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Don’t just pull it out, this is a safe way to remove nose hair

Don't just pull it out, this is a safe way to remove nose hair

Don’t just pull it out, this is a safe way to remove nose hair – Nose hair that grows too long can interfere with your appearance, so quite a few people often pluck them. However, if done the wrong way, plucking nose hairs can cause infection.

Nose hair plays an important role in maintaining moisture in the nose. Not only that, nose hairs also function to filter dust, small insects, and microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses , which are inhaled into the nose so that they do not enter the lungs.

How to Remove Nose Hair Correctly

Even though it has many benefits, nose hairs can grow too long, causing discomfort and lack of self-confidence. Finally, cutting or plucking nose hair is considered the quickest way to deal with it.

However, you need to know that plucking nose hair should not be done haphazardly and should be done in the right way. The following are several safe ways you can remove nose hair:

Special scissors​

To be safer, use special scissors to remove nose hair. These scissors have rounded and blunt tips, making the process of cutting nose hair easier. These scissors have also been specially designed to prevent injuries in the area around the nose.

When using it, you are advised to sit or stand in front of a mirror with good lighting. First clean your nose of any stuck-on nasal discharge , then gently cut your nose hairs.

After the nose hair has been cut, exhale through your nose so that the hair that has been cut can come out. Please remember that it is recommended that you shave your nose hair only at the edges.


Plucking nose hair manually or  waxing is actually not recommended because it can cause nose hair to grow into the skin. This can cause ulcers and infections in the nose. However, if you want to continue waxing at home, always follow the instructions for use.

It is recommended that you apply candle wax only to the edges of the nostrils to prevent injury to the inner walls of the nose. If the nose area feels sore after waxing , try compressing it with a warm towel.

Compressing the nose area with a warm towel can relieve pain and help the healing process after waxing .

Laser hair removal

If you doubt using the manual method, laser hair removal can be an option. However, this method risks causing wounds to the mucous membranes in the nasal cavity.

Therefore, it is important for you to ensure that laser hair removal is carried out by a doctor who is an expert in this field, in order to reduce the risk of side effects, such as irritation or injury to the mucous membranes.

Plucking or removing nose hair is safe, but you are advised not to overdo it. This is because nose hair has an important function in reducing the risk of allergies and maintaining moisture in the air in the nose .

If you experience certain complaints after removing nose hairs, for example nosebleeds, fever, or boils and infections appear in the nose, immediately go to the doctor to get treatment.

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery

What is Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery or also called blepharoplasty is a type of surgery to remove excess skin from the eyelids. As we age, the eyelids stretch, and the muscles that support them weaken.

As a result, excess skin and fat can collect above and below the eyelids. This can cause sagging eyebrows, drooping eyelids, and create bags under the eyes.

In addition to aging, very loose skin around the eyes can reduce side vision (peripheral vision), especially above and outside the field of vision. Blepharoplasty can reduce or eliminate these vision problems. Surgery can also make the eyes look younger and more alert.

Aims and Indications for Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery aims to repair the eyelids due to several conditions, including:

  • The upper eyelids hang and droop so that the eyes cannot open properly.
  • Formation of eye bags.
  • Upper eyelid skin advantage.
  • The lower eyelid bag hangs down, making it open and dust can quickly enter.
  • Weakening of the muscles around the eyelids.
  • Suffering from lazy eye disease .
  • Fat buildup on the eyelids.

Warnings Before Having Eyelid Surgery

Not everyone can undergo eyelid surgery, even though they have several indications. Here are some people who are not recommended to do this:

  • Have an eye disease such as glaucoma.
  • Thyroid hormone disorders.
  • Hypertension.
  • Heart disease.
  • Suffering from diabetes.
  • Having a smoking habit has an impact on eye health.

Preparation Before Eyelid Surgery

So that the process is safe and minimizes side effects, there are preparations that need to be made. One of them is not smoking for a certain period of time, according to the doctor’s advice.

Nicotine in tobacco smoke interferes with the smooth flow of oxygen in the blood, resulting in an increased risk of surgery and the possibility of poor healing.

If the patient has been taking blood thinning medications such as aspirin and NSAIDs ( nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ), or certain herbal supplements and oral vitamin E, these may need to be stopped for several days.

The surgeon may also adjust the schedule of any prescription medications in consultation with the prescribing physician.

Apart from that, there are several things that need to be prepared, including:

  • The day before the surgical procedure, patients should wash their hair thoroughly to help minimize the risk of infection.
  • Do not consume alcohol for at least 48 hours before surgery.
  • You should rest well and go to bed early the night before surgery.
  • Prepare someone to accompany you when the operation is finished.
  • Prepare a room to rest, who will accompany you, and so on.

Because, the patient will use a bandage for a certain period of time. Using a bandage will hinder vision.

Eyelid Surgery Procedures

There are two types of eyelid surgery, namely upper and lower eyelids. This operation can be performed separately or simultaneously, either under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. What is the procedure before having blepharoplasty ?

1. Upper eyelid surgery procedure

The steps for upper eyelid surgery are as follows:

Make an incision in the crease of the upper eyelid.
Get rid of excess fat or excess tissue.
Close the wound with stitches.

If after surgery the condition does not improve, the doctor will perform ptosis correction . This action is carried out so that the eyelids can be pulled upwards, so that the eyeballs can be seen completely.

2. Lower eyelid surgery procedure

The stages are as follows:

The doctor will make an incision in the crease of the lower eyelid.
Once the incision is made, the problematic fat or tissue will be removed.
Only then close the wound with stitches.

Usually the lower eyelid surgery process takes longer than the upper eyelid. In addition, swelling after surgery is also more swollen in the lower eyelid.

The duration of surgery for the upper eyelid is usually 45 minutes to 1 hour. Meanwhile, for the lower eyelid it can take 90 minutes. For both actions–top and bottom, it can take 2.5 hours. And usually when you do both, the upper eyelid comes first.

Complete information regarding eyelid surgery procedures can be read in this article: Make yourself beautiful through eyelid surgery? Here’s the Procedure .

After Eyelid Surgery

After the patient has had surgery, the doctor will make observations to monitor the patient’s condition. If deemed stable, the patient is allowed to go home. The doctor will cover the eye with a bandage after previously smearing it with ointment.

Pain will appear when the anesthetic effect wears off. However, administering pain medication will relieve the symptoms that arise. You may also experience swelling, watering, and double vision after surgery. This condition will improve when the bandage is removed, usually 5-7 days after surgery.

Eyelid Surgery Recovery Tips

To speed up recovery time, there are several things you can do, such as:

1. Always follow the doctor’s instructions

The first thing that needs to be done in order to recover from eyelid surgery is to follow all the doctor’s instructions. This includes the use of prescribed medications, wound care, and scheduled check-ups.

