFEM (High Intensity Focus Electromagnetic) to tighten muscles, then NMS (NeuroMuscular Stimulator) or fat burning therapy to reduce weight, and radiofrequency or treatments to destroy fat.

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