4 Ways to Get Rid of Ringworm with Natural Ingredients – Jakarta – Ringworm is a skin condition that occurs due to a fungal infection of the type tinea. This fungus can live in dead skin tissue, including nails and hair.
Ringworm, which has another name, ringworm, can cause red spots, scales and even itching on the skin. When the problem is more severe, the skin looks like it has red circles or rings.
Natural ingredients that are effective in treating ringworm
To overcome this annoyance, take these simple steps.
The ingredients used are also not too difficult to find.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
This natural ingredient that can treat ringworm is apple cider vinegar. Because the content of this ingredient has strong antifungal properties.
How to use it is simply by applying this liquid to the affected area.
First, soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar, then apply it directly to the skin affected by ringworm. Do this three times a day.
2. Tea Tree Oil
You can also use tea tree oil to treat ringworm, you know . The content of this oil is useful as an antifungal and antibacterial. That way, fungal skin infections caused by ringworm can be treated.
Simply apply this oil to the skin affected by ringworm, do this 2-3 times per day. For someone who has sensitive skin, dilute this oil first with coconut oil. That way, the benefits can be felt to the maximum.
3. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has antifungal properties which are effective in treating ringworm infections.
This drug is used topically and is applied to skin affected by ringworm regularly.
To use it, warm the coconut oil until it is slightly liquid then rub it on until it is absorbed. Do this at least three times a day.
4. Turmeric
Another natural ingredient that is effective for treating ringworm is turmeric.
Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are able to overcome infections caused by this skin disorder. Turmeric is also effective in inhibiting fungal growth.
To apply, grind turmeric with a little water until it becomes a paste. After that, apply it to the skin affected by ringworm, then leave it to dry.
Another option is to consume water containing turmeric every day.
You need to use the natural ingredients above carefully, and you should ask a dermatologist for further details.
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