2. Get enough rest

The recovery period requires sufficient time and rest. Try sleeping more than usual. Limit looking at gadget screens and do not drive a vehicle for some time.

3. Apply a cold compress

Use a cold compress around the eye area to reduce swelling and minimize bruising. Make sure to do it according to the doctor’s instructions.

4. Avoid eye contact

Do not rub, scratch, or rub your eyes. This can damage the stitches and slow down the healing process. Then, use a soft and clean pillow to support your head and face while sleeping.

5. Other tips

Apart from the things mentioned above, you can also try other tips such as:

Eat healthy foods . Eating foods rich in antioxidants and nutrients, vitamins A and C such as fruits and vegetables can support health recovery.

Avoid cigarette smoke and dusty environments , because they can irritate eyes that are in the healing process.
Use sunglasses to protect your eyes from excessive sunlight, which can damage your eyes after surgery.
Avoid alcohol , as it can hinder the healing process.
Do not use contact lenses . Contact lenses can irritate the eyes and increase the risk of infection.
Avoid swimming activities , until approval from a doctor.
Do not do heavy activities , stay away from sports or heavy physical activity for several weeks, especially those that involve physical contact.
Avoid stress , relax, and go through the recovery process calmly.
Monitor for abnormal symptoms , if you experience excessive swelling, unusual pain, or changes in vision, immediately consult a doctor.

How Long Does it Take for Eyelid Surgery Stitches to Disappear?

Although the intervention in a blepharoplasty procedure is minimal, new scars take time to disappear. The recovery process can vary depending on the type of surgery and the patient’s condition. It usually takes around 10-12 weeks from the day of surgery.

The recovery process is influenced not only by age, but also by the location of the incision. In the eyelash growth zone, the surgical wound closes more quickly than on the upper eyelid because the blood supply is more active. Three months after plastic surgery, the incision site is smooth and bright, making it indistinguishable from the rest of the eyelid skin.

If scars appear that cause concern within three months of removal, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Side Effects and Complications of Eyelid Surgery

Even though it is useful, this surgery can cause side effects and complications. The side effects are:

  • Swollen eyes .
  • Watery eyes.
  • Difficulty closing the eyelids.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Disturbing pain.
  • Eyes feel heavy and oppressive.
  • Eyes feel numb.

Although cases are rare, there are several complications to watch out for, including:

  • Bleeding in the eyeball.
  • Infection after surgery.
  • Blood clots that lead to heart complications.
  • Eyelids are drawn downwards.
  • Sunken eyes because too much fat is taken.
  • Severe visual impairment.
  • The eyes are not symmetrical.

How Much Does an Eyelid Surgery Procedure Cost?

The cost of eyelid surgery procedures varies, starting from IDR 12,000,000 – IDR 25,000,000 depending on the hospital. Is ptosis surgery covered by BPJS? BPJS can cover ptosis surgery, but it depends on the results of the doctor’s diagnosis. If the eye condition enters the realm of aesthetics, then the costs will be borne by yourself.

Ptosis is different from eyelid lift surgery. This procedure is performed if eyelid surgery is unsuccessful. Ptosis is an action to correct the shape of the eye so that the eyeball looks intact. This includes strengthening the muscles in both eyelids and pulling the eyelids together so they are symmetrical.

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Kegunaan Facial Bagi Wajah

Kegunaan Facial Bagi Wajah

Apa Itu Facial?

Facial adalah metode perawatan untuk kulit wajah yang meliputi pengelupasan kulit dan menghilangkan kotoran serta sel-sel kulit mati. Dengan begitu, tampilan wajah menjadi lebih segar, halus, dan cerah.

Prosedur perawatan kulit ini dilakukan oleh ahli kecantikan bersertifikat. Metodenya akan disesuaikan dengan jenis kulit dan masalah kulit masing-masing pasien. Pada akhirnya, mereka bisa merasakan manfaat yang optimal.

Tujuan Facial

Facial adalah prosedur yang bertujuan untuk membersihkan kulit secara mendalam dengan cara menghilangkan komedo dan sel kulit mati. Efeknya hanya terjadi sementara, sehingga metode perlu dilakukan secara rutin.

Prosedur ini mampu memperbaiki masalah kulit dan memberikan hasil secara langsung maupun jangka panjang.

Metodenya efektif mencegah kulit kusam, menghidrasi kulit kering, dan meningkatkan kekenyalan kulit.

Facial juga cocok bagi pemilik kulit berjerawat. Proses ekstraksi atau pengeluaran komedo bisa menurunkan potensi munculnya jerawat baru.

Sementara pemberian masker pada tahap terakhir bertujuan untuk mengurangi bakteri penyebab jerawat.

Apa Manfaat Facial untuk Wajah?

Facial bisa memberikan manfaat berupa:

1. Mempercepat regenerasi sel

Studi berjudul Regenerative and stem cell-based techniques for facial rejuvenation yang dipublikasikan Experimental Biology and Medicine menyebutkan, ada teknik inovatif terbaru meliputi penggunaan teknik sel punca regeneratif.

Jenisnya adalah facial rejuvenation. Ini adalah teknik peremajaan kulit wajah dengan prosedur non bedah menggunakan teknologi modern berbasis cahaya.

Treatment ini bermanfaat untuk membantu proses regenerasi sel kulit agar lebih optimal.

2. Membersihkan kotoran

Metode yang dilakukan efektif membersihkan sisa minyak, kotoran, dan polusi yang menempel di wajah.

Partikel itu yang membuat kulit tampak kusam dan lebih gelap dari biasanya.

3. Mengencangkan kulit

Prosedur pijat wajah yang termasuk ke dalam rangkaian facial ini efektif mengencangkan kulit.

Tak hanya itu, metode juga bertujuan untuk menenangkan dan meningkatkan sirkulasi darah.

4. Menghilangkan sel kulit mati

Sel kulit mati yang sudah menghilang akan membuat wajah lebih lembut dan halus, juga tampak cerah.

Metodenya menggunakan uap air untuk membuka pori-pori, kemudian scrub ringan untuk mengelupas sel kulit mati.

5. Menghilangkan kantung mata

Jika dilakukan secara rutin, perawatan kulit ini  efektif menghilangkan lingkaran hitam di bawah mata atau mata panda.

Metodenya melibatkan penggunaan krim mata untuk membuat area bawah mata menjadi lembap dan ternutrisi.

6. Mengurangi pigmentasi

Pigmentasi kulit berasal dari produksi melanin, paparan matahari, dan penyakit.

Akibatnya, akan muncul bintik-bintik gelap berwarna kecoklatan atau merah di area wajah dan leher.

Dengan facial, sirkulasi darah menjadi lebih lancar, sehingga warna kulit tampak lebih merata.

Metodenya menggunakan produk yang mengandung antioksidan dan vitamin C untuk meningkatkan kecerahan alami kulit.

7. Melawan tanda penuaan dini

Penuaan dini ditandai dengan kulit kendur, garis halus, dan keriput.

Metode dalam facian, seperti scrubbing, toning, massage, dan masking efektif merangsang regenerasi sel dan mengencangkan kulit wajah, sehingga tampak awet muda.

8. Meningkatkan penyerapan kulit

Dengan facial, kulit bekerja lebih maksimal dalam menyerap produk skincare.

Sebab, tidak ada lagi penghalang seperti debu, kotoran, dan polusi yang menempel di permukaan kulit.

9. Mengurangi kecemasan

Tak hanya bermanfaat untuk kecantikan kulit, facial juga efektif mengurangi kecemasan.

Penelitian berjudul The facial massage reduced anxiety and negative mood status, and increased sympathetic nervous activity yang dipublikasikan dalam Biomedical Research menyebutkan, pijat wajah saat facial mengaktifkan sistem saraf simpatik.

Cara ini dapat meningkatkan sirkulasi darah dan memengaruhi hormon pemicu kecemasan.

Dengan begitu, kamu akan rasa cemas akan menurun dan terjadi peningkatan suasana hati.

10. Mengencangkan kulit

Elastisitas kulit akan hilang dengan sendirinya seiring dengan waktu. Masalah ini terjadi lantaran berkurangnya produksi kolagen.

Dengan melakukan facial secara rutin, elastisitas kulit bisa terjaga dengan baik.

11. Meningkatkan rasa percaya diri

Dengan memberikan perawatan yang baik pada kulit wajah, facial dapat membantu meningkatkan kepercayaan diri.

Jika kamu rutin melakukannya, prosedur bisa membuat kulit terlihat lebih sehat dan bercahaya.

Hubungi Dokter Ini Sebelum Facial Wajah

Melakukan facial wajah sebetulnya tidak boleh sembarangan, kamu perlu mengetahui dahulu jenis kulitmu dan bahan-bahan apa saja yang cocok untuk perawatannya.

Jadi, sebelum melakukan facial, sebaiknya hubungi dokter di Halodoc untuk mendapatlan saran yang tepat.

Nah, berikut ini terdapat beberapa rekomendasi dokter kulit yang bisa kamu hubungi.

Mereka ini sudah memiliki pengalaman dan mendapatkan rating yang baik dari para pasien yang sebelumnya mereka tangani.

Itulah berbagai daftar dokter yang bisa kamu hubungi untuk mendapatkan solusi penanganan disentri yang tepat.

Tak perlu khawatir jika dokter sedang tidak tersedia atau offline.

Sebab, kamu tetap bisa membuat janji konsultasi di lain waktu melalui aplikasi.

Kapan Harus Melakukan Facial?

Idealnya, facial dilakukan setiap bulan. Sebab, kulit membutuhkan jangka waktu 30 hari untuk meregenerasi.

Pasien juga bisa melakukannya lebih sering jika memiliki komedo dan jerawat membandel.

Hal yang Perlu Diperhatikan Sebelum dan Setelah Facial wajah

Sebelum melakukan facial, kamu perlu berkonsultasi terlebih dulu dengan dokter kulit.

Sebab, jika salah memilih jenis facial, wajah berisiko teriritasi dan berpotensi mengalami masalah kulit.

Kamu juga tidak boleh menggunakan riasan terlalu tebal. Sebab, langkah ini bisa memicu penyumbatan pori-pori.

Dampaknya, kotoran pada wajah jadi lebih sulit dibersihkan.

Setelah prosedurnya selesai, kamu harus menjaga kulit wajah dengan benar.

Pertama-tama, gunakan tabir surya dan masker wajah. Alasannya agar kulit tidak terkena polusi dan kotoran.

Cara ini juga berguna untuk mencegah paparan sinar matahari langsung.

Keesokannya, jangan gunakan riasan tebal. Cuci wajah secara teratur sebanyak dua kali dalam sehari.

Pilih produk perawatan wajah yang sesuai dengan jenis kulit dan masalah yang kamu alami.

Prosedur Facial

Berikut adalah beberapa langkah perawatan dalam facial:

1. Konsultasi

Pertama-tama, pasien harus berkonsultasi terlebih dulu dengan dokter dan mengisi formulir yang berisi beberapa pertanyaan, seperti:

  • Apa masalah kulit yang dialami?
  • Bagaimana pola makan yang dijalani?
  • Berapa banyak banyak air yang diminum dalam sehari?
  • Apa saja obat-obatan dan suplemen yang dikonsumsi?
  • Apa saja produk perawatan wajah yang sedang digunakan?

Dengan begitu, ahli kecantikan bisa mengetahui kondisi kulit dan jenis perawatan cocok.

2. Cleansing

Ini menjadi langkah kedua setelah konsultasi. Saat sudah menentukan jenis perawatan, ahli kecantikan akan menempatkan pasien pada tempat tidur khusus.

Lalu, menutup rambutnya dengan handuk atau ikat kepala.

Selanjutnya, mereka akan mengaplikasikan cleansing atau pembersih wajah sebagai tahap awal perawatan.

Metode ini bertujuan untuk menghilangkan partikel yang menempel di permukaan kulit.

3. Analisis kulit

Selanjutnya, ahli kecantikan akan menutupi mata dengan kacamata khusus dari plastik untuk melihat kondisi kulit. Metodenya menggunakan lampu terang dan sejenis layar pembesar.

Tujuannya adalah menentukan jenis kulit (kering, berminyak, kombinasi, sensitif atau normal) dan gangguan yang mendasari.

Contohnya seperti jerawat, komedo, komedo putih, penuaan, kerusakan akibat sinar matahari, dehidrasi, dan lain-lain.

Setelah itu, barulah ahli kecantikan memilih produk dan perawatan yang sesuai. Di sini, mereka juga akan berdiskusi dengan pasien tentang produk yang direkomendasikan.

4. Steam

Steam adalah mesin yang memaparkan uap hangat tipis ke wajah.

Metode ini bertujuan untuk membuka dan melemaskan pori-pori wajah, sehingga komedo lebih mudah diangkat.

Namun, prosedur tidak dianjurkan untuk pemilik kulit sensitif.

Facial detox jadi salah satu jenis prosedur yang mampu mengatasi berbagai masalah kulit.

5. Eksfoliasi kulit

Exfoliasi dilakukan menggunakan produk yang memiliki tekstur tidak rata (manik-manik mikro).

Metode ini bertujuan untuk menghilangkan sel-sel kulit mati yang biasanya dilakukan selama proses steam.

Jenis lainnya, yakni eksfoliasi kimia. Metodenya menggunakan bahan kimia dengan intensitas yang bervariasi.

Jenis pengelupasan ini menggunakan enzim dan asam untuk melonggarkan ikatan antara sel-sel kulit.

6. Ekstraksi

Ekstraksi adalah proses menghilangkan berbagai komedo. Tergantung pada tingkat ketahanan masing-masing orang, ekstraksi bisa menimbulkan rasa sakit dan tidak nyaman, terutama pada pemilik kulit yang tipis.

7. Face massage

Setelah semua prosedur di atas selesai, ahli kecantikan akan memijat wajah. Metode ini bertujuan agar kulit wajah menjadi lebih rileks.

Manfaat lainnya, yakni menstimulasi kulit dan otot, serta sirkulasi darah.

8. Masker Wajah

Masker wajah akan disesuaikan dengan jenis dan masalah kulit. Metodenya dilakukan dengan mengaplikasikan masker pada wajah hingga leher selama 10 sampai 20 menit. Kemudian membersihkannya dengan air.

9. Perawatan terakhir

Langkah terakhir berupa pengaplikasian toner, serum, krim mata, pelembab dan tabir surya (bila siang hari).

Metode ini juga berfungsi untuk mencegah efek samping pasca prosedur, seperti iritasi kulit.

Facial parafin jadi salah satu prosedur facial.

Apa Efek Samping dari Facial?

Prosedur harus dilakukan di bawah pengawasan dokter kecantikan atau spesialis kulit.

Jika teknik dan urutannya salah, ini bisa meningkatkan risiko efek samping pasca prosedur, seperti:

1. Kulit kering, gatal, dan iritasi

Kulit kering, gatal, iritasi ini terjadi karena penggunaan bahan kimia dalam intensitas tinggi. Jika ini terjadi, gunakan tabir surya dan hindari aktivitas langsung di bawah sinar matahari.

2. Kulit kemerahan dan bengkak

Kulit kemerahan terjadi akibat pelebaran pembuluh darah dan meningkatnya aliran darah menuju wajah.

Sementara pembengkakan terjadi akibat penumpukan jaringan pada jaringan kulit wajah.

Kedua efek samping yang disebutkan bisa membaik dengan sendirinya dalam waktu beberapa hari.

Jika tidak, silakan periksakan diri ke dokter untuk menemukan langkah perawatan yang dibutuhkan.

3. Dermatitis dan erupsi akneiformis

Dermatitis atau eksim adalah gangguan yang ditandai dengan peradangan kulit, gatal, dan bentol yang disertai ruam.

Risikonya lebih tinggi dialami oleh pemilik kulit sensitif. Masalah ini dipicu oleh iritasi atau reaksi alergi terhadap bahan atau produk perawatan.

Sementara erupsi akneiformis, ini adalah kelainan kulit yang menyerupai jerawat akibat infeksi atau efek samping obat-obatan.

Jika ini terjadi, jangan memencetnya dan segera periksakan diri ke dokter.

4. Jerawat

Beberapa orang mengalami jerawat setelah facial.  Masalah ini dipicu oleh peningkatan sirkulasi darah dan pengeluaran racun dari kulit wajah. Biasanya, jerawat akan hilang dengan sendirinya dalam beberapa hari.

Tersedia Juga:

Facial Thread Planting, Know the Procedure Stages and Risks

Facial Thread Planting, Know the Procedure Stages and Risks

Facial Thread Planting, Know the Procedure Stages and Risks – Facial thread lifts are claimed to make skin healthy and youthful . Apart from that, the recovery period for this procedure is also quite fast. If you are interested in undergoing this treatment, you need to know the stages of the thread implant procedure and consider the risks.

What is a facial thread lift procedure?

A thread lift is a facial treatment procedure performed by a doctor by inserting polypropylene threads into the layer of fat under the skin.

The thread is then pulled to lift loose skin and tissue on the face and neck, so that the facial structure looks firm.

In contrast to plastic surgery , this procedure does not require a lot of action. The thread planting process and recovery time also tend to be fast.

However, the threadlift effect does not last forever, it only provides temporary but long-lasting results.

A study in the journal Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology , tested 100 people who had thread lifts to see the long-term effects of the procedure.

The results showed that the effect of the thread implant procedure began to decrease in the first year because the sewing thread began to dissolve in the skin.

However, a skin rejuvenation effect appeared the following year. These effects lasted for 3 years.

The purpose of facial thread implantation

Basically, the purpose of thread lifts is to tighten facial skin and prevent skin aging .

Skin aging, such as wrinkles, generally occurs due to reduced collagen production with age.

Well, the thread lift procedure can help increase collagen production . This is because the body considers the thread as a foreign object and thinks that an injury has occurred.

As a result, the body will activate the wound healing mechanism by producing collagen.

Collagen helps strengthen the skin structure to support the underlying tissue, so the skin will look firm.

Facial thread implant procedure

Basically, the facial thread implant procedure is not much different from the nose thread implant procedure . Following are the steps.

1. Before the procedure

Before carrying out the thread implant procedure, the patient will first consult with the surgeon to discuss the stages of the procedure and the desired results.

Thread implant procedures generally do not use general anesthesia, but instead use local anesthesia in certain areas, so that the patient will not feel pain.

2. Thread planting process

The doctor will insert a special surgical thread into the skin layer using a thin needle. Then, the doctor will pull the facial skin, starting from the forehead, under the eyes, cheeks and neck.

The thread inserted into this layer of skin will pull the tissue and muscles under the skin, so that the skin will lift and look firmer. This procedure usually lasts one hour.

3. Recovery period after thread implantation

After the procedure is complete, the patient can usually go home immediately and does not require hospitalization.

This is because this procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, so there is no need to wait for the effects of the anesthetic to wear off like using general anesthesia.

Patients may experience symptoms of swelling or stiffness in the skin where the thread is implanted. This is quite normal and usually goes away within a few days.

Doctors will also usually prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection after the procedure.

Side effects of facial thread implants

Even though facial thread lifts can tighten the skin and overcome aging, this procedure can still cause side effects.

Following are some of the side effects that can be experienced after undergoing a facial thread implant procedure.

1. Swelling and pain

The most common side effects after a thread lift procedure are swelling and pain .  However, usually these side effects only last temporarily and will disappear in 7 to 14 days.

Doctors will also usually recommend applying a cold compress to reduce swelling.

2. Folds or depressions in the thread planting area

In some people, this procedure may cause skin folds or depressions in the area of ​​the skin where the thread is implanted.

Quoting the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery journal , patients over 50 years of age generally experience this side effect because facial skin begins to lose its elasticity.

3. Allergic reactions

Allergic reactions, such as redness, rash , or swelling of the skin area may also occur after undergoing this procedure.

Therefore, if allergic symptoms appear after carrying out the thread lift procedure, you should immediately consult a doctor.

4. Hematoma

This facial thread lift procedure can also cause hematoma or blood buildup.

Hematomas occur because the action of pulling the thread accidentally injures or damages the walls of blood vessels.  However, cases of this side effect are quite rare.

5. Infection

Although rare, infections can occur after performing a thread lift procedure because bacteria enter when the needle is inserted under the skin layer.

Infection is a side effect that needs to be watched out for after carrying out the thread lift procedure . Therefore, immediately contact a doctor if symptoms of infection appear, such as:

  • fever,
  • swollen face for more than 48 hours, and
  • headache that won’t go away.

Thread lift is a facial treatment method that has a fast recovery period because this procedure is carried out without general anesthesia.

Apart from that, keep in mind, a thread lift   is not a procedure that can provide long-term results. This procedure is not permanent and patients will need to repeat the treatment for long-term results.

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8 Ways to Thin Your Lips Safely, Quickly and Fail-Proof

8 Ways to Thin Your Lips Safely, Quickly and Fail-Proof

8 Ways to Thin Your Lips Safely, Quickly and Fail-Proof – Jakarta How to thin lips can be done naturally or through medical procedures. Thick lips are sometimes thought to reduce a person’s appearance and cause a lack of self-confidence. This is what makes many people look for ways to thin their lips.

There are several ways to thin your lips , from exfoliating the dead skin that accumulates on your lips which makes your lips look thick, to using facial makeup which can make your lips look thinner than they actually are.

There are various tricks and ways to thin your lips that you can try. Not only using natural ingredients and medical procedures, but also facial makeup tricks can be tried to become an alternative choice for thinning lips.

For more details, below summarizes from various sources how to thin lips safely, quickly and without failure. Friday (7/10/2022).

How to Thin Lips

Lips are one of the important features on the face, where many girls invest in choosing lipstick to add color and shine to the lips. The size of your lips is also often a concern. If you are wondering how to make your lips look smaller, then you can try the following methods:

1. Avoid Lip Gloss

The first way to thin your lips is to avoid using lip gloss. While lip gloss offers a shiny and beautiful texture, it is also something that makes it look bigger. If you want to use makeup on your lips, then apply lipstick in the same color as your skin color, because it will look less striking and lipstick will not make them look fuller.

2. Clean your lips

To reduce the size of larger lips naturally, you need to clean them once a week. When your lips are unclean, they look darker from accumulated dirt and dead cells. This makes the lips look a little bigger than they should be, and is also unhygienic. Clean it using a lip scrub and wash it every day.

How to Thin Lips

3. Practice

Just like how exercise burns fat and makes your body look smaller, facial exercises will also have the same effect on your lips. Here is a list of lip and face exercises that you can do:

– Facial yoga exercises, meaning you will move your lips in a certain way and keep them in that position.

– Place your index finger in your mouth, move it for ten times.

– Maintain an exercise routine, and say tongue twisters to focus on exercising your lips.

– Another useful exercise is smiling, because it makes your lips thinner by pulling them. It’s temporary, but efficient and looks beautiful.

4. Remove hair around the lips

Your lips may have hair above or below them, which makes you look like you have bigger, fuller lips. To make them look smaller, or to show their natural size, you should remove the hair around the lips by plucking, lasering or waxing.

5. Ice Cubes

The next way to thin your lips is to use ice cubes. You simply compress ice cubes on the lip area. This method can be done before you use makeup. Cold ice cubes can make the lip muscles tighten, so that the lower lip can appear thinner. Ice cubes can also make lip pores smaller.

6. Don’t bite or lick your lips

Things that can cause thick lips are the habit of biting and licking the lips. Make sure not to lick or bite your lips. Because this will further dry out and damage your lips. Also, reduce your intake of spicy foods and increase your consumption of vitamins that you may be lacking, as this helps your lips and your overall health.

7. Makeup Tricks

Extra makeup on your lips will make them look smaller. Add foundation to your lips and complete with lipstick, making them look smaller without having to bother yourself. Another great makeup routine is to add concealer or foundation around your lips, then add a darker shade of lipstick that suits your skin tone. Don’t use bright colors, because they can make your lips look fuller.

8. Surgery

The final option for thinning lips is to do cosmetic surgery or use injections to reduce lip tissue. But this is not recommended unless you are desperate to make your lips smaller quickly and efficiently.

Note that this can be very expensive and has side effects, plus you also need to do further tests afterwards. If you decide to have surgery, make sure you do your research to get the best service and ensure that you are undergoing a safe procedure.

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Tips for Showing Your Inner Beauty to the Whole World

Tips for Showing Your Inner Beauty to the Whole World

Tips for Showing Your Inner Beauty to the Whole World – Maintaining your outer appearance is important, but it’s even better if you also radiate inner beauty . Inner beauty is beauty that comes from the inside. In other words, your personality and true nature play a role in radiating this inner beauty .

What is inner beauty ? Does every woman have this inner beauty? Basically every woman must have inner beauty. It’s just that inner beauty is often invisible because of manners or the inability to show it.

So, here are some tips that you can try to radiate your inner beauty . Come on, let’s try !

1. Smile with your eyes

Smizing or smiling with your eyes means smiling so wide that your eyes also ‘smile’ or become slightly smaller because they are attracted by your cheeks that follow the movement of your smile. This smile can show sincerity from within your heart. Even if the situation and conditions are right, smile until your teeth show.

2. Confidence

The most effective way to show inner beauty is self-confidence. Yes, if you are often insecure and lack self-confidence, then other people can also read the movements you feel. If you succeed in increasing your self-confidence, your positive aura and inner beauty will radiate naturally. This will also make people around you admire you too.

3. Sharpen Skills

Everyone certainly has their own passion . Passion will make you enthusiastic about doing something. Find a passion or skill that makes your heart happy. If you can find and do it, you will have an extraordinary passion for life that will make other people even more interested in you.

4. Be Kind Is A Must !

Inner beauty will not shine if your heart is still filled with envy, envy, hatred and other bad qualities. It’s called ‘ inner beauty ‘, so you have to make sure that your mind and heart are free from bad qualities first.

Come on, try to be nice to everyone. Avoid responding to bad things with something bad too. If you get used to it, the natural beauty from within you will radiate by itself.

5. Always think positively

Did you know that thoughts influence everything in your life? People who always think positively will usually have a positive aura that can be picked up by the people around them. Meanwhile, if you always have negative thoughts or think about negative possibilities , then the beauty in your heart and mind will not shine.

6. Change to a Healthy Lifestyle

How can you bring out beauty from within if you still often overthink , stay up late, or eat fast food which affects your health. Come on, it’s time to change your lifestyle to be healthier. A healthy body and mind will certainly have a big influence on your inner self.

Start with simple things first, such as meditating so that your soul and mind become more peaceful. Next, just adopt another healthy lifestyle, such as exercising, sleeping for 6-7 hours, and eating healthy foods that are good for the body’s metabolism.

As discussed above, the key to radiating inner beauty is having self-confidence. Building this self-confidence can start from always looking fresh by choosing the right deodorant. Dove Original Deodorant can be the best alternative to start building self-confidence. This product with a soft aroma will protect you from body odor and excessive sweat for 48 hours.

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How to Restore Natural White Teeth Safely and Naturally

How to Restore Natural White Teeth Safely and Naturally

How to Restore Natural White Teeth Safely and Naturally – White teeth are the dream of many people because they are a reflection of the cleanliness and health of the teeth and mouth. Teeth whitening treatments are much sought after today for this reason, especially because clean and white teeth play a big role in supporting self-confidence in everyday life. If you want to try to restore the natural whiteness of your teeth yourself at home, consider the following safe and natural methods.

Causes of yellow teeth

There are several causes of yellow teeth, including;

  • Stain . Certain foods and drinks can stain teeth, such as coffee, tea, tobacco, and foods or drinks with coloring such as soda.
  • Dental plaque buildup.  Accumulated dental plaque and tartar also make teeth look yellowish.
  • Thinning of the tooth enamel layer.  Enamel, the outer layer of teeth, is white and covers the surface of the teeth. Under tooth enamel there is another yellow mineral layer called dentin. Thinning of the enamel results in the appearance of this yellow-brown color, and can be caused by age, gum disease, and certain types of food, usually acidic ones.

So what if your teeth are already yellow? This article will discuss several natural methods for whitening yellow teeth.

How to restore natural white teeth

You can practice the following ways to restore the natural whiteness of your teeth:

Brushing your teeth with baking soda powder

If you don’t have whitening toothpaste at home, you can temporarily use baking soda mixed with water in a 2:1 ratio to form a paste. Baking soda is a natural ingredient that can help remove stains from teeth. However, because of its abrasive nature, it should not be used routinely. To find out more, see our article about the benefits of natural ingredients for teeth and the efficacy of lemon and baking soda for whitening teeth.

Practice good oral care.

When it comes to how to whiten stubborn yellow teeth , it’s best to use prevention and consistent treatment. Adopt regular mouth and teeth cleaning habits; brush your teeth every morning after breakfast and at night before bed. Remember not to brush your teeth immediately after eating – wait about 30 minutes before brushing your teeth to prevent the acid from food from damaging your teeth. Use toothpaste that contains natural ingredients such as  Pepsodent Charcoal  with an active formula to help restore the natural whiteness of teeth and gently remove stains from teeth.

Implement a healthy eating pattern.

Reducing sweet or sour foods, coffee and tea, and quitting smoking is not only a way to avoid the problem of yellow teeth, but also beneficial for your overall health. Foods that are high in fiber also stimulate the production of saliva that functions as a natural mouthwash and anti-bacterial.

You can try the natural ways to whiten your teeth above for effective results. However, if you are not satisfied and want to whiten your teeth with professional help, don’t hesitate to visit your dentist for a consultation. Your dentist can recommend a whitening treatment that is safe and appropriate for you. Also check out our other articles about how to whiten teeth and how to treat them.

How to Make White Skin with Natural Methods and Ingredients

How to Make White Skin with Natural Methods and Ingredients

How to Make White Skin with Natural Methods and Ingredients -Dull skin can be caused by a buildup of dead skin cells, dehydration or dry skin, dead skin cells, or lack of moisture. Therefore, to deal with dull skin, ordinary women will use skin brightening products. Currently, white and bright skin is a dream for women, especially in Indonesia. Apart from using brightening products, there are also ways to make your skin white naturally using ingredients that we can easily find around us.

How to make skin white naturally can be done in several ways. However, this method also requires patience and persistence. So, whitening the skin cannot be done quickly. We can only apply several ways to make skin white naturally. Once you have white and bright skin, we just need to take care of it so that it doesn’t become dull and dark again.

There may be some brightening or whitening products that offer instant results, but they usually contain ingredients that are harmful to the skin. Therefore, the natural way to make your skin white is believed to be safer than instant brightening products because natural ingredients only provide minimal side effects.

How to Make White Skin Naturally

It needs to be understood, basically there are several things that determine a person’s skin color, such as genetics and exposure to sunlight. However, if you want a way to make your skin appear whiter permanently and without any side effects. There are several simple and natural ways that can be done at home.

As we discussed above, most Indonesians are very obsessed with white skin. Therefore, quite a few people are looking for a way to make it permanent and without any side effects. Natural skin color also depends on a substance called melanin pigment, which is a substance produced by melanocytes in skin cells and plays a major role in determining a person’s skin color to appear darker. If you are curious about how to make your skin white naturally, here are several ways to make your skin white naturally, including:

1. Eat nutritious foods

The first and most important factor that can determine healthy and radiant skin is food intake. Make sure to always consume vegetables, fruit and low-fat dairy products in your daily diet so that your skin glows from within. Avoid fried foods, packaged foods, spicy foods, processed foods which can make your skin look dull and unhealthy. In fact, these unhealthy foods can also cause the sudden appearance of acne, pimples and blisters on the skin.

2. Drink enough water

Dermatologists reveal that nothing works like water in keeping skin bright and healthy. Therefore, drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to remove toxins from the body. Because, it will also make your body hydrated and give a natural glow to your skin. Apart from that, also consume fresh fruit such as apples, bananas and fruit milkshakes to help get whiter and brighter skin color.

3. Get enough sleep and rest

Not only do you drink enough water, but you will also get a brighter skin color by getting enough sleep and rest. Make sure to sleep well for 8 hours to avoid dull skin, acne, dark circles under the eyes, and dark skin. Also make sure to lie on cleaner sheets and pillowcases to avoid various skin problems.

4. Do a Regular Detox Cleanse

A healthy morning schedule is very important to maintain bright and clean skin. Drinking a glass of warm water with a little lemon juice and also a little honey on an empty stomach will work well in purifying the liver, cleansing the bloodstream, kidneys, urinary tract from harmful toxins, etc. Additionally, the antioxidant vitamin C in lemon and also the antimicrobial properties of honey promote flawless, soft, and radiant skin.

5. Get a Relaxing Oil Massage

Get a full body massage to help unwind after a stressful month at work. Because, massage will help loosen tight knots in the shoulder and back muscles and help relieve tension in the facial muscles. Ultimately, it will improve blood circulation and nutrition, stimulating collagen production for the formation of new, smooth skin cells and tissue for a natural, fresh glow.

6. Eat lots of fruit high in vitamin C

Vitamin C will work by increasing collagen production so that the skin is firm and radiant. A study also revealed that using skincare products containing vitamin C for 12 weeks can delay the symptoms of premature aging. This vitamin has been proven to reduce wrinkles, prevent skin damage, and also increase collagen production which can support skin tissue. Apart from that, the skin can also get these benefits by consuming papaya, oranges, guava and mango.

7. Protects skin from sunlight

If you want healthy and radiant skin, don’t leave your skin exposed to sunlight for too long. Because exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause dull skin and make the skin tone uneven. Therefore, always protect your skin by applying sunscreen products or sunscreen containing SPF 30 every time you leave the house. Use sunscreen on the parts of your face and arms that are more often exposed to sunlight.

8. Exercise regularly

Exercise can increase the heart’s ability to pump blood throughout the body, including skin tissue. Skin that receives sufficient oxygen and nutrients will look healthier, moisturized and brighter. You can get these benefits simply by doing light exercise. The best sports for the skin include walking, jogging, swimming and cycling. Do this routine at least three days a week to get results.

9. Eat Foods That Contain Lots of Vitamins

Skin needs lots of nutrients and antioxidants to maintain its shape and function, ward off free radicals, and also produce collagen. Vitamin B, vitamin C, and vitamin E are also several types of vitamins that are very good for the skin. You can get all the nutrients from healthy foods in the form of fruit, vegetables and nuts. Some examples of the best foods for skin include:

– tomatoes,
– carrots,
– green vegetables,
– honey,
– grapes,
– avocado,
– olive oil, and
– almonds.

10. Maintain a balanced and healthy diet

What we eat will affect the condition of the skin. Therefore, it is important to adopt a healthy and balanced diet so that your skin remains healthy. Avoid excessive consumption of sweet, oily and spicy foods. It is better to consume foods that contain lots of vitamins C, E, omega fatty acids and also carotenoids.

How to Make White Skin with Natural Ingredients

Various natural ingredients are believed to help whiten the skin. The following are some natural ingredients that you can try, including:

1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a kitchen spice that has been used since ancient times as a mixture for scrubs or masks to brighten the skin. In fact, the curcumin content in turmeric has a brightening effect, especially on skin that experiences hyperpigmentation. To get skin that looks whiter, mix grated turmeric with honey and yogurt, then apply as a mask. For maximum bright skin, you can use this turmeric mask at least 4 times a week.

2. Soybeans

The isoflavones contained in soybeans have brightening, anti-aging, and antioxidant effects. In addition, soybeans can also protect the skin from dullness and damage caused by exposure to UVB rays from the sun. A study revealed that the use of a facial moisturizer containing soy extract for 12 weeks is beneficial to even out skin tone, fade black spots, and fine lines, as well as improve skin texture.

As a way to make white skin naturally, you can mash or blender the soybeans until smooth. Then, mix a little water to form a paste. Apply soybean paste to the skin, then let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse until clean.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid which can reduce black spots and soothe acne. How to make your skin white naturally using apple cider vinegar can be done regularly, namely 1 to 2 times a day. To do this, dilute apple cider vinegar using water in a 1:1 ratio. After that, apply the solution to the skin, then let it sit for 2 to 3 minutes, then rinse.

4. Green Tea

ECGC or Epigallo-catecchin-3-gallate is one of the active substances in green tea. This substance has antioxidant properties and has the ability to brighten the skin. A study shows that green tea extract can treat melasma or black spots on the face. Apart from that, green tea can also help overcome DNA damage due to exposure to UV rays, prevent premature aging, redness, and also moisturize the skin.

How to make skin white naturally using green tea can be done by processing it into a mask. Mix one tablespoon of green tea powder with one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of granulated sugar. Then, apply the mask all over your face, leave it for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains aloin, a compound that can make skin white by inhibiting the formation of melanin. To whiten your skin naturally, you can apply pure aloe vera gel before going to bed. Then rinse using warm water the next day.

6. Olive Oil

The next way you can do this is by using olive oil. Apart from being good for body health, olive oil is also useful for making skin look brighter. This is because olive oil can remove layers of dead skin. Not only that, olive oil can also moisturize the skin so that the skin doesn’t look dull and dry.

How to Make White Skin with a Skincare Routine

The benefits of changing your lifestyle will be maximized if it is accompanied by a skincare routine. The following are several things related to the routine use of skincare products that can help overcome dull skin.

1. Take a shower and wash your face diligently

One of the causes of skin looking dull is clogged pores. So you have to keep your skin clean by showering at least once a day and washing your face twice a day. These activities can help prevent clogged pores due to oil and dirt. When showering or washing your face, choose a cleansing soap that suits your skin type. Use soap that is gentle and has minimal chemical additives so that your skin doesn’t dry out.

2. Using moisturizer

Moisturizer is an important requirement for getting brighter skin. Use moisturizer within 2 to 3 minutes after showering and washing your face so that the ingredients in it can immediately absorb into the skin. Apart from that, make sure you choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type. In fact, if your skin is oily, you should still use moisturizer. However, of course you need to choose a special moisturizer for oily skin that doesn’t clog pores. Choose a moisturizer that contains xylitol which can increase skin moisture and brightness.

3. Using products that contain vitamin C

Vitamin C can help prevent skin aging and disguise black and brown spots on the skin. Apart from that, this vitamin can also reduce excess melanin production which may worsen dull skin problems in some people. So don’t forget to add vitamin C to your skincare routine. Choose products with high vitamin C content and use them regularly to get optimal results.

Regular use of an appropriate moisturizer and facial serum can provide optimal results. Apart from being able to moisturize, the formula in this skincare series which contains niacinamide can help brighten the skin and reduce dark spots.

4. Use Kojic Acid

Many people use a method to make their skin white by using kojic acid. This compound is usually used as a skin lightening agent because it can inhibit the function of certain enzymes needed for the formation of melanin. You can find kojic acid in various products, including masks and facial cleansers. In general, it takes 2 to 6 weeks to see the effect on dull skin.

5. Exfoliate regularly

Exfoliation is a very important element in brightening the skin. By exfoliating regularly, it can remove layers of dead skin cells that make skin look dull and dry. You can exfoliate in two ways, namely mechanically using a scrub or chemically using a toner containing AHA and BHA. Exfoliate regularly, once a week, to get a whiter face.

6. Don’t Overdo It

Don’t overuse skin care or beauty products. This can make your skin unhealthy because the beauty products you buy are not necessarily suitable for your skin, especially if you have sensitive skin.

This is an explanation of various ways to make skin white naturally. For Grameds who want to know more in depth about other ways to care for skin health, you can read related books by visiting To support Grameds in broadening their knowledge, Gramedia always provides quality and original books so that Grameds has information #MoreByReading.

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Do you like Blush On Make Over? Let’s take a look at the colors that suit your skin type

Do you like Blush On Make Over? Let's take a look at the colors that suit your skin type

Do you like Blush On Make Over? Let’s take a look at the colors that suit your skin type – Blush is one of the makeup items that women must use. By providing a facial blush effect that makes the face fresh. Choosing the color of the blouse is also a benchmark for the freshness of our face, if you choose the wrong color it can have a dull effect on your face. Let’s look at the following article to determine the choice of Make Over blush color that is suitable for your skin.

Make Over Blush On Pink Fantasist (01)

Make Over is a brand that women are looking for today. Blush on Make Over has not escaped the search of women who love makeup, it is famous for being pigmented, you know. The first is Make Over Blush On Pink Fantasist (01), with a smooth, non-polluting texture and very easy to blend. This blush on has a Cool Undertone with a purplish pink color. If you apply this blush on your cheeks, the result tends to be satin and with a slight glow, it looks very beautiful, you know.

Make Over Blush On Promiscious Peach 03

This blush color is like a very natural peach and pink color, with a powdery texture but with a matte finish. This color is very beautiful and suitable for everyday use because it is very natural. 

Make Over Blush On Caribbean Sunset 06

Make Over Caribbean Sunset blush is orange with hints of brown and peach. This blush on has shimmer, ladies, and can be used as a bronzer too. With one swipe the color will come out straight away and it’s very pigmented. The results make the face very glowing without too much make-up.

Make Over Blush On Royal Espresso 04

This Make Over blush is brick orange with a hint of brown, this Make Over blush is very suitable for those with warm tone skin. For those of you who have slightly dark skin, this shade is very suitable because it will give a fresh effect to your face.

Make Over Blush On Cruise Coral 08

This Make Over blush has a buildable color or can be adjusted in intensity. The color of this blush is orange but makes the face very fresh. Shade Cruise Coral which has a soft terracotta color, this blush on is very suitable for all skin types, this blush on can also be used as eyeshadow, really versatile, ladies.

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Regarding the Use of Sunscreen for the Face

Regarding the Use of Sunscreen for the Face

Regarding the Use of Sunscreen for the Face – Using sunscreen on the face is as important as using sunscreen on other skin on the body. This sunscreen can equally protect the skin from the dangers of excess sunlight. For sunscreen on the face, make sure you pay attention to the formula and how to use it.

Sunscreen is a skin care product that functions to protect the skin from the dangers of sunlight. Some sunscreens are used for body skin and some are used for the face. However, for the face, the sunscreen used should ideally be a special sunscreen for facial skin.

Please note that facial skin tends to be thinner and more sensitive than the skin on other parts of the body. This condition causes facial skin to be more susceptible to problems due to the bad effects of sunlight, such as redness, irritation and the appearance of black spots or spots .

So , this is the reason why using sunscreen for the face is no less important than sunscreen for the body.

Not only that, sunscreen products can also help reduce the risk of skin cancer and prevent wrinkles and premature skin aging . The active ingredients in sunscreen work by absorbing ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun, so that radiation exposure does not reach the deeper layers of the skin.

Facial sunscreen is specially made with a lighter texture than sunscreen for the body. Apart from that, sunscreen for the face generally does not contain oil or alcohol, so it tends not to clog facial pores which risks causing acne or irritation of facial skin.

How to Use Sunscreen for the Face Correctly

Like sunscreen for the body, sunscreen for the face is also available in the form of cream, lotion, gel and spray . To use sunscreen on your face correctly, try following these steps:

  • For sunscreen in lotion or liquid form, shake the container first before use so that the contents are mixed thoroughly
  • For spray sunscreen, spray it first into your hands, then rub it evenly over your facial skin. Avoid spraying sunscreen directly on facial skin
  • Apply sunscreen to your face at least 30 minutes before doing outdoor activities, so that the active ingredients in the sunscreen can be absorbed optimally and are more effective in protecting facial skin.
  • Use sunscreen for the face on the ears and neck, because these areas are also exposed to sunlight
  • Also apply sunscreen to your lips using sunscreen in the form of lip balm

Sunscreen cannot protect facial skin all day. Therefore, it is recommended to reapply it every 1–2 hours. Sunscreen should also be used after the skin has sweated excessively, dried the face with a towel, or finished swimming.

Things to Pay Attention to When Using Sunscreen for the Face

Apart from how to use it, there are several things you need to pay attention to regarding using sunscreen for the face. So that sunscreen on the face can protect facial skin more effectively, do the following tips:

1. Choose a sunscreen that suits your facial skin type

If you have facial skin that tends to be dry, use sunscreen in the form of a cream with moisturizing content . Avoid spray sunscreen because this type of sunscreen usually contains alcohol which can make the skin even drier.

For oily and acne-prone skin types, choose sunscreen in gel form which absorbs more quickly into the skin. Avoid sunscreen in cream or oil-based form because it can clog pores and make facial skin even more oily.

For sensitive facial skin, use a sunscreen product that does not contain alcohol and fragrance.

2. Choose sunscreen with the label ” broad-spectrum “

The “ broad spectrum ” label indicates that the sunscreen can protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays. UVA and UVB rays are ultraviolet radiation from sunlight which can damage the skin.

UVA rays can accelerate skin aging, and cause wrinkles and dark spots . Meanwhile, UVB rays can cause skin burns.

3. Pay attention to the SPF value

SPF ( sun protection factor ) is a measurement that determines how long sunscreen can protect the skin from UVB. The SPF value needs to be adjusted to the condition and skin color, but the most commonly used in Indonesia is SPF 30 or more.

Whatever form of sunscreen for the face you use, make sure how to use it according to the usage instructions listed on the packaging label.

4. Choose cosmetics that contain sunscreen

If you want to wear make-up or cosmetics, choose one that contains sunscreen. Some cosmetic products, such as foundation , have added sunscreen, so they can provide a protective effect from the sun when used.

If the cosmetic product is not enriched with sunscreen, you can use sunscreen for your face first, then wait for at least 20 minutes before using make up .

Apart from that, don’t forget to check the composition of the ingredients contained in sunscreen, because it can be a consideration if you may be allergic to these ingredients. If you are confused about which type of sunscreen is suitable for your face, you can consult a dermatologist .

Using sunscreen for the face also needs to be accompanied by other efforts, such as using sunglasses that can ward off UV rays and wearing a wide-brimmed hat. With these efforts, the face and scalp will be better protected from sunlight when doing outdoor activities.

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